I Reincarnated as a Legendary Surgeon

Chapter 26

Episode 26. A different level of medicine (1)

‘Oh! What are you doing over there?’

Rep. Seok, who was treating a patient, straightened his back for a while, then tilted his head when he saw Bong and the fireman in the tent of critically ill patients.

‘There’s a collection of people who can’t be saved… Go away. If you’re a fireman who saved the dead with CPR, you can save them too!’

It was then that I thought, ‘Oops’.

Congressman Bong is probably learning a new technology over there.

“I can’t just fall behind.”

Although there are still many patients left, Congressman Seok hurriedly washed his hands and went to the burner.

As he went, the assistant servants and soldiers followed.


Congressman Seok tried to call the fireman but shut his mouth.

The fireman was trying to treat a patient whose stomach was wide open and his intestines were cut. Patients in such a state are treated as already dead, even if they are still alive.

‘Are you sure you’re going to save someone like that?’

A patient like a corpse.

The painter was looking after such a patient. No, I was in treatment.

There was a story of gods who could revive the dead like a legend, but Congressman Seok knew very well that such a medical technique did not really exist.

Sometimes there are people who survive with the help of ridiculous elixirs, but that’s a very small story. There is no other way but to die.


The painter took out a small knife about the length of a finger and cut it from top to bottom without hesitation.


Then, without hesitation, he began to acupuncture the patient’s body.

‘Isn’t that place a bed?’

There were places he knew about, and there were places he hadn’t even thought of.

‘Can I sleep over there? No, that place is bloodletting… Huh! What is that? By the way, you really put your saliva right.’

Congressman Bong also opened his eyes wide and looked at the fireman’s hand. The fireman was certainly more skilled at handling saliva than they were.

‘her! really! I heard that I read Congressman Bong’s acupuncture book, and it seems to be very different from mine.’

He seemed to understand why people held Congressman Bong higher than himself. Congressman Seok nodded his dog, guessing alone, not thinking about Congressman Bong’s lies.

As soon as the painter removed his hand from the saliva, the bleeding decreased rapidly.

“Please open your stomach a little more.”

At the painter’s words, Congressman Bong hurriedly opened the patient’s stomach.

As Congressman Bong opened his stomach, the fireman pulled out a red-hot iron from the charcoal fire the soldier had brought.

Chi profit.

After pouring water once to cool down the heat to some extent, it was brought to the patient’s stomach veins.

Suddenly, like water, there was a sound of blood boiling and flesh cooking.

If you continue to apply it, it will become fat and necrotic. However, the fireman passed by, supporting the blood vessel parts of the stomach as if tapping.

Acupuncture reduced bleeding into the pharynx, which was further reduced by supporters.


Congressman Seok twitched his nose at the smell of human flesh, but kept his eyes wide open as he tried to catch all the actions of the fireman.

‘I can’t believe there’s a way to stop bleeding with a pharynx like that! I’m stupid for trying to stop the bleeding only with saliva.’

Rep. Seok concentrated on not missing each action of the fireman in order to learn even one more.

When the painter finished stopping the bleeding with the pharynx, he took out the intestines from the patient’s open stomach, washed the ear, and began sewing at high speed.

“While I am stitching up the small intestine, Uncle Ho, please wipe the pooled blood in your stomach and wash it once more with gwiju.”


After listening to the fireman’s words, the servant put a large amount of cloth into the patient’s stomach to absorb the blood, then took it out and squeezed it out repeatedly.


Then I accidentally hit the burner’s hand.

“Oh, I’m sorry.”

“no. It’s natural that you’re clumsy because you’re not used to it. Please be careful though.”


The fireman wasn’t upset at all and focused on stitching up the intestines again.

Since not one intestine was cut, the painter had to sew several, but his hands were quick and precise, like those of a woman skilled in sewing.

‘I heard that you are teaching vascular anastomosis to Congressman Bong… that’s amazing!’

Rep. Seok was shocked beyond surprise as he watched the painter’s sewing.

I’ve heard that it connects broken blood vessels, but I haven’t seen it demonstrated to patients yet. But just looking at the intestines, it already felt amazing.

All the common sense of medicine he knew so far was broken in one day.

“I wiped it all off.”

