I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 90 – A Royal Ride

Chapter 90 – A Royal Ride

Back in a certain mansion in Evaneheim at a late hour…

“Fufufu~ I’m really grateful for this pleasant opportunity to get rid of some tension again, Mr Carter.”

A noblewoman in a scarlet red evening dress chuckles lightly and extends her hand. I can see a bit of rosiness on her cheeks uncovered by the half-mask she is holding over her eyes. I grab her delicate palm and lean forward while bringing it slightly up to my lips.

“The pleasure is ours, of course. I’m glad our services are up to my Lady’s standards,” I say with a smile after leaving a soft peck on the woman’s skin.

“Your incredible chambers have proven to me many times already that it’s most likely impossible for my expectations to not be met here, fufufu~ Now then, I have to return before my servants start thinking that my evening stroll to a liquor store has gone wrong. Please, take good care of my silly daughter. I know she’s been sneaking out to come here too, fufufu~”

I smile wryly and respectfully nod my head. “I’m afraid I am not aware of my Lady’s daughter’s identity since we value our customers’ privacy, but I can give you my word that we treat each person the best we can to meet their individual needs and guide them properly.”

She also gives me a faint nod. “I wouldn’t expect anything else from such a high-class establishment. Thank you, Mr Carter. After she started coming here, she has grown much less awkward and more social. It’s hard to imagine such a bundle of shyness could change so fast. I truly appreciate that. Now, until we meet again. I should pay a visit to a few friends of mine to give them some recommendations, as usual, fufufu~”

I place one more kiss on the lady’s hand and bow slightly as she leaves for the door. Sighing to myself after she disappears behind it, I shake my head. 

Cornelia steps to my side with a soft chuckle. “You are getting more and more popular amongst the noble circles. Not just mothers but even their daughters can’t resist you.”

“Hey, it’s not like I’m doing anything to them. They aren’t even here for me but for all the toys anyway. It’s you girls who are getting more and more popular, especially Mafaris.”

We glance over the main hall together. I think it’s quite okay to say that it’s pretty much bustling with various people, be it men or women. It has even reached the point where some nobles are choosing our establishment as their meeting place and a few groups are happily socializing together while our girls serve them. Food and drinks, of course. It’s not just high-class ladies that gather around.

There’s no one by the reception at this moment so we walk up there and exchange smiles with Elise, who is currently the one working behind it.

“How is it going?” I ask.

“I think I’ve already gotten used to it. It’s honestly much more fun than I expected. People are much kinder than most adventurers and some guys are so precious when they are all shy about coming here for the first time, hahaha.”

“And she’s doing the Goddess’s work to make them comfortable,” Cornelia adds, making Elise blush a little. “As you’ve said before, she’s a real professional. And that natural cuteness of hers is just so strong that men quickly grow comfortable when talking to Elise. I’ve been shoved aside in a blink.”

I turn to look at her. “We haven’t yet seen the results of this night’s survey and you are already jumping to such conclusions. Better start practising going nude early.”

Cornelia hits me in the shoulder with a chuckle. “I’m not going to give you this satisfaction.”

Closing my eyes, I bring out a blissful smile on my face. “Mmmmmm… I can already see those juicy thighs moving in front of me completely bare every single day… Good heavens… Umph!”

She elbows me quite stronger than her previous attack and I’m met with Cornelia’s completely crimson face after opening my eyes. She quickly escapes back into the crowd, making me chuckle to myself.

“You two have a really amazing relationship.” Elise's voice brings my attention back to her.

“Thank you. It took some time to develop and establish. Cornelia is an incredible woman and a lot of things wouldn’t be as they are without her help and willingness to support me.”

Spotting someone coming towards the reception, I lift my elbows from it and wink at Elise.

“But remember, you are a very nice girl too and I would certainly not mind learning a little bit more about you. Don’t feel reserved or assume that you are out even before starting, alright?”

She nods with some more rosiness surfacing on her cheeks and I step away before our new customer reaches the counter. Walking through the hall, I check on the few spots with people enjoying some company of our beautiful elves and other maids to make sure that everyone is comfortable.

