I Spread The Pokemon All Over The World

Chapter 31: Frustration's characteristic fish

Chapter 31: Frustration's characteristic fish

Bai Qianqian's face was extremely black, but even so, it still couldn't change the situation of the battle.

If she had another Pokmon, she could have Squirtle off the court at the moment, which isn't against the rules in multiplayer Pokmon matches.

But not to mention that this is just a 1vs1 contest, and she doesn't have a second Pokmon to replace.

And Chu Pity is also very smart, she didn't use the attack trick to attack at all, but just used Sand Attack.

Sand Attack is a unique trick to reduce the hit rate of Rival, but at this moment Chu Pity is completely using Sand Attack to play another role.

She asked Trapinch to bury squirtle!

Yes, Squirtle's entire body was buried in mud and dust, and only a round head was exposed, and his face was full of grievances.

"Squirtle can't keep fighting, Trapinch wins."

Shaking his head, Gu Xin announced the result of the dramatic battle.

The previous game is still good, at least it is fully in line with the level of Rookie Trainer in the Pokmon world.

But later...

Well, who made Squirtle a turtle Pokmon?

The turtle shell is not only its best defense, but also its fatality in a sense.

"Hee hee~ The result of course."

The winning Chu Pity was very happy and said with a smug smile.

But compared to Chu and poor, Bai Qianqian is not so happy, or she is very, very aggrieved!

Obviously, the outcome of the battle is still uncertain!

"Get out my little turtle soon!"

Bai Qianqian couldn't despise Chu Pity's complacent appearance, and said to Chu Pity in annoyance.

"Hehe~ Immediately immediately."

Chu's poor smile was still bright, and Trapinch pulled Squirtle out of the dirt.

"Jenny Jenney!"

And as soon as he was free again, Squirtle was screaming at Trapinch in an instant.

It does not accept!

Trapinch tilted his big head and looked at Squirtle who kept 'chattering' in confusion.

Seeing Trapinch being dumbfounded, Zishui Wang Ba's cheeks are puffed up with anger, Asi!

"There are still a lot of remarkable things in this battle. I think the two young ladies will definitely become excellent trainers in the future."

Gu Xin smiled at the two and said that although the follow-up process was a bit funny, the first half of the battle really surprised Gu Xin a bit.

They can finally command normally!

"Boss, I don't like listening to you anymore, we are also very good now!" Chu Pity was very dissatisfied.

"Hmmmm." Gu Xin didn't care about Chu pitifully, and nodded in response every day.

Where are you um nima? Do you want to fight?

With this expression and tone again, Chu Pityi's joy in winning the battle just now was washed away a lot by this lousy boss.

"Let's go back to the store and have a rest."

Seeing Chu pouting pitifully, Gu Xin chuckled, this girl is really cute.

The four returned to the store, bought two bags of Potion spray at Gu Xin, and sprayed some on Squirtle.

Bai Qian thought for a while.

"Boss, can I smoke Pokmon with you now?"

"Of course, this can be done at any time, does Miss Bai want to smoke Pokmon?"

Gu Xin blinked when he heard the words, did he realize that he had just suffered a defeat?

"Yes, I have probably experienced Pokmon battles, and I think I should be able to train two Pokmon at the same time."

Bai Qianqian nodded. Although she had just lost to Chu Pity, this sand sculpture woman made her very sad, but Bai Qianqian also liked Pokmon battles very much.

And she also realized that having just one Squirtle was clearly not enough.

So she changed her mind.

"As the boss, I still respect the customer's choice, and Ms. Cheng Bai should know it all."

Gu Xin smiled deeper, took the store manager Pokdex and handed it to Bai Qianqian.

He wished Bai Qianqian they would draw more, he had better win a Quasi-God Pokmon!

In this way, the small target of 100 million turnover has been completed.

"To be honest, I want to smoke too."

Chu was drinking the juice pitifully, and Mei Mu glanced at the little green-skinned dinosaur beside Chen Yun.

Quasi-god Larvitar! Still really envious.

But Pity Chu also knew that Quasi-God Pokmon was definitely extremely difficult to draw, and she had to devote more energy to Charmander and Trapinch now.

Try to let these two little cuties evolve as the boss said as soon as possible.

Chen Yun was still reminiscing about the battle of Chu Qi and Bai Qianqian just now, while Lin Sheng looked at Chu Qi curiously.

To be honest, not only is it fun to smoke Pokmon yourself, but it's actually a different feeling to watch others smoke.

What's more, if Chu Pity draws a new Pokmon, he can also unlock a Pokdex.

Bai Qianqian took the Pokmon Pokdex, breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed his eyes on 'go' solemnly.

please! Get a stronger Pokmon!

She wants Retaliate! She wants to hang and beat Chu poor!

The shadow kept turning, and after a few breaths, the shadow slowly stopped, and a Pokmon appeared slowly and brightly.

"Hey? Is this a fish? It's a bit frustrating..."

Pity Chu put his head together for the first time, but his face wrinkled slightly after seeing it clearly.

Almost all of the Pokmon they've drawn so far are cute or cute, but this fish is...

"A little bruised fish? Couldn't be Feebas."

Hearing this, Gu Xin was taken aback for a moment. If the appearance is not very good-looking, it seems that only Feebas and Magikarp are most worthy of this evaluation.

"It's really Feebas, Miss Bai, your luck is as good as ever."

Seeing the Pokmon displayed on Pokdex, Gu Xin raised his eyebrows and smiled at Bai.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Bai Qianqian was also quite displeased with Feebas' appearance.

After all, Feebas is indeed a bit ugly, with dull eyes, blue fins and a khaki body, and his body is still pitted, especially the pair of mouths, which are even more 'Dragon Ascent'.

Bai Qianqian really doesn't like such ugly creatures very much.

Not that it's totally unacceptable, but you have to at least have something special, right?

But this fish, if I have to say it, is that it has its own characteristics...

Let Bai Qianqian not be interested at all.

"There are several contrasting Pokmons in Pokmon, but the most famous ones are Feebas and Magikarp, which are typical evolutionary or qualitative Pokmons."

Gu Xin didn't hide it either, and introduced to the group with a smile.

Yes, if you want to talk about the Pokmon with the biggest contrast between pre-evolution and post-evolution, Feebas and Magikarp are definitely on the list, and they are definitely ranked very high.

Evolution is qualitative change?

Bai Qianqian blinked, if the boss can say that, then it seems that he can really look forward to it?

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