I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City

Chapter 33 — Fran

As I fiddle with the earring that Ruruka attached to my ear in a peculiar mood, Marietta, Fran, and Sera come walking over while discussing something. Marietta is making a troubled face, while Fran looks somehow satisfied, and meanwhile Sera is sighing at her.

Ah, Shiki-san, thank you for coming. Errr, well be moving soon, so please make your way to the gates.

When Marietta finds me, she makes that announcement. It seems well be departing soon.

Then, when I turn to Yuel to tell her lets move-

Yuel is staring steadily at my ear. Keenly, intently staring at my ear. Now that I take a good look, shes clutching her sleeves slightly too.

I cant read her expression. What could be on her mind?

No, I can guess if I give it some thought. Shes most likely feeling jealous towards Ruruka. That might have put a damper on her delight over the fact that we had matching bracelets.

Do I need to follow up with her somehow? But its not like I can say the bracelet Yuel gave me is way more important than Rurukas earring right in front of Ruruka either. First of all, if I said something like that to Ruruka she would be pissed.

Even if she doesnt hold any romantic feelings for me, she would definitely be pissed. And shed probably be convinced that guy is totally a lolicon.

What should I do? Guess Ill just pat Yuels head until shes satisfied.


Nah, thats not a good way to handle her. Children are sensitive to that kind of treatment. If by chance Yuel was feeling a special connection because of the matching accessories, its not impossible that tears could start steadily welling up in her adorable eyes. I need to think this over seriously.

Should I promise to go shopping for something with Yuel next time? But, if that means every time we go outside the city from now on


Wait, is Yuel really jealous of Ruruka in the first place? I dont sense any jealousy or grief in her expression. Shes just staring at the earring. Maybe unexpectedly shes thinking I want an earring too.

No, but-

Um, Shiki-san? You and Yuel-chan are Within your rights to stare at each other all you want. But, um, please quickly make your way to the gates


As we walk towards the gate, Sera interrupts her conversation with Fran and greets me.

Umm, I was informed that you went out of your way to give us medical treatment in the middle of the night. I would like to express my gratitude. You truly saved us.

How exceptionally polite.

Nah, dont worry about it. Ruruka properly compensated me.

When I say that, Sera lifts her head and smiles sweetly. It feels like an adult smile.

When I treated them, I thought for sure that the two of them were asleep at the time, but they must have heard about it from Ruruka.

I cant sense any hidden meaning in Seras attitude.

I look at Ruruka. She makes a bit of an embarrassed face and averts her gaze from Fran and Sera.

It seems that Ruruka kept quiet about the things I was doing when I gave them treatment.

Though at the time I said it was a medical procedure, to be honest I just couldnt suppress my impulses when faced with two defenseless girls lying in bed. Being so courteously thanked makes me feel somewhat conflicted, like it makes my own sleaziness stand out. I kinda feel like a piece of garbage.

If someone ever calls me that I cant deny it, either.

As Im ruminating, Sera nudges Fran with her elbow.

Fran slumps a bit and knits her brows, showing some hesitation. Then for some reason she glances in Mariettas direction.

Huh, now that I think about it Marietta is really shy, but she was speaking normally with Fran and Sera earlier. Perhaps they already knew each other.

Well Thank you.

Then, Fran mumbles that in a barely audible voice.

Whats with that? She actually thanked me normally. I thought she was the prudish, man-hating type. Was it that?

Did she become strangely meek after her illness?

But theres still a bit of a conflicted feeling. As for the fact that I flipped her skirt and saw her panties, that was half due to her disparaging attitude towards me up until that point, but half because I was honestly concerned about the rash on her thighs.

Being treated normally after all that, how do I say this, Im troubled. I feel distinctly guilty in retrospect. Not that I have any regrets.

But, Im probably making a pretty unpleasant face right now.

I quickly avert my gaze, and theres Ruruka silently flapping her mouth, trying to tell me something.

When I tilt my head, Ruruka gets annoyed and starts moving her mouth again. Thats-

R-E-S-T-R-O-M? What, were about to leave, go take care of it quickly.

No! Its that, the haras no, nevermind! Errr Im trying to tell you not to do that anymore!

I get it. Ruruka must be a bit angry after all. Ruruka allowed me to see her underwear and massage her, but that wasnt the case for her companions. Or wait, maybe she means that I shouldnt do those things with anyone but her.

? What do you mean?

Watching the exchange between me and Ruruka, Sera tilts her head curiously.

Were outside the city. Flanked by the knights, we advance down the highway. I was sure we would be riding in a carriage or something, but apparently were going on foot.