I pass by Teffith, who watches over the lobby and receive a respectful nod from her, keeping the professional appearance. Strolling through one of the corridors, I stumble on Yudie walking outside of one of the rooms, locking it with her own key. We give our employees a spare so that they can lock the tired or passed out customers while leaving them a way to unlock the door with the key they get at the reception. It’s a nice safety measure.

The furry girl dressed in our iconic uniform spots me and we smile at each other.

“Do you need anything, Master?”

“No, I’m just wandering around. Everything good?”

“Of course. My partner might need a few moments to collect themselves after our fun though.”

“Not our problem if they bite more than they can chew.” She chuckles with a sly grin at my comment. “What do you think about this? I appreciate you girls joining us, but always feel free to let us know about anything, alright?”

“You don’t have to worry, Master. I can’t speak for everyone, but from what I have experienced, I think we’ll like it here. I honestly didn’t think that seeing a Human squirm under me so much would be this… satisfying.”

“Hahaha. Glad to hear that you are enjoying yourself. I was a little afraid you wouldn’t have too much fun with Humans, but I guess I shouldn’t have. Alright, I won’t hold you back any longer.”

She nods with a smile. “I’ll head to the baths then. I think there was another person interested in my company and we shouldn’t make them wait, right?”

“Oh, then I apologize for taking your time. You pure-blood girls are much more popular than I expected. Have fun then. And don’t overdo it. You can always decline.”

Yudie stops by my side to brush her furry cheek against mine before passing me. “I know. Thank you. I’ll see you later, Master.”

It’s just their first day, or rather a night, and they are already getting some attention. I guess we’ve attracted enough people to have some interested in pure-blood Beastkin amongst them without having to advertise too much.

Well, they were curious about it so it’s good for both sides. I’ll need to tip Ross about a certain half-blood Pantherkin and Catkin joining our ranks. He’ll be really happy to hear about that, for sure. I wonder if he would be into Yudie too.

~Master... there’s a VIP... waiting for you... in the dining area...~

Sirgia’s adorable voice rings in my head while assuming a slightly sultry tone. I hope the girls will be able to overcome the effect of Sweet Whispers too at some point.

~Thank you, my dear. I’ll be there in a moment. Do you need anything?~

~No… Everything in the kitchen… is going fine… Thank you, Master…~

I turn around and head back to the main lobby. Taking one more glance at the people inside, I disappear behind the door leading to the dining area. A lady in an elegant dress of an agate colour and with a mask covering her whole face sits by one of the tables. A veil of the same shade covers her hair, hiding it completely from sight.

Arriving by her side, I place the Hall of Serenity sigil on the table and make a courteous bow. “Welcome, my Lady. May I know on whose recommendation you are visiting our humble establishment? And how can we be of use to you? The glowing mark on the table prevents any sounds escaping from around us so feel free to speak freely.”

“Seems like you have finally gotten a grasp on Hall of Serenity, Alastair. Congratulations.”

I instantly recognize the owner of the voice as they don’t make any attempts at hiding it.

“Thank you, my Lady. I managed to do so just recently. How should I address my Lady?”

“Just Lili. No need to be so courteous. I think you’ve already figured out what I might ask of you.”

I nod with a smile. “Lili it is then. Should I guide you to one of our VIP Pleasure Chambers personally or ask for one of our charming girls to accompany you?”

“Since you are offering, I’ll gladly take this chance to be escorted by the master of the house. I do not require assistance from your employees today. Although, I do have to praise them for their knowledge and professionalism.”

“I appreciate it and will definitely forward this praise to the people responsible for overseeing the Pleasure Chambers. Now, if you would, Lili.”

The lady takes my hand and I lead her to the corridor behind the dining area where the stairs leading up are located, guiding Lili as gracefully as through a noble dance hall. We arrive on the next floor and I open the door to one of the special chambers for her, bowing my head.

After passing by me, Lili turns around. “Would you mind accompanying me for a little longer?”

I quickly let Cornelia and Elise know about my current situation and nod. 

“With pleasure.”

