I Want To Lay the Very Best!

Side Story! – A Scoria Hot Night (18+)

Side Story! – A Scoria Hot Night (18+)

Washing up was easily Scoria's least favorite chore. She'd learned to keep herself amused while keeping the home in order, but there was nothing amusing about dishes. They had to be cleaned, and she would get her white fur wet doing it no matter how careful she was. As she ran the water, she gave a little derisive snort at the very concept of housework. Usually, she'd trick someone else into doing it, but Brandy was so thrilled about her new partners that keeping them from each other would have been cruel. Fenny was away being a genius in Motostoke, which was a shame because all Scoria had to do was bite Fenny's neck, breathe hot air down her spine, and the little sexpot would do anything Scoria asked.

Scoria sighed heavily, put on an apron to at least try to keep her white fur mane dry, and grabbed a scrubbing brush. She loved her family dearly, but she was a bit jealous everyone got to go off and have adventures. Her Bug spirit cried out to cause some mischief!

She was just about to dip her hands in the soapy water when a knock sounded on the door.

"Come in!" Scoria called as she tucked a lock of her long red hair behind her matching red curved horns. If life wanted to give her an excuse to put off the dishes, she would take it.

The sound of light drizzle echoed through the kitchen as the front door swung open. It'd started to spit down with rain outside, and the woman in the doorway had gotten caught out without an umbrella. Their beautiful long blonde hair lost some of its luster from the damp.

"Willow!" Scoria said, hand on her hip and dry scrubbing brush tapping her thigh. She had plenty of hip to cock, and she cocked them all the way for her. "Come in, sweetheart. Get warm and dry."

Willow was, as usual, perfectly proper about herself. She smoothed back her wet hair and tidied her clothes before pushing the front door shut and giving Scoria a polite nod. "Mrs. Joyce"

"Scoria, please." Scoria laughed, a deep throaty one with the crackling sound of a bonfire laced through. "You know last names are a human thing."

"Sorry, yes." Willow said, "Today's been a bit stressful. I hope I didn't offend."

"Of course not. Come, come on in. I'll make you a cup of tea."

No matter how rattled Willow was, she knew a cup of tea was not something you could refuse without a terribly good reason, so she came through to the kitchen and looked around at it surreptitiously as Scoria stood on her toes to get the kettle off the top shelf of the cabinet. If it showed off her butt, which was a damn good butt, then all the better.

"Is Brandy in?" Willow said as she pretended not to admire some incredibly Volcarona rear. "I'd like to give her some thanks."

"Busy," Scoria said. "You just missed her."

"Will she be long?"

Scoria laughed to herself and looked back at Willow with an impish smile. "First time in a warm bed with her new partners. She might be quick or all night. I've faith in my Larvesta it'll be the latter."

That got a blush out of Willow, making the Bug part of Scoria very smug with itself. Willow was a challenging lady to make blush for a lot of reasons.

"We can talk some and see if she tumbles out for air. How is Diana?" Scoria asked, picking out the biggest reason for Willow's lack of shame, her Falinks partner.

"Calming herself. She wanted to spend time with Maple, and I didn't want to be a distraction." Willow said, "You know how it is."

"Having six bodies is a little unique, even for Pokémon." Scoria said, "But I know how distracting it can be to have someone you love around. Does she still do that cute thing where she hugs herself when upset?"

Willow smiled, eyes glancing off to the side as she got lost in a memory of her partner. "She's moved up to kissing now, been working with her to help her love herself more. She barely argues with herself these days. Though Maple..."

"I heard," Scoria said as she returned with a teapot warmed by her own touch and poured Willow out a cup. "She bit off a lot going for someone like Mercury first."

"We've always encouraged her. Now we're worried that we didn't, maybe, raise her right doing that."

Scoria gave Willow a blue-eyed glare, freezing the woman mid-sip from the intensity of the glow in her blue eyes. It wouldn't do to let Willow think like this. "You know what Fenny and I are like?"


Scoria preened her horns and gave Willow a dazzling smile. "That's the first thing you noticed?"

"Reminds me of Diana, she's always got a body to spare for me. Or two."