When the servant held up the now scarcely red cloth, the painter thrust his hand into the patient’s stomach, examined the other organs, and nodded.

“Thanks for your efforts. I will close the ship now.”


As the servant retreated, the fireman put the intestines into his stomach and started sewing again by moving the needle at high speed.

* * *

Representatives Bong and Seok, as well as several members who arrived later, were shocked to see Hwabu’s medical treatment far beyond common sense.

‘I had broken intestines!’

‘A person whose thighs were cut in half and cut to the bone, but to put it on! Won’t it rot later? I think it would be better to just cut it off…’

‘Can I live if I open and close the stomach?’

Lawmakers were shocked, but they wondered if they would be able to live like that, whether there would be any aftereffects, and if so, how to treat them.


Finally, the fireman who closed the abdomen suddenly sat down with a long sigh and did not treat the patient any more.

Senator Bong opened his mouth with a puzzled expression.

“Why did you stop?”

“There is no one who can save you anymore.”

At the fireman’s words, Congressman Bong looked around.

Several doctors from Chohyeon, including Congressman Seok, were seen, soldiers were seen, and critically ill patients were seen.

Congressman Bong looked after critically ill patients.

All of them, who were critically ill, were not breathing before they knew it.

“The week is dead. Only dead people.”


“But can’t a fireman save a dead person with CPR?”

“Not all dead people can be saved with CPR. Only a small portion can be saved. They’ve already passed too much time and can’t be saved.”

The painter shook his head.

Congressman Bong looked at me wanting to explain more, but I didn’t want to say much because I was already tired of not only my body but also my mind.

‘Surgeries that would have been inconceivable if it was a university hospital… Five people have done it. Haa- fatigue is rushing in rapidly.’

While he was a resident, he even underwent major surgery to remove a cancerous stomach, but it was only possible because the professor watched and gave advice on the surgery.

He underwent as many as five surgeries comparable to those majors.

If it was a university hospital, they were emergency patients who should have been supervised by a professor or at least a specialist.

Looking around, soldiers were holding torches and the moon and stars were visible in the far sky.

He was so focused on the surgery that he didn’t even notice the time passing.

When I raised my hand, my hand was shaking.

‘Even if I can’t, did I have surgery for more than seven hours?’

I suddenly thought that the professors who were operating all day when there were many patients were amazing.

‘I think four people were saved, but the last patient might not wake up.’

The painter looked at the patient who had the last operation.

It was a patient with an arrow pierced just below the liver, but it had been neglected for a long time and so much blood was shed. The damaged part of the liver was cut out and the blood vessels were sutured, but it seemed that he would not be able to live.

‘If I had only operated on that person the first time… no, I would have been able to save him.’

It was a deep regret, but it is not possible to save everyone here anyway.

The painter struggled to shake off the bad thoughts.

“If you’ve been dead for a long time, CPR doesn’t seem to work.”

At that time, Congressman Bong, who was silent for a while, opened his mouth.

The painter nodded and put the now empty vials into his bosom.

Gwiju and hemp leaf juice were used up while treating five people.

“Think of it as just not being able to bring you back to life after more than 10,000 deaths.”

“Ah, okay. But what about those diseases? At first glance, it smelled like alcohol.”

“I’m yours.”



“Why did you pour the guiju on the wound or on the knife?”

“It was disinfected. Just like the congressman sterilizes his saliva, I sterilized my knife and wounds so they wouldn’t get contaminated.”

“Is pouring and washing the gwiju the same effect as putting it in boiling water to sterilize it?”

“Boiling is better than gwiju. But you can’t put human flesh or organs in boiling water.”

“It is true. By the way, I saw green juice as well as gwiju. What is that?”

“That’s keuh- it’s a little difficult to teach.”

The painter tried to say that he had extracted cedar leaves, but he shut his mouth when he saw that many lawmakers around him were focusing their attention on him.

‘There’s no need to tell others about the anesthetic that I found out the hard way.’

Thinking about using gwiju as a disinfectant, I thought I shouldn’t have told him.

“That’s right. I saw earlier that they put acupuncture in a place I didn’t know…”

“Mr. Bong.”

The painter cut off Congressman Bong’s words in the middle.