After I close and lock the door behind myself, activating the silencing formations on the wall, Lili takes off her veiled mask, revealing her beautiful pale face and silvery-white hair. Her cheeks are a little bit flushed as she looks my way with a soft smile.

“Long time no see, Alastair.”

“Is it really, Lianne? We saw each other like two days ago.”

The Queen chuckles quietly. “You are paying too much attention to such details.”

I chuckle too and shake my head. “Well then. I’ve heard that our success in this particular field was greatly influenced by your word so allow me to finally give you my thanks; I didn't want to mention it in the castle. The queues to the Pleasure Chambers rarely go down.”

“It’s only natural that I would whisper a word or two to some friends after confirming their quality myself. But, I honestly didn’t expect it to travel this far. It just shows how well everyone is treated here.”

“And that’s all thanks to the girls. And my lovely dwarf artificer, Sirgia, for bringing all of this to life.”

“She is truly a master artificer. I’m grateful to both of you. It’s not an exaggeration to say that my life has been made much easier thanks to your intervention. I can function with almost no discomfort now and I’m not as tense around others as in the past. It’s a great improvement for social gatherings and official meetings from which I usually tried to talk my way out.”

“Almost?” I raise my brow at her and Lianne’s fair and adorable face flushes a little more.

“Well… The tools you’ve made for me are of course amazing, but… no matter how sophisticated they are and how many clever functions they have, like that heating one… they still can’t completely replace the feeling and warmth of another person…”

“Ah. I understand. I can’t deny that, even though I can’t speak from experience either. It must be tough with this kind of constitution if the only way to fully relieve all the tension is to wholeheartedly embrace someone. No wonder Ross is still as pushy as before.”

Lianne chuckles with her soft, angelic voice and covers her adorable lips. “That unruly son of mine is really a pain sometimes. But well, he might have gotten that after my late husband. The previous king also had a tendency to poke his nose into someone else's business all the time.”

“It just shows that he cares, even if his attempts are quite insensitive at times. Ah, that reminds me, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d owe you a favour if you could let him know that I’m ready to accommodate the nobles he mentioned. He will know which ones,” I say with a smile.

She rolls her eyes. “He couldn’t think of something more creative, could he?”

“I know, right?”

We both chuckle together. Then, a little uncomfortable silence falls onto us. We’ve been speaking quite casually, but we are in fact standing in the middle of a room full of sex toys and contraptions placed all around it. There’s almost not a single piece of a wall without something standing near it or hanging down from it.

Our eyes meet for a moment and it’s clear that both of us have thought about the same—our current situation and its possible implications. I clear my throat, feeling responsible to end this sudden stalemate.

“I apologize if I come out as rude, but after all that nagging from Ross, I’m sometimes wondering if you just haven’t met anyone who was interesting enough amongst the higher class or if you chose to respect your late husband and decided not to find comfort in another man, even after you abdicated the throne, not necessarily making your new partner the new king. I understand how insensitive my question might be, but it would be a good idea to let your son know if it’s the latter. That could tone down his pushy approach a little. I’ve told him this already, but it’s not like I know everything, and it would be definitely better if he heard that from the person in question.”

Lianne listens to my long monologue and smiles softly. “Thank you for your consideration. It is true that I respect my late husband a lot and loved him with all my heart and body. He was a very compassionate person and I believe I’ve mentioned it already when comparing you two in that aspect, not just your looks. Obviously, he knew about my condition and needs. Therefore, he specifically made me promise to never take such an oath or anything similar. He asked that of me every time he left the castle, that’s how much of a worrywart he was.”

She chuckles softly and shakes her head before refocusing on me.

“I believe that would have already answered your question, but it is true that there was no one who would catch my attention the same way he did… Yes… There wasn’t...”

“I see. I guess we’ll have to bear with him then if we don’t want to straight-up lie to him, which isn’t the best idea, I think. Thank you for satiating my curiosity. I shouldn’t waste any more of your time as we can always speak whenever you’d like to. I’ll come to the castle whenever called. For now, please enjoy your stay.”

I make a courteous bow after noticing that Lianne has started getting a little more flustered and turn around to head back.