Scoria slid round the table to take a chair by Willow. Her wings fluttered out behind her, six of them all leaf-shaped and pulsing between bright red and oranges. She wrapped one around Willow, the heat of her wing sinking into the woman, soothing muscles and drying her hair. A Fire Type hug was hard to beat on a rainy day.

"I take it you had a point," Willow said, though she didn't object to the wing hug, tugging at the corner of it to pull it tighter around her. To Scoria's delight, she let out a soft sigh of relief as she let the warm blanket of heat wash over her.

"I did, but now I want you to guess it and say more nice things about me."

Willow leaned her head to bump it against Scoria's horn. "Your Bug is showing."

"Indulge me."

"Affectionate, driven."

"Driven?" Scoria's glowing blue eyes perked up. "A polite way of saying I'm a flirt?"

"Maybe. I've heard plenty of stories. You are very focused when you want a lady and even more so when you get her." Willow said, "I've got a colleague at work who is a little smitten by you."

Scoria would try to guess who, but there wasn't really anyone at the Gym she hadn't tumbled into bed, and they'd all come away with big smiles.

"Well, I'm not apologizing for that."

"Unapologetic, also a trait."

Scoria squeezed Willow with her wing for the cheek, the sharp intake of breath at the pressure as cute as any squeal.

"Well, since you're straying into mean, I suppose you were close," Scoria said as she tucked an arm around Willow's waist. "We get distracted, with work, with women, with life. But we tried to do the best for Brandy, and we weren't ever perfect."

Willow batted at Scoria's arm, but it was a weak effort. She quickly stroked her fingers through the thick white fur along Scoria's arm. "There's seven of us."

"Two" Scoria said, "Diana may have six bodies, but we've had tea together. She struggles to be in two places at once and loses focus the more spread her attention is."

"I know that, but she can be with Maple and me simultaneously. We got more hands than most families." Willow sighed. "We still let things slip."

"Brandy has nothing but nice things to say about Maple. Maybe found her a little annoying with how confident she was, but Brandy never suggested it wasn't earned."

Willow ducked her head, still refusing to accept it so Scoria pulled her into her lap and ran a hand along the slim woman's legs. "I do know another woman who can be annoyingly confident in her opinions, to her own detriment."

"Now who is being mean?" Willow said, digging her fingernails into Scoria's arm. Scoria bit her earlobe in response, teasing the nub between her teeth as Willow let a groan wallow in her throat.

"You know I'm right. You did your best. Thinking you can be perfect is how Maple got into so much trouble." Scoria said, "She's a wonderful daughter, faults and all, be proud of her."

Willow blushed and buried her face in Scoria's wings, the shame burning inside her warmer than the Volcarona's wings. The heat attracted both the Bug and Fire inside Scoria, getting a woman all worked up and embarrassed? Perfect.

"I can tell you you've been a bad girl if you like," Scoria growled in Willow's ear, her fingers scratching along Willow's thighs. "Punish you for being so awful."

"Only one person being awful here." Willow spread her legs, letting Scoria slide her fingers right past the hem of her skirt. "I'm not the one who needs punishing."

"I'm right here," Scoria whispered into Willow's ear. Her hot breath made Willow tremble as it flowed through her ear canal and enflamed her thoughts. Or so it felt anyway. "Do your worst."

Willow took a deep breath, drawing it into her lungs to puff up her chest before she exhaled and let her shoulders slump. Scoria appreciated the view a lot, Willow's chest wasn't massive, but it was more than enough to draw the eye and keep it there. Then she reached under her skirt, laced her fingers around Scoria's, and forced the Volcarona to use her fingers to peel back Willow's panties and stroke at the slit beyond.

"If this is your idea of punishment, no wonder Maple felt she could do no wrong." Scoria teased and Willow squeezed her hands tight in response. Willow twisted her head to look at the tall moth-lady, giving her a death stare squint as her long blonde hair brushed against Scoria's cheeks.

"I don't see what everyone sees in you." she hissed, but she coaxed Scoria's fingers to continue. "You push your luck far too much."

Scoria wasn't about to fail to rise to the implicit challenge. She curled her fingers up inside Willow and rubbed them firmly along her folds, letting heat pour from her fingertips so Willow's insides couldn't help but get wet for her. The waves of heat went together with the pressure perfectly to leave Willow breathless. Willow pressed her knees together, her eyes closed as she let herself linger in the moment. Her lips parted for a content moan, just enough for Scoria to dive in for a kiss and tease Willow's tongue.

