I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 33

Episode 33 [Rescue (2)]

‘The person above is a mutant, right? Don’t be alarmed, just listen to me.’

No, Kyung-Hoon was very surprised.

‘I sensed you sneaking up on me. I’ll tell you what’s going on inside here, so can you tell it to the outside world? I don’t know where they came from, but please tell our story to the world.’

Is this a trait like telepathy? But how did you know it was coming?

The more I listened, the more my doubts piled up.

‘The people trapped here are super-powered people called mutants. A few people went crazy and killed the soldiers and were killed, but the majority were just scared…’ As the

story continued, Gyeonghun eventually pulled Mana up and wrapped it around his head.

‘It’s here…’

As expected, the voice in my head suddenly stopped.

The person speaking may have been talking like they were grasping at straws, but it was difficult to even think because of the sound ringing in my head.

“Is all you can do is listen? It’s like listening to a radio broadcast.”

I tried various things while the voice was being heard, but the other person couldn’t understand me at all.

This way, I couldn’t hear the information I wanted and I couldn’t tell them anything.

I needed information. Kyung-hoon pressed his hand on the earphone and whispered softly. “I heard a voice in my head. Do you know anything?” –

Is it telepathy? Hostile telepathy can be blocked with mana.

“It doesn’t seem hostile. “I already did that because it was loud.”

-Well done. So what are you curious about?

Kyung-hoon told Eve the current situation.

-There is information that a powerful telepathic awakener can even steal the thoughts of other awakened people. But in this case, it doesn’t seem to be right, and

when I raised my mana, it was a telepathy that was immediately blocked. There was no way the other person had that much power.

-Another method is to connect the receiver’s mana to the mana line sent by the opponent. It seems impossible to do it right away in a fairly difficult way.

“Do you know how to do it?

– Mana communication itself is a technology that came about when trying to implement telepathic abilities with a magic circle. There is no way I don’t know the basic technology of Mana Communication.

“Then explain to me how to do it.”

– It seems difficult to do it right away, but… I understand.

Eve explained to Kyung-hoon how to move mana and link it with telepathy.

Although she did not experience it directly, there was a detailed description of the awakened person in her database.

– ….This technique is only possible if a skilled mana user of at least D rank or higher spends a certain amount of time practicing.

Before she could finish speaking, Kyung-hoon opened his mouth.

“Ah, that’s okay.”


“It’s okay. wait. First, let’s check if it actually works.”

-Not so quickly…

Ignoring Eve’s surprised voice, Kyung-hoon released the mana that had been wrapped around his head.

The voice came again.

‘Ah, connected. How did you do it? The connection was blocked. I’ve never had anything like this before. ‘Did you stop it there?’

It was a very surprised voice.

‘If something like this is possible, you could send a signal to me by blocking and releasing it. If you get it right, hang up twice. If you get it wrong, hang up once. What do you think? This way I can ask questions too!’

The other person poured out words in a voice full of joy. But Kyung-hoon wasn’t listening at all. He was just moving mana and looking for the string of mana connected to him.

And, eventually, he was able to feel an imaginary string connected to his forehead. Kyung-hoon moved the mana and placed his mana on the string.

Mana stretched out along an imaginary string. It crossed the air, broke through the roof, and went straight down.

‘Try it… What is it?’


As Kyung-hoon clenched his fists, Eve’s exclamation of exclamation was heard in his ears.


“First compliment?”

Eve had no answer to Kyung-hoon’s words. Kyunghoon smiled slightly and concentrated his mind.

‘Can you hear me?’

‘uh? uh? I can hear you. oh my god. Was this supposed to be a conversation?’

A voice mixed with various emotions was heard. Perhaps because it was not spoken verbally, the other person’s emotions were conveyed directly.

I felt like I needed to calm down the other person’s excitement.

‘There isn’t much time. I have been told that this facility will be closed in two days at the latest.’


It seemed like a good choice. The voice on the other end immediately quieted down.

‘So, I’d like you to explain what’s going on inside.’

The other person cautiously asked Kyung-hoon what he said.

‘Could you please tell me who that is?’

‘I came looking for you after seeing a message left on a piece of cloth a while ago. Let’s just say he’s one of the mutant humans who agrees with EV’s ideas.

‘Ah… I’m glad. It was delivered properly. But what is Eve?’

Well, there was no way I could know what was happening in the outside world inside this place.

‘I’ll explain everything later. First, could you tell me the situation inside the building?’

‘hmm. ‘Could you please wait a moment?’

With those words, the connected string of mana disappeared. Telepathy was broken.

Kyung-hoon explained to Eve what was shared telepathically.

“Are they trying to discuss something among themselves?”

-The situation will suddenly change, so they will have to change their plans.

“That would mean there was some kind of plan…”

Kyung-hoon checked his weapon while waiting for the voice to be heard again.

Looking at the situation, it didn’t look like he would just back down. It would depend on the other person’s answer, but it was better to prepare in advance. .

After a while, the telepathic connection was established again.

‘I’m sorry. I couldn’t decide on my own. First, let me explain the situation here as I know.’

‘We are imprisoned on the third basement floor. Heavily armed troops are stationed above us. According to the soldier with us, there is one heavy machine gun and a grenade launcher…’ As expected, it was not as shabby as it seemed on the outside


If he had gone in without thinking, he would have run away soon after.

Kyung-hoon remembered every single story he heard. His memory for operations was not bad, so he was able to remember them all.

Kyung-hoon was lost in thought for a moment. How should we break through and get down? The defense was unexpectedly strong. It didn’t seem easy to break through the defense without killing people.

‘I need help in this situation.’

But things seemed to go differently than Kyung-hoon had thought.