Hearing her call for me again, I stop and take one more glance behind.


“If you don’t mind… then… could you lend me a hand?”

“Uhhh… I… No, I don’t really mind, but… Are you sure?” I ask, slightly surprised.

Lianne makes a faint nod while her fair cheeks grow rosier.

“Just a little…”

My eyes subconsciously wander over her dress from the bottom to the top and I swallow my saliva after realizing what this actually means.

“If you really are okay with me… watching… and seeing everything, then I’ll try my best to help you out, of course.”

She starts fiddling with her agate dress, and after a few moments, it slides down to the ground, revealing all of Lianne’s beautiful body. There’s nothing else covering her porcelain-white skin. Both her breasts, which are on a slightly smaller side that fits her dainty frame, and her precious place are laid bare in front of me. I have not expected her to not have anything underneath. Does it mean she came here like that from the castle?

“I would like to use the vibrating saddle first… If you could assist me…” she says with a little uncertainty in her voice.

I nod at her and try to smile softly. “Whatever is your wish from now on, speak about it freely. I’ll assist you with anything you need.”

To not stare too much, I move to one of the sybians and bring the magical saddle to the middle of the room. I check if everything is fine and do a quick test run on all the modes to make sure that things are working properly. Lianne walks up to me and stops by my side. Her slender thighs show up barely at the edge of my vision. 

Finished, I stand up and turn to her. “Anything else that my Queen requires?”

She chuckles a little. “Before we start… Could you help me get ready?”

“Naturally. Any specific requests?”

“I’ll leave it up to you.”

I nod and take off my gloves while moving in front of Lianne’s charming body. I still can’t believe someone with almost the same figure as Shino is a nymphomaniac. But I guess the fact that I have an actual queen inviting me to freely touch her body should be even more unbelievable. Oh well. I better do it properly or off goes my head, hahaha.

To not aim straight for her precious place from the very first moment like some barbarian, which is actually really hard to do with how alluring and delicate it looks, I start gently trailing over her skin with my fingers. 

And I really do mean it. It’s of no doubt that she’s been literally plowed countless times, and yet, her lower lips are tightly shut together, drawing a single adorable line that hides her pink flower from the word. It’s as if that place has never been explored before. And naturally, there’s not a single hair above it. One of the most perfectly sealed pussies I’ve ever witnessed.

After a moment of soft caresses, Lianne’s breathing grows rougher, like a lot. She’s clearly enjoying my palms travelling over her chest, even without them reaching for either her breasts or nether regions. She’s a bit shorter than me so she mostly directs her gaze at my chest, sending me occasional glances from below.

It would be rude to just play with her like this so I move my hands to her petite breasts and cup them up a little.


When my fingers gently squeeze those moderate marshmallows, she releases her first quiet moan. And man, I take back anything that I’ve said about her voice being angelic. This is a definition of a divine and lovely voice. It’s so pure and pleasant that it entices you to instantly seek more. This might actually get a little bit hard if we move to some more intense stuff.

I move my thumbs to Lianne’s nipples, standing fully at attention, and begin tenderly tracing circles over them while still keeping sporadically kneading her soft hills with the other fingers. Her mouth instantly shoots open much more and she shivers a little, releasing a few more moans.

She places her hands on my chest and leans onto it a bit. With my actions now partially restricted, I begin trailing down with my fingers, making sure that I give her smooth tummy the attention it deserves before my right hand starts nearing a spot that emanates quite the heat, even from behind the closed gates.


Lianne sighs into my neck in full delight, resting her head on my shoulder, as I press my pointer and middle fingers over her slit, already so wet that I can feel them getting completely drenched with her love nectar in a blink.

I move them back and forth over her petite mound without parting the two cliffs strongly glued to each other. Lianne grips my vest with her delicate hands and starts rocking her hips on her own accord. In no time she is actually humping my fingers while I keep them steady. The tips of my digits rub over the two velvety bulges just exactly not strong enough to cause them to split and dive inside.

“Nhhhnnn… Mmmmmm… Nhhhhhhnnn… Aaaahmmmmmm~!”