Scoria had a gifted tongue, a whip-like length that was dexterous enough to snag Willow's tongue and pull it out before she could work out what was happening. Scoria kept going once she had it, feeding out more of the slender wet muscle until she had an entire loop on Willow's tongue and enough extra length to give Willow a tongue necklace. It usually worked to get humans excited, and Willow was no exception. She panted hard and dug her nails into the soft fur along Scoria's arms, wordlessly communicating her needs. Stop teasing and start kissing the shit out of her.

Scoria kept her fingers stroking deep into Willow's wet pussy as she took her mouth with the same vigorous enthusiasm. She squeezed Willow's neck lightly with her tongue as their lips met around the wet length. It was just a teasing choke but enough to make the kissing that followed furiously needy, unlike the usually composed Willow. She'd stoked the fire, and now Willow was melting under her touch, the wetness pooling around Scoria's fingers as the gasps in the kiss came faster and faster. Scoria pushed her thumb inside Willow, and it had Willow snap her head back with a gloriously high-pitched wail. That didn't stop Scoria from stretching Willow's inner walls wide with flexing fingers curling around the thumb's thickness, rubbing spiralling lines over any spot that got Willow squirming.

Willow arched her back and pressed her weight on Scoria's thighs, hands grasping at Scoria's clothes for support. "Scoria!"

"Mmm?" Scoria said, voice a little muffled because she had her tongue wrapped around Willow's throat.


Scoria looked at the kitchen table. She could bend Willow over that; she didn't need to go all the way. Willow clasped her cheeks with both hands and stared into her eyes, voice firm and oh so needy.


Bedroom it was.


She could have been gentle about it, but Scoria was worked up, so she threw Willow right onto the bed. Willow yelped as she hit the covers, but she didn't have time to bounce free of their soft embrace before Scoria pounced right on top of her. Scoria's wings wrapped Willow up in a warm cocoon, and she peppered her face with kisses as the human laughed and tried to free her arms to give Scoria a punch.

"I'm not a sack of rice to toss about. Treat me nice!" Willow fumed as she was wrapped up pretty thoroughly in Scoria's wings.

"Rice is bland. You're much tastier." Scoria said as she licked around Willow's neck and nibbled away at her skin. Scoria didn't just believe in foreplay. She was here for all-out forewar.

"Cocky, rude, and a bad listener." Willow batted her hands at Scoria's chest before giving up and just getting a nice handful. Scoria wasn't just tall, she was all curves to play with, and Willow was only human. "Pretty, though. I hope Brandy isn't as bad an influence as you."

"Brandy's a sweetheart. I don't know where she gets it from." Scoria smiled, "And I'm an excellent listener, hanging on every beautiful word that comes out of that kissable mouth."

Willow snorted. "That kind of talk work on your usual lovers?"

"I can feel your heartbeat," Scoria said, pressing her chest to Willow's. Their breasts rubbed together through the cloth of their shirts as Scoria got as close as she could. "Thump, thump. It doesn't lie. You're enjoying this."

"I am," Willow admitted as she pressed her mouth against Scoria's, tongue slipping out to taste her lips. Scoria tried to take her with her tongue again, but Willow bit Scoria's top lip to ward it off. She wouldn't be entirely pliant to everything Scoria did, her hands pressing between them to attack Scoria's shirt buttons. "Enjoy it more once I've got these clothes off you."

"Want to see if your colleague's stories are true?" Scoria said with a satisfied buzz. Her wings grew a little warmer from the pleasure of getting Willow worked up. Fire types were unfairly seen as horny messes, but the truth was they loved passion in their partners and themselves. Foreplay and buildup was a Fire Type art.

"Those stories were quite unbelievable," Willow said as she picked Scoria's shirt buttons apart. A little growl of appreciation in her throat at the lacy black bra Scoria wore underneath. "If you can live up to half of it, you'll be doing very well."

Well, that was a challenge, one Scoria happily accepted by diving down and claiming Willow's mouth once again. Her hands went to the hem of Willow's skirt, smoothing it down Willow's legs with gentle pushes to reveal dark blue satin panties.

