I'm A Wasteland Giant

Chapter 165 - 165: 164: Arriving at the Elementary Cosmic Nation of White Dragon Mountain!

Chapter 165 - 165: 164: Arriving at the Elementary Cosmic Nation of White Dragon Mountain!

Translator: 549690339

Outside the Virtual Universe Company, Du Gang and over a hundred Stellar Level Outer Sect Disciples have all gathered and are patiently waiting.

Before long, Cosmic Level people from the other three major companies, with their Outer Sect Disciples, also arrived outside the Virtual Universe Company.

“Is everyone here?”


When everyone from all sides converged, Fan An and others spoke: “Good, everyone follow us now!”

Having said that, they took the lead in flying up, and the Outer Sect Disciples below quickly followed suit.

After a good while, they finally arrived at a particularly strict base.

At the front of an enormously huge bunker, Fan An and his group quickly went over, underwent a series of joint verifications, and only then managed to open the doors of the bunker.

Inside was a spaceship, five thousand meters long, parked within.

“This is a Four-Star B-class spaceship, jointly manufactured by the four major companies. It’s five thousand meters long and can traverse a billion light-years at once!”

Fan An proudly introduced to the Outer Sect Disciples, “Only the four major companies possess this level of spaceship. Forget about that Elementary Universe nation, even an Intermediate Universe nation doesn’t have these for sale!”

Du Gang noticed that, regardless of the spaceship’s level, the length represented by the star level seemed to be the same.

Could it be that these lengths are associated with certain laws or rules? He didn’t ask – if he asked, it was likely that Fan An and others would not know the answer.

‘Everyone, hurry on board!”

After everyone was seated, the cabin door closed.

Fan An laughed: “Do you know why we return to White Dragon Mountain Elementary Universe nation every hundred years, and regardless of how excellent Planet Level disciples are, they still must wait until they reach Stellar Level before they can proceed?”

“Jump restrictions?”


Fan An laughed: “B-level ships have a minimum level restriction for jumping: Stellar level. Anyone below this level who dares to attempt to jump will surely be torn into pieces…”

“It’s not just B-level ships that have restrictions, every level of spaceship actually has restrictions…”

“E-class spaceship, minimum level restriction: Seven-Color Purple Class!”

“D-class spaceship, minimum level restriction: Meteorite-level!”

“C-class spaceship, minimum level restriction: Satellite Level!”

“B-class spaceship, the minimum level restriction is Stellar Level!”

This knowledge is indeed obscure, because within the Milky Way Galaxy, there are only a few C-class spaceships. Most of the spaceships here are E-class or D-class. Even for D-class, generally only those above Planet Level can afford them.

Previously, like Planet Level powerhouse Hong Chong, he only had a Single-Star D-class spaceship. He cherished the spaceship so much that he kept it hidden and couldn’t bear to use it. As a result, it was buried along with him in the end.

Someone curiously asked: “Sir, do all the classes of spaceships only have five stars?”


Fan An laughed: “Currently, most of the spaceships for sale are between one star to five stars. As for whether there are spaceships above six stars, I’m not sure. They might be at the center of the universe. Of course, they might not exist either. If your abilities become stronger in the future, you’ll slowly find out…”

While Fan An was talking, Ou Yun and two others had finished inspecting the spaceship and signaled to him.

“Alright, all disciples sit tight, our spaceship is ready to jump!”

After Fan An finished speaking, he also returned to his seat, secured himself, checked the people below, saw that everyone had buckled up, and then said to the intelligence, “Milky Way, let’s set off!”

Only people from the four major companies dare to name it after a galaxy.

“Initiating jump countdown…”




“The Milky Way is initiating the jump!”

The next second, Du Gang felt as if he was wriggling inside an animal’s intestines, his body involuntarily moving backward.

If it weren’t for him being sure that he was strapped to the chair, he would have run forward at this moment.

Fortunately, despite the discomfort, this feeling disappeared in no time.

At the same time, Fan An unbuckled his seatbelt and laughed, “Fellow disciples, congratulations! You will now have a lifespan of over a hundred million years!”

“Yes, living here, your lifespan will significantly increase. Here, your lifespan is ten times that of the Silver Heart!”

Among the present people, quite a few were born in the Silver Heart, where the Stellar Level life span reached a maximum of 11,167 ,ooo years.

After arriving at the White Dragon Mountain, multiplying by ten, it’s equivalent to a lifespan of over a hundred million years!

As expected, most of the people in the room revealed joy. Living longer is always good news to anyone!

Unlike the others who were purely delighted at the increase in their lifespan, Du Gang was pondering another issue.

Given that the lifespan of the residents here is generally ten times that of those in the Silver Heart, doesn’t that mean there are even more powerful individuals born here?

