I Regressed But The World DidnT Fall Apart

Chapter 11

I Regressed But The World Didn’T Fall Apart 11

The Innocence of Dual Axes (2) – [It Kills Two]


“Actually, there’s no other weapon setup as effective as these dual axes, you know? Starting from the advantage of being able to utilize both offense and defense as I just mentioned···.”

-Ha! She knows her stuff!

-This person must be a vegetable expert.

– No, Teacherㅋㅋ We’re not clueless about that.

– Seriously, who doesn’t know that dual-wielding allows for simultaneous attacks in combat?

– The fact that no one can do it is the issue.

– But what about the gameplay? It’s insane, seriously.


“Above all, it’s about the impact. Those who have experienced it firsthand would know. The sensation of the blade and handle coming together is truly exceptional.”

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ If anyone saw this, they’d think it’s a show.

-So, do I just switch to dual axes and set up the combo?

– No, instead of this game, why not play Rise of Valhalla?

-ㅇㅇ;; If he plays Valhalla, it might drive him crazy.

-Even the top dual-axe players can’t keep up with him.

Continuing his explanation leisurely, Do Hyuk took down another variant zombie.

“Rise of Valhalla? Is that a different game?”

Even in the midst of this, he managed to chat and communicate.

Of course, the situation wasn’t entirely relaxed.

The battle had just begun, barely ten seconds in.

Although he had already killed three, the situation remained tensely intense.

Moreover, Do Hyuk had a handicap.

“Oh, Oppa, fighting!”

A few steps behind him, Ji An was hiding behind a bookshelf.

Although in her hands lay the 12-gauge shotgun she farmed earlier, boasting high efficiency according to viewers’ comments…

Could Ji An truly kill a variant zombie properly with that?

‘It’d be fortunate if it doesn’t hit me.’

With that thought, Do Hyuk adjusted his grip on the axe handle.

Adding another self-imposed mission in his mind.

‘Let’s not leave anyone behind me.’

In case he ended up needing the shotgun Ji An was holding…

Unwanted consequences were imaginable.

Therefore, not a single one of the dozens of variant zombies should be left behind.

Of course, for Do Hyuk, this was not a difficult task.


Taking a deep breath, Do Hyuk adjusted his posture.

Spreading his arms, raising the dual axes, and regulating his breathing.



-‘That stance’ ON

-Dual-wield fans, it’s time for the national rule.

Unintentionally, Do Hyuk’s stance naturally captivated the viewers’ attention.

‘One strike with the axe for each.’

It didn’t seem difficult.

An impression gained from facing a few opponents.

Perhaps because they were merely monsters in the game, their attack patterns were all monotonous.

No need for any special tactics or psychological warfare, just timely responses to incoming attacks.

Having finished his thoughts, Ido-hyuk moved his legs.


Instead of stepping back, Ido-hyuk leaped forward.

His shoulder muscles swayed like a dance.

Crack! Thud!

Dozens of exchanges of blows in an instant.

The martial skills he honed by crossing countless battle lines in the war against extraterrestrial beings before his return.

It shone.

Each time Ido-hyuk’s two axes danced in the air, a mutant zombie fell.

-He handles dual axes really well, huh?

-Wow, his eye for purification is insane…

-hahahahaha wow



Viewers ecstatic at the sight.

A natural reaction.

The double axes, like the dual swords, stimulated men’s fantasies just as much.

A weapon set akin to a symbol of barbaric warriors.

Especially with the success of the globally popular game, “Rise of Valhalla,” many viewers felt a thrill watching the double axe play.

However, the thrill provided by the double axes matched the devious level of manipulation difficulty.

Hence, streamers who truly mastered the double axes were a rarity worldwide.

-Woah! That’s truly a barbarian warrior

-It’s just at an unbelievable level;

But Ido-hyuk was different.


His left axe split a mutant zombie’s skull as it continued forward.

Simultaneously, Ido-hyuk raised the axe in his other hand.


The axe blade and the mutant zombie’s nail met, producing a clanging sound.

Then, twisting the handle, Ido-hyuk brought down the axe, severing the creature’s arm.


What followed was a massacre that seemed somewhat tedious.

With each dance of Ido-hyuk’s axes in his hands, one fell.

Before long, only a few mutants remained as most had been disposed of.

Mutant zombies lay in pieces all around.

Yet, just as one hand cannot stop ten, it wasn’t that the mutant zombies offered no resistance.


Several mutated zombies choosing to target Jian to avoid Ido Hyuk.