She suddenly thrusts her waist forward, slamming it into my underbelly and starts slightly shivering. I wrap my left arm around her body and keep Lianne steady as she orgasms. She really came just from having the outside of her lower lips caressed by my fingers. I can’t imagine how good she must feel from the actual thing.

“I haven’t come so quick in years…” she whispers very quietly.


Lianne jerks a little. “You heard that?”

“Yeah. My senses are a bit sharper now. Anyway, not even with the toys?”

She shakes her head, still resting it on my shoulder. “No… Your fingers felt just amazing… I… I really missed this feeling… So much that I didn’t even notice when I started moving instead of leaving it to you...”

I chuckle a little. “That was kind of hot, I’m not going to lie. So, was that enough for the preparations?”

Lianne stays quiet for a moment, just releasing hot breaths into my neck.

“Could you… do it a little bit more?”

“Naturally.” I pull her back, making sure that she can stand properly, and smile at her completely flushed face. “Let me try something else this time. Don’t stop yourself from going wild if it happens, alright?”

She nods at me with a delicate smile and I move my hands to her sides, leaning forward. Starting from the middle of her chest, I leave a trail of kisses over her abdomen, taking a moment to pepper her stiff peaks with some more affection, evoking a few rougher breaths from the Queen.

When I reach her underbelly, she trembles ever so faintly each time I place a loving peck over her skin, moving lower and lower. Glancing up before descending further into the lands of pure pleasure, I meet her gaze between the sacred valley, watching how Lianne's dainty lips part repeatedly to strongly suck in fresh air and release humid breaths. 

Her eyes are full of yearning and expectations, pretty much screaming at me to stop wasting time and resume the journey that I halted just right in front of the gates to heaven. I chuckle lightly.

“Grab onto my head if it gets hard to stand.”

And I instantly lower myself enough to match my lips with hers, pressing them together in a wet kiss. She covers mine in an abundance of her hot saliva the moment we connect.


Lianne’s fingers find their way to my hair just a moment later while she releases an amorous moan. She moves her feet a bit to the sides, making space for my head to fit between her slender thighs and for my mouth to reach more into her still sealed leaking honeypot.

After a few initial brushes and kisses, I bring my fingers near my cheeks and very slowly pull her two perfect folds aside, finally revealing the unimaginably perfect entrance to the royal pussy. If I really didn’t know any better, I would swear Lianne has never been with a man before. The pink walls of her inner labia and the tempting ring leading further into the depths of her womanhood look completely untainted, waiting for the first person to ever stretch them wide.

Moving my eyes from this entrancing sight, I lock gazes with Lianne again. She stares deep into mine as I slowly extend my tongue and bring my face closer and closer to her precious place from below while holding it spread with my fingers.

Since I’m not the person to torture a woman who is so strongly craving me to explore her insides, I slide my muscle in and start to work. Lianne trembles immediately, losing some strength in her legs, pushing her pretty flower more into my mouth as a result.

“Nhhhn… Mmmmm… Nhhhnnn… A little deeper… Nhhnn… Yes… There…”

My tongue begins its lazy rounds inside her snug passage until Lianne voices her wishes out by herself, and I can’t very well ignore that. Led by her occasional guidance, I use the tip of my tongue to tickle various spots inside her vagina.

She quickly starts listening to my earlier advice and her hips begin moving back and forth. As I drill her flooding pussy with my flexible muscle, she rides my lips faster and faster, squeezing a handful of my hair with both her palms, pulling me more into herself.

“Aahhmmm… Ahhhnnn… It’s so hot… Mhhhhmmm… Now faster… Ahhhh… Please, faster… Mhnnnn…”

I speed up the lapping of my tongue each time she requests it up till the point where it’s swirling inside her lewd hole yearning for more and more like crazy. Lianne starts pushing her pussy down onto me so strong she lowers herself to almost a half-squat, bouncing back up each time, of course moaning fervently during the motions.

“Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yeeeesss! Ahhhhhnnnnnnnn~!”