Moreover, it’s not just growing at a rate ten times faster, but rather at a geometric rate.


The spaceship’s door opened, and everyone appeared at a huge base. Surrounding it, at specific intervals, a spaceship would be docked.

Looking out, this base housed no less than tens of thousands of four-star B-class spaceships.

“See it?”

Fan An pointed to the distant spaceships, “The people on those ships, like you, are all from star systems affiliated with the White Dragon Mountain Universe Nation…”

“So many people…”

The many disciples suddenly gasped in amazement.

Du Gang glanced at them briefly, estimating the numbers. Some ships had as few as four or five hundred people disembarking, like them, while others had several thousands.

“So, some star systems can amass thousands or tens of thousands of Stellar Level warriors under a hundred years old in a century…”

Indeed, star systems vary. The Milky Way is a very remote suburb, while other star systems are closer to White Dragon Mountain.

“Everyone, stay calm and follow me!”

Under the guidance of Fan An, they boarded another spaceship.

Ba La La whispered to Du Gang, “This is a four-star C-class spaceship…”

Soon, once everyone was onboard, Fan An transformed the walls of the ship into a transparent state, allowing all the disciples to see out.

His face suddenly wore a look of awe, and he laughed, “Next, what you’re about to witness is something you’ll never forget in your lifetime!”

Soon, under the command of the personnel stationed at the base, the four-star C-class spaceship the disciples were on began to ascend rapidly and soared out of the massive base’s exit.

Upon exiting, the spaceship went through hundreds of different channels, before finally leaving the giant base and entering the cosmos.


As the spaceship reached space, everyone within drew in a sharp breath.

In front of them, a massive white dragon unraveled across the cosmos. All they could see in front was the cosmos blanketed by a giant white dragon.


All present were speechless.

Fan An began to laugh and explain.

“This base we were in is called White Dragon Fort, a base ten light-years in size. It is a transit base for the White Dragon Mountain Universe Nation to exchange goods and services with other star systems and universe nations…”

“Ten light-years!”

Everyone inhaled sharply. Keep in mind, the entire diameter of Silver Heart is only three light-years, and that’s a natural core star, while this base is obviously man-made!

“Do you know how far we are from White Dragon Mountain?”

Fan An, with a touch of a smile, asked.

Everyone shook their heads because the white dragon in front of them was so huge that it virtually obscured the entire cosmos.

Seeing the looks of utter confusion on their faces, Fan An finally chuckled, “We are one million light years away from that white dragon you see!”

The people once again gasped in shock.

“One million light years, yet it obscures the entire cosmos in front of us?”

Seeing the astonished and disbelieving expressions on everyone’s faces, Fan An continued,

“More than that, the white dragon you see reaches a length of up to one million light years at its longest, and even at its shortest, it is ten thousand light years long… ”


Du Gang too was shocked, murmuring, “What… what is this white dragon made of? A planet, or…?”

He was the closest to Fan An.

Hearing this, Fan An laughed and said, “Not a planet. The white dragon is a remnant from the time of the big bang, separated from the center of the universe…”

“Now, do you have any thoughts about our star system being labeled as a suburban star system?”

Fan An smiled, “When I first came here, I was shocked too. Before that, I always thought White Dragon Mountain was just another star system like ours…”

“Who knew it would turn out to be such a horrific entity…”

“The land owned by this white dragon is larger than all the planets in our ten thousand star systems combined…”

“In addition, the population here is a hundred times greater than in all of our ten thousand star systems combined…”

Separated from the center of the universe!

Du Gang was shocked. This suggests that the center of the universe may be…

He could not imagine, but simply through observing this white dragon, he could see the enormity of the entire universe and the mystery of its core!

Not just them; all of the spaceships that flew out of the White Dragon Fort were all stopping in the cosmic space.

Even without hearing the sound, everyone could imagine the situations inside the other spaceships.

“The entire White Dragon Mountain universe nation is divided into five regions according to the dragon’s head, body, whiskers, claws, and tail…”

“I’ll start with the dragon’s tail. The dragon’s tail in White Dragon Mountain is generally referred to as the Dragon Tail Area, but it has countless slender living area according to each dragon hair. Basically, those of us from remote galaxies live in the Dragon Tail area, because the housing there is cheap…”

“Then there are the claws. Our White Mountain Dragon has three claws. Each claw has three fingers. This area is called the Dragon Claw Area, it’s divided into Dragon Claw First Area through the Dragon Claw Ninth Area. It is the wealthy sector, people living in the Dragon Claw area are either rich or nobles…

“The dragon whiskers are similar to the dragon tail, with countless whiskers around the white dragon. Each whisker has countless living areas, it’s also called the Dragon Whisker Area. Because it belongs to the outer area of the White Dragon, the housing price is not high, but it’s better than the Dragon Tail Area…”

“Did you see the scales on the dragon’s body? A total of one million and eight scales, each scale is one light year long. The entire Dragon Scale area is divided by scales. Housing prices here are not low, they belong to the third rank in the entire White Dragon Mountain…”

After talking for a while, Fan An said with a smile, “The place we are going next is the local office of the Four Corporations in White Dragon Mountain. Did you see that dragon head? That’s where we’re going!”

