I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 69

Episode 69 [Airport (3)]

There were underdogs wandering around the airport runway. The number was much lower than a week ago.

Moreover, these underdogs had a different vibe from regular monsters. It was as if they were watching the surroundings. I looked inside the hangar through the broken cracks and ran my mouth through the weeds.

The underdog also approached the hangar where Kyung-hoon was hiding.

Because it was a monster, its strength was different.

I grabbed the bulletproof door with my mouth and pulled it to the side, and the huge door began to open little by little.

Gagga gyaggak.

As soon as a gap appeared, the smell from inside the hangar flowed out.

Underdog sniffed.

It was the human smell I had felt a week ago!

It was time for the underdog to send a signal.


A short stick rolled out through the crack in the open door. Underdog reflexively put the stick in his mouth and


It exploded on the spot.


With the sound of the mana bomb exploding, the underdogs walking around began to change. The fur disappeared, the long mouth shrank, and the front legs turned into arms.

The underdogs transformed into humans and moved to the hangar where the bomb exploded.

And again, monsters in human form emerged from the buildings and the large hangar in the center. They were wearing military uniforms and carrying rifles as before.

It was a much smaller number than when it popped out before. It looked like it was well over a hundred, but it was less than half the number before.

The human-shaped monsters quickly established a siege network.

The monsters holding guns lay down on the ground or hid behind cover. The monsters aimed their guns at the hangar.

It was no different from the fighting methods of human soldiers.

After all the monsters were in place, the monsters who were underdogs approached the hangar.

The clothless monsters cautiously gathered in front of the hangar door.

The shattered corpse of a monster and black scorch marks were stuck to the slightly open hangar door.

The other monsters clung to the hangar wall, and two monsters grabbed the door with both hands and pulled with all their might.

This time the stick was not thrown out.

Googoo googung.

The hangar door began to open with a loud noise.

Crash. Crash.

The sound of the control wheel being moved from safe to burst and continuous shooting was heard from all directions.


The door was wide open.

Light came into the dark hangar.

In the center of the originally empty hangar, there was something I had never seen before.

[Start of maneuver]

A steel spider the size of a small car. It was a spider-shaped robot standing on the ground with eight legs. The very same item that was left covered in a tarp in the corner of the hangar not long ago.

The robot, which was bare-bones, was different from before.

Although it looked sloppy, important parts of its body were covered with plates with engraved patterns, and several firearms were placed on its back. A K4 high-velocity grenade launcher was installed between the two K6 heavy machine guns.

These were all weapons from the Awakened Training Center.

The monsters that opened the door suddenly stopped moving due to an unexpected situation. Even those who were aiming guns from afar were unable to fire right away.


At that moment, the two machine guns installed on the spider’s back began to move.

The automated system was taken from the Awakened Training Center, allowing the machine gun to move regardless of direction.

[Target capture]

The muzzle of the machine gun was pointed at the two monsters who opened the hangar door.

[Start shooting]


Machine guns opened fire.

12.7mm 50 caliber NATO bullets rained down on the monsters.

puck! Puff puff!

A translucent membrane unfolded to block the bullet.

However, it was a bullet that could easily penetrate most steel plates. I was able to block the first one or two shots, but eventually the barrier broke and the monster was torn apart by bullets.

Kiiing clank.

The spider robot that disassembled the two monsters began to move.

As the robot left the hangar, it moved the camera attached to the front. An infrared camera captured body temperature.

The muzzle was turned and the machine gun fired again.


Covers were blown away and shields were shattered.

In an instant, the front siege was broken.

Ta-ta-tang, ta-ta-tang,

of course the counterattack came back.

The sound of roasting beans was heard from all directions, and bullets rained down on the plate surrounding the robot.


These were the defensive boards that Omar worked hard to create all week.

The plates with the patterns engraved on them were dented and cracked by the rain of bullets.

Unfortunately, since it was an item not directly used by humans, it was not even half as effective. The performance was insufficient to block awakening bullets. However, I was able to endure it for a while.

The spider robot changed its direction. I saw monsters hiding behind the hangar wall.

Tung. Tung.

A grenade was fired from a grenade launcher.


The hangar wall exploded and the hidden monsters were also destroyed.

It was a grenade replaced with a mana explosive. There was no way to block the direct hit of the mana bomb with a weak shield. However, there were not many grenades containing mana bombs.

The spider golem began using heavy machine guns again.


We only used grenades against impenetrable cover, but that was enough.

The monsters also desperately resisted, but the difference in firepower was too great.

The siege collapsed and monsters began to be slaughtered.


Ta-ta-ta-ta! Quagwang!

A loud explosion could be heard even in the hangar in the center of the runway.

It was dark and quiet inside the hangar where the explosion could be heard.

Although light leaked in through the slightly open bulletproof door of the hangar, it could not illuminate the entire hangar.

Numerous people were lying in the dark hangar.

It was as if corpses were piled on top of each other. Although it was empty in many places, there were still more than a hundred people lying close to each other.

The people lying down were neither breathing nor moving.

They just got up one by one, stepped on the other person’s body, and escaped through the slightly open door.

Most people were in military uniform, but there were also some who were slightly different.

Among them, there was an old man wearing an officer’s uniform.

The old man opened his eyes.

The old man stood up with an expressionless face.

Several stars twinkled on his shoulders as he stood up.

As soon as he woke up, he received information from his clan.

“I don’t understand…”

There was something strange about the information gathered from the clan. It’s not that a human has appeared, but a long-abandoned golem is moving. It was hard to accept, but it was happening anyway.

