I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C198 Red Room Awakens

C198 Red Room Awakens

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead!



As the battle raged on, the sky filled with the deafening sounds of explosions and plasma fire, something began to shift within the Red Room. The air vibrated with a new kind of energy, one that seemed to pulse through the walls, floors, and every corner of the aerial base. It was subtle at first, like the base itself was breathing, alive in a way it had never been before.

Inside the command center, Rocket’s ears perked up as a low hum began to resonate through the metal. “What the hell is that noise?” he muttered, his eyes darting around as the walls around him started to shift. The usual rigid, human-made architecture of the Red Room began to ripple, like liquid metal reshaping itself. “This can’t be good…”

Elsewhere inside, Peggy and the SHIELD agents felt it too, watching in stunned silence as the familiar hallways started to twist, the walls reshaping themselves into something far more alien. “Peggy,” Steve said, standing beside her at one of the turret control stations, his voice low. “What’s happening?”

Peggy’s eyes narrowed, but there was a look of awe in them. “I think… this is Peter’s doing.”

Outside, the Red Room began to shift in a far more dramatic way. The floating base, once a fortress started to contort and transform, its structure groaning as massive metal limbs began to extend outward. The entire base was changing, morphing into something far greater, far more powerful than anyone could have anticipated.

Autobots and Decepticons alike stopped in mid-battle, their attention diverted as the Red Room grew and shifted. The once-static base now had enormous mechanical arms, legs, and a head forming from the top. It was massive—far larger than the likes of Optimus or Megatron.

In the air, Optimus paused his fight with Megatron, his optics widening as he took in the sight. “By the AllSpark…” he murmured, awe filling his voice.

Megatron, on the other hand, snarled in pure rage. His optics blazed with fury as he watched the transformation unfold.

The Red Room, once nothing more than a human construct, was now a towering, living entity, its movements slow and deliberate as the last of its mechanical limbs snapped into place.

“This is impossible!” Megatron roared, his voice filled with disbelief and anger. “That was human-made! How is it one of us now?!”

Optimus, still gazing at the now fully transformed figure, turned toward Megatron. “It’s the AllSpark,” he said, his tone awestruck. “Peter has used its power to breathe life into the Red Room.”

Megatron’s fists clenched around his energy sword as he seethed. “A human…” he spat, the word filled with venom. “A human using the most sacred relic of our kind to create life… It’s blasphemy!”

The Red Room, now fully transformed into a colossal Cybertronian, hovered in the sky above the battlefield, dwarfing even the mighty Nemesis. The wind whipped around it as it moved, casting an immense shadow over the battlefield below. The lights of the city beneath them flickered in awe at the sight of the massive humanoid figure standing tall in the clouds.

Inside, despite the dramatic transformation outside, everyone was safe. The rooms, hallways, and command center remained intact, though the internal structure of the Red Room did change. It was as if the base had evolved into something more, but its core functions remained.

“Is this even real?” one of the SHIELD agents murmured, staring at the walls and ceiling, which seemed to have expanded to accommodate other Cybertronians. “How is this happening?”

Cosmo, Rocket, Groot, and the others stared at the screens, their expressions a mix of awe and disbelief. “I don’t know, but I’ve gotta say,” Rocket muttered, shaking his head, “If I wasn’t so scared right now, I’d be trying to figure out how this works...”

Meanwhile, outside the Red Room, the Autobots who had been fighting on its exterior suddenly found themselves standing on what could only be described as the shoulder of a gigantic Cybertronian, its form still adjusting and settling into place.

The Decepticons, still frozen in place due to Magneto’s hold, were momentarily shaken by the sheer size of their new opponent.

But Megatron’s fury had only grown.

“I will not allow this!” he roared, launching himself into the air with a burst of energy from his thrusters. His eyes were locked on the massive figure of the Red Room, now fully transformed, towering above the battlefield like a god. “I will tear it apart with my bare hands if I have to!”

But as Megatron surged forward, Optimus was quick to intercept, clashing swords with him mid-air. “You’ll have to get through me first,” Optimus growled, the two leaders colliding in a flurry of sparks and energy as their battle resumed.

Megatron, seething with hatred, “You!” he roared, his voice thick with venom. “How could you allow this to happen?”

Optimus steadied himself, his optics narrowing. “What are you talking about, Megatron?”

“The AllSpark!” Megatron snarled, his voice filled with disgust. “You, of all Cybertronians, allowed a human to wield our most sacred relic! You stand by, watching as a fleshling uses the very essence of Cybertronian life to create—to defile what it means to be one of us!”

Optimus’s gaze faltered for a moment, his grip tightening on his blade. Megatron’s words cut deeper than he cared to admit. A part of him had struggled with this very issue from the moment he learned that Peter had taken possession of the AllSpark. It had been hard for him to accept—a human wielding the most important relic of their race—but the AllSpark had chosen Peter. There was no denying that now.

“I don’t understand it any more than you do, Megatron,” Optimus said, his voice strained as he forced Megatron back. “But the AllSpark chose Peter. It is not for us to question its will.”

Megatron’s optics flared in disbelief, his rage only deepening. “You stand by the side of a human, these tiny insignificant creatures, and you call that the will of the AllSpark?” He broke free from Magneto's grip, rage consuming him as he swung his sword furiously at Optimus.

