I Picked a Mobile From Another World

Chapter 228

Episode 228 [ Advance (3) ]

The sound of shells falling in the distance continued to be heard.

If it were a war between humans, it might have been a frightening sound, but now it was a sound that brought comfort to the soldiers.

The forest, which had been dense until yesterday, had turned into a bare, half-burned forest.

Smoke rose from half-burnt trees, and the heat was still felt in the forest where the fire was sleeping.

Shuuk. Crash. Shuyuk. Crash.

A robot resembling a spider passes through a burned forest, looks around, and


Drones and unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew low overhead and continued reconnaissance.

Hundreds of awakened people were following behind them. It was an advance team made up of Korean awakened people.

There were some regular soldiers armed with heavy weapons, but most of them were awakened people.

The main unit was following behind the advance unit, but the distance had now widened to the point where it could not be seen.

While the Korean military advance team passed through the burned forest,

ta-ta-ta-ta! Wow!

Gunshots and monster screams were heard from beyond the northern mountains.

-Crackling. This is the North Korean military advance team. In battle with an elite level monster.

Next, a communication came in from the North Korean military advance unit.

The North Korean advance team encountered the surviving monsters.

The Allied forces were divided into four units and were moving west.

From the north to the Russian Army, North Korean Army, South Korean Army, and Manchurian Independence Army.

The four units advanced toward the goal while maintaining a short distance.

If other units were in danger, it was a distance where they could go to help within a few hours, but it was also a distance that could make the enemy worry about where the main attack unit was.

[Four arrows.]

It was an operation planned by Eve and approved by the command.

It was quite a different operation from the single breakthrough originally prepared by the field headquarters.

It was a strategy that assumed the enemy not as a simple monster but as an intelligent being capable of strategic tactics.

This operation had to be prepared in detail and the four units had to cooperate organically.

It was an operation that made the staff question whether it would actually be possible.

However, now that we had advanced more than 40km into the mountain range, no one had such questions.


With the final scream, the sounds coming from beyond the mountain disappeared.

-This is the North Korean army advance guard. Monster annihilation complete. I will keep moving forward.

The advance path of the four troops was adjusted frequently by Eve.

Areas where monsters were concentrated were swept away with firepower supported from the rear, and each unit evaded or dealt with the enemy as necessary.

Thanks to excellent instructions, your troops were able to avoid severe resistance while advancing deep into the mountains.

But the comfortable times are now over.

-It is already beyond the maximum range of Russian and Chinese self-propelled guns. Soon, the maximum range of the Korean K-9 self-propelled howitzer will be exceeded. Fire support will be lacking, so please prepare for enemy attacks.

Eve sent a message to the entire unit.

thud…! thud!

The sound of cannonballs gradually diminished.

“Now it’s time to start!”

The awakened people who seemed bored gained momentum.

Yeongcheol also took a deep breath.


He began to divert mana little by little. I needed to warm up before the battle.

“Ugh. I thought I would end up on the front lines. “They seem like stubborn people.”

Next to him, as always, Gyu-Gyu was pouting and grumbling.

Youngcheol, who was listening to the grumbles, asked Gyujeong.

“I guess you know the people in the association well.”

In response to Gyu-Gyu’s question, Young-Cheol pointed to the leader of the starting group with his eyes.

There, the president of the awakened association and the directors of the association that Yeongcheol met not long ago were moving along with other awakened people.

When he joined the unit, Yeongcheol happened to see the association’s directors and Gyujeong pretending to know each other.

It was only now that Yeongcheol asked the questions he had had since then.

“Of course I know. “I am also an early member of the association.”

The question was solved so easily that it was ridiculous. Was it not a secret?

‘There’s no way an awakened person with regular skill level would be unknown. ‘Then why aren’t you with the people from the Association?’

As one question was resolved, another question came to mind, but that too was quickly resolved.

“I kept going outside because I didn’t want to fight monsters like those humans, but this time I was forcibly conscripted. “Everyone will be very sued.”

Jeong Gyu grumbled again towards the directors in the lead.

There was not an ounce of falsehood visible on Gyu-jeong’s expression as he spoke. In fact, there were no lies in what I was saying.

After clearing his doubts, Yeongcheol narrowed his eyes and looked at the association president and the awakened people in the lead.

“It looks like your skills are better than expected.”

“No matter what, they are officially the best awakened people in Korea. Of course, your skills have to be good.”

Of course, Yeongcheol seemed weaker than the awakened people he had fought with in his past life.

But it has only been two years since the cataclysm ended. Considering the time that has passed, my skills were much better than expected.