"How sweet. Did you get dressed up nice for me?" Scoria said, her blue eyes shining smugly at Willow. Willow pulled her top apart with one smooth jerk of her hands, sending buttons bouncing all over the bedroom as they snapped off. Scoria didn't stop grinning as even Willow pulled her arms back to remove the sleeves and dipped Scoria's face down into her chest. "Oho, what's the matter, Willow? You're used to handling six women at once. Am I too much for you?"

The teasing wasn't lost on Willow, who grabbed Scoria's horns and forced her head down. Scoria rubbed her head along Willow's body as she put up a play fight to force Willow to put some muscle into it. She had a good grip though and soon had Scoria face first in those blue panties, Willow taking deep breaths above her as she tried to calm down.

"Diana has done things to me you could only dream of. You're going to be fighting very hard tonight for second place."

"We'll see." Scoria trilled and tugged down Willow's panties with a finger as the human kept a firm grip on her horns. It was an undeniable power play from Willow, who had thoroughly lost control otherwise. The composed woman didn't want to admit Scoria was pushing all her buttons. Well, she'd have her singing a different song soon enough. Wiggling her butt in the air so Willow could enjoy the sight of her thick hips, Scoria gripped Willow's ass and pulled her closer, feeling the warm heat of a pussy that wasn't even trying to hide its excitement for Scoria. She gave it a lap with the tip of her tongue, a gentle roll around the edges of the lips, and savored the quiet moan of pleasure that slipped past Willow's teeth.

"She goes down on you?" Scoria said sweetly. "You're acting all virginal right now."

"Three at a time. Less talk, more tongue." Willow commanded, and she had a good voice for it. Imperious but needy, she was open with what she wanted and firm with how much she wanted it. She wanted more tongue? Scoria could do that.

Scoria took one last moment to admire the view before she stuck her tongue between Willow's thighs, licking up the juices dripping down her legs from the excitement and heat of just having Scoria near her. She wanted to tease Willow with what she was in for and curled her tongue at the speed of a glacier. An achingly slow advance that let Willow get comfortable with how much wet muscle was lashing at her walls and compose herself before cramming in even more that had Willow's toes curl and her thighs press against Scoria's head as she made some delightfully throaty moans.

Scoria's tongue wasn't particularly thick, but its unreal length let her use it with precision to hone in on any bit of Willow's insides that made her squirm and then lavish it with attention, the tip of her tongue drawing intricate works of art on Willow's wet, trembling flesh. She had more tongue than Willow had space to take it, so she curled it back in on itself, turning into a writhing mass that had Willow's feet scraping along the bedcovers as her head pounded back into a pillow. Scoria was thankful for her strong neck, or else Willow could have used her horns to twist her head right off. She worked her tongue tip back up along Willow's folds and found the clit among the writhing mess of tongue. She licked at it gently, building sensitivity as Willow tried to piece together a coherent thought through the waves of pleasure.

"Scoria," Willow groaned and humped Scoria's face with her hips, using Scoria's as handlebars to swing on. Her name sounded ever so sweet in Willow's mouth right now, and she redoubled her efforts to try to coax more cries of it out. It worked. To Scoria's delight, Willow seemed to be a bit of a screamer, and soon her name was being sung out into the room. Some other muffled screams were among them, but she paid them no mind. She was focused on Willow's pleasure right now. All else could wait.

As Willow was tongue lashed toward what would no doubt be a thunderous orgasm, her hands got slick with sweat and slipped off Scoria's horns. Willow wasn't about to give up the tongue, her legs closed around Scoria's head, and she grabbed handfuls of Scoria's red hair to hold on.

"Your tongue." Willow mewled. "Too much."

Scoria smiled and wormed back down, forcing her tongue deeper between the tight folds of Willow's pussy, careful not to tie her tongue in a knot. She could feel Willow's muscles twitching and clenching around her tongue. She could taste the sweetness of the woman as juices flowed from Willow's pussy. Willow leaned her head over, trying to muffle her cries with a pillow. Still, she couldn't fully bury her face, so half of the loud cries escaped and echoed off the bedroom walls.

