I Want To Lay the Very Best!

148 – Praise Me Like You Should (18+)

148 – Praise Me Like You Should (18+)

Brandy loved a lot of things about Sparky; her jokes, while awful, usually made Brandy smile, and her enthusiasm was infectious. She loved how hard Sparky worked to be helpful, even if she acted like it wasn't a big deal. Sparky had an incredible talent for making Brandy moan; her electricity made everything feel good, and she had plenty to press on Brandy and just frazzle her mind. 

But right now, she was enjoying one crucial aspect of Sparky. Her fur was cuddly as hell. 

Brandy nuzzled the fluff with her chin as she held Sparky close, feeling the Bug's breath on her skin and her body's gentle, excited buzz. 

"You're the best," Brandy mumbled. "Love you." 

"Yeah, you do," Sparky said and licked the top of Brandy's chest. "I'm fucking adorable."

It was a cheeky response, but Sparky was close enough to feel their bond's happy pulse. Sparky craved her recognition, and Brandy was delighted to give it. The Bug had earned plenty. 

"Not just adorable. You'd still show me a good time if Morgan wasn't here." Brandy said, "I don't think I could be with you and not enjoy myself. Not just sex, though; wow, the sex is good. I just love being with you."

Sparky didn't respond, and while Sparky had tucked herself below Brandy's eyeline, Brandy didn't need to see her cheeks to know they were blushing. The trembling tension in Sparky's body, the nuzzling against Brandy's body, and tiny pecking kisses. That barely audible content buzz from the back of Sparky's throat. Super fucking cute.

"I can go," Morgan teased. "If I'm intruding on you two lovers."

"As if I'm falling for that!" Brandy snorted. "You're going to fuck us both stupid, no matter what I say. I can feel that dick between my thighs."

Morgan just laughed and gave a few gentle hip thrusts to rub her dick up and down Brandy's skin slowly.   

"You're getting to know me really quickly," Morgan said. "You're not wrong. You both deserve it. A reward for listening to your Goddess."

There was a long, silent pause, and then Brandy and Sparky cracked up together, laughing as they pressed their head together. 

"Goddess!" Sparky cackled. "Wow. Wow! Someone has an ego."

"Oh, we're not playing along now, are we?" Morgan huffed.

"We are, we are," Brandy agreed, trying to stifle her giggles. "Totally playing along. My Goddess of Stacked Card Games." 

"Goddess of raw Calcine Thirst." 

"Goddess of Butt Appreciation," Brandy said, wiggling her rear at Morgan. 

Morgan got her claws into the butt, squeezing and letting Dark energy flow through her nails. The pain converted itself to pleasure and made Brandy moan, clinging onto Sparky for support.

"And I thought we were Partners. I see I'm actually dealing with two brats."

"Aww, does the poor Goddess not like her followers being naughty?" 

Sparky said, kicking her legs at the bottom of Morgan's wings. "What're you going to do about it? Spank us?"

The betrayal! Morgan couldn't get at Sparky's butt, and she barely had to tense before she felt a feathery wing swat against her cheeks. The pleasure of it was dizzying. Brandy didn't just let out a cute moan this time; she was so loud she blew back Sparky's fur. She writhed against Sparky, who was still fully hilted inside her and sensitive enough that Sparky crushed her head into the table surface and tried to hold back her own moans. 

"Brats," Morgan grumbled, but she was still grinning.

"Mmh, we're sorry, Goddess," Brandy mumbled, trying to hold back her giggles. "We get awed by your majesty and can't help acting out."

"Yeah, Brandy's right. We're both being naughty and disobedient and stuff." Sparky nodded.

"Uh-huh," Morgan said, and her claws dug deeper into Brandy's flesh, making her whimper and wriggle back against Morgan's firm grip. "Let's do something about that."

"This is the best," Sparky mumbled, eyes wide as she watched Morgan work. "The best day."

"Oh, don't think I forgot about you, Bug," Morgan said, squeezing. Weirdly, Brandy knew Morgan was pressing into her skin, but she didn't feel anything but a light pressure. Sparky, however, nearly bit the tip of her tongue off.

"Fuck," Sparky hissed. "That's so good. What'd you do?"

