Immortality Starts With Generosity

Chapter 112: This Young Master Isn't 'Friends'

Chapter 112: This Young Master Isn't 'Friends'

That got attention. The air shifted with the sudden flaring of qi as the warriors pulled out their weapons. The black-eyed warrior locked onto Chen Haoran and finally revealed his cultivation level. Liquid Meridian Realm Third-Layer. Just as suddenly as it shifted, the air unnaturally stilled. A deadly tension hung over their heads.

Please stay calm, Jiang Lei said to the warriors, as he raised his hands placatingly. He and Wang Xiao took several steps back. He shot Chen Haoran a consternated look. Chen Haoran, what are you saying?

He could hear the faint outrage in Jiang Leis voice. Chen Haoran had to admire Jiang Leis composure. It was what made him reliable in times of danger and, at the same time, so difficult to read. Wang Xiao was far beneath his Senior Brother in this regard, visibly purpling with anger. He had enough sense not to speak, at least. Had their positions been reversed, Wang Xiao would have no doubt let the situation come to blows immediately. Though, violence wasnt completely out of the equation just yet.

Chen Haoran, Jiang Lei said. Im not sure what youre misunderstanding here, but its not helping.

Misunderstand what? That you wanted me to bring you to the Basin and use my friendship with Xie Jin to bring you inside?

Thats not

Im sure you would have convinced me to come here eventually after you lowered my guard, Chen Haoran interrupted. He sighed. If you didnt get greedy and rush me here, I might have even believed in you.

Jiang Lei pursed his lips and fell silent. It was all the confirmation Chen Haoran needed. He sighed again. He didnt even have the heart to enjoy being right.

Jiang Leis talk of wanting to study his Harmonization had always been a crock of shit. A powerful Harmonization alone wasnt enough to want to become friends with someone you just met. It didnt warrant giving them valuable spirit stones on their first meeting. It wasnt more valuable than the wealth Chen Haoran carried on his body and openly showed. It certainly wasnt enough to make a Liquid Meridian Realm want to ingratiate a Qi Realm to them. Chen Haoran had done nothing and shown nothing to Jiang Lei during their first meeting to warrant a reaction like that. Jiang Lei didnt do it because of the Chen Family either. It was clear that Jiang Lei knew nothing about Chen Haoran, yet he wanted to be connected to him. There was only one possible answer.

Xie Jin.

Chen Haoran wasnt special, but he was traveling with someone who was. Shamans were a special existence in Zumulu, both valued and treated warily by the locals and the Empire. The abilities their Gu possessed made them dangerous and hard to deal with for the average cultivator. Xie Jin was not just a shaman; however, he was a Black Bone Shaman. Chen Haoran still wasnt sure what that distinction meant, but it was clear that the label was a significant one. If it was for his friendship with Xie Jin, then Jiang Leis actions began to make sense.

Still, all that had just been a suspicion until Jiang Lei and Wang Xiao convinced him to seek safety in the Basin. Chen Haoran could recognize a good cop bad cop routine when he saw it. Jiang Lei and Wang Xiao wanted an in with the Black Bone tribe. They wanted Xie Jin to be that in, and Chen Haoran would be the bridge that connected them.

Bastards, Xie Jin growled. His Gu dripped purple miasma that withered the ground where it fell. The Black Bone warriors were poised with promised violence.

We do not mean any harm, Jiang Lei said. I assure you we did not come here with ill intent.

Theyre Peach River Swordsmen, apparently, Chen Haoran said.

It was like he threw a boulder into still water. The Black Bone warriors carefully controlled qi fluctuated in surprise. The black-eyed warrior stepped around Xie Jin and stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Chen Haoran.

Impossible, Xie Jin whispered, wide-eyed.

Wang Xiao could hold it in no more. Chen Haoran, you dare! He pulled out his sword.

There was a screeching of steel as the warriors drew their weapons as one. The black-eyed warrior unsheathed a wicked-looking obsidian blade. Xie Jins sleeves glowed purple. Phelps hissed.

Jiang reacted instantly and firmly pressed Wang Xiaos hand down. Stop, you fool. Youll only make this worse.

Dont stop me, Wang Xiao roared. This bastard doesnt know the meaning of gratitude. He glared murder at Chen Haoran. How dare you. How many times has my Senior Brother saved your life? Is this how you repay him, Chen Haoran!?

Xie Jin lunged forward. Bastard! See if I dont rip your mouth off!

Chen Haorans arm came up and blocked Xie Jin short at the same time Jiang Lei pulled Wang Xiao further back.