It was when Yeong-cheol warmed up to some extent while talking with Gyu-gyu.

The radio came into Jinhyuk’s headset again.

-Knight-level monsters and elite-level monsters are approaching the front of the Korean military advance force. The advance team is requested to quickly eliminate the enemy.

It looked like the proper battle would finally begin.

If one unit played the role of an arrow, the advance unit played the role of an arrowhead.

An arrowhead that destroys enemies blocking the front as quickly as possible.

The person commanding the arrowhead in this advance group was Jinhyeok, the head of the Awakened Association.

Jinhyeok was a soldier and had fought numerous battles with the army before and after awakening.

There was no one better suited to command the Korean military advance force.

Jinhyuk relayed the communication from the headset to everyone.

“Mutant monster ahead! Remove it as quickly as possible.”

At his words, the awakened people began to move quickly.

Most of the awakened people here belonged to the Awakened Association.

Most of them had been trained by Jinhyeok or had hunted monsters with him.

To them, Jinhyeok’s instructions were nothing new.

Youngcheol shook his head after seeing the awakened people quickly settling down.

The awakened people in their past lives were different from these people.

Even in the cataclysm and the last wave, the forcibly conscripted awakeners could not fight like soldiers.

The awakened hunters only fought as individuals, and even if they joined forces, they only fought together with their hunting companions.

But the awakened people of this world were different.

It was amazing to catch monsters with soldiers using an item called a spear, but it was also very surprising to see tens or hundreds of awakened people forming a formation to deal with monsters.

“Surely this isn’t because of EV?”

It was time for him to mutter again.

Monsters appeared from beyond the hill.

There were dozens of wild dogs.

A wild dog standing on two legs was caught between the wild dogs that had become so large.

“Why are there all these monsters? “You sure he’s not a werewolf or something?”

Gyu-Gyu looked at the wild dog man with an absurd expression.

But he immediately looked away. This was not the time to admire new monsters.

Gyu put his hand on the ground and used his characteristic. The ground shook.

Yeongcheol also grabbed his sword.

A wild dog standing on two legs.

It clearly resembled the deformed monster I had seen in my past life.

A monster that walks on two legs like a human. All of those monsters were strong. Most of the monsters that stood on two feet were knight-level monsters.

Knight-level monsters were difficult for any level of awakened person to deal with.

‘Should I give you a warning?’

A thought like that came to mind for a moment, but Youngcheol quickly shook his head.

I had no intention of doing anything suspicious.

But his warning was unnecessary.

As the monster formation was scattered due to the shaking ground, the association president and his colleagues rushed at the wild dog man.

While they were rushing towards the wild dog people, other awakened people attacked the wild dog monsters right around them.

It was a well-prepared division of labor.

Yeongcheol couldn’t help but be impressed once again as he rushed towards the wolf monster whose ankle was stuck on the ground.


The president of the association, a large man with no words, and several types of combat awakeners attacked the over 3m tall wild dog.

Wild dogs also let out a roar.


The wild dog, standing on two feet, howled like a wolf and swung its extended claws at the charging awakeners.

bang! Quagwang!

However, the attack was blocked by the stone shield the giant was holding. The wild dog man blasted the man with his shield, but was injured by the attacks of the humans who jumped in.

The spears shattered his defenses and scarred his skin.

The monster swung its arm at the humans who had stabbed the spear, but the people had already retreated.

It was an extremely coherent movement.

“Is it because of telepathic characteristics?”

After cutting off the head of an elite-looking wild dog, Youngcheol looked back.

There was a woman standing at the rear of the advance team that had not yet been caught up in the battle.

She was looking at the awakened people who were fighting against the wild dog people, protected by soldiers.

She was the woman who welcomed Yeongcheol when he visited the awakened barracks.

Association director with telepathic traits. It was a snowy season.


While he was digging his eyes for a moment, an explosion of drinking occurred in the area where the wild dog man was.

The president of the association had blown away the wild dog man with his shining fist.

The wild dog man, whose shield had already been blown away, could not block the Association President’s fist.

The wild dog man, covered in blood, rolled on the ground and other awakened people rushed in like a swarm of bees.

The fight didn’t take long.

Before Yeongcheol and the other awakened people could get rid of all the remaining wild dogs, the wild dog man died.

Mana spread out from the corpse, and the people fighting looked satisfied.

The other wolves were also cleared out immediately.

But the advance team had no time to rejoice in their victory.

-Monsters are coming from all directions. That’s a significant number. There is a risk of being surrounded. We will hand over the monsters to the main unit and the advance unit will begin a high-speed maneuver.

