Immortality Starts With Diligence(Xianxia Litrpg)

250. The Letter from Fairy Mist Island

250. The Letter from Fairy Mist Island

Lin Fei was enveloped in blood energy. Atop his head bloomed the Energy Flower. Even on the ninth level of the Gravity Tower, there was now not a trace of pressure.

"Has my blood energy formed into a Blood Energy Domain?"

Lin Fei felt the aura of this Blood Energy Domain. Powerful! Yet, it was entirely different from Saber Momentum. The Blood Energy Domain didn't seem to contain any essence of spiritual will. Nor did it need comprehension, but when one's blood reached a certain threshold, the Blood Energy Domain would naturally emerge.

Previously, Lin Fei's blood essence was merely vast, allowing him to release blood energy, But he had not reached the realm of the domain. Now, as Lin Fei condensed the Energy Flower, his blood energy transformed into the Blood Energy Domain. Any life force within his Blood Energy Domain, if they possessed blood energy, would be suppressed. Such was the nature of the Blood Energy Domain! Combined with Saber Momentum, it would be even more formidable. This was mightier than merely condensing an Energy Flower.

As Lin Fei condensed the Energy Flower, step by step, he exited the Gravity Tower.

"Elder Lin, congratulations on successfully condensing the Energy Flower and birthing the Blood Energy Domain!"

Elder Ouyang greeted upon seeing Lin Fei, taking the lead. Even though he was a Limit Martial Saint, in the face of Lin Fei, who had birthed the Blood Energy Domain, his own Energy Flower seemed inconsequential.

Lin Fei nodded in acknowledgment, "Thank you for guarding the Gravity Tower."

Deep down, Lin Fei knew, If anything unexpected had occurred to him on the ninth floor of the Gravity Tower, this Limit Martial Saint would have come to his rescue without delay. Having spoken, Lin Fei left straight away. However, outside the Gravity Tower, the disciples became instantly abuzz with excitement.

"The Energy Flower! That's truly an Energy Flower!"

"Including the Qi Flower, has Elder Lin now condensed two flowers?"

"Given Elder Lin's Transcendent Saber Momentum, elevating it to Perfect Saber Momentum with the Spirit Flower seems plausible, doesn't it?"

"Does that mean Elder Lin might potentially condense the three flowers, reach the pinnacle of Tri-Flower Fusion, and challenge the Martial Sovereign?"

"Could it be that our Ancient Origin Sect is about to witness the rise of a new Martial Sovereign?"

For a moment, many disciples were deeply astounded. Martial Sovereign! A lifespan of a millennium! In any place, a Martial Sovereign could establish a sect and become the patriarch of a lineage! Even tracing back through countless ages, founding a sect akin to the Ancient Origin Sect isn't beyond possibility. Even within the Ancient Origin Sect, in truth, several centuries had passed without the emergence of a new Martial Sovereign.

But as it appears now, the martial saint most likely to achieve the rank of Martial Sovereign within the century in the Ancient Origin Sect might very well be the "Dao Seeker" Lin Fei!


Lin Fei returned to his cave dwelling. He knew there must be a commotion outside. After all, his circumstances were quite exceptional. In just half a year, he had condensed the Qi Flower and the Energy Flower, even giving birth to the Blood Energy Domain. Additionally, he possessed the Saber Momentum. All signs indicated that Lin Fei bore the potential to become a Martial Sovereign. The entire Ancient Origin Sect, perhaps, was abuzz with chatter.

However, Lin Fei was well aware that he was still a long way from achieving Martial Sovereign status. Though his Transcendent Saber Momentum seemed only a step away from Perfect Saber Momentum, in reality, that step was profoundly challenging.

Lin Fei would need to cultivate the saber techniques of all three martial saint levels, developing them into Saber Intents, which then must reach perfection.

These Saber Intents would then evolve into Saber Momentums, merging with Lin Fei's existing Saber Momentum. Only then might his Saber Momentum attain perfection. Furthermore, mastering these three saber techniques might still be insufficient.