Answer me! Chen Haoran!

Jiang Lei saved my life. I owe him, Chen Haoran answered. It was the simple truth. No matter what, without Jiang Lei, he would have died when the Shaman ambushed them. Maybe even died in the auction hall before that. Even so. He locked eyes with Jiang Lei. Its a debt that I will repay, but its mine alone. Its not for Xie Jin to be involved with. I wont let you do that.

Jiang Lei somberly stared back. Chen Haoran, are we not friends? Will you not trust me?

Connection: Negative

It was pointless to check. It wouldn't say Valid even if they were friends. Still, it was poetic, if nothing else. Chen Haoran slowly shook his head. We were friends when I was weak. Were equals now. Dont speak of things that were never there.

Jiang Les face fell, and a long, sad sigh escaped him. Alas.

I owe you a debt, Jiang Lei, Chen Haoran said. Whatever it is you want to do here. Please turn back. I dont want to fight.

That is not your decision to make, outsider, the black-eyed warrior spoke. They bear the name of a dead sect and come with suspicious intentions. They must be detained.

Let them leave, please. Fighting here will do no one good.

This is our territory. Respectfully, we will be the ones deciding.

Cousin Ren Xie Jin started to speak but hesitated.

Chen Haoran frowned. He didnt want to fight, in all honesty. Jiang Leis peach blossom storm was still vivid in his mind. Should it come to a battle, then even nine against one Chen Haoran wouldnt expect it to be easy. Not just that even if it was specifically to ingratiate himself to him, Jiang Lei still helped Chen Haoran quite a bit. Training with him, saving him from the Empires sneak attack, putting out the fire burning him even while he was fighting. Chen Haoran hadnt been lying earlier when he said he would have believed in Jiang Lei if he just waited.

no. He was already burned once being friends with a Liquid Meridian Realm. No reason to repeat that mistake. He pulled out a sliver of his sword, and white energy began to scratch the earth. Jiang Lei placed a hand on the pommel of his sword. Wang Xiao pulled out his own sword with a shriek of qi on metal.

Let this matter end here, spoke a voice that came from every direction at once.

Chen Haoran felt his skin crawl as he wildly cast his sense out to find the source of the voice. Nothing. From where, then?

Phelps squealed.

Slowly, he raised his head and looked up. A man stood there, standing in the air unsupported as if it were ground. He was tanned, with short black hair and a large beard streaked with white and braided with small black bone ornaments. Over his black robes was a mantle of colorful bird feathers that shifted colors like a dozen chameleons. On both arms were black bone rings.

Grandfather, Xie Jin called out in surprise.

Xie Jins cousin Ren and the other warriors bowed their heads. Grand Elder.

Chen Haoran reached out with his sense and couldnt feel any qi from the man. Despite that, by his casual appearance in the air, his realm was obvious.

Crystal Transformation.

Xie Jins grandfather nodded at them and looked at Jiang Lei and Wang Xiao. Peach River Swordsmen. To think its been 400 years since I last saw your kind. He stroked his beard as he mused. That old bat Xi Wangmu has worked hard, it seems.

Jiang Leis composure slipped, and Chen Haoran, for once, saw him genuinely flustered. He and Wang Xiao quickly clasped their hands and bowed to Xie Jins Grandfather. I have seen Senior Xie Ling. Disciple Jiang Lei pays his respects.

Disciple Wang Xiao pays his respects.

Chen Haoran quickly found himself to be the odd one out. Did he bow as well? Would it be awkward if he did? Xie Jins grandfather was floating directly above him. Would it be a bad look if he got into a better position to bow?

I wonder what brings you little ones to this old mans home.

Jiang Lei hesitated. This Senior.

Xie Ling sighed. Well, since its been so long since an honorable sword of the Peach River has visited, I will hear you out.

Jiang Lei immediately brightened. Thank you, Senior, he excitedly said.

Not today, however, Xie Ling said. Rener. Take these two and give them lodgings for the night.

Yes, Grand Elder.

Chen Haoran relaxed now that the situation seemed to be settled. Whatever happened from this point on was out of his hands. His relaxation was short-lived, however, when Xie Lings eyes drifted over to him.

Chen Haoran floundered for a moment before clasping his hands together and bowing. Hello He quickly coughed. This junior has seen the Senior.

Xie Ling observed Chen Haoran for a single uncomfortable moment that felt like an eternity. Chen Haoran shivered. It was not pleasant to know you were under the eyes of someone stronger than you.

Finally satisfied with whatever hed seen. Xie Ling nodded.

You, come with me.

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