"I'm gonna cum!" Willow whimpered and rocked her hips against Scoria's tongue. "Oh fuck, already?"

Scoria felt Willow's body tense. Willow had the stamina to be with a partner with six bodies, but Scoria was delighted to find out that didn't stop her from having a hair trigger. She was going to absolutely ruin this beautiful woman before the night was done. Willow rushed fast towards orgasm, so Scoria did what she knew she had to.

Scoria stopped eating her out, her tongue slack while still stuffed in Willow's pussy.

"Nooo!" Willow cried, a completely undignified cry, as she rolled her hips against Scoria's tongue to try to finish herself. "Come on! Scoria!"

Scoria couldn't exactly reply with her tongue stuffed deep inside the woman, but she gave her an impish glare instead. Let her decide what that meant.

"Scoria, please? I'll beg. You're pretty. Wonderful." Willow said, chest heaving. A sheen of sweat on her skin suited her. She had a lovely fit body either inherited from her Fighting Type lover or just the result of having to keep a woman with six bodies happy. "Sexy. Hot. Powerful. Please? Please, please, please."

Scoria slurped her tongue out of Willow with one long, a spiraling roll of her head and pushed Willow right to the edge of an orgasm. "You don't need to beg me, darling," Scoria said as she licked her lips and let a little lick of fire light up on the end of it. The flickering flame sunk into her tongue, coating it with a heat haze as Scoria took a moment to set up her Move correctly. Fire Wheel was usually very showy, but Fenny had helped her find other uses. The hot tip of her tongue pressed back to Willow's pussy, making the human squirm, but it didn't burn her. It was just a flush of warm heat that soothed muscles and revived exhausted nerves. Readying Willow to feel every little bit of what was to come.

Scoria began to corkscrew her tongue into Willow with a flick of the long muscle. Willow was so on edge after nearly orgasming that it only took a few moments for her to start thrashing against Scoria's tongue. Scoria got a firm hold of Willow's hips so she could work properly, angling her body so it was easy to slide her tongue in and out of the sopping wet pussy. Once she had a good position, she abused it mercilessly, twisting her tongue into a corkscrew to slowly work it deeper and deeper into Willow.

Willow moaned so loudly Scoria thought she'd come early, but it was just her being a delightful screamer again. For such a usually sensible and preppy woman, she sure knew some colorful swearwords to yell when she was getting drilled down on. Willow tried to muffle herself with a pillow, but she was really noisy, and Scoria liked that, so she worked extra hard to make sure her screams into the pillow still echoed through the room.

The corkscrew of sweltering heat that cored Willow out was far too much for the woman to handle. Scoria barely had to focus on hitting the right spots to drive Willow crazy. She could hear the humans heartbeat quicken to a thunderous beat and her screams crack as she needed to breathe in frantic gasps. She managed a few more ecstatic cries of Scoria's name. Then the touchpaper she'd lit within Willow finally came to an incredible explosion. Scoria felt the woman's wet walls clamp down on her tongue, her muscles clenching and tensing as she came hard.

"Scoria! Legendary!" Willow screamed as she thrashed her body against Scoria's face. Scoria loved it. She lapped up every last drop of her lover's sweet nectar as much as she did the praise, savoring the strong taste of a human who'd hit a ridiculous height of pleasure.

Willow held her hands over her heart as she took deep, steadying breaths. Scoria crawled up her body and fluttered her wings over Willow's arms, the soft brushes of her wings' fur making Willow giggle. Scoria laid her body's weight on Willow and stared down at her with big bright eyes. "Legendary am I?"

Willow blushed and tried to look away, but Scoria turned her head back with a hand. She was going to get an answer for this one.

"I meant," Willow chewed the word as she tried to think of an excuse. "It was okay."

"Okay? I think they heard you in Motostoke. You inherit an extra set of lungs from Diana?"

"No, nothing physical like that. Stamina, strength," she trailed off and mumbled something under her breath. Scoria leaped on it as she ground their hips together and teased Willow with the bulge in her skirt.

"And?" Scoria smiled. "You're an educator, Willow. I expect a full answer."