Lin Fei was fully aware of these challenges, but this was the path he had chosen! The other martial saints continuously grasped one martial arts momentum, their path was different from Lin Fei's. That approach was just as challenging, relying on luck, or perhaps, an otherworldly comprehension to grasp the Perfect Saber Momentum. Otherwise, one would be left without any direction whatsoever, let alone condensing the Spirit Flower and achieving the Tri-Flower Fusion, or even challenging the rank of Martial Sovereign.

At least Lin Fei had a direction to pursue.

"My three saber techniques have already reached perfection, but there seems to be no clue on how to give birth to Saber Intent from them. Perhaps I can consult with the martial saints who have developed Saber Intent from these three saber techniques."

Lin Fei pondered deeply. This could be a solution. In the past, when Lin Fei was honing his saber technique, He would seek out those who were proficient in the art, to provide guidance.

As for comprehension, Lin Fei wasn't worried. After all, his saber techniques could practice on their own. They had a decent level of understanding of these arts.

"I can issue a private reward task. However, I only have 3,600 contribution points, which is too little."

Lin Fei frowned slightly. With 3,000 contribution points, he could offer a reward for one saber technique. But for three techniques, especially wanting someone who had mastered the Saber Intent to "guide", each one would not be less than 3,000 contribution points. Gaining insight into just one saber technique wouldn't suffice.

"Let's head to the Task Hall."

The first place Lin Fei thought of was the Task Hall. So, he stood up, preparing to head there.

"Master, there's a letter for you, it's from Fairy Mist Island."

At that moment, a maid came in with a letter.

"A letter from Fairy Mist Island?"

Lin Fei immediately understood. It should be a letter from the eight major families on Fairy Mist Island. The last time, he took away ten disciples from the eight families, making them external disciples of the Ancient Origin Sect. This also meant that his "deal" with the eight families was concluded.

"Bring me the letter."

Lin Fei took the letter and opened it. As expected, it was from the eight major families of Fairy Mist Island. The letter, although written by Shangguan Feiyun, was in the name of all eight families, requesting Lin Fei to return to Fairy Mist Island to help them through a crisis. The letter explained the situation clearly. Fairy Mist Island was currently facing a threat. The sea pirates, after two failed attempts to invade Fairy Mist Island, hadn't given up.

If Lin Fei had predicted correctly, Fairy Mist Island had some means to defend itself, or else how could they have stayed on the island for such a long time? But after two failures, the sea pirates seemed to be plotting something. Using some special means, the families of Fairy Mist Island found out these sea pirates were waiting for a very terrifying Foundation Establishment cultivator. It was said that this individual was one of the top Foundation Establishment experts, and had even once killed Limit Martial Saint.

Such a fearsome Foundation Establishment cultivator, though his identity remained shrouded in mystery, the many families of Fairy Mist Island felt a looming catastrophe. A master who could slay a Limit Martial Saint—How terrifying must he be? With his singular power, he could annihilate Fairy Mist Island entirely.

Thus, every force on Fairy Mist Island was mobilized, including the Eight Great Families. They were unwilling to abandon Fairy Mist Island. For, should they depart this sanctuary, given the plight of the eight great families, without even a single Martial Saint amongst them, how would they survive on the Ancient Continent?

In but a short span, they would likely vanish without a trace. So, much like those families of the Immortal Dao, they strained every sinew to weather this crisis. And thus, they sent word, beseeching Lin Fei to descend from his mountain retreat. After all, among the Martial Saint echelon of might, the eight great families could now only appeal to Lin Fei and Shen Lianxin. It stood to reason that they must've reached out to Shen Lianxin as well.

"Brother Lin,"

At that moment, Shen Lianxin arrived. Catching sight of the letter in Lin Fei's hand, he inquired with a tranquil tone, "Brother Lin, it seems you too have received the eight great families' letter. What do you think should be done?"

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