“Why but?”

“I am very tired right now.”

“Ah- I see.”

Congressman Bong suddenly thought that painting was difficult compared to his young age.

“Is there any place to rest?”

“There is a temporary barracks where we rest.”

The person who answered the fireman’s question was a high-ranking military officer.

“Then I will rest for a bit. Oh, by the way, have you subdued all the bandits?”

Upon hearing the fireman’s question, the officer’s expression naturally distorted.

“Unfortunately, we missed more than half of them.”

“yes? More than half of me?”

In an instant, the fireman’s eyes widened.

Seeing the dead soldiers, wounded, and prisoners in the distance, it seemed as if the bandits had been subdued.

“yes. But they also suffered quite a bit of damage, so they won’t be able to come down the mountain for a while.”

“That’s right. thank god.”

The fireman followed the officer in a slightly frustrated state.

‘The age of the bandits was greater than I thought.’

Judging from the damage suffered by the soldiers, it seemed like it would take a considerable amount of time to subdue them again.

During that time, as the military officer said, it would be nice if the bandits hid in the mountains, but that wouldn’t be the case.

The fireman entered the barracks thinking that he should not come this way for the time being.

The barracks were very simple and had only a few cots.

“A rollaway bed?”

The fireman was dumbfounded for a moment, but soon felt angry.

“Why is that?”

“I needed a cot for my surgery, so I asked the soldier to get one.”

“Is that… is it? It looks like you couldn’t find it?”

At the fireman’s words, the officer made an embarrassed expression.

“yes. However, there are several cots here that the soldier couldn’t find.”

“Ha, that’s right. I’m sorry, Mr. Gongja. But I haven’t heard anything either… I’m sorry, but I think maybe the soldier didn’t tell me in the middle.”

“is that so? Anyway, if I had just one of these, I could have saved two more people.”

“yes? You said you could have saved two or two more people?”

In an instant, the officer’s eyes widened.

“Two, maybe three. Anyway, I feel really bad. Someone was desperately trying to save even one more person, but someone ignored it because it was annoying to say a word to their superior. I regret why I came all the way here and suffered.”

The fireman left the barracks, abandoning his previous desire to take a break.

When the fireman came out, the military officer who guided him hurriedly followed.

“Gongja-nim. If you were offended, I will apologize on your behalf. I don’t know about people like Confucius, but the military has a strict hierarchy, so it’s hard for soldiers to easily ask for something from their officers. The soldier must have been afraid that his superiors would rebuke him.”

“Yes, yes. It must have been difficult. But I was afraid of being rebuked, so I wasted my chance to save my comrade.”

“You wouldn’t have known it was that important.”

“Haha, you can. I understand… but I’m in a bad mood. In any case, please tell that soldier to think about it one more time if there is such a request from now on.”

“Hwa Hwa Confucius.”

The military officer tried to hold the fireman’s hand, but the fireman turned away with a cold expression.

“Then I will go.”

“I will take you to your house.”

The military officer followed, but the fireman ignored it and moved on.

“I can go there alone, so I don’t have to worry about it. At that time, it would be better to give the soldiers training one more time.”


When the fireman spoke coldly, it was difficult for the military officer to catch the fireman any longer.

‘Hmm… This is very embarrassing.’

In fact, the officer was just about to get a little upset. But strangely, the young Confucius was very difficult to deal with.

‘You look so young.’

The officer’s momentary hesitation widened the distance with the fireman.

If I moved a few steps faster, I could catch it again, but strangely it didn’t.

‘under! really! Am I intimidated? But what the heck is that medical technique… to the point where those two clinicians are trying to learn something with their eyes shining like that… It’s really amazing.’

In the meantime, the fireman moved without hesitation and soon disappeared from the officer’s sight.

“Whoa – anyway, I don’t know what kind of guy he is, but I guess I’ll have to find him and give him some training.”

The military officer looked into the darkness where the burner had disappeared.

“Anyway, can I send it that way?”

Currently, this is the valley of Maseoksan Mountain.

When it’s bright, you can walk down for about 30 minutes to get to the village, so you don’t have to worry about getting lost, but it’s not so easy at night.

“Well, you’re from here, so you know the road well.”

The officer nodded and turned around.


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