I Reincarnated as a Shinai

Chapter 201: Challenge I

Chapter 201: Challenge I

Reiji saw the 12 Sun Fire Knights talking with the Tower's officials.

'All of them have an impressive Spiritual Energy They must be the elites of their branch here'

He mused. He could still recall the aura of Diether's recruiter before so he managed to compare them a little Speaking of which, that man is actually included in the entourage.

'Was it Tristan?' 

Reiji can still somehow remember his face since he scrutinized this man thoroughly before allowing Diether to come with them to Saalstein City

Then, he focused on Diether chatting with his friends 

Although only two years had passed, the young man had grown a lot. After he recovered from his sickly body, he must've experienced fast growth and end up like he's already a 15 or 16

Anyway, his sister Aria Luxford grew up early as well so it must be in their genes already

Reiji wanted to greet the young man so he quickly used his Sense Link and focused it on his target

In truth, the last time they've met, he was actually unsure whether he could use his Sense Link to him. After all, he knows that Diether is no longer his wielder

On the other hand, he can't use the Voice Link since everyone in the effective range would hear his voice

In the end, he still attempted to use the Sense Link and managed to be successful He recalled their conversation that time.

'Diether, can you hear me?'

'M-Master Reiji! Is that you? Where are you?'

'Oohh! It worked I'm with this kid in front of you. He's my current student'

He managed to successfully connect and Diether became very emotional. 

It has been such a long time since he last saw his master He immediately replied that he was happy to see him again 

His gentle nature truly resembles one of his students in his Dojo Similar to the young child he saved before his death


Going back to the present, Reiji interrupted Diether's conversation with his friends

'Diether Are you going to participate?'

'Yes Master I've also learned that we'll be fighting with your current student Is he strong?' 

The young man asked enthusiastically

'Well Perhaps It wasn't even a week when he started studying from me'

'Eh? Is that so?'

Diether was surprised. He thought that Rufus has already learned for at least several months If that person has only practiced for several days, even if he's a genius, there was no way for him to fight his Kendo

It means that Rufus will most likely use a different combat art or perhaps

'Will use your Take Over, Master?'


Reiji didn't immediately reply as he didn't discuss this with Rufus yet 

During their planning and practice at the Arena Rufus just used his true skills instead of relying on his master

This made him believe that the young man wouldn't ask for a Take Over unless it was crucial

'Maybe If he needed to help, I'll Take Over'

Reiji answered. Everyone had seen Rufus's performance already and it would be weird if he suddenly messed up in his sword art Because of that, he decided to handle the duel if he found it necessary


Instead of becoming disappointed Diether even felt happy about this

'You're happy?'

'Of course, I am Master, I'll show you my Kendo Please rate my current Dan'

'Hahaha Alright, young man Show it to me later'

"Yes, Master!"

Diether replied but instead of using Sense Link He said it out loud His friends and other Knights around him looked at him curiously

"Ahh I'm sorry I was daydreaming I think I'm nervous" He did his best to make an excuse

Oliver, Tristan, and the other knights just shook their heads after hearing his reason Anyway, this might really be nerve-wracking for such a young man so they just left some space for him


Rufus, Lexi, and Nika entered the same gathering hall and were accompanied by Sir Sven and three more Red-Robed Magicians

In contrast to the youthful appearance of the Knights and their aura filled with vigor, the Tower's Arcanists guarding the three were all in their 50s or perhaps 60s with wrinkled skin and some even require a cane to walk.

Rufus looked at the three young knights and noticed that they were wearing their uniforms, unlike the last time he met them

Of course, they are also wearing their red robes right now and they were also given an emblem of the Tower

The Arena they will be fighting on wasn't unfamiliar to them. This is the same place where the evaluation was made but they have removed the partition already 

There is now just a single huge arena for a 3 vs 3 battle

The reason why it is a group battle was due to the Knight's information about Nika

The Arcanist was basically helpless against close combat experts like them as reported After all, they read about the report telling that a swordsman in the Tower manages to cut through the bullets of the Revolver Arcana.

This only means that sword experts like the Knights would certainly manage to do that as well However, they still need to experience this

As their annual exhibition match was also about to take place, they decided to change the theme and have this 3 vs 3 battle instead

'Master That man is holding a black wooden sword What a coincidence'

'Well, he's one of my students Perhaps it became a habit There's definitely a better sword out there He must really like that one.' Reiji answered calmly

'Huh? Wait! He's one of your students?!'

'Oh Did I not mention to you?'

'No, You haven't, Master!' Rufus was genuinely stunned by the revelation Then, this means that the young kid has perhaps mastered or at the advanced level in kendo already

This is a problem!

'Don't panic He's younger than you You can't be afraid, right?' Reiji asked 

'I Well I understand, Master Don't worry. I will not bring shame to a fellow Kendo Practitioner'

'Heh~ You're only practicing for a few days and you are now calling yourself Kendoka, huh'


'Ahh That's what they called All practitioners of Kendo are called Kendoka in my previous---Never mind So, are you confident about beating them?'

'Confident? Mhmm Since this is not a one-on-one match, we may be able to pull this off. However, even if it is, I can still fight even if I'm disadvantaged with the art of sword' Rufus answered after thinking for a while. 

His line of thought is good so Reiji praised him

'That's right You have talent and skills with your other Magic Items You can fight in your own way if you can't rely on the sword This is how you evolve and get stronger'

Reiji clearly understands that relying only on sword art will be extremely difficult to survive in this world filled with mysteriousness.

As a matter of fact, even he himself relies on various Arcane Magic or Skills to survive So he wouldn't stop his student from learning other arts aside from his Kendo

What he only wants is for them to possess other means of fighting and mainly to discipline their character through the application of the principles of the Katana.

In short, he hopes that studying kendo would become their foundation at an early age to mold their mind and body and cultivate a vigorous spirit

This might be difficult, but that's the reason why he wanted to create a dojo


After a brief ceremony and introduction, the six young arcanists from two different organizations have entered the Arena

The arena has soft ground and its walls were made of defensive array

Finally, the battle is about to begin

'Yui They're about to start Let's stop over' Odette reminded the patrolling Yui She promised that they would watch so she quickly informed the young girl.

'Alright I didn't know you're interested in this'

'I just want to see how the Revolver works a bit closer Aren't you curious as well?'

Yui smiled at this as she headed over to the 7th Floor. 

She found the six combatants that were about to start battling All of them appear to be confident as they stared at each other 

On the side of their Tower, they have Lexi, the battle-axe wielder Nika, the revolver user and Rufus, with his bamboo sword.

The Sun Fire Knights, have Diether with his wooden sword, Calliope with her dual swords, and Terrence with his clawed gauntlet

"Mhmmm So they are really versatile" Yui commented. 


"Yes I heard that the Sun Fire Knights can use every type of weapon excluding their Arcana if they have one It seemed to be true." She answered.

The technique for using clawed gauntlet wasn't being taught in the Tower, at the Academy, or even in the Martial Arts Training Hall However, it seems that the Order has capable teachers with them

After all, Terrence wouldn't use it as his main weapon otherwise At most, he'll probably use it as a secondary weapon


A smoke appeared at the center of the arena Everyone got curious but they didn't have to wait long as it immediately cleared up and found a lady standing at the center 

She's unacquainted with the two organizations and will be the referee for this match.

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