I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire!

Book 9: Prologue

Book 9: Prologue

Having completed my training as an aristocrat, I, [Liam Sera Banfield], have returned to my territory over the age of 100.

To be honest, I wanted to spend some more time at the Capital playing around.

With me being the faction leader, and Cleo its figurehead, I still have the long-established luxury hotel rented under my name.

I havent let go of my accommodation in the Capital because I plan on visiting again in the future.

I knew I shouldve acquired a mansion or somethinghmm? Is it just me, or have I done that already?

Im currently thinking about various things inside a certain facility located within the courtyard of my oversized mansion.

Its called a courtyard, but due to the sheer size of the mansion itself, it feels no different from being outside.

The facility Im in is a training room thats dedicated to me.


Clad in a black armor, I point my weapon that looks like a wooden sword at my junior disciples.

[Shishigami Fuuka], her orange hair tied up in a flower bun, smacks her lips.

Try not to get yerself killed!

Contrary to her words, she doesnt seem concerned for my safety at all.

Instead, she looks excited.

With this junior disciple of mine gleefully wielding both her swords, and slashing them towards me, I quickly retaliate by swinging the wooden sword in my right hand.

This practice equipment that looks like a wooden sword has an extremely high performance, and the same goes for my armor.

[Satsuki Rinho] also pulls out her sword with a smile at the corners of her lips, her long, dark blue hair swinging from side to side.

The swords that theyre using are the real deal.


Wheres their respect for their senior?

Then again, as swordsmen of the same school, its a given that theyre being serious.

Sparks fly as I block the two girls attacks with my wooden sword, and scratch marks appear all over the armor that Im wearing.

Most of these scratch marks are from attacks that Ive failed to parry or avoid, while the rest are from the aftermath of the clash.

Fuuka jumps up into the air and plants her feet on the ceiling.

Were not in some zero-gravity environment, but she bends her knees while standing on the ceiling and shoots towards me with great momentum.

Chop, chop.

Fuukas coming at me with bloodthirsty eyes, but she seems to be a decoy.

Turning back to look, I notice Rinho, whos arrived right before me preparing to draw her sword.

Fuuka with her flurry of attacks and Rinho with her sure-kill technique.

Slowing me down with the formers attacks and finishing me off with the latters deadly blow.


Dealing with them isnt an easy task.

Not only is Fuukas attack numerous, each blow can be fatal.

Shes unleashing such an attack on both Rinho and me, intending to kill us both.

On the other hand, Rinhos trying to strike the two of us with devastating attacks, attacks that can be described as overkill.

Out of desperation, I grab the handle of Rinhos sword with my left hand, sealing her sword-drawing technique.

Then, I perform a slash with my wooden sword to shoot Fuuka down from above.

Rinho tackles me with a sweep and thrusts her sword while Im down.

Ill be the one to finish him off!

I avoid the thrust by rolling on the ground and stand back up with sweat running down my back.

Fuuka, whos managed to get behind me, tries to chop my head off with her twin swords.

Turning back, I make an upward slash with my wooden sword to deflect Fuukas blades and land a kick to her abdomen.

I was in too much of a hurry to adjust my strength, so she was flung all the way to the wall.

*Cough* I-Ill be the one to kill him! Senior brothers life is mine!

Despite being slammed against the wall, and spitting out blood, Fuuka isnt showing any sign of giving up.

I turn around and look away from her.

Immediately afterwards, I swing my sword horizontally in order to block a slash thats come my way.

Sparks fly once more.

A short distance away, I find Rinho in her sword stance.

With One-Flash, the secret technique of our school, she shoots out a storm of slashes.

Lets see who can hold out longer! Show me how long you can last!

Her slashes are stronger and more numerous than mine.

Rinho, whos attacking with a smirk on her face, doesnt show any sign of letting up.

Theres a 10-meter distance between the two of us, but sparks are flying 3 meters away from me.

From this, its obvious that Im being pushed.

You too?!

Several slashes are thrown my way from behind as Im fending off the attacks from Rinho.

Rinho, Fuuka, and I are now standing in a straight line with me at the center.

Sparks appear all around me as I continue to parry the One-Flash that they shoot out.

Fuuka takes a step forward and closes in on me.

This is the end of the line for ya, Senior Brother! But rest assured, for Ill succeed the school in yer stead! Ill take good care of Ellen as well!

She speaks as if shes already won.

Rinho, whos on the other side, also starts approaching me one step at a time.

This is what you get for underestimating us. I didnt despise Senior Brother, so youll at least live on within our memories!

From their appearances alone, they look no different from your average high school girls.

To the untrained eye, it looks as if theyre simply approaching me with their swords.

The only thing theyll find peculiar are the sparks being scattered around us.

While wearing my helmet, I mutter, A little more, just a little more.

My bodys already screaming for help.

However, its the tools that fail me first.

The swords in Rinho and Fuukas hands shatter, and so does my wooden sword.

The armor makes an announcement with its electronic voice.

[The training armor has reached its limit. Forced shutdown.]

No, wait!

Ignoring my command, the armor pops off all at once after making its statement, leaving me in just my inner suit.

Im soaked in sweat and breathing roughly. Not only that, there are scratches all over my body.