“This is the political center of White Dragon Mountain. All sorts of slightly powerful forces have set up bases here…”

“The people who can settle here are all from big families. The housing prices here are the most expensive in the entire White Dragon Mountain…”

After he finished introducing the five regions of White Dragon Mountain, some of the spaceships in the universe began to disappear.

Only then did Fan An say with a smile, “Let’s go, I’ll take you guys to report at the White Dragon Mountain Division!”

Soon, the spaceship made another leap, directly traversing a distance of one million light years, and arrived in the Dragon Head Area.

In just the blink of an eye, everyone had gone from outer space to the interior of White Dragon Mountain.

After the spaceship stopped at a huge ground base landing pad, everyone got off.

Looking up for the first time, Du Gang saw that like the interior of a planet, the sky above here also had a thick layer of atmosphere.

Although it didn’t seem far or high, he believed that it would be very difficult for anyone to try to fly out of this atmospheric layer. The thickness must be measured in thousands to tens of thousands of light years…

After getting off the spaceship, Fan An said, “All members of the virtual universe company, line up here…”

“All members of the Cosmic Colosseum, line up here…”

Soon, the four Universe-level leaders had all the Stellar-level strongmen separated, each leading their own people.

Fan An said to Du Gang and the others, “All of you follow me, don’t wander off… You guys currently don’t have the legal qualifications to move around inside White Dragon Mountain, Wait until I take you to report to the headquarters and get your status sorted out…”

So, with Fan An in the lead, Du Gang and others followed behind, forming a long queue and flying in a certain direction.

And around them, there were forty thousand such queues.

These are all Stellar-level disciples from ten thousand galaxies.

Regardless of whether it was Zhao Biao or Zuo Qiu, no matter how talented they were, once they arrived here, they became very well-behaved, flying along with the crowd.

Even Du Gang, who had been somewhat proud, believing that he was ranked seventy-ninth among the young powerhouses of ten thousand galaxies, upon seeing such a huge crowd and the vast White Dragon Mountain, instantly sobered up.

“The Milky Way, even these ten thousand galaxies, are only subsidiary galaxies, considered outer regions. I have only achieved some minor success in these remote areas…”

Du Gang said to himself quietly, slowly adjusting his mentality.

Soon, after flying for several minutes, the forty thousand queues started to disperse. The queue in which Fan An and his group were located formed ten thousand queues with other galaxies’ Virtual Universe Company and headed in one direction.

After flying for about half an hour, they finally reached their destination.

A gigantic building that was so tall that everyone couldn’t see the top, appeared before their eyes.

In the middle of the building, the huge words “Virtual Universe” are displayed.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh!”

Soon, under Fan An’s leadership, everyone quickly descended.

On the ground, numbers from “1” to “10000” were arranged. Fan An led his group and conscientiously landed in the “10000” position.

At this point, Du Gang finally understood the position of the Milky way!

Just like before, Fan An instructed everyone to line up in the same order as they flew.

There were over a hundred people in their line.

Du Gang looked to his left, and the line next to them was basically the same, with over a hundred people.

But the further to the left, the more people there were in the queues with earlier numbers.

All the way to the far left, Du Gang even saw a line with tens of thousands of


In front of the Virtual Universe building, every ten thousand meters, there was a huge gate with a height of one hundred thousand meters. On both sides of these gates at mid -height, there were platforms. On these platforms, there were two teams of twenty people standing upright, guarding the place.

Du Gang sensed it slightly and was immediately shocked.

Because the guards standing on the platforms at the mid-height of the gates were all at the Universe-level realm!

Universe-level gatekeepers?

He glanced from left to right. The whole building stretched as far as eyes could see, with more than dozens of gates in the middle. Judging from this situation, there should be at least hundreds or thousands of gates.

This meant that just in one building, there were tens of thousands of Universe-level strongmen stationed?!!

Not just Du Gang, but tens of millions of people standing in the square in front of the ten thousand columns also saw this situation.

Some prodigies, who had originally arrived with a proud attitude, at this moment, were also intimidated and bowed their heads.

Just then, suddenly, a giant man, towering ten thousand meters, appeared before everyone.

“Everyone was startled. Fortunately, even the weakest among the present have stellar power. They were composed, no one was disturbed or retreated.”