She makes the last shove, running with her sensitive nub straight into my nose while pulling my hair most likely as strong as she can. Shivers envelop her whole body again and she arches her back from pleasure. I quickly grab her sides to save Lianne from her meeting with the ground and she hangs limply in the air while twitching. 

Soon after the trembling stops, she gasps for air, revealing that she’s been holding her breath for the whole duration of her intense orgasm. While she is panting roughly, I pull her towards myself and she hunches over my head, resting her tummy on it and placing her still slightly shivering hands on my shoulders.

“Haaaaah… Haaaah… Haaaaah… Thank you… Haaaah… And I’m sorry…”

Sitting on my knees, I slowly bring her down so that she can rest on my lap and chest. Supporting Lianne with my hands on her delicate butt, I lick my lips from all the love juices and chuckle a little.

“For what?”

“Being so… forceful… Haaah...”

“Don’t worry about that. I’m glad to see you enjoying yourself. I’ll let you know that I can take a beating now after getting some decent upgrades. This is nowhere close to how rough you get when doing it alone, isn’t it?”

She shows a wry smile with some visible effort. “Cornelia?” I nod. “Haaaaah… I guess it’s not even a secret considering my constitution...”

“So, are we actually going to use our friend waiting there on the side or are you satisfied? If you would like some more service, just tell me, including how intense it should be.”

Lianne glances at the sybian, ponders for a moment and brings her face back to me. “I might have a request that could sound a bit weird…”

“I’m all ears. Don’t forget where we are. Weird is the last thing you want to call anything that can be done here.”

She smiles faintly and nods, brushing a lock of her silvery-white hair behind her right ear, uncovering more of her beautiful face.

“Could you sit behind me while I use it? With your shirt and vest off?”

I raise my brow at her and my top disappears into the ring a moment later. Raising ourselves up, I carry Lianne to the saddle while her moderate chest is pressed into me from the front. I can feel her hands running over my back and neck.

Placing her down in front of the rubber cock standing tall in the middle of it, I sit behind her. She glances back at me over her shoulder and I move my hands to her enticing butt. Lianne raises her hips with my support and I line her petite slit, sealed up again, with the tip of the fake cock.

She uses her own fingers to rub herself between those two alluring mounds and transfers some of her love nectar onto the plastic rod awaiting its permission to enter. When she spreads her lower lips wide, I gently lower her body onto it and watch the dildo penetrate her. It travels through her snug passage bit by bit until she is completely seated on the saddle, releasing a dreamy sigh.

Lianne leans herself to the back and I pull her into my chest. She rests her head on my shoulder and smiles beautifully.

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome. Any specific wishes?”

“Can you rub my clit and breasts while holding me like this?”

“I’ll leave the controls to you then. You know how to use it, right?”

She nods and I move my right hand to her underbelly while cupping up her right breast with the other. Lianne touches the control panel on the side and the lewd machine starts releasing faint humming noise at first. She instantly takes a deep breath, inhaling a lot of air and slowly letting it out.

Not wasting any time, I start brushing my fingers over her little nub, pushing my digits into the now slightly spread slit. Lianne moans softly into my ear when I trace a few small circles over it. My other hand isn’t slacking off either and I’m tenderly kneading her fair breast, trying to do my best to embrace her body as affectionately as I can during all of that.

“Mhhhhmmm… Mmmmmm… Mhhhhmmmm…”

She raises the intensity of the vibrations and I’m starting to feel them much more clearly. In the end, I’m also sitting on the buzzing throne, even if there’s nothing going inside me. Nevertheless, it does feel quite nice. Fortunately, thanks to my Title, I don’t have to worry about ruining my underwear.

After a few moments, Lianne begins to rub her pink crevice over the low bump in front and behind the protruding dick that is filling up her royal pussy. I keep tickling her precious orb and add a few tame pinches and pulls on her left nipple while listening to her enticing gasps and moans.

“Ahhhmmmm… Mhhhhmmmm… Ahhhmmmmm…”

As she grinds her hips into the machine stronger and stronger, I decide to add one more very subtle action. With her head resting back on my shoulder, I have full access to her beautiful neck, which just begs me for attention. I can’t ignore it for long and begin peppering Lianne’s porcelain-white skin, now slightly more flushed, with loving pecks.