Well, since we have item boxes theres no need to use a carriage to transport our luggage, and they said itll only take about an hour on foot to reach the forest in the first place. Besides, horses probably wont enter the forest, either.

It might be too much effort to specifically bring horses for such a short distance and then have to post them outside the forest or send them back to the city.

As we walk, I watch the city of Merhatz gradually disappear into the distance. The weather is unfortunately cloudy, but the high stone wall surrounding the labyrinth city looks quite splendid.

Now that I think about it, this is my first time going outside the city. Ive spent my days almost entirely in the hospital, the tavern, or the labyrinth. Even though its the city Ive always been living in, just seeing it from the outside makes me feel like a tourist.

I never realized this until now, but the city is pretty huge, huh.

Thats right. Its such an impressive city, isnt it?

Yuel backs me up in a voice full of admiration. That reminds me, back when I bought Yuel she wasnt able to see anything with her eyes. This might be her first time seeing the city from the outside, too.

My, so you do understand.

An arrogant voice. I recognize it as Frans in an instant. She has a boastful expression, snickering with her hand on her hip.

What strange wind is blowing? I certainly didnt think she was the type to ever strike up a conversation with a man. She must be overflowing with patriotism.

Youve good eyes for such a young one; Father would surely be delighted.

Of course. She was talking to Yuel, of course. Wait, what does she mean by Father would be delighted? Was her father the construction foreman or something?

I have a feeling Im way off the mark on that one.

Noticing my bewilderment, Ruruka comes up beside me and whispers.

Yknow, Fran is actually the daughter of the lord of this city.


Ruruka moves a little further away from Fran and occasionally gestures at her.

Frans real name is Fran Luluna Meirhartz. Shes a noble daughter of the family thats ruled over this city for generations. Its not like shes particularly hiding it, but I thought I should let you know, Shiki. If you get in trouble for sexually harassing her, I wont defend you, got it?

Hold on a minute. Why is someone like that acting as an adventurer of all things?

Youll freak me out if you suddenly tell me such a thing. Whats that all about?

Err, thats, you see, how do I say this In the past, Frans father the lord, arranged a marriage interview for her. But Fran hated the idea of getting married to a man, and her marriage candidate well, apparently she rejected him by firing a magic attack into his nether regions.

So that her father would never bring up the topic of marriage interviews again.

Whoa. I knew she hated men, but thats being way too harsh on them. No matter how much healing magic exists, thats not something you should ever do. Oh, maybe thats why Ruruka kept her mouth shut about the details from the time I healed Fran.

I cant thank her enough.

That explains the thing about Marietta talking with her earlier. Its no surprise that the lords daughter would have connections within the knight brigade.

No, but even if shes acquainted with Marietta or the other knights, is it alright for them to bring the lords daughter outside the safety of the city walls? Fran is strong-willed, so maybe she demanded for them to bring her along.

Theres also the fact that they needed her as a guide for this particular mission.

But apparently, Fran was driven out of the house because of that incident. If youre that against him, I dont care if its a commoner or whoever but go find some man youd rather be with, or go fix your misandry, and dont come back until you do!.

Well, I say she was driven out, but he was still worried after all. She had always gotten along well with Sera, so he had Sera go with her as her attendant.

Seems that Fran still wants to inherit the title herself someday, so shes trying to win her fathers approval by stacking up enough achievements to overshadow her man-hating. And trying her hardest not to reveal her man-hating in front of her fathers acquaintances and so on.

Learn about the outside world and beat your personality into shape by yourself, something like that?

Even if Frans father tried to fix her man-hating by setting up marriage interviews and soires and whatnot, I doubt theres any nobleman whod want to go anywhere near a girl who might shoot magic attacks at his crotch. Her father might have had his hands tied.

When I take a peek in Frans direction, shes earnestly telling Yuel about something. I try to listen in, and it seems like it has something to do with the construction of Merhatzs city walls. That sounds terribly boring, but Yuel is listening intently. Fran seems like shes kinda enjoying it too.

Perhaps the two of them have something in common to commiserate over? Their chests, for instance.

By the time I finish my conversation with Ruruka and return to Yuels side, Yuel has gone on the offensive. Shes going on and on about Master is amazing!, Hes an honest, respectable person! and the rest of my wonderful qualities, which Fran is listening to with a bored expression.

I wonder why shes humoring Yuel at all when its about a man she hates, but I suppose even for Fran, ignoring that joyful face would pain her conscience.

It seems that in my absence, Yuel has been proselytizing about my greatness. That reminds me, Eris also told me, I heard that Yuels master was a wonderful person. I see, so thats how these misunderstandings have been spreading. Im in a good mood, though, so I dont think Ill stop her.

And then, as Yuels monologue is coming to a close, we arrive at the forest.

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