Soon, everyone realized that this was in fact a projection, it was just so lifelike that it seemed like a real person.

“Everyone, hello, I am Yan Xiong, the Deputy Director of the Virtual Universe Company stationed in the White Dragon Mountain branch!”

He paused for a moment before continuing, “Like you, I’m also a disciple of the Virtual Universe Company. However, I am a core disciple, with the ninth rank of Domain Lord, possessing the great perfection of nine domains…”

“The reason I tell you these things is that, like you, I hail from one of these galaxies… from the Little Fishman Galaxy…”

Below, the outer sect disciples from the Little Fishman Galaxy who were ranked first immediately puffed their chests with pride.

Yan Xiong continued, “Our status is the same, we are all disciples of the company. I just managed to get ahead of you, advancing from a named disciple, to an outer sect disciple, to an inner sect disciple, step by step until I became a core disciple…”

These words immediately stirred up the millions of stellar-level outer sect disciples below, as if they could see their future selves becoming like Yan Xiong.

“You’ve seen the grandeur of the universe and White Dragon Mountain, haven’t you?!”

“It is one in a billion to be considered a genius in the universe. You are fortunate to have become one of those geniuses…”

The crowd immediately showed happy and proud expressions.

Yan Xiong continued: “However, don’t be arrogant or complacent. There are an endless number of geniuses in the universe. Only by working hard and continually striving can you stand out and become a genius among geniuses…”

After speaking for a while, he said: “Alright, the guides will introduce the specifics of White Dragon Mountain to you privately later. For now, guides, please take your assigned people to register and arrange for housing for the outer sect disciples…”

With that, the giant projection vanished.

Like Earth’s principal who had spoken to Du Gang earlier, he gave some platitudes and the only useful information was that Yan Xiong was a core disciple who had achieved the Ninth Rank of Domain Lord, and the great perfection of nine domains.

In other words, Yan Xiong, if he breaks through to the Sector Lord level within the stipulated time, will become a higher-level personal disciple!

Similarly, the development place of core disciples is certainly not located in White Dragon Mountain, so this Yan Xiong is probably taking on a part- time task and is stationed at White Dragon Mountain.

Next, Du Gang and others, led by Fan An, entered the building and began to line up for registration.

Fortunately, there were enough registration ports to handle tens of millions of people, divided into hundreds of thousands of groups for registration in batches.

Since Du Gang was always following Fan An, he was the first to register at the current port.

“Hand over your Light Computer!”

Behind the counter was an indifferent woman. When Du Gang glanced at her, he was shocked to realize that she too possessed stellar power.


An ordinary counter staff member had stellar power!

After handing over the Light Computer, she manipulated it for a while, rescanned Du Gang, and then handed him a new Light Computer.

She said, “Alright, next!”

After receiving the Light Computer, Du Gang stood to the side, rearranged into a line according to Fan An’s reminder, and waited for the others.

The manner of lining up in tens of thousands of queues, including waiting for others after registering, made Du Gang feel like he was back in elementary school – when the teacher led them out of the school to get shots, fearing they might get lost. The only difference was while the elementary school students babbled incessantly, everyone here at the very least had stellar power. In the registration hall where tens of millions of people gathered, there was hardly any noise.

Before long, Zhang Bo, who had been lining up behind Du Gang, came running over.

“Du Gang, how about we start a group for fellow Milky Way residents?”

Before coming here, Zhang Bo did not want to speak with Du Gang. But upon seeing so many people from peripheral galaxies like himself, he realized how insignificant he was and wanted to form a group out of a lack of security. Du Gang hesitated a bit, “It’s not a bad idea, go ahead and create one…”

So, he quickly scanned the identification number on Du Gang’s Light Computer, and as others finished registering and came over to line up, Zhang Bo scanned them and added them to the group one by one.

Watching Zhang Bo’s actions, Fan An chuckled without saying a word.

From Fan An’s expression, Du Gang could tell that these groups actually didn’t mean much.

Sooner or later, geniuses and mediocrities will diverge.

For example, Fan An, he left a group of companions behind and became a universe-level entity. However, some of his companions left him behind and became even more powerful beings!

Why is the company changing their Light Computers?

One of the reasons is to cut off all past contacts and prevent the mediocre from constantly disturbing the cultivation of geniuses!

The number of outer sect disciples coming from the Milky Way was not many, only about a hundred, so the registration was completed quickly.

After counting the number of people and confirming everyone was present, Fan An said, “Alright, everyone, line up just like before, follow me, I will take you to the dormitory to sort out your lodgings…”

Then, everyone lined up in a single file, step by step towards the exit of the hall.

In the middle of the hall, a team of universe-level guards periodically patrolled.

After a while, they reached the door. As they each checked out through the door guard, their Light Computer information got registered which allowed them to leave..

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