I couldn’t leave it like this.

He looked at his lying clan.

Battle golems were difficult for ordinary clans to deal with.

If they were mixed with humans, they would be easy to deal with, but the physical strength of the clan was much weaker than that of other beings.

There was no choice. He decided to awaken the clans that ate the awakened ones.

Members of the clan not wearing military uniforms opened their eyes.

Some clans wore armor similar to medieval plate armor, while others wore everyday clothes.

There was no need for words between the clans.

The clan members who got up grabbed their weapons and ran out of the hangar.

All they grabbed were weapons used by human awakeners.

After they went through the door, the sound of the battle, which had quieted for a while, became fierce again.

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta! Quagwagwang! Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta!

The sound of bombs exploding and machine guns firing. And even the sound of something exploding. Unlike before, the sound of machine guns was heard irritably.

The old man who was about to go out the door stopped in place. This was because it seemed like it would be resolved only with the clan that had just left.

Instead, he started wondering what had happened. He knew very well that the way of thinking learned from humans was quite helpful in times like this.

While he was thinking, a person came down in front of the hangar door. It was Kyung-hoon.


Even though it fell from the hangar roof, almost no sound was heard.

After getting the spider golem’s attention, he ran into this hangar.

After that, he secretly climbed to the hangar roof and continued to peek inside through the open door.

But I couldn’t watch it anymore. This was because it became difficult for the spider golem to endure.

-The left rear armor was destroyed, the front armor protection ability was lost, and the left machine gun was destroyed. Two legs were also destroyed, reducing movement speed by more than 30%.

The newly appeared monsters were like awakened people. When I moved with the characteristics of the awakened people while holding the equipment used by the awakened people, the motor could not keep up.

-Difficult to last more than 5 minutes.

Kyung-hoon entered through the open door while listening to Eve’s report.

He held a shield in one hand and a bundle of cylindrical sticks in the other.

In front of me, an old man was standing blankly looking at the sky. And behind the old man, hundreds of people were lying on the floor like corpses. The old man looked at Kyung-hoon and Kyung-hoon threw the sticks.


sticks flew in the sky.

The old man’s expression changed for the first time when he saw the stick. Because I saw what those sticks were through the eyes of another clan.


A scream came out of the old man’s mouth, and all the family members who were lying down opened their eyes.

At the same time, all the family members who had left for the search began returning to the airport.

Mana bombs fell to the floor.


A huge explosion occurred. The monsters that opened their eyes were caught in the explosion and screamed.

And then other sticks flew above it.

Kyung-hoon, hiding behind a shield, continued to throw mana bombs.


An old man jumped out among the screaming monsters engulfed in flames.

He was an old man whose entire body was distorted by the fire and looked like he had been burned, but the moment he escaped the flames, his skin moved and covered up the burnt skin.

Although he looked grotesque due to his wriggling flesh, he was in normal condition when he arrived in front of Kyung-hoon.

As the old man ran, he threw his fist at Kyung-hoon.

Kyung-Hoon raised his shield. It was a shield that had blocked all the explosions just now. A punch was enough to stop it.


The moment the fist hits the shield. A low drumming sound was heard.


Kyung-hoon let go of his shield and threw himself backwards. The hand holding the shield trembled and the face frowned.

– This is Balgyeong.

“What is Balgyeong? It’s just mana pushed in!”

– The technique of pushing mana into the opponent through equipment is commonly referred to as Balgyeong.

Kyung-hoon grumbled inwardly at Eve’s answer.

‘They’re like martial arts gangsters!’

Gyeong-hoon shook off his numb hands and took out a sword from his backpack.

I pushed him away with my shield, but the old man was already right in front of me. It was difficult to deal with with a rifle.

Mana was infused into the sword. The arm and the sword became one. In that state, he swung his sword.


The sword passed by, cutting through the old man’s hair.

It seemed as if the old man knew the sword’s trajectory.

After the sword passed, the old man approached. The old man’s fist rose again.

‘shit! Are you a martial arts expert?’

Kyunghoon lowered his head and put his shoulders forward. And he caught the fist with his shoulder.


Mana was pushed in through the shoulder. The pain was no joke. But Kyung-hoon gritted his teeth and grabbed the fist.

The tips of my fists were crushed. The flesh was moving and recovering, but the moment I struck, my fist was shattered.

“As expected, his skills may have been good, but his body itself was not good.”

– This seems to be this monster’s weakness. Although it is possible to imitate the body of another living being, it seems difficult to increase the strength of the body for transformation.

While listening to Eve’s words, Kyung-hoon punched the old man. The old man also threw a punch at him.

thud! puck!

Kyung-hoon’s insides were ruined and the old man’s face was smashed.

My body was shaking from the pain, but Kyung-hoon didn’t let go of my hand.

He wrapped his arms around his waist instead of his arms and started a dog fight with the old man.

They hit me with my head and scratched me with my fingernails.

He took whatever items he could find out of his backpack and stabbed the old man.

My mana was all tangled up and I was completely unconscious.

It felt like thunder was rumbling inside and like a volcano had erupted.

The inside of the hangar he was fighting in was on fire, but that didn’t even occur to him.

While I was rolling around like that, I heard Eve’s voice.

-The spider golem has stopped working.

“Ha.ha.ha. It’s over.”

And laughter was heard from underneath Kyung-hoon’s body.

-I don’t have time, so I’ll blow myself up right away. 3.21 bombing.


A bright light shone into the hangar along with a loud explosion. The laughter also stopped.

“You’re done.”

Kyung-hoon took out another sword and slashed at his crushed face.

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