Willow blushed even deeper, squeezing her eye shut so she didn't have to look at the grinning Scoria. Which just meant what she felt was more vivid. The firmness of the hard length Scoria pressed against her thigh, fingers with long nails that left teasing trails along her skin as they massaged Willow's sides. Scoria's hot breath washed over her face poured down her cleavage and made her sweat all the harder. She just couldn't hold out against it.

"Multi-orgasmic. I tend to come a lot." Willow tried to tail off, but Scoria's stare got the whole truth out of her. "Six times as much."

"And you're embarrassed about that?" Scoria laughed. "Willow! That's incredible. Fenny would be jealous. I'll have to take care not to break you."

"Liar. You're going to take full advantage of it. You're a flirt and a rascal."

Scoria flicked a web shot back to hit the end of her skirt and flicked it off herself with a quick tug. Willow craned her head to try to look at her ass and from how hard she bit her bottom lip, she liked what she saw.

"I was going to take full advantage of you no matter what, blondie, but it's good to know you're going to be cumming hard and often for me."

"You need the help?" Willow said and wilted back into the bed covers at Scoria's unamused look. But getting such a strong reaction spurred her on to keep teasing. "You're only one Pokémon, after all. I joined Turrfield Gym because I'm used to being in bed with a whole team."

Scoria couldn't fault Willow for her pride in her partner Diana. Any couple together for long enough tended to end up fiercely devoted to each other. Being bonded to a Falinks had to be a tough challenge. One that Willow seemed to relish, Maple probably had gotten her fearless attitude more from Willow herself than anything they'd taught her. But because Willow had a good reason to be proud didn't mean Scoria would accept second place. She was proud that she could make a woman melt underneath her, and Willow was a welcome challenge.

Scoria leaned forward, kissed Willow, and rolled her cock over her stomach. Scoria grabbed the bottom of Willow's shirt and pulled it up over Willow's head, revealing her toned body with a pair of nicely shaped breasts that hadn't shown even a bit of age and a tight stomach. The delightful perks of being with a Fighting Type. The head of her cock sketched out the lightly toned lines of Willow's stomach muscles and made the human shiver as she felt what was coming. Scoria was only a little above average when it came to size, but she had her own ways of breaking even the worst of size queens. Willow was wet and eager, which was perfect to finally get into the actual fucking. With enough buildup, you could rattle anyone's brain in their skull.

Willow gasped as Scoria pushed through her folds smoothly, filling her up and stretching her out. Her legs spread slightly, and she arched her neck back as Scoria pinned down her shoulders and let those Fighting gifted muscles squeeze down on her cock. Dripping wet and exquisitely tight, a combination that made Scoria's toes curl and wings flutter. She wanted to pound Willow, but pussy this good wouldn't make that easy.

"Now, where am I going to find a whole team?" Scoria teased and slowly pumped her hips, sliding through her tight lover and enjoying every bit of resistance. It was intense for both of them, Scoria's gasps and Willow's groans synching up perfectly. Their bodies were slick with sweat as the heat between them grew, Scoria was always warm, but she burned extra-hot when in a beautiful woman. Their skin slipped over each other as she dug deep into herself to draw out a Move.

Scoria's wings buzzed loudly behind her as Willow pawed at her side. Scoria slid her body over Willow's skin, her breasts pressed down on Willow's and kneaded, her hips rolled to stir her cock through Willow's wet insides. A slow, sensuous dance that tingled as Scoria's furiously beating wings built up speed. Willow's eyes were drawn to the black dots on Scoria's red wings as the flickering wings began to make intricate patterns. Mesmerized as Scoria's Quiver Dance captured Willow in its web.

Willow's confused scream at the first illusory kiss got an evil chuckle out of Scoria as the Quiver Dance began to create afterimages. Though that wasn't quite the right word, they didn't just follow Scoria's moves. The brief copies of herself made out of a fiery red glow could be directed, and their touch felt all too real for Willow. Especially when one briefly tugged that gorgeous blonde hair back with one hand and crammed several inches of cock down her moaning throat. Willow's shocked splutter came through clearly as the image faded away, only to be replaced by one that squeezed her chest together and slid its length through her breasts.

"Scoria!" Willow sounded almost offended, but the excitement threaded through that word was clear.