“You disappoint me, Optimus,” Megatron growled, the weight of his words dripping with contempt as their swords met. “Once, I thought you were a worthy adversary. But now? Now you are nothing more than a slave to these inferior creatures. You, who once stood for the pride of Cybertron, have lowered yourself to their level.”

Optimus grimaced, struggling to maintain his composure as the words struck harder than any weapon could. He had wondered, deep down, if this was right—if standing alongside Peter, a human, truly honored what the AllSpark meant to their people.

But as he looked down at the battlefield—the Autobots and humans fighting together, side by side, against the Decepticons—it became clear. Peter had proven himself time and again, and the AllSpark, for reasons even he couldn’t fully grasp, had chosen him.

Optimus met Megatron’s gaze, his voice firm but tinged with sorrow. “You’re wrong, Megatron. I don’t stand by Peter because he’s human. I stand by him because he has proven himself worthy of our cause. He fights for life, for freedom, just as we do.”

Megatron recoiled, his optics blazing with fury. “Worthy?!” He spat the word like it was poison. “No human could ever be worthy of the AllSpark. Their kind destroys everything they touch! And you… you’ve become as weak as they are, Optimus. That is why you will lose.”

The two leaders clashed again, their swords locking as they stared each other down, both determined to fight until one of them fell.

“I will never let you take the AllSpark,” Optimus declared, his voice unwavering. “Peter may be human, but the AllSpark chose him. I may not understand why, but I will not stand against its will.”

Megatron snarled, pressing his sword harder against Optimus’s. “Then you’re a fool, Optimus. The AllSpark belongs to Cybertron, and I will reclaim it—even if I have to tear it from your cold, lifeless body.”

With a roar, Megatron broke away from Optimus, soaring high into the sky, his energy sword crackling with power as he prepared for his next strike.

Optimus followed, his own blade ready, determined to protect not just the AllSpark, but the future of both Cybertronians and humans alike.

Inside the transformed Red Room, deep within its core, Peter remained kneeling in front of the AllSpark, his focus unwavering as he felt the power of the relic flow through him. The transformation was complete, but he wasn’t done yet.

Peter, his mind honed to a razor’s edge, gripped the AllSpark with renewed determination. The surge of energy coursing through him reached out, tethering to the newly created Red Room Cybertronian.

Outside, the Room’s optics flickered to life under his command, and it moved with deadly purpose. The metallic behemoth turned toward the immobilized Decepticons, trapped in Magneto’s magnetic grip, and began its massacre.

Each swipe of its massive arms sent pieces of twisted metal and shattered sparks flying. Hundreds of Decepticons were butchered as if they were nothing more than scrap, their destruction swift and merciless.

The sky echoed with the sounds of tearing metal and dying screams, but the shock of the brutality paralyzed everyone who witnessed it. “?!”

Autobots and Decepticons alike were frozen by the sheer scale of the slaughter. Megatron, locked in a ferocious battle with Optimus, could do nothing but glance in disbelief as his forces were torn apart. He snarled in frustration, trying to push past Optimus, but his enemy met him blow for blow. “Not today, Megatron!” Optimus roared, forcing his sword into Megatron’s side, refusing to let him escape.

Meanwhile, Starscream, Barricade, and Bonecrusher hung motionless, still held by Magneto’s power. They could only watch as their comrades were decimated, their bodies frozen, unable to flee or fight back.

Starscream’s optics flashed in panic as he attempted to break free, but the magnetic force held him firmly, his engines sputtering helplessly.

In the midst of the chaos, Bee broke free from his own shock, his optics narrowing with resolve. He transformed into his jet form, rocketing through the air toward Barricade.

Mid-flight, Bee shifted back into robot mode, his arm outstretched. With a fierce battle cry, he speared Barricade through the chest.

“!” Barricade’s optics flared wide in horror as Bee’s hand found his Spark. In one brutal motion, Bee yanked it free and crushed it in his grip, the light in Barricade’s eyes fading instantly. His lifeless body tumbled from the sky, spinning as it plummeted toward the distant ground below.

Ironhide and Jazz, snapping out of their own daze, saw their moment and acted. Jazz streaked forward with a lethal grin, closing the distance to Starscream. He drove his blade into Starscream’s stomach with savage precision, the screech of metal piercing the air.

Starscream’s wings spasmed as Jazz twisted the blade upwards, snuffing out the Decepticon’s life. His body, too, spiraled down toward the earth, following Barricade into oblivion.

Likewise, Ironhide charged Bonecrusher head-on, his massive cannons firing in a relentless barrage. Bonecrusher’s armor melted and crumbled under the sheer force of the blast. In a final, brutal strike, Ironhide ripped through Bonecrusher’s chest, tearing out his core and silencing the Decepticon’s final roar. Bonecrusher’s body disintegrated in midair, the remnants scattering across the sky like debris from an explosion.

Optimus, still engaged in his fight with Megatron, caught sight of his comrades cutting down the Decepticons one by one. A moment of shock and sorrow rippled through his core as he watched his enemies fall so effortlessly. It was a bitter victory—swift and savage.

Meanwhile, inside the Red Room…

Peter, still kneeling beside the AllSpark, rose to his feet, donning his necklace once again, his task complete. The Red Room was under his control now, loyal to him, unlike the wild Cybertronians he'd battled at Sector 7.

“Time to join the party,” he muttered, heading toward the hangar door. As it slid open, the open sky greeted him, scattered with the wreckage of lifeless mechanical bodies.

A/N: 2038 words :)🚨🚨

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