In response to the new sensation, she increases the vibrations by a notch again and starts moaning even louder. Lianne’s butt starts lightly jumping up and bouncing off the sybian, letting her pussy get some thrusting action.

“Ahhh… Ahhhnnn… Alastair…”

“Yes?” I stop my kissing for a brief moment.

“Ahhhhh… Could you… nnnnhhhh… hump me? Ahhhhh… Ahhhh… Like you’d be… ahhhh… doing me…”

I pull myself a little bit closer to match my hips with hers and start fulfilling Lianne’s wishes. Each time she descends onto the rubber cock, buzzing stronger and stronger, I hit her bottom with my waist, pushing her up again.

“Ahhh… Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Yes… Like that… Ahhhh… Alastair...”

“Whatever you need, my Queen.”

“Ahhh… I’m close… Ahnn… Please, grab me… ahhh… and keep dropping me… ahhhnnn… hard… ahhhh… even while I cum… Ahhh… Ahhh… Please… Ahhh… Without stopping… Nhnnnn...”

She switches the sybian into a higher gear again and then pushes my hands to her hips, grabbing onto them strongly. After her snug pussy gets drilled a few more times by the vibrating invader, she reaches her peak and begins spasming. 


I do as I’ve been told and start pulling her waist even higher than she was throwing it up by herself and slamming her orgasming body down again. Lianne’s mouth opens wide. While I repeat this cycle of violent pounding, she holds her breath like before, with her eyelash fluttering this time.

After five seconds, she starts squirting and launching brief spurts of love juices to the front each time the rubber cock almost leaves her vagina, just barely hanging in there at the highest point. They are interrupted when her pussy slams back down onto the saddle.

She still rides her high, orgasming and squirting, trembling and shivering while I fulfil her wish, not exactly sure for how long I should keep up this assault on the completely silent from pleasure Lianne. I keep bouncing her body up and down, impaling her naughty hole on the rubber dick repeatedly.

Finally, after another ten seconds, when I begin considering stopping this, she starts slapping my forearms. I instantly pull her up and completely turn off the sybian. Lianne’s pussy, freed from the intense thrusting, sends out one more, uninterrupted this time stream of clear liquid and calms down bit by bit.

She gasps very loudly and starts wheezing for air. I hold her trembling body close and let her gradually catch her breath while the spasms tone down. It takes two minutes for Lianne to almost completely recover, with just some occasional shivers.

While she still breathes a little bit roughly, I keep hugging her from behind. Our eyes meet and we both smile at each other.

“Say…” Lianne speaks up first.


“If I ever feel like I can’t hold back any longer... Could you perhaps lend me something more than just a hand?”

I chuckle a little. “Didn’t I lend you my tongue already?”

She chuckles back at me and shakes her head. After moving a lock of her dishevelled silvery hair to the side, I place a quick peck on her forehead, sparkling from all the accumulated sweat.

“I guess I have to take responsibility as the person who has caught your attention.”

Her eyes widen a little. “You noticed?”

“Please, I might not be the master of reading between the lines, but I’m not that dense.”

Since Lianne has calmed down quite decently already, I lift her up in a princess carry and bring her to the bed on the other side of the room. I place her down and sit on the edge.

“Rest up a little. I’ll send Cornelia to accompany you. Unless you’d like for me to stay and help you clean and wash up.”

“No need. Thank you for the assistance, Alastair. I really appreciate it. As I thought, it’s way different with someone actually embracing you...”

I smile at her. “You know where to find me if you’d need anything. Or how to call for me. If you make the decision, I'll be there.”

She smiles back and nods. After leaving a soft kiss on the fair skin of her palm, I stand up and walk outside. Cornelia is waiting just by the door.

"I'll leave the rest to you. She'll need a towel or two. Or some Livelihood Magic." I chuckle.

"So, it finally happened, huh."

"No, it didn't."

"It didn't?"

"Not yet."

I smile at her and walk away. There's still a bit of the night to supervise.

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