"Which one?" Scoria teased and flipped Willow over onto her front. That got her first mini-orgasm as her insides slid around her dick, and Willow pressed her face into the pillow to moan as her pussy clenched down on Scoria's dick. A few fire copies kissed her cheeks and all down her back, ruffled her hair, and gave her some loving squeezes, their hot lips and handprints leaving behind flushed marks all over Willow's body.

Willow's reply was lost as another fire image took her throat. As she mewled over the glowing cock in her mouth, another copy appeared before Scoria and took Willow from behind. A brief moment of triple stuffing for the lover of orgies was enough to really have Willow screaming in ecstasy, she had such a hair trigger for her orgasms, and Scoria was pushing her buttons hard right now. Her insides fluttered along Scoria's cock as Scoria pounded Willow into the bedsheets. Quiver Dance didn't have to do afterimages, but there was an extra fun trick when she did. As Scoria withdrew, a fiery afterimage flowed out of her body and thrust forward, as she pounded forward, she felt the heat of her afterimage blow through her as it fluttered back.

Scoria didn't use this trick often, mainly because she liked her Partners to last longer, but Willow was a master at fucking multiple partners, and she could take it. The experience of being fucked twice over by Scoria and her fiery afterimage pushed Willow hard past the edge, and she cried out and thrashed as she came. Once, twice, it just kept happening until she couldn't even get enough breath to scream, hot panted breaths as orgasms crashed into each other and completely overwhelmed her.

Scoria couldn't resist a slap to that ass. Willow yelped at the shock of pain amongst the delight of pleasure, and another fiery clone took her throat again, and she gulped down on it like it was a sweet treat. It was a real shame Scoria couldn't share her feeling with her Quiver Dance images. She'd just have to enjoy that mouth for herself later.

"I can't believe you're still going," Scoria said after a few minutes of seemingly endless orgasms from Willow. Scoria's cock was fully lubed up with Willow's juices; the wicked tightness of this gorgeous woman's pussy was a breeze to pound hard. Willow hadn't got a coherent word out for a while now, but every time Scoria tried to slow, she'd press needily back onto Scoria's dick. It impressed the hell out of Scoria, she'd had a few who could keep up with her before, but even Fenny would struggle to endure all this and not pass out. Willow was seemingly insatiable, her body undulating in perfect time to pleasure Scoria, her eyes an unfocused delirium of ecstasy.

She'd wanted to have Willow pass out at least once before she came, but she was just too much for Scoria to hold on that long. Her back ached from beating her wings fast enough to keep all her fire images going, but she made one more push as she felt the tightness of an oncoming orgasm. The fire images were merciless, mouth, ass, breasts, every inch of Willow was assaulted with cock, and she reached out to try to stroke and suck with masterful skill. Diana better appreciate just how good this woman was, or Scoria would have some words.

The heat of it all had made the room absolutely sweltering. Scoria's images burst apart in one last hot blast of air like a vent had opened to let the pressure out of her whole body. Her fingers dug deep grooves into Willow's ass as she held on. Willow's back arched all the way as she felt it coming. Scoria's whole world went white with pleasure as she came hard, a rushing release deep into Willow's pussy that had Willow biting the pillow madly as she writhed on the end of Scoria's cock. She held firm for as long as she could, but it eventually became too much, and Scoria's legs buckled under her and dropped her onto Willow's back. Even stuffed full of Volcarona cock, there just wasn't enough room in Willow to hold it all, they'd made an almighty mess, and it'd already been pretty bad from how often Willow had come.

They took some time to get their breath back, their bodies rising and falling together as they caught their breath.

Willow looked up and smiled, starry-eyed with pleasure, and all her worries thoroughly washed away. "Again?"

"Again!" Scoria scoffed. "You're insatiable."

"Not got it in you?" Willow grinned. She was still twitching; petite after-shock orgasms from it all made her body tense under Scoria and squeeze in some delightful ways.

"Oh, sweetheart," Scoria said as she pushed herself up. "If that improved your mood then I'm not even close to done with you. You're leaving here all smiles."