The monsters seemed to have realized that they could no longer block it with artillery fire.

But they all flock together like this at the same time. The target, a monarch-level monster, seemed to be very knowledgeable in strategy and tactics.

The president of the association shouted to the entire advance team.

“Full speed ahead! The non-awakened return to their original state! From now on, monsters that cannot be killed in a short time will be left behind!”

The advance team started running. The frantic race began.

Four arrowheads made up entirely of awakened people were fired again.

They broke through the monsters blocking the front, only wounded the monsters that were clinging to them from the side, and then handed them over to the main unit following from behind.

Thanks to this, a fierce battle took place in the main unit, but the advance team that was breaking through the enemy lines had no time to worry about the main unit.

The four advance parties rushed forward without hesitation.

The advance forces got closer and closer to their goal.

As Eve expected, the monsters were unable to block all four arrowheads at the same time. The enemy had to pick out the arrowheads that were coated with poison.

It seemed like the monsters decided to destroy both wings first.

The independent state of Manchuria, running at the bottom, was the first target.

The first group of monsters to gather blocked the advance force of the independent Manchurian state.

The independent state of Manchuria was a new nation that still lacked firepower and awakened people. The advance team immediately stopped advancing due to the enemy’s attack.

And they slowly backed away. I was thinking of joining the main unit.

One arrowhead was broken.

Next was Russia. As is typical in Russia, this time a fierce fight continued.

Unlike the independent state of Manchuria, Russia was eventually able to defeat the monsters.

But their feet had no choice but to be tied for a long time.

The South Korean and North Korean troops were running far ahead, and monsters were approaching the stopped Russian troops.

Following Eve’s instructions, the Russian army changed direction. They joined the independent Manchurian state and began fighting monsters.

Now there are only two arrowheads left that are still flying.

There isn’t much left until the goal.

However, it became more difficult for the North Korean army to advance. The newly arrived monsters blocked the North Korean army.

The number was greater than that of the monsters that attacked the Russian advance team. The advance team of the North Korean army, which lacked awakened men, was not a number to handle.

-Please retreat slowly and join the main force.

Eve’s instructions came.

However, the North Korean military did not follow instructions.

“We will tie up the monsters that come at us.”

Instead of retreating, they rushed at the monsters.

The North Korean army planned to buy time for the advancing South Korean army.

The fight was fierce.

The North Korean military advance team did their best and achieved excellent results.

They succeeded in clearing out all the monsters that were attacking them.

However, the North Korean army suffered damage that was close to annihilation.

One-third of the awakened members of the advance group were dead, and even among those alive, there were hardly any sane ones.

News came that the fighting was over, but the Korean advance team continued running without saying a word.

Youngcheol looked back for a moment.

In a previous life, the country was destroyed during a cataclysm. To fight on the same side as that country. He felt increasingly strange.

It was a time when everyone was running with such a sad heart.


A bright light burst from the direction of the North Korean army behind.

It was a very sacred and warm light.

It was a light that Yeongcheol also knew.

However, the characteristic he knew was not this large and powerful power.

At that time, Gyu looked at the light and frowned.

“Is this a wide-area recovery?… That Dahee guy. “You said it’s putting a lot of strain on your body, so you’re going to use it again?”

Although he was grumbling, Gyu-jeong’s voice felt very warm.

North Korea’s goddess, the saintess Da-hee.

It was a name that Yeong-cheol also knew.

Yeong-cheol sighed softly. What a great trait. There were too many people.

The confidence that had swelled to the point of covering the world continued to diminish.

Thanks to the performance of the North Korean advance team, the South Korean advance team was able to arrive safely at their destination. In front of

the advance team, there was an old ruin spread out. It was a very large ruin.

In the forest . Although it was a very old buried ruin, no one on the advance team was able to admire the ruins,

because hundreds of monsters were waiting for them right in front of the ruins.

“Is this the final gateway?”

Jinhyeok muttered as he looked at the monsters lined up.

There were no monsters below the elite level, and there were several monsters that looked like knights. Moreover, there were large monsters that looked even bigger than that.

“I don’t think we can break through this place with our own strength.”

A woman answered Jinhyeok’s communication.

-I will support you.


At the same time, the sound of a helicopter was heard from behind.

It was an Apache helicopter battalion that had been hidden so far. About 10 combat helicopters flew in and sprayed hellfire toward the front. Wow


A glowing symbol was engraved on the front of the flying Hellfire missile.


The mana bomb swept away the monsters, followed by another helicopter.

Two black helicopters with a moving EV emblem engraved on them. These were EV specials. These were the helicopters of the operations team.

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