I Want To Lay the Very Best!

112 – Train in the Downtime

112 – Train in the Downtime

Once you got to know Cassidy, she was a fun woman to hang around with. She had an infectious enthusiasm for her partners that put Brandy to shame. She seemed to know every little detail about them and was more than happy to share it, often to a bit of mild embarrassment from her partners. She'd learned Harper loved fashion even if she hated wearing clothes, the Corvisquire had a fascination with sex toys and wanted to start a collection, and Basilah once got them all kicked out of an all-you-can-eat restaurant for being a bit too literal. The Fletchling was in her arms and looking smug that she still had secrets for Cassidy to get at. 

It probably wouldn't last long. Cassidy adored her Partners and wanted to know them inside and out. Brandy could barely keep up, though they shared a good laugh about Sparky's awful time with Scoria's spicy food.

"I'll eat it all next time," Sparky said, riding atop the back of Basilah, giddy at getting such a high perch and all the passing attention. "Just need to mix in a gallon of cream first."

There was no way Brandy would let her defile her cooking like that. She'd have to watch out for sneaky additions next time she made some soup from home. 

Cassidy had decided to walk with them to the train station, and seeing a gaggle of Flying types walking somewhere was a huge novelty. Their progress was slow because of all the stopping for pictures and having to prod Calcine and Harper to keep up. The pair were glued to each other and kept sneaking off to get into frenzied bouts of kissing that had way more lip-biting than it should have. 

"You two are getting along really well," Brandy said, unable to ignore it any longer. 

"Jealous?" Calcine smiled as she leaned her head on Harper's feathery shoulder. She was a bit shorter than the leggy Swanna, though it was Harper who was the one whose body flexed when Calcine moved. "Oh, wait, you're not actually jealous, are you?"

"No! Curious," Brandy said, "You're like real love birds."

"If you make bird puns all the time, I'm leaving," Morgan said, "But I always got along well with Harper too. I'd love an explanation of how this happened."

Harper was all tall confidence, even when Calcine had made her melt, and she held her head high as she answered. "She handles me well, I like her warmth, and she took my claws without complaint. She's got a powerful body, a warm heart, and a strong spirit. I grew fond really quickly."

Calcine bit Harper's neck, making her moan softly. "She tastes nice."

"That better not be the reason," Harper said, "Or I'm going to sink these claws deep enough you don't like it."

"Tall, pretty, confident, and strong. You're like the Brandy of the future, and I love that." Calcine nuzzled in again, chewing away. "That's something I can sink my teeth into."

"Well, now I'm a little jealous," Brandy huffed. 

Morgan leaned in, her hat shading Brandy's face from the sun as she bit into Brandy's neck, the prick of her teeth making Brandy shiver with delight. "I'll take a bite of you if Calcine won't."

You could have roasted marshmallows between the look Calcine and Morgan gave each other. Harper giggled and batted Calcine's side with her wing. "I can tell you and Morgan will get along just fine."

Or kill each other. Brandy had always thought Sparky would be the one to annoy a new team member. That Calcine would end up in an ongoing duel with Morgan had never even crossed her mind. 

"I feel bad having to take off after y'all made such good friends," Cassidy said, swinging the Fletchling as she spun on her heels. "But big cities make the Flock jittery. We'll take a bit of a tour of Galar, see if we can't find a feathered lady here who needs some friends."

"I'm sure we'll meet again," Morgan smiled, licking her bite marks on Brandy's neck. "We better. I have high hopes for you, Cassidy."

"I know, hun, but I think the girls earned a break. I've been a misery to be around. A chance to blow off some steam is good. We'll drop in sometime for sure! We don't need to take the train."

"Yeah yeah, rub in the wings!" Sparky huffed. She and the Corvisquire supported each other, both worn out from the fight. "Flying must be good."

She cackled as the Corvisquire bundled her under one arm and took off, laughing with excitement as they did a few circles around the group. 

"She did that on purpose," Cassidy said. 

"Yeah, that's Sparky all over, but she doesn't push it too far. Just a bit."

"She pushed me plenty." Cassidy shivered, "You're a lucky gal."

Brandy couldn't disagree with that.


"Call me!" Harper yelled as she held Calcine's hands through the train window. "I'll fuck your brains out anytime."

"You wish," Calcine squeezed Harper's hands as the train whistle sounded, the soft chug of an engine coming to life. "I'm going to pin you down and hammer my name out of your lips."

Sparky was snorting to herself in her seat beside Brandy, mouth covered as she held her tongue, Morgan and Brandy staring daggers at her. Eventually, Cacline had to let go; her hand pressed to the glass as they left Harper, Cassidy, and the rest of the Flock on the railway side. Morgan blew Cassidy one last kiss and then tugged Calcine back into her seat.

"Calcine's got a crush," Sparky sang. "Going to get coaldust in some white feathers."

"You wreck this train car, and you're walking to Motostoke," Brandy jumped in quickly before anyone started kicking each other. 

"That's not much of a threat to me," Morgan said, "I can go faster than this train."

"Not if I sit on you," Calcine purred. Then winced as Morgan poked one of the cracks in her skin. "Ow, why?"