Among them, one eventually succeeded in reaching Jian directly.


The creature screaming and rushing towards Jian.

That was the moment.


Without even looking back, Ido Hyuk threw an axe handle.

Followed by a loud thud! sound.

The axe blade hitting the mutant zombie’s face, creating a sound.


And thus, the battle ended.

-Intense; Seriously gave me chills.

-Nerf dual axes a bit;

-Mixer’s form is insane

Viewers watching all of this live went wild.

Admiration and praise flooding the chat box.

It was a crazy play that couldn’t even be compared to any [Eat Kills Two] plays they had seen before.

Yet, the main player, Ido Hyuk, seemed unfazed.

As if he had just done what was natural.

In reality, that was true.

“Not a big deal.”

Ido Hyuk’s thoughts on slaughtering dozens of mutant zombies.

Compared to the battles he fought during his hunter days, it was embarrassingly easy.

However, the seemingly nonchalant battle Ido Hyuk just had produced results that were anything but small.





Successive notification sounds.

Jian, who knew what they meant, let out a surprised sound ahead of the others.

[“DohyukChu” has donated 10,000 won.]

-What did I just witness?

[“DualAxeKiller” has donated 30,000 won.]

-That’s some serious donation;;

[“MasterKimOfTheSouth” has donated 10,000 won.]

-What are you up to, seriously?

[“BarbarianBoomIsComing” has donated 100,000 won.]

-Here I come!

A shower of donations.

At least that amount was certainly something significant from Lee Dohyuk’s perspective.

“···Catching a few dozen lowlifes for tens of millions of won?”

A mere five-minute battle.

Not even worth mentioning.

However, the money earned from that battle was well beyond Lee Dohyuk’s daily wage at the construction site.

“Maybe broadcasting isn’t as bad as I thought?”

Initially, it was simply about helping out his younger brother and earning some money.

But now, wouldn’t it be worth taking this seriously and trying?

That was the only thought running through Lee Dohyuk’s mind.


The scene transitions.

After taking down the mutant zombies, Ethan and Ellie start searching through the bodies.

Ethan finds a small notebook inside one of the zombie’s pockets.

A few lines of writing inside.

“Wha… what does this say?”

Lee Dohyuk muttered.

Incomplete sentences.

Stained with blood, making it difficult to decipher.

Almost like a code.

As Lee Dohyuk pondered over the window in front of him, trying to make sense of it.

“Um… it seems like a clue to where we can get the serum?”

Jian, who was looking over the contents together, spoke up.


Lee Dohyuk looked at Jian in amazement.

Although not certain, it seemed like the right answer.

Upon hearing Jian’s explanation and thinking of it as a clue about the serum, things started to fall into place.

“This seems to be referring to the mutant pathogen. Maybe there’s something to suppress the pathogen if we go to the indicated location here?”

“Ah! Remember we saw that wrecked trailer before we entered the house earlier? This seems to be referring to that trailer!”

“Hmm. Does make sense, doesn’t it?”

“Going there might mean finding the serum to suppress the mutant pathogen!”

A quite plausible interpretation.

Based on the information gathered while playing <It Kills Two>, it was understood that starting from the Neck Hag, various mutations, including zombies, were created due to some kind of pathogen.

Exposure to a fungus-based mutant pathogen leads to transforming into grotesque mutants.

According to the notes, if they go to XlerXer, there should be ingredients for a serum to suppress and purify such mutant pathogens.

XlerXer most likely refers to a trailer.


-Quick on the uptake;

– Smarter than expected?

Jean’s remarkable deduction left the chat room in awe.

Normally, the contents in the notebook should be interpreted with additional clues obtained in the next stage.

But Jean had figured it out without the extra clues.

It was astonishing to see Jean solve the strategy correctly even with insufficient clues.

Of course, there was one hidden fact here.


[“MyEyeChu” has donated 1,000 won.]

– Why pretend to figure it out after seeing the strategy guide? I distinctly remember seeing you watch the Hidden Route being cleared and the YouTube video uploaded during the last broadcast.

At that moment, a viewer pointed out Jean’s mistake.

She was one of his long-time fans and a loyal viewer who never missed a single broadcast.

There was no need to verify whether the viewer’s observation was accurate or not.

“Oops, uh…”

Jean’s expression clearly indicated that he had been caught red-handed, revealing the correct answer.


– Something seems fishy

– Not “something,” but something f**ked up

– What’s weird about the number 1?

