I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 77 – Between a Teacher and a Student

Chapter 77 – Between a Teacher and a Student

The cloaked person standing in front of me, who without even the slightest doubt is Shino Asakura, one of my students and a good friend, jerks a little at my clearly unexpected question and freezes solid.

“There’s no need for this cover anymore. I’ve activated Hall of Serenity around this room. No one is going to hear us.”

After a short moment, she reaches towards her hood and finally pulls it back, revealing a beautiful face of a purplish-eyed Japanese girl with a mighty black ponytail. Just the way I remember her. And she looks very surprised.

“How did you know?”

I shake my head with a smile. “Do you really think I wouldn't recognize the voice of one of my favourite students? I basically knew the moment I came down from the stairs. I must say though, you’ve given all of us a little scare with how you conducted yourself. But, that’s not something you have to worry about. For now at least.”

Shino rubs her hands in an awkward manner again and gazes down, but I can see how she takes very timid peeks back up at me with a tinge of curiosity in those charming dark violet eyes.

“It must have been hard for you to come to such a place just to meet me. You should have asked Ro—ekhm, the King to call for me to the castle and I would show up. So, what’s the matter? Did something bad happen? Or do you need something from me as soon as possible?”

She stops sneaking glances at me and her eyes stay glued to the ground. I can see Shino’s lips part and close a few times, but nothing comes out of them. The only thing that changes is the colour of her cheeks, visibly turning redder and redder with each passing second.

Oh, how I missed her moments of embarrassment. She’s just so adorable during these that all you want to do is to step closer and hug her. But, there's a place and time for that and it clearly isn’t now and here.

I take my hands off my hips, and as I turn my side to Shino, I wave at her.

“Follow me. This is not the perfect environment for such a sweet and pure-hearted girl. I’m really sorry for you having to force yourself to come here. Let’s move to the garden behind the mansion. That should ease your nerves a little.”

Finishing turning my body, I take a few steps and soon reach the door, grabbing the knob.

“I love you, Sensei! Please make me your woman!”

A sudden shout from behind stops me dead in my tracks. Not a single muscle in my whole body dares to move as my brain is dedicating all of its power and resources to countlessly analyse the words captured by my ears, making completely sure the message has been received correctly.

After a brief moment of silence, I let go of the knob and turn around to look at Shino. She’s still standing in the same spot and with the same posture, but with her eyes tightly shut. Hearing my shoes scrape over the flooring, she lifts one eyelid to prod for my reaction and sighs in relief. I hope it’s a relief. I’m not really sure how my face looks right now.

She then opens her other eye and tries her best to look at me, which proves to be incredibly hard and her gaze jumps away after just a second or two of eye contact. Her hands move to the material of her clothes and start squeezing it.

“I… I tried asking the King, but he didn’t want to tell me any details… He said that he isn’t sure if you are around or not on a trade run to another town… He wouldn’t even tell me the name of your company or its address…”

I mean, I did ask Ross to keep these a secret between us, but I also told him not to overdo it if any of them would be clearly looking for me or were deeply interested in how I am doing. It seems like he decided to feign complete ignorance. And since I didn’t get any urgent message from him, this must have taken place recently.

“And while I was trying to persuade the King... I heard some ladies in the castle gossip about some brothel with a manager who has grey hair and a handsome face… So… I decided to investigate it a little and yesterday I found out it really was you... And then I came in and… didn’t really know what to do... so I asked for you… so that… we can… do it...

Her voice turns barely audible near the end, but I’m able to catch everything with my slightly improved senses. Not like I wouldn’t be able to figure out the meaning behind them even without that.

Normally, if it was back on Earth, I wouldn’t think for even a moment about this, but now, a lot of things have changed, especially around me. I’m still overjoyed to hear these words as I’ve always had a little crush on her, but...

“Shino… You clearly deserve better than this…”

She suddenly plunges into the ground as dark smoke envelops her body and reappears right in front of me with a similar effect. Her arms wrap around me faster than I can react. She hugs me tightly and presses her face against my chest, which with our height difference is still quite doable.

“No! I want to be with you! I’m done waiting for a good moment! Something always ruins it! I’ll never be able to show you how much I love you if I keep holding myself back!”

I place one of my hands on her back and start stroking Shino’s head with the other, trying to calm her down a little.

“You silly girl. How can you love a pimp like me?”

“I did not fall in love with a pimp but with my sensei back from Earth and nothing has changed since that day… You are still so smart and handsome and good…”

I chuckle softly. “How can a man who forces girls to sell their bodies for his own benefit be good?”

She shakes her head, very lively rubbing her face into me. “Liar... I spoke with a red-skinned Tiefling lady in maid uniform on the streets… She told me how you bought her, her friends, and also many other demi-humans and took good care of them… She was never forced to do anything… And she told me how much she loves having you as her master… And if you are a bad man, why is Cornelia-san here too? Even working at the reception?”

A sigh escapes my lips. “You know, I’ve done countless sexual things with plenty of girls and there, for sure, are going to be more. Are you really going after such a womanizer who sleeps with any random woman?”

Shino again shakes her head and tightens her hug. “You are lying again… You don’t do it with any random girl… The situation from the lobby is proof of that… You only agreed because you knew it was me under this cloak…”

“Looks like I have no chances of winning against you… But, what would your parents say if they learned that their precious princess has given herself to a dirty pimp?”

“I don’t care… We don’t even know if we can return or if Earth is still a thing… I’ve been holding myself back for too long… I’m not going to do it anymore…”

“Alright, alright. I guess there’s really no point in continuing this.” I gently pat her head and then move both of my hands to hug her completely. “Are you truly fine with me?”