Morgan flicked Calcine's skin with a loud 'ting' of nail on rock. "As fun as it was watching you break yourself on my old gorgeous white feathered flame, you are all broken up."

Calcine had taken a lot of big hits in the last battle, and the glow of her inside heat was visible with every breath she took. She didn't act like it hurt, so Brandy hadn't worried about it, but it hadn't healed up either. Morgan wasn't wrong, but she also raised something Brandy had been dreading.

"I've never actually balled anyone," Brandy said, rubbing her arm awkwardly. "We've just all hung out so far."

"Really? Goodness, it's like seeing a fresh-faced Cassidy all over again." Morgan teased, "It's fine, restful even. We heal up and get time to mull things over. Often a nice way to let emotions cool and have your Moves develop."

Brandy knew that, or at least she'd learned it. While no one ever evolved in a ball, resting inside them often led to moves upgrading or even new ones appearing. It was one of the many perks of being bonded, the rapid development of strength far beyond any wild Pokémon. But the idea of being parted from anyone here made her heart ache. Even the recently added Morgan, she was bonded now and didn't want to miss a moment with them. 

"It's fine," Calcine said, "She's right. I am a mess. How about just for the train journey? Will let Morgan and Sparky get to know each other some. I can catch up when we get to Motostoke."

"I want a new Move too!" Sparky said, "Calcine can't get one if I don't. She's probably going to Evolve first. I'll feel like a chump."

Morgan just shrugged. "I'd like to get to know Brandy a bit better. I was just going to steal her away sometime anyway."

"Honestly, I didn't know that was an option," Sparky huffed, "I need to remember that. Brandy, I will web you up and savage you some time."

Brandy gave Sparky a thumbs up. That sounded perfect to her. Morgan's plain binding ball was on her belt next to the two colorfully decorated ones for her Partners. She'd have to get Morgan's done up in Motostoke. Brandy put the cheerful bug ball and the black ball with the flame heart on the table. Looking at them both like a meal, she didn't want to eat.

"We need the rest," Calcine said, leaning over the table to squeeze Brandy's arm. "And we can pop out if we get sick of it."

"I'm going to miss you both!" Brandy said, blushing at how silly she knew she sounded. It was a few hours trip, if that. 

"Morgan, kiss her until she agrees," Sparky said, "She doesn't listen to reason. She listens to Pokémon tongue."

That wasn't true at all, but Brandy wouldn't fight some tongue-twirling kisses with Morgan. Morgan lifted her hat brim and rested it on Brandy's head so they were both under it. The dark fabric felt good, a little weight on her head as Morgan pressed close to her side. Morgan's body was warm, and her feathers so deliciously soft it was hard to feel bad when enveloped in them.

It started as just a gentle kiss on the lips, one of Morgan's hands holding the back of her head, the other on her shoulder. Her kisses got hungrier as the seconds ticked by, playful nips tugging at Brandy's lips until she opened them to invite Morgan in. It was wonderful. Morgan's tongue strong and thick as it slid into her mouth and wrestled with her own. She wrapped her arms around Morgan's waist and pulled her close, drinking in every moment. All her worries were blown away on a wave of pure affection, hot and new. 

Brandy could have stayed locked there with Morgan the whole journey and would have. But Calcine and Sparky threw their balls at her, bouncing them off her arms.

"You little shits!" Brandy choked as she pulled off Morgan's tongue. "Don't you ball me!"

"She's too horny for this trip. Get her Calcine!" Sparky said as she threw it again, laughing as it bounced off Brandy's breast. Calcine threw the next one, and Brandy caught it with a quick flick of her wrist. Calcine blinked in surprise as Sparky tossed hers again quickly, Brandy plucking it out of the air with ease and giving them both a smirk. 

Calcine and Sparky were looking at her with genuine shock. "That was really quick." Calcine said, "How did..." and flicked her eyes to Sparky.

"Aw shit, you inherited my eyes! Morgan, test her out while we're gone. I want a report!"

"I'm not planning to do work with her," Morgan smirked. "But I'll think up something." 

"There's something in my eyes?" Brandy said, eyes wavering as she couldn't stop herself from trying to look despite the impossibility of it. "Am I going to grow more eyes? Sparky, what does that mean?"

Morgan gently nudged Brandy's hands out, the Binding Balls lashing out with red light to snap around Calcine and Sparky's bodies, the pair glowing a bright red and disappearing into their decorated balls with a thrumming energetic sound. 

"Morgan, what does that mean?" Brandy said, tapping the side of her face. "My eyes are fine, aren't they?"

Morgan pulled a pocket on Brandy's backpack and took out a pack of playing cards, sliding them out of the packet and then quickly shuffling them in her hand. "It means I'm going to run some tests and have a little fun. Tuck those two away?"

Brandy stared down at the binding balls and cradled them to her chest. It felt so weird to have Calcine and Sparky so close and yet not actually be here. "They'll be okay right?"

"Of course, it's quite nice in there. Like a warm bath, a massage, and a sweet girl slowly eating you out all in one."

"I've actually done that." Brandy blushed. "Was a good bath."

"Then you shouldn't worry one bit. Now then." Morgan grinned, flashing Brandy her perfect white teeth. "Are we playing regular rules or strip?" 

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