I Want To Lay the Very Best!

76 – Bottoms Up (18+)

76 – Bottoms Up (18+)


That was all Brandy got out of her brain right now, which was a problem because she really needed it. There were signs a plan had gone wrong, and having your face stuffed into the chest of a massive titted Dubwool while a small gaggle of Wooloo with golden eyes fingerfuck, sucked on nipples, and smothered your body were some very clear signs. This was not the best situation to be in.

It was also the very best situation to be in, which was why all Brandy's brain was giving her right now was a contented fuzz. Everywhere her hands grasped for support sunk into soft woolen cloaks or supple, dark skin. The sound of her moans muffled deep into Valerie's chest. It reverberated through her skin, which made Valerie tighten her grip even more firmly on Brandy and keep her stuffed deep in the most wonderful of marshmallow hells.

Brandy felt someone had tipped her head to the side and let her brain pour right out. She just wanted to let all these women use her, have fun, and enjoy themselves.

There was just so much to process. All the fingers worked in unison to coax trembling reactions from her pussy. It was like she was getting fucked by a Tentacruel, a messy, frenzied experience but done with enough care and love, they weren't ravaging her. Ensuring she was overwhelmed, her legs spasmed and kicked as little shockwaves rippled through her. Like popping mini-orgasms, the fizzling fuse for something massive.

That alone would have been enough to floor her, but there was so much more. Wet, rough tongues licked the sweat off her skin, and soft lips kissed her neck and ground playful bites into her breasts. It was like she was a buffet, and all the fluffy Pokémon piled on her were trying to load up as much as they could before Brandy gave out.

They were right to rush because Brandy could feel her strength fading as pleasure soaked her muscles. Her body slumped into Valerie's muscular arms, so wonderfully firm, and the Dubwool tenderly brushed her hair. "That's it. You let me take care of you, sweet thing. Valerie's going to make you feel good."

Valeries' heavily motherly attitude wasn't Brandy's thing, but she made up for it in many other ways. She was just so lovely to touch, a gorgeous mix of soft curves and stiff, muscled limbs. Like someone had mashed her favorite parts of Sparky and Calcine together, it was hard not to drift off into the moment.

Calcine and Sparky were off fighting off some of the stray Wooloo, keeping them away from the fight. Worried for their Trainer, they'd started using their Moves more aggressively without Brandy to direct them. That had just made things worse for them as Wooloo had copied and was now firing back with flaming webs and crackling explosions of thunder. She couldn't see them, but the noise was enough to know they were putting up a hell of a fight. Brandy was going to have to manage on her own for a while.

For Calcine and Sparky, she tried to pull her mind back together. If they were going to fight hard, she had to as well. The situation wasn't hopeless, just very bad. To start, she needed to let Valerie let her guard down some because Brandy wouldn't have any kind of comeback drowning in Valerie's cleavage.

Brandy muffled a message, and Valerie pulled her free of her chest. A thumb stroked Brandy's throat as she looked up into Valerie's golden eyes. She seemed to enjoy the situation. Were Dubwool's just Wooloo, who had a bit more of a dominant streak? It'd fit their bigger, brasher look. "What's the matter, sweetie?"

"Want." Brandy gasped, not even able to finish the sentence. She rolled her hip back against two of the women who had rubbed up to her rear. Her butt crushed into their crotches, and they tittered and gripped onto Brandy as she massaged their cocks through their cute summer shorts.

"But my girls want to take good care of you." Valerie laughed as that thumb traveled up to stroke under Brandy's chin. Brandy gurgled as Valerie massaged a moan out of her, her motherly act might be odd, but her skill wasn't. Valerie knew how to push buttons, and she pushed hard. "It's not enough for you to enjoy this, you have to want us to do everything for you. Give in, indulge fully, have nothing left to want."

Were Wooloo secretly terrifying? The cute fluffy women were a common sight in Turrfield. Everyone who dated a Wooloo had nothing but love when they talked about them. But was that because the Wooloo wanted to be loved? Would do anything for it?