Brandy looked over her shoulder and watched Morgan press her thumbs deep into the small of Brandy's back. Sparky's whole body trembled beneath her. Morgan's thumbs moved down Brandy's spine, a cool stroke that felt like no more than a light caress for Brandy. Sparky couldn't handle it as easily. Her body had become like jelly, limp and twitching with every stroke.

"Brandy!" Sparky squeaked, "Ah, it's like she's running her fingers along my dick while it's inside you. I'm going to cry if she keeps this up. It's so fucking good."

What moves did Morgan have that could do that? Feint Attack was more her pleasure dealing claws, and Astonish let her teleport, so only one was left. One they had yet to see much. 

"You're using Foul Play," Brandy said, "You can do things to me, and she feels it in a different place?"

"Clever girl." Morgan said, "I can swap round sensation if I'm close enough. Why don't you take a lick of Sparky's tongue and see?"

Brandy leaned in to do just that. Sparky's mouth was already hanging open, and it was easy to tease out her tongue and tussle with it. Immediately she felt a wet swirl curl around Sparky's cock inside her. A phantom lick that made Brandy's insides shiver at the unexpected touch. She felt that lick, the same place along Sparky's cock as Brandy's tongue.

"Oh, wow," Brandy gasped and tentatively licked harder. It was a mistake as her whole body tensed from the sudden shock of an unexpected double stuffing. It felt good but also weird as hell to eat herself out while getting fucked? The possibilities of this Move were absolutely crazy.

"Oh, that's nice," Sparky mumbled, tongue licking back at Brandy, which felt doubly strange. Like being stirred up by two overlapping cocks, rubbing and stroking inside her, teasing over her walls, and just flooding her with more sensation than Brandy could possibly handle.

"I'm not doing anything, and she's squeezing on me like I'm nailing her to the wall." Sparky groaned, "Fuck, so good."

Morgan grinned and adjusted her hat. "So, my two cute little Brats. Going to behave now?"

Brandy nodded her brain already a frazzled mess. Sparky could barely answer, lost in the feeling of Brandy squeezing her. At the same time, Morgan's rubbing fingers along Brandy's back also reflected to caress Sparky's dick. A complete mess of crossed wires that Morgan was puppeteering masterfully. 

"Good, because you've not seen anything yet," Morgan said, and her hands drifted down to get a hold of Brandy's hips. Brandy could only lay there, helpless, as Morgan pulled Brandy up a few inches. She knew what was coming, Morgan was going to fuck her ass, but that didn't mean anything anymore. Morgan could use Foul Play to push anything they felt somewhere else, which meant she could do almost anything to them. 

Terrifying in theory but so fucking exciting. 

Morgan took her sweet time lining up. Maybe she was applying some lubrication, or perhaps she was just being a huge fucking tease. Still, Brandy and Sparky locked their eyes together as they waited. They knew the hammer would drop and smash one of them apart. The only question now is which. 

"I always thought I'd die between your thighs," Sparky said as she held Brandy's hands tight, squeezing their palms together. "But this is a noble death."

"Idiot," Morgan snorted fondly as she pressed her cock home. She'd done something to ease up everything as there wasn't much resistance from Brandy's ass as Morgan sank inside. However, the feeling was still nothing Brandy could have prepared for. She had Sparky inside her pussy, and she could feel a phantom cock pushing against it. Then she felt Morgan taking her from behind, that thick stuffing that made her toes curl. Morgan wasn't just fucking her ass. She was mirroring every bit of how it felt to fuck both her holes at once. 

It was impossible. It was utterly insane, but Morgan had the Moves to make the impossible work. The pleasure of having both holes filled and stuffed so tightly together made Brandy's mind crack, and her hips bucked back on instinct. She was so out of her own head she could hear herself moaning, a high-pitched wail of pure animalistic pleasure.

"Fuck, Morgan, she's so perfect," Sparky moaned. "So fucking hot. Brandy, you're dripping! I can feel you melting around us." 

"Am I doing good?" Morgan said with smug satisfaction as she rocked her hips. She supported Brandy with her wing because she was flopping about like a Magikarp. "Brandy, suck on this."