Damn it!

I plop down onto the floor.

I was just about to feel something!

Rinho stares at the shattered swords.

Really, how many does this make?

Fuuka tosses her swords away, and the cleaning robots collect them.

Who knows?

The two girls walk over to me as I look at the shattered wooden sword and my armor.

So, money isnt enough to solve this issue.

Neither the armor, nor the wooden sword, have been able to improve my abilities.

In fact, its the opposite. Theyre exceptionally good tools for limiting their users abilities.

The armor places a heavy burden on the users body, and the wooden sword is extremely difficult to swing.

After limiting my abilities, I told my junior disciples to Come at me with the intention to kill.

Otherwise, I wont be able to push myself beyond my limits.

I open my quivering right hand and stare at it.

Why cant I reach him? Why cant I reach the level of our Master?

Im starting to feel hopeless and pathetic.

Regardless of how much training I go through, and how much practical experience I gain, I cant seem to enter the realm of our Master.

Im still incapable of reproducing the slash that appears as if the sword has never been drawn that I saw as a kid.

Fuuka tries to comfort me while wiping off the blood near her mouth.

Senior Brothers stronger than the both of us. Yer bound to reach him one day, right?

Idiot. Theres no point in comforting Senior Brother. To begin with, what we say doesnt matter. Youve also seen Master Yasushis skill first hand. How does it compare to Senior Brothers?

Indeed, words of comfort are pointless. As people whove witnessed Masters abilities, theyre nothing more than an insult.

Fuuka looks away awkwardly.

T-that wasnt what I was trynna say!

She turned her eyes away from me since she also realizes the massive chasm that exists between Master and me.

I-I know full well that Senior Brothers lacking compared to Master Yasushi. I mean, I cant even begin to fathom the extent of Masters abilities. It should be the same for ya.

Rinho pouts.

You dont have to tell me that, I know already. That just goes to show how awesome Master Yasushi truly is.

Yes, Master is amazing.

The difference between us is so great that we cant even tell how great he is.

Normally, it seems like hell lose to amateurs, but when he draws his sword, no one in the world can hold a candle against him.

Ive imagined fighting against Master Yasushi many times, but never have I ever emerged as the victor.

This didnt change even after I defeated the so called Sword Saints of the Empire.

Im missing something. What am I missing? Have IHave I already reached my limit?

Can I no longer become stronger?

The anxiety is about to crush me.

As an evil lord, Ive obtained the strongest means of violence, One-Flash, yet my journey is about to end midway due to a lack of talent.

If Im just trying to be some bad guy, Id be fine with that.

However, I want to become even stronger, not only as an evil lord, but as Masters student.

I want to properly inherit the One-Flash that Master has shown me.

Ellen, who has grown quite a bit, runs up to me as Im wiping off my sweat.

She was so small when we first met, but now she looks like she has almost reached ten years of age.

Master, please allow me to wipe your sweat!


I receive the drink that Ellen has brought and allow her to wipe my body.

While gulping down the supplemental nutrition drink, I think about various things

Ellen, how old are you again?

and end up wondering how old my disciple is.

Rinho and Fuuka, who are also sweaty and out of breath, remain silent as they also realize what Im getting at.

I-Im around thirty years old.

Someone in their thirties would be considered an adult in my previous world, but theyre still considered a child in this one.

Fuuka shrugs before looking over at me.

Senior Brothers really overprotective about her.

Rinho whisks out her device and starts updating her blog as if shes lost interest in our conversation.

Ellens under Senior Brothers care, so its not our place to say anything, but at this rate shell never become a proper swordswoman of One-Flash.

A look of surprise appears on Ellens face for a moment when she hears what the two girls have to say, but she immediately argues back.

Please dont look down on me! Ive been training under Master for over 10 years and can do the basics. W-well, I cant perform a One-Flash, but

Although she has a solid foundation, Ellen hasnt been able to unleash a One-Flash.

Theres no helping it though.

After all, it took me more than 20.

Rinho takes her eyes off her terminal and stares at Ellen with cold eyes.

Sensing the killing intent, Ellen becomes frightened, but Rinho takes no heed of that and speaks her mind.

Thats not the point. Were talking about something much more important.

Ellen looks back and forth between Rinho, and I, while still shivering in fear.

Something much more important?

Fuuka replies in my stead.

You havent killed anyone yet, have you? No, Im certain you havent.

Ellens eyes widen.

For her to become a swordswoman, she must first take someones life.

It may sound strange in a world where intergalactic nations exist.

Spaceships and humanoid weapons exist, but sword fights still occur.

Killing someone isnt an easy thing to do. For us, whove chosen this path, its something inevitable.

I stand up and place my hand on Ellens shoulder.

Ill find an appropriate opponent for you in the near future.

Ellen stares at the ground as if in shock, but as she cant go against her Master, she replies in a small voice.


Brian (): Its been a long time, everyone. Brian here (Please stop calling me Tsurian). Its wonderful to see everyone again now that new chapters are being released.

Brian (* *): Also, Volume 2 of Im the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire will be released on December 25th. By all means, please purchase the novel. This time, this Brian will be playing a big role maybe.

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