She knew someone like that, a short yellow terror who often got herself in trouble to show she mattered. So not scary, but a desire she understood. They wanted to please, oh so badly. A better Trainer could have used that and had them all eating out of her hand, but Brandy wasn't a good trainer when it came to being in charge. She liked that her Pokémon pushed back and even took the reins now and then. She'd started off wanting to always be on top, but she'd learned being underneath was not only just as much fun but came with a power of its own.

"Strip," Brandy gasped and fluttered her eyes at Valerie as two Wooloo kissed at her legs and then licked under her skirt towards that mass of fingers. Adding two tongues to the tentacle-like mess in there did not help her at all, Brandy squirmed so hard that her feet kicked right off the ground. She didn't even need to fake some want in her voice. She was full of it right now. "Want to see all of you! Please!"

Valerie locked eyes with Brandy and ran her hands up her wetted thighs, taking her time as she made Brandy shiver. She leaned in close, and one Wooloo squeaked as she became a brief hat for Valerie's heavy breasts so Valerie could lean in and whisper in Brandy's ear. "You're going to get exactly what you want."

Brandy felt a blush burn on her cheeks as Valerie stepped back and stripped with a playful slowness. Valerie had put on an outfit not unlike Calcine's old gym wear for this, a tight black top and shorts practically painted on, both not up to the job of containing her curves. This meant Valerie's attempt to sexily roll it off just ended up with it all bunched up around her chest. It covered her eyes as she got stuck, trying to pull free. She wanted to play it off as cool, but eventually, her muscular arms strained to pull her top free.

Thank goodness Lea loved her Pokémon thick enough to get stuck in doorways.

"Damn thing, come on!" Valerie hopped to loosen it, which was a real sight to behold as a mountain of tit-flesh bounced in front of Brandy so close to her she was lucky to not get a concussion. One of Sparky's webs sailed through the air to try to snag Val, but a Wooloo cut out with an incinerate bolt, and another tackled the far-off Sparky back into the smoke.

Well, if Sparky couldn't capitalize, Brandy would, so she dove forward against the pull of all the Wooloo holding her and kissed the underside of Valerie's chest, and took the weight of her chest in her hands. Valerie's breasts were a handful and a half and spilled between Brandy's fingers as she pushed them up. Valerie gave a huffed moan at the sensation, seemingly annoyed at how good it felt.

"Let me take care of you. Stay still!"

"No!" Brandy said, "You're struggling. Let me take care of you."

Abs, delicious Dubwool abs, Valerie's arms were a treat to look at, and her stomach was another wonder. She could have grated cheese on them but had to settle for Brandy's face as she just got in there and rubbed herself along them lustily. "Come on, girls," Brandy said to the Wooloo, who were trying to turn her legs to jelly. "Copy me."

They blinked, confused at what Brandy was asking, but they wanted to help Brandy, and Brandy wanted to help Valerie. So clearly, they had to help Valerie, too, with fingers still curled deep in Brandy's pussy. They moved to help rub their faces over Valerie's stomach and tease at the bottom of her breasts. They were trying to free Valerie's top, but Brandy had her fingers hooked into it and held it down so they couldn't get it free.

Valerie laughed, "Girls, please! Focus on Brandy!" but it was no good. Wooloo saw a lady in need, and they couldn't help themselves. Brandy finally got Valerie's belt off with her free hand and tossed it away. A few helpful Wooloo curled down Valerie's pants and kissed along her firm thighs. Brandy was relieved to not be facing another monster cock so soon after Mercury. Valerie was average. For a Pokémon. Which was still big enough to make her squirm inside, but at least she wasn't going to get her insides fully re-arranged.

Right, she had Valerie tied up with herself and her dick out. Now she needed to seal the deal and take her down.

Damn it. Maybe Brandy was a Pillow Trainer, after all.

Bah! This didn't count. This was a tactically necessary dick-sucking!

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