If I Don’t Die, I’ll Truly Be Invincible

Chapter 49

Chapter 49: But the Supervision Institute Will

Ye Ning’s words undoubtedly stirred the righteous energy between heaven and earth.

Combined with the vast noble spirit accumulated within himself, it immediately had an extraordinary effect.

A sudden, gentle wind swept through the Supervision Institute, not harsh but rather bringing a sense of warmth in the cold winter months.

Ice and snow melted, and dry trees sprouted new buds.

The entire Supervision Institute transformed from old and decayed to vibrant and lively.

“Your salary and rank come from the people’s toil.

“Oppressing the people is easy; deceiving Heaven is hard!”

Though Ye Ning had stopped reciting, his words still echoed in the air, resonating with a mysterious force within the Supervision Institute, filling everyone present with a sense of weight and sanctity.

Vice Commissioner Wei, closest to Ye Ning, spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes full of disbelief as the alcohol left his system.

“This is the Sage’s Words!

“They’ve resonated with the power left by the Founding Ancestor in the Supervision Institute.

“How is this possible!”

His roar reflected the collective shock. They were astounded to see the characters personally inscribed by the Founding Ancestor glow brilliantly. A voice seemed to chant from nowhere:

“Deceiving people is like deceiving Heaven, don’t deceive yourself.

“To betray the country is to betray the people, how can you bear it?”

It was the Founding Ancestor’s voice. He had painstakingly established the Supervision Institute, elevating its authority above other departments, showing his deep concern for it. Even after his death, his presence remained. Now, this presence seemed to gain something new.

“Your salary and rank come from the people’s toil.

“Oppressing the people is easy; deceiving Heaven is hard!”

As the Founding Ancestor’s voice read Ye Ning’s words, everyone was stunned.

What did this signify?

It meant Ye Ning’s words had gained the Founding Ancestor’s approval, awakening his imprint left in the Supervision Institute!

Ye Ning stood in white, not wearing his official robes, yet everyone saw an infinite majesty emanating from him.

Because he was a person recognized by the Founding Ancestor!

And the Founding Ancestor’s status in the hearts of the people of Great Zhou was undoubtedly sacred.

After a while, the voice that resonated only in their minds gradually faded.

“Brother Ye has gained the Founding Ancestor’s approval!” Cai Xianggao was deeply shocked, filled with boundless admiration for Ye Ning.

Although the imprint was confined to the Supervision Institute, if word spread, the entire capital would go mad.

“I may not achieve great things, but I can follow in Brother Ye’s footsteps, moving forward relentlessly… even if the path is full of thorns!” Cai Xianggao silently vowed, finding his life’s direction.

The others were also deeply shaken, though not as easily moved as Cai Xianggao.

Their hearts had long been numb and cold.

What had happened merely unsettled them but didn’t win their complete trust.

They had to admit one thing: “The Censor is different from other officials. He is indeed a good official.”

Only a good official could say such words.

But what could a good official do? The current predicament of the Supervision Institute was not something a good official could change.

Their feelings were complex, as was Ye Ning’s.

He felt the noble spirit within him swell further after speaking those words.

If the Holy Court hadn’t been sealed and the literary path in decline, he would’ve likely already ascended.

Conservatively, he would be a great scholar by now…

His chances of seeking death had grown more difficult.

However, Ye Ning didn’t mind.

After several failures, he had matured.

The Holy Court being sealed meant that no amount of noble spirit could amount to anything.

Comforting himself, he approached Vice Commissioner Wei.

“Do you realize your mistake now?”

Vice Commissioner Wei shook his head, still defiant, but more rational than before.

“Sir, your noble integrity indeed sets you apart from the other officials, but what use is it?”

He pointed at the old man.

“You still can’t change anything.

“I called him a lowly commoner. It may have been inappropriate, but it wasn’t wrong. His life is as cheap as wild grass. If he’s not a lowly commoner, what is he?

“People like him have no department to stand up for them!”

His eyes were full of defiance.

This was reality!

Idealists were all futile.

No matter how eloquent Ye Ning was, what could he change?

The old man, if not killed by the blade, would freeze or starve to death.

His life was cheap, and no one would care about his death.

He would be as insignificant as a drop of water in the ocean.

This sentiment was shared by Vice Commissioner Wei and the other officials.

They too felt their lives were cheap and powerless to change anything.

The world was such that they had to yield to survive, living just to stay alive.

“Who says no department will stand up for him?” Ye Ning asked, his gaze sweeping over everyone.

“I said it,” replied Vice Commissioner Wei, sneering as he recounted the incident. “The one who took his charcoal is the steward of the Mighty Marquis’s estate. Are we supposed to offend the Marquis’s mansion for a mere charcoal seller? Over just a cart of charcoal!”

A mere charcoal seller.

A cart of charcoal.

That’s all.

Such a trivial matter.

Countless similar incidents occurred daily in Great Zhou, none of them considered significant.

“This is a significant matter!” Ye Ning, after a moment of silence, spoke firmly.

“We see just a cart of charcoal, but to them, it’s their hope for survival!

“What you consider insignificant might be someone’s entire world.

“Perhaps other departments wouldn’t offend the Mighty Marquis for a cart of charcoal or a charcoal seller, but the Supervision Institute will.”

Ye Ning took a deep breath, knelt down, picked up his official hat, and said, “I’m going to the Mighty Marquis’s estate to arrest someone. Will you dare to come with me?”

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