I, the slave boy, awaken with the most potent seed!!

Chapter 30: Sleep over

Chapter 30: Sleep over

As the night deepened, Matilda glanced out the window, her expression shifting from concern to resignation. "It seems I've lingered too long," she said, turning back to Zafron. "The hour is late, and it would be unwise to return to the mansion now."

Zafron's heart skipped a beat, a mix of excitement and anxiety flooding through him. "Of course, my lady. You're welcome to stay here for the night. I can make up the spare room for you."

Matilda smiled, the tension in her shoulders visibly easing. "Thank you, Zafron. Your hospitality is most appreciated." She paused, a look of remembrance crossing her face. "Oh, and Zafron? There's a cart outside with some of my belongings. Would you be so kind as to bring them in?"

Zafron nodded, eager to be of service. "Right away, my lady."

As he stepped out into the cool night air, Zafron's mind whirled with the implications of Matilda's extended stay. 'What will the neighbors think? What if Lord Blackthorn finds out?' But his concerns were momentarily forgotten as he approached the cart.

True to Matilda's word, it was laden with an assortment of trunks and cases. Zafron marveled at the foresight of his mistress. 'She had planned to stay all along,' he realized, a warmth spreading through his chest at the thought.

With careful efficiency, Zafron began ferrying the items into the house. Each trunk seemed to contain a different aspect of Matilda's life at the mansion - clothing, toiletries, even a few cherished knick-knacks. As he worked, Zafron couldn't help but wonder if this was more than just an overnight stay.

Back inside, Matilda was rifling through one of the trunks. "Ah, here we are," she said, pulling out a delicate nightdress. "I'll just go and change. Make yourself comfortable, Zafron."

As Matilda disappeared into the spare room, Zafron busied himself with arranging her belongings, trying to make his modest home as welcoming as possible for his unexpected guest.

When Matilda emerged, clad in her nightdress, Zafron felt his breath catch in his throat. Even in such simple attire, she exuded an air of elegance and grace that never failed to captivate him.

The nightdress, made from sheer silk, clung closely to her body, revealing the contours of her bust through its delicate fabric. The deep V-neckline plunged daringly, showcasing her cleavage which threatened to spill out.

The hemline of the dress fell high on her thighs, allowing glimpses of her legs with each step. The combination of the low-cut top and the short length of the dress created a provocative and intimate silhouette.

"Zafron," Matilda said, her voice soft and slightly hesitant. "I've just realized... I've missed your massages terribly. My shoulders are so tense from all this worry. Would you mind...?"

Zafron's heart raced at the request. "Of course, my lady. It would be my pleasure."

Matilda smiled, reaching into one of the trunks and pulling out a small bottle. "I brought the oil you always use. I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not, my lady," Zafron said, excitement running through his veins.

Matilda settled onto the couch while Zafron took a moment to collect himself. 'This is just like at the mansion,' he reminded himself. 'Nothing has changed.' But even as he thought it, he knew it wasn't true. Everything had changed.

With slightly trembling hands, Zafron poured a small amount of the fragrant oil onto his palms, warming it between his hands. As he began to work the oil into Matilda's shoulders, he felt her let out a deep sigh of contentment.

"I've missed this," Matilda murmured, her eyes closing as Zafron's skilled hands worked out the knots in her muscles. "You have such a gift, Zafron."

Zafron focused on his task, trying to ignore the intimacy of the moment. The familiar scent of the oil, the warmth of Matilda's skin beneath his hands, the soft sounds of appreciation she made as he worked - it all combined to create a heady atmosphere that made his head spin.

"My lady," Zafron said, his voice low, "may I ask you something?"

Matilda's eyes opened lazily. "Of course, Zafron. What is it?"

Zafron hesitated, his hands stilling for a moment before resuming their ministrations. "This stay... is it truly just for tonight?"

Matilda was quiet for a long moment, and Zafron feared he had overstepped. But when she spoke, her voice was filled with a vulnerability he had rarely heard from her.

"I don't know, Zafron," she admitted. "Things at the mansion... they're more complicated than I've let on. I fear for my safety there, and for yours if you were to return."

Zafron's hands tightened slightly on her shoulders, a protective instinct flaring within him. "My lady, if you're in danger, we should leave. Go somewhere far from here, where Lord Blackthorn can't reach us."

Matilda reached up, placing her hand over Zafron's. "It's not that simple, my dear. There are... obligations I cannot simply abandon. But for now, for tonight at least, I need this. This peace, this safety I feel with you."

"Y...yes...of course my lady," Zafron stuttered. What is this? What was this feeling he was feeling? Lady Matilda sure had a way with her words.

The weight of her words hung in the air between them. Zafron resumed his massage, his touch even more gentle and reverent than before. 'She feels safe with me,' he thought, a mix of pride and protectiveness surging through him.

As the massage continued, Zafron could feel the tension gradually leaving Matilda's body. Her breathing became deeper, more relaxed, and he realized she was close to drifting off to sleep.

"My lady," he said softly, "perhaps it's time for you to rest properly. The spare room is ready for you."

Matilda's eyes fluttered open, a drowsy smile on her face. "Thank you, Zafron."

As he helped her to her feet, Matilda leaned in, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "Goodnight, my dear Zafron. Sleep well."

Zafron stood frozen as Matilda made her way to the spare room, his cheek tingling where her lips had touched. As the door closed behind her, he let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

'What happens now?' he wondered, his mind awhirl with possibilities and fears. But as he prepared for bed himself, one thought stood out above all others: whatever came next, he would face it with Matilda by his side. And somehow, that made all the uncertainty worthwhile.

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