– Maybe they’re trying to emphasize it’s not “f**ked up”

“Why, why. I just wanted to try pretending to be good at the game for once…”


– As long as it’s cute

– Okay

From Noble mtl dot com

– Seriously, how do these guys even keep track of their YouTube viewing history?


– Oh my

Of course, there were some minor hiccups during the broadcast.

“Anyway, so if we go to the trailer, there’s serum, right?”

Itohyuk stepped in to calm down the chaotic chat.


“And then? What do we use the serum for?”

“You go there to farm serum and then… uh, but can we proceed with the game according to this strategy guide? Everyone. Is that fine?”

– Yeah

– Actually, just rushing through is better for us too LOL

– Honestly, It Kills Two is tasted too often LOL

– Forget about the story and just throw us into boss battles quickly~

Fortunately, the chat room allowed for a fast-paced progression as per the strategy guide.

Since [It Kills Two] wasn’t a new game, and the discovery of the Hidden Route was a few years back, viewers preferred swift progress rather than aimlessly searching for clues as if rummaging through a haunted house.

After all, most viewers were here not for [It Kills Two]’s story, but to witness Itohyuk’s insane gameplay.

“Alright. Let’s quickly head to the trailer. Get the serum there, turn it into a compound, then sprinkle it around the mansion with the sprinkler.”

“Sapfo? Aren’t we on the right path?”

“Yeah. When exposed to serum, the mutant bodies weaken collectively. Come on, let’s go!”

With that said, Jian took a step forward.

-(Info) Sprinklers are not coolers but coolers

-For real?


Until now, she had only been leading the cheering squad, but now was the moment for her to shine.

A few days ago, it was a bit unexpected for viewers to see the viewing records of Black Oak’s videos that she had watched repeatedly.

Still, it was time for her to utilize the strategies she had memorized, even making notes.

“There are throwable weapons there too!”

In addition to serum, there were throwable weapons like grenades that could be farmed from the trailer.

Although firearms like rifles and shotguns were not allowed for Jian due to aiming issues, she could still play a role with throwable weapons.

Even in the softball game she hosted on her private broadcast a few months ago, Jian had shown quite a human-like play.

“If I have grenades with me…”

She could do more than just act as a shield on her own broadcast.

But just at that moment.

“…Wouldn’t the difficulty level become too low?”

Eido-hyuk mumbled upon hearing Jian’s words.

-Excuse me?

-Well… I made it so lame because it’s supposed to be difficult if you don’t weaken them

-The difficulty turns hellish from the third boss lol

-It’s tough without serum

“Too tough? Huh. It doesn’t seem that tough. Well, you’ll see once you try without it.”


-You’re not farming serum?

-Ugh… But if it’s this boss, that might be true…

-For real, it’s worth a try

-Oh, okay

“Huh? Wait. Why bother?!”

“Even now, it’s not that difficult, and it’s a hassle to go back just to find serum. Don’t you all prefer this way more?


-Even the boss earlier was a 5-minute cut, no need to use serum

-Honestly, if another streamer did this, they’d be called fake, but this teacher seems like he might really clear it without it;

-Isn’t the next boss Kias? The difficulty level is insane;

-First, try it, and if it doesn’t work, you can come back and farm

The chat responded positively to Eido-hyuk’s words.

In reality, what was the reason they were watching the broadcast right now?

To watch a game as outdated as [It Kills Two]?

Of course not.

Everyone was there to witness Eido-hyuk’s gameplay, to see the insane battle scenes that couldn’t be found anywhere else, live.

However, the streamer didn’t lower the difficulty level on their own, nor did they promise to raise it.

As viewers, there was no reason to object.


[User ‘BlackOak’ has requested a 100,000 won mission.]

-Oh, great. Let’s go for the next boss clear without using the serum.

Time remaining: 47:59

Moreover, BlackOak even shot out additional missions at the right timing.


“Jian. Let’s just proceed without it. Where should we go for the next stage… Underground, perhaps?”

Naturally, it was expected to flow in the direction of progressing without serum farming.

Having discovered a hatch in a corner of the room, Lee Dohyuk found it and asked.

It seemed like they should head underground through this.

-Really looking forward to it.

-I did see someone fail without the serum last time.

-Oh, Lee Dohyuk is different from a gaming noob; no comparison.

-Gaming noobㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-Hey······ you guys···


-You’re on fireㅋㅋㅋㅋ

In the chat window, there was full anticipation of what Lee Dohyuk would show in the next stage.

Of course, not everyone was happy with the current progression.

Having mastered all the strategies, Jian was in a “Just trust me now!” mode.


Once again, she missed the chance to shine.

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