Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

577. Eternal Life Alliance

577. Eternal Life Alliance

"Observing Heaven Pavilion!" Feng Ling immediately mentioned the name.

Ancient Continent was vast, but Observing Heaven Pavilion had a long history and a reputation for having Martial God and Deity Transformation cultivators among its ranks.

Regardless of the rise and fall of various forces in the Ancient Continent, Observing Heaven Pavilion remained as stable as a mountain, making it the undisputed number one force.

"Observing Heaven Pavilion, it is," Lin Fei nodded. "We will establish our force first and then head to Observing Heaven Pavilion to start our journey to conquer the Ancient Continent."

Lin Fei recognized the need to build a new force beyond the Ancient Origin Sect or the Feng family. This new force would have the Ancient Origin Sect and the Feng family as its core members. He and Feng Ling spent several days discussing every aspect of this new force, clarifying their goals and objectives.

However, at the end of their discussions, Feng Ling asked, "What should we name this new force?"

Lin Fei thought for a moment and then replied, "This force is open to both cultivators and martial artists, and its sole goal is eternal life. Therefore, let's call it the 'Eternal Life Alliance.'"

Eternal Life Alliance—a force personally led by Lin Fei. While he might need to invest a significant amount of effort and resources in the early stages, it was ultimately a means to achieve the unification of the Ancient Continent and the successful execution of the Heaven Sacrifice Ritual. Lin Fei cared more about the purpose it served than its long-term future.

"Let's head back to Ancient Origin Sect for now," Lin Fei said, and together with Feng Ling, they flew towards Ancient Origin Sect.

Ancient Origin Sect was bustling with joy from top to bottom. News had spread throughout the sect: Supreme Elder Lin Fei had returned!

As a legend of the Ancient Origin Sect, Lin Fei's prestige was beyond imagination, surpassing even that of the sect's founding ancestor. After all, it was Lin Fei who had elevated the Ancient Origin Sect to the pinnacle of the Ancient Continent, making it one of the top sects.

Soon, two figures descended upon the Ancient Origin Sect. Every disciple of the sect greeted them with the utmost respect, "We welcome Supreme Elder back to the mountain! We welcome Martial God Feng back to the mountain!"

Feng Ling, seeing the grand reception, smiled and said, "Indeed, your sect's scale is much larger than my Feng family's."

Lin Fei also wore a slight smile. As he looked around, he spotted many familiar faces, including Shen Lianxin. He also recognized the Sect Master of Ancient Origin Sect and others. These were the people he was familiar with. Here, in the Ancient Origin Sect, he felt a sense of belonging.

"Supreme Elder, you've finally returned," said the Sect Master of Ancient Origin Sect.

"Yes, I've returned," Lin Fei replied with deep emotion. In Divine Realm, he might have been the top Martial God and even a legend, but Great Dream Sect in Divine Realm never gave him a true sense of belonging. It was the Ancient Origin Sect that made him feel at ease.

Lin Fei, accompanied by Feng Ling, entered the main hall. The senior members of the Ancient Origin Sect had gathered there, including Shen Lianxin, who had made tremendous progress in the past few years.

Shen Lianxin had even achieved Martial Sovereign status, an incredible feat in such a short time. Now, he was one of the Ancient Origin Sect's top cultivation talents, with the potential to become a Martial King.

Lin Fei scanned the room and spoke with a solemn tone, "This time I return to Ancient Continent to accomplish a great task. I intend to establish the Eternal Life Alliance. With the Eternal Life Alliance, we will unite and conquer the entire Ancient Continent. This alliance will be built upon the foundation of the Ancient Origin Sect and the Feng family. Anyone who wishes to participate is welcome to join voluntarily."

Lin Fei did not force anyone to join the Eternal Life Alliance. After all, the idea of unifying the entire Ancient Continent sounded quite ambitious.

Sure enough, when they heard that Lin Fei wanted to "unify" the Ancient Continent and even "dominate" it, many members of the Ancient Origin Sect were shocked.

"What? Establish the Eternal Life Alliance and even dominate the entire Ancient Continent? Ancient Continent is vast, and there are many god-level cultivators like Martial Gods and Deity Transformation stage cultivators. Unifying the entire Ancient Continent is extremely difficult."

"However, since Senior Lin wishes to do this, we should support him. He must have thought it through carefully and won't act recklessly."

"Could it be that Senior Lin is absolutely confident? After all, he spent several years in Divine Realm..."

Some of the core high-ranking members of the Ancient Origin Sect appeared hesitant. This was indeed a massive undertaking, and they were taken aback by the audacity of Lin Fei's plan.

"I'll join the Eternal Life Alliance!" declared a cold voice, breaking the silence.

All eyes turned toward the speaker. It was no surprise that it was Shen Lianxin.

"Shen Lianxin!"

Lin Fei had expected Shen Lianxin to be the first to support him.

"Brother Shen, you're still the same," Lin Fei said with a smile.

For Lin Fei, the Eternal Life Alliance was merely a tool. Unifying the Ancient Continent posed no difficulty for him as he had already achieved True Monarch status. However, he didn't mention this achievement and left it for Ancient Origin Sect members to discover on their own. It was an opportunity for them.

Once the Eternal Life Alliance dominated the entire Ancient Continent, it would gain immense power and resources. The leaders of the alliance would enjoy unprecedented benefits. Lin Fei wasn't concerned about the alliance's future; he was more interested in seeing which individuals within the Ancient Origin Sect would seize this opportunity.

Similarly, he didn't reveal his True Monarch status to the Feng family and allowed its members to make their own choices. This was a chance for them as well.

As days went by, both the Feng family and the Ancient Origin Sect began to take action. Many people carefully considered their options and chose to join the Eternal Life Alliance. However, some individuals, seeking stability, decided to remain in either the Ancient Origin Sect or the Feng family.

Despite Lin Fei's high prestige, many still had concerns about joining the Eternal Life Alliance, as it meant participating in battles with various powerful forces once the alliance aimed to dominate the Ancient Continent. These battles posed significant risks, including the possibility of death, which made some hesitate.

Nevertheless, many were willing to join the Eternal Life Alliance because of Lin Fei's reputation and influence. Within just half a month, the alliance was established and began expanding. News spread that Lin Fei, the Martial God, had returned to the Ancient Continent and formed the Eternal Life Alliance.

"What does Martial God Lin want by creating the Eternal Life Alliance? I heard it's for the purpose of unifying the Ancient Continent."

"That's too ambitious. The Ancient Continent has so many ancient powers, each incredibly strong. How could the Eternal Life Alliance hope to unify it?"

"But that's the reality. Let's see what happens once the Eternal Life Alliance is fully established. Ancient Continent is about to enter a period of turmoil again."

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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