I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C146 Winter Soldier

C146 Winter Soldier

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 



Across the globe, the coordinated assault began. Each team hit their targets with precision and ferocity.

The X-Men and the Brotherhood tore through the mountain base, Magneto’s control over metal dismantling defenses while the others engaged in fierce combat. Storm summoned lightning, striking down enemies, while Wolverine and Sabretooth tore through the ranks with brutal efficiency.

The Black Widows moved like shadows through the research facility, taking out guards and scientists with silent precision. Natasha and Melina reached the main lab, securing vital data before it could be destroyed.



As the coordinated assault continued, Hydra’s forces were overwhelmed. The combined might of the Jedi, the X-Men, the Brotherhood, the Black Widows, Shield, and Peter’s crew proved too much for Hydra to handle.

High and low-ranking Hydra officers were either killed or captured, their plans thwarted, and their operations dismantled. The comprehensive list of operatives allowed the teams to strike with pinpoint accuracy, leaving Hydra with no place to hide.


Meanwhile, Peter stood in the dimly lit laboratory, his eyes fixed on the two teenagers trapped in the heavy-duty jail cells. They seemed familiar, but he couldn't quite place them. 

Taking a deep breath, he deactivated his lightsaber, clipping it to his belt as he approached them. The fear in their eyes was palpable, but he offered a reassuring smile, trying to appear as non-threatening as possible. 

As he approached, the two captives recoiled, their eyes widening with fear. The girl clutched her brother's arm, her gaze darting around the room as if looking for an escape route. 

"Hey, it's okay," Peter said softly, holding up his hands to show he meant no harm. "I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to help."

The boy's eyes narrowed, his body tense and ready to spring into action. "Who are you?" he demanded, his voice a mixture of fear and defiance.

"I'm Peter," he replied calmly. "I’m here to help. You can relax. I’m not going to hurt you."

The girl glanced at her brother, her grip tightening. "Why should we believe you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Peter sighed, understanding their distrust. "I get it. You've been through a lot. But I promise you, I'm not one of them."

He reached the cell door and, with a wave of his hand, used the Force to unlock it. The door swung open with a creak, and Peter stepped back to give them space.

To his surprise, the moment the door was open, the boy disappeared in a burst of speed. Peter felt a gust of wind brush past him, out of the room, and back in again within the span of a second. The boy reappeared in front of the girl, an assault rifle in his hands, aimed directly at Peter.

Peter's eyes widened as he watched Pietro's display of super speed, a recognition dawning on him. ‘Quicksilver… and that would make her Scarlet Witch…’

"Whoa, easy there," Peter said, trying to calm the situation. "I'm not your enemy. You don't need to do this." He noticed how winded Pietro was, his breaths coming in heavy gasps. It was clear the boy was exhausted, likely from malnutrition or whatever experiments Hydra had subjected him to.

The boy’s grip on the rifle tightened, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and determination. "How do I know you’re telling the truth?"

Peter kept his voice calm and steady. "Because if I was with Hydra, I wouldn’t have opened the cell in the first place. But instead, you're free. And I’m standing here, unarmed."

Pietro, beginning to breathe heavily, kept the rifle trained on Peter. "Just… just back up and make way. We’ll get out of here ourselves."

Peter complied, stepping back slowly. "I can give you a ride out of here if you want," he offered, clearly not afraid nor bothered by the gun aimed in his direction.

Ignoring the offer, Pietro turned to his sister, Wanda, and urged her to follow him. "Come on. Let’s go."

Wanda looked at her brother with concern. "Pietro, are you alright?" she asked, noticing his exhaustion.

"I'm fine," Pietro replied, trying to put on a brave front. He led Wanda out of the cell, keeping Peter at gunpoint. But after a few steps, he suddenly collapsed to one knee, breathing heavily, though he still just barely managed to keep the gun aimed at Peter.

"Pietro!" Wanda exclaimed, rushing to his side. She tried to help him up, but she was too weak herself.

Peter couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy for them. He took a step forward, intending to help, but Pietro fired a warning shot at the floor inches from Peter's feet.

"Stay away!" Pietro warned through ragged breaths, his eyes full of defiance.

Sighing in annoyance, Peter said, "Alright, this has gone on long enough." With a wave of his hand, he used the Force to pull the gun from Pietro’s grasp, sending it flying across the room. "You’re in no condition to be this obstinate. Let me help you."

Pietro, despite his evident exhaustion, tried to refuse Peter’s help again. "We don't need your help," he spat, struggling to stand on his own. “We don’t need anyone’s help!”

Wanda, seeing the dire situation, took control. "No, Pietro. We have no other choice." She looked at Peter, her eyes hard and determined. "Please help us…” 

“Of course,” Peter smiled, “That’s all I’ve been trying to do this entire time.”

