I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 249: Fellow Disciple

Chapter 249: Fellow Disciple

"I don't think that there's someone in this village who can match your skills, Vinete."

"That's right! We'll deal with the others Just don't forget us once you get the chance to summon your Arcana"

"Everyone Thank you for trusting me. Don't worry, I will do my best to defeat any opponent I'll face for our village's honor." Vinete replied to her friends as she looked at the participants from the other two villages.

She's the top practitioner at Reboroz Village but she knows that she can't take this assessment lightly She has a secret that is certainly a huge advantage to win her the chance of summoning her Arcana. 

However, she felt that there are two other practitioners that were a threat to her

The first one was Imane from the Bhibra Village Although  Vinete heard that Imane was only in the top 10 in the rankings of this village, she knows that the girl can do more than that Perhaps she's just hiding her true strength like her.

That's right Vinete managed to reach the highest rank in her village without trying her best. She hasn't shown the highest achievement she had in terms of her swordsmanship skills since there was no one in her village, at around her age, who could force her from doing so.

'But I hope she gets defeated by the other one so I don't have to face her.' Vinete prayed in her mind as she looked at the other guy from Ormug Village

She heard that his name was Stasis The man was about 20 years old and what was surprising is that he's practicing dual swordsmanship or nittouryuu. It is something that is not prohibited but not being taught in their training hall.

As a matter of fact, the five guardians who were previously at their village taught them how to deal with dual wielders like him, especially Ayumi 

Apparently, before all the five instructors decided to stay in this village, one of the female guardians stayed with them for some time to continue teaching them. Of course, it is mostly about monitoring their progress and ensuring that they are following their instructions 

In truth, it hasn't been that long when Ayumi left their village so they know that they still have a bit more advantage.

Though having two swords make you seem stronger, it requires a high-level skill to avoid hurting yourself. Aside from that, the distribution of energy would also be tougher for them. 

It is unlike those who only practice ittouryuu where their power will be concentrated to a single sword.

'Well, this assessment might be suited for him to get an easy point But, I've already learned a stance to counter this Though I haven't tried it yet, so it might be an interesting match.'

Vinete commented as she looked at the man. Stasis was probably just a bit taller than her so she wasn't worried about facing him.

In truth, she even felt a bit excited about fighting him on the stage. As long as he does not have to face Imane, she felt that she wouldn't have to worry about anything.

'I wonder if they're also a secret student of Master Reiji' Vinete pondered for a moment while waiting for Ruthren to announce the start of their assessment.

It will not be surprising if she's not the only direct student of the Sentient Cursed Arcana that loves to sip the blood of any creatures.

Nevertheless, though she wasn't told by her Master about the other student's existence, she knows that they are existing Based on her understanding, the Cursed Arcana should be living for a few centuries now and was only trying to regain his powers. 

Well, she would be even more surprised if she's the only direct student he accepted throughout the years.


It didn't take long before the battle of the Miyazaki Sword Style Practitioners commenced. 

"Mhmm So it seems that the fellows from Bhibra Village were all using Chudan no Kamae"

Vinete concluded after seeing them fight. 

The hall was divided into five platforms where a total of 10 practitioners will compete Apparently, the scary human was too lazy to arrange complicated matchmaking and just decided to draw lots for the first round

In the end, they were forced to fight in a completely random match. At the very least, a loss wouldn't be the end for you. Only after losing 2 matches, you will be out of the competition.

Since you can afford a single loss, you can still make a comeback even if you unluckily faced the strongest competitor in the first round and perhaps, face him again in the finals

This is probably the only good thing about Ruthren's decision for this assessment.

The first 10 competitors don't have any incredible practitioners. The fight was not intense at all as if they were being careful not to get hurt in the fight. 

Practitioner A will try to hit, then Practitioner B will avoid or parry the attack then vice-versa.

They all have the same level of skills at the Kyu-Grade which is quite disappointing to many eyes watching the battle. However, Vinete couldn't blame them, although the Miyazaki Sword Style is also meant to fight humans or humanoid species, the style was largely meant to fight off Evil Beasts as far as she knows.

Some of them may be lacking practice from fighting against fellow practitioners. In the end, they needed more real experience At the very least, they are still showing that they've learned the art As long as they make this a muscle memory and continued for many months and years, perhaps they could reach the level of the five guardians in the future.

"Alright! Next round! Find the number of your platform"

Vinete stood up as she's included in this round.

What was written on the piece of paper she got was "2nd Round - Platform 5". She had no idea who she'll fight in this match

However, it didn't take long to see the person she'll have to defeat. The man doesn't look intimidating and he seems to be just a person to fill the number.

'Hmm He's from Bhibra Village. I don't have information about this guy So he's probably just an average practitioner who didn't reach their top ten A good start for me.'

Vinete thought as she held her wooden sword tightly.


Mourad heard Ruthren's call so he quickly stood up and looked for the platform where he has to compete

He's not even supposed to be included in the 20 participants of this assessment. However, his little sister somehow magically beguiled a few people in his batch and one of them is included in the assessment.

The participant forced him to join in his stead and the others that were beguiled helped him as well In the end, he has to join the assessment after being harassed. 

For sure, it wasn't because his little sister kissed him on his cheeks so he ended up giving in.

'Perhaps she's 90% Imp and 10% Human?!' Mourad had a sudden realization as he walks at the platform

However, he suddenly froze after seeing his opponent 

It is the strongest practitioner at Reboroz Village! 

'Ugh What do I do?'

The man felt that it's a bit unfair. 

After deciding to join the assessment, he at least conditioned his mind to win a couple of matches and of course, win his first match and boast to his little sister a bit.

However, fighting against this lady this early was too troublesome for him

'Tsk She's definitely thinking I'm an easy opponent.' 

Mourad can see the lady's face as she scrutinized him. He can almost read her mind as she's probably thinking about her speech after winning this whole competition or assessment.

'Haa~ It's not like I have to hold back here But if I showed too much, I might be assigned to some dangerous missions someday Even if Master Reiji doesn't care what I'll do with my abilities, the elders will surely take this chance to make me work harder Tsk.'

Mourad sighed as he stood in front of the lady. 

Both of their wooden swords were being carried in by their right hand beside their waist at the moment.

They bowed at each other and introduced themselves as a custom that was taught by their Master and these five guardians.

Then, they took their stance 

However, as soon as they did this, everyone in the hall gasped in surprise None of them took the conventional stance being taught as they formed two different stances that were not being largely practiced by all the practitioners because of its difficulty.


Ruthren looked at the two sword practitioners at Platform 5 as he scratches his head.

It was not his intention to have them fight in a match this early. 

'Ugh What are the chances? However, this might be good a show Perhaps they don't even know that they both have the same teacher.' 

The man shakes his head as he anticipated their fight. Anyway, it should be about time that they reveal their real strength to everyone. 

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