Brandy closed her lips around what turned out to be one of Morgan's fingers and dutifully sucked. Its taste was a little oily and thick but not unpleasant. Brandy just couldn't focus on it, not when there was what felt like a pair of cocks inside her, fucking her in time with one another, so she just sucked and licked at it to try to exorcise some of the feelings that made her head feel stuffed full.

Sparky was frantically writhing underneath her as she lapped away, her whole body tensing as waves of overwhelming pleasure hit the overwhelmed Bug, and with an intense burst of electricity that made the nerves in Brandy's pussy sing, Sparky came hard. It was a lot. A messy load from a cock that twitched and pumped away inside her that her pussy just couldn't handle. Brandy felt the thick, warm fluid coat their thighs as Morgan rammed her down onto Sparky's twitch cock and milked her dry. She clamped her mouth onto the finger, sucking it tight to avoid biting Morgan. 

"Brandy, I can feel thaaaaaaat," Sparky wailed. "You're sucking me!"

Oh. Oh! That's why Morgan was feeding her a finger. Sparky was getting a blowjob at the same time. 

"Get it all out of her," Morgan said and thrust harder, and Brandy could only suck and whimper as she felt Morgan's cock take over from Sparky's inside her, thrusting hard and fast. To pull that off, the feeling in her ass wasn't as intense as it should be, but Morgan wasn't making it feel like there was nothing back there. It was still a tight squeeze around Morgan's rather staggeringly thick length, and every time Morgan's hips slapped against her backside, it made her squeal as she felt that phantom cock also take her deep. A double stuffing that had her mind spinning.

"Goddess! Fuck!" Brandy gasped. "She actually is!"

"Don't encourage her," Sparky groaned, gasping for breath. Splayed out on the table. "But damn, Morgan, you're a huge fucking cheat. This Move is bullshit."

"Thank you," Morgan said smugly, "I can only use it with skin contact, but it's nice to play with it finally. There's just so much I can do to you both."

"Noooo," Sparky said, raising a shaking hand. "No more. Please. I can't take any more. My dick is going to fall off."

"Pfft," Morgan said, and her free claw drifted to rub between Brandy's thighs. The pressure of those hard points on her clit was too much. Her whole body quivered like it was a bubble about to pop. "Brandy, want to cum?"

"Yesssss," Brandy slurred. She was losing cohesion, overwhelmed by it all.

"Then you have my permission," Morgan said, and then Brandy screamed as Morgan pressed into her clit, and every nerve in her body exploded. She didn't just orgasm. She orgasmed completely. From the tips of her hair to her toes, every bit of her was filled with such an overwhelming pleasure that Brandy was left a twitching wreck on top of the table. Her whole body was buzzing and spasming, and it took several minutes before Brandy felt like she could even think straight; Sparky was pinned beneath her, still trying to catch her breath, and Morgan was still inside her, just gently rolling her hips as she played with Brandy's hair.

Ridiculous. Insane. Way too much. Best date yet. 

"Morgan," Brandy groaned. "Mercy. I can't take any more."

"Oh!" a peppy voice said, and Brandy craned her head to look up and see a Waitress by the table towering over her. A cute-looking human with puffy white hair tied back into a bun, her mouth was covered with her notebook, and she had a bright red blush on her face. "Too much? You sure I can't take an order?"

"Um..." Brandy fumbled as she tried to think. "We might have messed up your table."

"I'm sure we can work something out," Morgan said with a gentle tug to Brandy's hair to make her head arch back, a petite aftershock orgasm she didn't even know she had in her forcing its way out of her mouth. "Can you get us some water? Then I'd love to show you some tricks I've just been practicing."

"Insatiable," Brandy mumbled, stuffing her face back into Sparky's wonderfully soft fur. "What am I going to inherit from you?" 

"Who knows? But you'll be fortunate to inherit from a goddess."

"Goddess?" the Waitress said, hiding her laugh behind her pad. "You're just a Murkrow. Cute though."

Morgan's eyes had a red glow to them Brandy was getting familiar with, and she prayed for that poor Waitress. She was going to need it. 

It was such a good date, but there was no way she would keep calling Morgan a goddess. Her head would get too big for her hat to fit. 

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