Willow let the shower water flow over her body as she ran her fingers through her hair. It'd been fun, but Scoria had clearly been pent up with Fenny gone, and she'd absolutely plastered Willow in cum. Even some early morning showers hadn't gotten it all out. Everything felt sticky again, her hair worst of all. It would take a lot of shampoo to clear this all out. At least the water helped soothe her muscles, she was more than used to ridiculous bouts of sex, but this would be a highlight for her for quite some time. She'd have to get Diana and Scoria to share tips sometime. What the two could cook up would be wonderful.

It was nice of Scoria to do this for her, help dispel her worries about Maple, and take the pressure off Diana to perform. Not that the Firebug hadn't had plenty of her own fun at Willow's expense, but all in all, it had been gratifying. Now Maple was making friends with Brandy, and Scoria was cooking food. Everything was good. Hopefully, they hadn't noticed how fucked silly she'd been. It could embarrass the pair of them.

No, they'd probably not noticed. They were just young adults, and it'd be a while before they picked up on subtle things like that.

The shower curtain twitched aside, but Willow was too busy doing her hair to look as the shampoo ran down over her eyes. She didn't need to look to know who was there anyway, not when warm wings wrapped around her and a hand went down to her pussy, stroking some of the water up to clean her out.

"Scoria! I'm getting clean," she said, though her heart wasn't in it. She was immensely fond of the Volcarona right now.

"I'm helping. You're missing spots." Scoria said and stroked her fingers up into her as she slid the length of her cock between Willow's thighs. "Deep in here, very messy."

"And you got a way to clean it?" Willow growled, and she bumped her shoulders back against the tease. They sunk into soft breasts. She'd forgotten in all that lying down just how tall Scoria was. She tried to blink away the shampoo, but it was all over her face and stung, so she had to just work it out by feeling. This got pretty easy when hands grabbed her hips and pushed her whole chest against the wet bathroom tile.

"I never did get to Struggle Bug you, but it's perfect for deep cleans," Scoria said as the ridge of her cock stroked over Willow's slit. She didn't even try to fight it. She wanted it, squirming her hips to try to hilt herself.

"Struggle Bug? Isn't that a weak move?"

"Oh, sweetheart. You should listen to your colleague's stories more carefully." Scoria said as she thrust forward. "Pay attention, Gym Teacher. I'll give you a lesson in why you should never put down weak moves."

Scoria's cock stirred inside her as she picked up speed and crushed Willow against the tile. It was rough and rather nice to get it that way, but nothing overly special. Until Scoria kept building up speed faster and faster. Hammering away any resistance inside Willow, burning a line through her folds as she hit a pace too quick to follow. Water sprayed everywhere as Willow shook from the impact. Surely she had to stop? It was like she was moving so fast she was vibrating!

Scoria didn't stop. She pressed Willow into the tiles and bounced her on her cock so fast the slapping of their flesh together became almost a purr. She'd always been easy to make come, but usually, it took more than a few seconds! A fresh orgasm rose in her as her body squeezed tight around Scoria's cock. The air slammed out of her lungs as she shivered, her head thrown back and her spine rigid.

"Fuck! Scoria, too fast!"

Scoria paid her cries no mind and didn't slow. She just got her hands around Willow's breasts to protect them from the tile, her fingers vibrating with speed just as much as Scoria's cock was. Struggle Bug was meant to be weak! This was a furious assault that soon had every inch of Willow's pussy rubbed on hard by a stiff vibrating length that dragged through her completely heedless of how tightly she squeezed back.

Willow came again, tried to reach back to paw at Scoria, got her fingers lightly bitter, and came again from the shock of that!

"Holy fuck!" she gasped, shaking and unable to breathe. What was wrong with her? Why was she coming so damn fast?

Struggle Bug. She'd been warned, but she hadn't listened. She should have listened.

"I'll be quick," Scoria promised, and Willow felt relief flood her. She wouldn't last five minutes like this.

"Food should be ready in half an hour. You're going to be hungry after. I'm sure the girls will sneak out," Scoria licked along Willow's throat, and even her vibrating tongue sent Willow's body twisting into another heart-fluttering orgasm. Half a fucking hour! She was going to be dead four times over before that. "You're too beautiful to let go without getting to enjoy all of me. So relax, and enjoy it."

Willow didn't do much relaxing, but she did plenty of enjoying.

Scoria got full marks after. Almost. Willow took one off for not being Diana, but she couldn't wait to put them both in a room and review her results.

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