Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

264. Honing the Saber Intents

264. Honing the Saber Intents

The Immortal Mansion was expansive, but with the Human-faced Fruit leading the way, Lin Fei quickly located the prison deep underground. As they descended flights of stairs, Lin Fei lit up an oil lamp, illuminating the prison's second layer.

His expression shifted slightly when he discovered corpses within the cells. The bodies, though lifeless, remained remarkably intact, devoid of the usual signs of decay. They appeared as though they had just met their life's end.

The prison was compartmentalized with many cells, each secured with formidable arrays and formations. It was evident that these arrangements, which were capable of holding the occupants inside, were set up by the Nascent Soul Great Being. Such an extraordinary feat.

However, every inhabitant within the cells was dead. Even if they were once at the Golden Core True Person level, they would only have a lifespan of a millennium. The master of this mansion, the Seven Sacred Daoist, had been dead for perhaps tens of thousands of years.

Lin Fei ventured deeper into the prison until he felt a sudden surge of powerful saber intent emanating from one of the cells, possibly even Saber Momentum. Though he couldn't see the source due to the distance, the overwhelming force it exerted was palpable.

"This intense saber intent, possibly even Saber Momentum! The being inside that cell must be an incredibly formidable martial artist," Lin Fei mused. "A Saber Saint? Unlikely that a Saber Saint would be imprisoned here. It might actually be a Martial Sovereign!"

A realization dawned upon him. Why would a Nascent Soul Great Being have a Martial Saint imprisoned? It seemed improbable. A Nascent Soul cultivator was a supreme being, capable of walking the vast ancient continent without fear or challenge. To be caught and imprisoned by such an entity, one had to be of extraordinary power, at least at the Golden Core or Martial Sovereign level.

Amid the intimidating aura of the cell, Lin Fei faced the challenge head-on. The menacing Saber Momentum and Saber Intent emanating from the cell made it almost impossible for him to approach. Such potent forces, even after the death of its possessor, made Lin Fei realize the indomitable spirit of the person once imprisoned.

But challenges like this were what Lin Fei lived for. This was the type of environment in which he thrived. To him, these intimidating forces weren't mere obstacles; they were opportunities for growth.

Without hesitation, Lin Fei sat cross-legged and began his meditation. Soon, his three unique saber intents manifested before him: The Rainbow Transformation Saber, the Holy Spirit Saber, and the Flame Burning Heaven Saber. These saber intents had seen little progress after reaching that transcendence stage. But now, with this immense pressure and saber aura around him, Lin Fei saw a chance to push his limits and refine these saber intents further.

As he unleashed his three saber intents, the overwhelming force from the cell nearly dispersed them. The oncoming saber intent threatened to shatter Lin Fei's intent. But his own Saber Momentum surged to protect his saber intent, forming a shield that kept them intact. This back-and-forth battle not only prevented his saber intents from dissipating but also refined them, making them stronger.

Lin Fei could feel the incremental growth in his strength. Just a short session had increased his saber intent's strength by 1%.

"With such formidable saber intent and Saber Momentum to contend with, the rate at which my saber intent grows is impressive," he thought. "If I have a month under such conditions, to what level can I elevate my saber intent?"

Uncertainty lingered, but Lin Fei was undeterred. With determination burning in his eyes, he set forth to harness as much of this unique opportunity as he could, pushing his saber intents to new heights.

1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, 5%...

As Lin Fei's cultivation progress of saber intents progressed, he began to stride forward.

One step, two, three, four, five...

With the enhancement of his saber intent, Lin Fei found himself resilient enough to withstand the saber intent and saber momentum within the prison. He moved closer, albeit only by a few steps, but with the prison being a hundred steps away, even this small advancement signified his increasing proficiency.

Days turned into nights.

Lin Fei's attention had wholly drifted away from the rest of the Immortal Mansion. Upon his arrival at the mansion, he had already amassed numerous heavenly treasures, sufficient to present to his sect. Such an opportunity to encounter and cultivate using this caliber of saber intent and saber momentum was rare and invaluable. Missing it would be a real loss.

In his heart, Lin Fei harbored the ambition to perfect his saber intent and evolve it into Saber Momentum.

One day, two days, three days...

In the blink of an eye, fifteen days had passed. Throughout this time, Lin Fei persisted within the Immortal Mansion's prison, harnessing the formidable saber intent and saber momentum to refine his own.

However, among his three saber intents, their rates of improvement varied. Some progressed rapidly, while others advanced slowly.

Suddenly, there was a resonant hum. The Flame Burning Heaven Saber intent within Lin Fei underwent a profound transformation. Simultaneously, a voice echoed in Lin Fei's mind.

"Your Flame Burning Heaven Saber intent has reached 100% proficiency. It has now achieved perfection."

"Has it truly reached perfection?"

Lin Fei paused momentarily in astonishment. At that moment, his Flame Burning Heaven Saber intent soared into the skies, its power surging explosively. Astonishingly, it could now contend with that formidable saber intent head-on!

Of course, there was still a difference. After all, that was the saber intent of a Martial Sovereign. However, it was likely that the adversary had been long deceased, hence their saber intent had undoubtedly weakened significantly over time.

Moreover, Lin Fei's saber intent was far from ordinary. It was the saber intent born from a pinnacle martial technique of the Martial Saint tier — naturally exceptional.

At that moment, Lin Fei took a brief glance. He had managed to advance a mere ten steps! Any further progress seemed virtually impossible.

A glint of determination flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and a thought crossed his mind. The saber intent of the Flame Burning Heaven Saber had reached its peak and could no longer be enhanced. At this juncture, there was only one recourse — evolve it into Saber Momentum!

Once Saber Intent achieves perfection, its evolution to Saber Momentum becomes the natural next step. However, Lin Fei couldn't afford to wait. His experience with evolving Saber Momentum was extensive, so with perfected saber intent, he was confident in his ability to make this transition.

If he didn't make the shift to Saber Momentum, augmenting his current Transcendence Saber Momentum, Lin Fei would find himself at an impasse, unable to forge ahead. The progression speed of the saber intents of the Rainbow Transformation Saber and the Holy Spirit Saber was evidently slower than that of the Flame Burning Heaven Saber. This indicated that these two saber intents required more profound pressures for advancement. Lin Fei needed to draw closer to that dominant Saber Momentum to hasten the development of the other two saber intents.

With that, Lin Fei closed his eyes. He knew this day was inevitable. He had to evolve his Saber Momentum. Without hesitation, he resolved, "Let it commence, Flame Burning Heaven Saber, evolve into Saber Momentum!"


The next moment, a thunderous resonance erupted in Lin Fei's mind. The evolution of the Saber Momentum had begun!

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