“Thank you, but If you try anything funny, I’ll blow all of us up together." As she spoke, a red energy gathered around her, covering her body in a threatening crimson aura.

Peter, unexpectedly calm, stepped up and patted her on the head before picking Pietro up, ignoring his complaints. "Put me down, you—"

Peter turned to Wanda, whose eyes widened by his sudden actions, his expression serious. "You should stop before you exhaust yourself as well."

Wanda hesitated before reluctantly allowing the crimson aura to dissipate. Peter nodded approvingly. "Good, at least you aren’t as stubborn as this idiot."

"Hey! I’m not an idiot," Pietro exclaimed, but Peter scoffed and ignored him.

"Can you walk on your own?" Peter asked Wanda.

"I can walk," she replied, her voice firm despite her obvious fatigue.

"Good, then follow me," Peter said, carrying Pietro effortlessly through the base with Wanda trailing behind.

As they made their way out, Wanda and Pietro couldn't help but notice the numerous Hydra soldiers and agents lying collapsed and dead, some even cleaved in half. The scene was gruesome, but neither of them felt any sympathy for their captors.

They began to piece together what had happened. It was clear that Peter had taken down everyone in the base. They glanced at each other, silently asking the same question: Did he do this all by himself?


Elsewhere, Peggy and her team of Shield agents, accompanied by a few Jedi, moved stealthily through a snowy forest deep in northern part of Russia. Their target: a well-hidden Hydra base, buried deep within the woods.

As they approached the perimeter, Peggy signaled for the team to halt. She surveyed the area, spotting the patrolling guards. "Alright, this is it. Move in quietly and take them out. No alarms," she whispered into her comm.

The team spread out, each member taking a different approach. The Jedi, with their enhanced senses and agility, moved through the trees like shadows, their lightsabers ready. Peggy and the Shield agents, armed with silenced weapons, advanced through the underbrush.

Peggy watched as the Jedi leaped from the tree branches, landing silently behind a group of guards. In one swift motion, they ignited their lightsabers, the blades humming as they sliced through the guard's weapon. Before the guards could react, they knocked them out with a well-placed strike to the head.

Nearby, Peggy saw another Jedi move gracefully. She reached out with the Force, pulling a guard's blaster from his hands before striking him with a flurry of precise blows, her blue lightsaber cutting through the air with deadly accuracy.

Peggy herself moved closer to the main entrance, her eyes scanning for any signs of movement. She spotted a guard and took aim with her silenced pistol. The shot was clean, the guard dropping without a sound. She continued forward, her senses on high alert.

Inside the base, the team encountered more resistance. The narrow hallways and confined spaces made the fighting more intense. 

Peggy led the charge, her movements precise and calculated. She fired her pistol, each shot finding its mark. An agent beside her, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, engaged a Hydra soldier, their fists and feet moving in a brutal dance of strikes and counters.

The sound of humming lightsabers filled the air as the Jedi fought alongside them, melting the enemy's bullets with a swing of their swords. They moved with the grace of a dancer, each strike calculated and lethal.

Suddenly, Peggy ducked as a bullet whizzed past her head, her heart pounding in her chest. “!” She returned fire, hitting the shooter squarely in the chest. 

As the team pushed deeper into the base, the resistance grew fiercer. Hydra soldiers fought desperately, but they were no match for the combined might of Shield and the Jedi.

Soon enough, they reached the main control room, where a group of Hydra soldiers had barricaded themselves. 

Peggy signaled for her team to take cover. "Grenade!" she shouted, tossing a flashbang into the room. The explosion was deafening, the flash blinding the soldiers inside.

Peggy and her team stormed the room, the Jedi leading the charge, breaking open the barricade. Their lightsabers cut through the soldiers' defenses, while Peggy and her agents fired with deadly accuracy. 

The battle was fierce, but it was over quickly. The room fell silent, the last of the Hydra soldiers lying dead on the ground.

Breathing heavily, Peggy leaned on her cane and surveyed the room. "Good work, everyone," she said, her voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. "Let's secure the area and see what they were hiding here."

The team moved methodically through the base, clearing each room and securing any sensitive information. 

Peggy's eyes caught a set of stairs leading down. "There's a basement," she said, signaling for the team to follow.

The basement was dimly lit, the air cold and sterile. Peggy led the way, her pistol at the ready. They reached a large, reinforced door. "Cover me," she ordered, as she worked to unlock the door.

The door creaked open, revealing a lab filled with various scientific equipment. In the center of the room was a large cryogenic chamber, frost covering the glass. Peggy's curiosity piqued as she approached the chamber.

She wiped the frost from the glass, her breath catching in her throat. Inside, frozen in a state of suspended animation, was the man she believed had died years ago.

Peggy stared in shock, her mind racing. "Bucky..." 

[Insert picture of Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier here]

A/N: 1900 words :)🚨🚨

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