‘I’m going to put the escape plan I’ve prepared in the meantime into action. Could you please cause chaos outside?’

Kyung-hoon thought about making a similar request, but the other person spoke up first. It

seemed like this was the reason they cut off telepathy a little while ago and held a meeting among themselves.

It wasn’t a bad thing for Kyung-hoon to say.

‘Okay, let’s get along and make a fuss.’

‘thank you.’

It was a very grateful voice.

“It’s confusion.”

Kyung-hoon first took out a gas mask.

Fortunately, it was a quiet night with no wind. He took out several yellow cans from his backpack. They were cans containing CS gas with letters written in English. After putting on the gas mask, he placed the steel cans on the floor

. I lined up and waited for the signal.

After a while, I heard a voice in my head:


But there was no need to hear the voice.


An impact strong enough to shake the building was felt from the floor.

The impact was such that one of the pillars could have been broken.

Bang, bang, bang.

Immediately after, a gunshot was heard.

Kyung-hoon took out his sword and placed it next to the railing. I cut off the communication antenna that had been erected.

There must have been a separate walkie-talkie, but it was better to destroy what needed to be destroyed.

Next, I also cut the electric wire connected to the building.


. The moment I cut the electric cord, sparks flashed. I flinched for a moment, but luckily. There was nothing wrong with his body.

He held the can and looked over the railing.

The guard posts and the main gate were noisy.

And in the distance, he could see lights coming on at the military base. The cell phone was blocked, but it seemed like he was on the radio right away.

Kyung-hoon had the can. He picked the can and threw it towards the nearest guard post. Then, he picked the next can and went to the next guard post…

The strength strengthened beyond that of a human made the steel can fly accurately even to the distant front gate.

Peek. Fushuuuuu

white smoke came out of the can. It spewed out endlessly,

“Emergency! There’s an attack outside… Cough! “Cough!”

The soldier who was reporting the situation began to shed tears and cough.

The same was true for the soldiers at other guard posts.

White smoke rose around the building. It was tear gas that had not appeared recently.

Kyung-hoon put his backpack on his back and headed to the locked rooftop door. I just couldn’t open the rooftop door for fear of hearing noise.

Kang! Bye!

His sword went through the rooftop door and cut it off by the handle.

As expected, there was a loud noise, but no one paid any attention.

Kyunghoon opened the door and looked inside. The stairs were deep and straight.

Unfortunately, not all the fire was out. Red light blinked on each floor. The emergency light came on.

Kyunghoon opened another can and dropped it between the stairs.

The can fell down, emitting white smoke.

As I threw a few more cans down, I could hear coughing coming from inside the building.

As expected, there was no preparation for the chemical and biological room at all. Since I was only dealing with mutants, the basic things were not followed at all.

Ta ta ta. thud.

The vibrations and gunshots were still there. Kyunghoon tilted his head. It seemed like I needed to move from here.

Kyung-hoon ran down the stairs through the smoke.

Perhaps thanks to the work done from below, there has been no one blocking the way yet.

As I went down, I looked around the hallways and saw people in white lab coats wandering around in tears.

Kyung-hoon continued to go down, throwing the candle in an area with little smoke.

bang. bang. Goong.

The sound of gunshots became quieter. The problem is that the vibrations that vibrate the walls have decreased compared to before.

“Cough! Who are you?”

However, when he entered the basement, there were people blocking him.

An officer with a pistol, and a soldier who suddenly encountered him. One officer even fired a gun at Kyung-hoon.


But there was no need to test whether he could stop the bullet.

No one could understand Kyung-hoon’s movements with only the tear gas that filled the room and the emergency lights that sprayed red light.

Kyung-hoon was able to stun people who stood in his way without even having to use a gun or a knife. He hit

the people who stood in his way like that. After lying down, he was able to arrive at the detention facility on the 3rd floor underground that the telepathy had told him about. There

was a door made of thick steel plate in the middle of a long hallway, and now there was a hole in the door.

Right in front of Kyung-hoon. At the exit of the hallway. There was a machine gun emplacement made up of sandbags.

A machine gun emplacement indoors was absurd, but the machine gun was aimed inward, not outward. It

appears that this machine gun emplacement was originally installed to prevent escape. Thanks to that

, Kyung-hoon was able to see the backs of the heads of the soldiers holding the machine guns.

Fortunately, it seemed like gas masks had been prepared at this machine gun position.

Two soldiers wearing gas masks were glaring at the wall with a hole in it and shooting at the first sign. And behind the soldier stood an officer holding a grenade launcher.

‘Why are we stuck here? When I heard it telepathically, it seemed like they would escape on their own if I helped them.’

Kyung-hoon’s doubts were answered by a sound coming from inside the iron door.

Cough, Cough

, “Tear gas! I didn’t expect something like this! Cough.”

“What should I do? Cough.”

“You have to concentrate to increase your strength! “This is the only way I can concentrate… Collock.”

It seemed like it was Kyunghoon’s fault.

Gyeong-hoon immediately ran forward and struck the necks of the soldiers and officers holding the machine guns.


It sounded really bad, but all three of us just fainted.

Still, it was fortunate. I was able to finish it easily because I paid attention to the inside.

Kyung-hoon did not yet have the confidence to face machine guns and grenade launchers head-on.

When the gunfire stopped, the voices coming from behind the hole in the iron door also stopped.

“Support is here.”

Kyunghoon spoke first.

‘Could it be you?’


A voice sounded in his head, and Kyung-hoon answered out loud.

A moment later, five men and women carefully emerged from the hole.

Their faces, covered in tears and snot, were grotesquely distorted from the pain of tear gas.

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