She nods into my chest. After a brief moment of us just standing there embracing each other, I slowly pull Shino away and take a step back. She lets me go with a bit of hesitation.

I take a deep breath and sigh heavily. “I’ve lived through this scene countless times in my imagination, but not in my wildest dreams did it play out in a place like this.”

With a soft smile, I grab Shino’s hands and kneel down onto one knee in front of her. Her eyes start to widen as she glances at me.

“Shino. Will you become my lover?”

Instantly, her fingers squeeze my hands hard and her lips tightly press together with great tension. Not even a second passes before Shino’s cute eyelashes start fluttering up and down to deal with the tears forming around her charming eyes. They, unfortunately, can’t keep up, and a few streaks begin running down her cheeks.

“I… Yes… Yes! Yes, please! I’d love to! Please! Please…”

She keeps repeating please as a bright smile appears on her face, getting all covered in tears of happiness, not showing any signs of stopping. I chuckle again and stand up.

“Really, you don’t have to beg. I’m the one asking, already forgot?”

I cup Shino’s chin up and leave a very light and chaste kiss on the lips of the teary girl as she closes her eyes. Afterwards, I step back and move to the stand with our magic telephone, placing my hand over the communication sigil, showing a soft smile at the curious-looking girl.

A brief moment later, a connection is made between my mind and another person.

~Hello. This is reception. How can I help you?~ Cornelia’s voice arrives in my head.

~It’s me. I’ll need an extension.~ I chuckle at her. ~But seriously, it looks like I will have to leave things to you girls for a bit longer. Not sure for how long exactly.~

~She got you that good, fufufu?~

~Yeah. She got me damn good. It’s Shino. That samurai girl from the hero party. Just in case, ask one of the maids to prepare a VIP room for her. She’s basically a princess. And someone precious to me.~

~I always knew it was not a matter of if but when. It was a miracle it took so long with how much you guys have been into each other even before the summoning. I honestly thought she’d steal you for herself before I made up my mind back there in the castle… Take good care of her and leave everything to us. Now go. Don’t make the princess wait, fufufu.~

~Thanks. And sorry about this. I’ll make it even with you later.~

I take my hand off the magical slate and glance at Shino again. Since I didn’t want to leave her out, I’ve been speaking my thoughts aloud as I conversed with Cornelia, leaving out her answers, and my little samurai is now clearly blushing after being called someone precious.

With a chuckle, I walk closer to her and pat her head as I pass, heading towards the bed. I sit down on the edge of the mattress and tap the material by my side. Shino timidly comes to join me—taking off her cloak and revealing her outfit I remember perfectly from our time at the castle—and plops down where I showed her, gazing down at her hands clasped together over her thighs.

I wrap my arm around her waist and rub it reassuringly. “Listen. There’s no need for you to force yourself into any sexual stuff right now. We can just sit here, talk a bit, cuddle a little, and just spend quality time together. I will not love you less for not jumping straight into it, okay?”

There’s a brief moment of silence and Shino moves her hands to her petite chest.

“I know I’m not really that womanly or attractive, but—”

“Alright. Stop. I’ve already played the I don’t deserve you card. It’s no longer in the game. Neither are any variations of I’m too normal or I’m too ugly. Are we understood?”

She giggles a little under my intense stare and nods.

“Now, let me tell you a few things. Firstly, you are beautiful. I’ve never been able to find words to describe how lovable you are. Secondly, as I said, you are basically a royal princess. And thirdly, you are an OP heroine who can get anything she wants.”

Her smile fades down and a slightly dejected expression takes its place. “But… I couldn’t get your first time… I’m sorry…”

I literally throw my arms into the air. “Why the hell are you apologizing for something like that! If anything, it should be me prostrating myself low on the ground in front of your feet and begging for forgiveness for not being able to keep it in my pants! Shouldn’t it be the man who should feel bad for not saving himself for the girl he clearly loves? Are you sane?”

She giggles again, covering her mouth with her slim hand, and I return to hugging her by my side after shaking my head. 

“You know, Sensei… I’ve always wanted to do it with you… Especially after you told me how many girls dumped you for stupid reasons like your interests or hobbies… Seriously, how can someone be so unlucky at dating? Were these women blind or stupid?”

I can only smile at her wryly. What attempts at meeting with someone I made, pretty much all ended at the first or second date. At some point, I just stopped really trying, deciding to leave it to fate, thinking that perhaps that had been a sign or something. And it was around the time I started teaching Shino and kind of developing a crush on her the more time we spent together. 

“But…” she continues. “I knew you well enough to understand that you wouldn’t lay a hand on me even though I was seventeen, which is more than fine in many parts of the world already. I respected that and waited with my confession, planning to tell you on my eighteenth birthday.“

She smiles sweetly, reminiscing about the past.

“I was going to invite you on a date that night, and when you would ask me what I want as a gift, I would say... you. And then... we would finally….” She stammers a little and mumbles some incomprehensible words. “But… The summoning incident ruined everything… And then we split up… I really shouldn’t have waited… I kept blaming myself for this...”

I pull her closer and lean my head against hers as we still sit side by side.

“If this makes you feel any better, I had lots of indecent thoughts about you due to how cute and charming you always were. You’ve made me waver at least a few times, you know?” I whisper to her ear, noticing a clear smile on her soft lips.

“Me too... I had lots of fantasies involving you, Sensei, like how you would react when I confessed to you or even… in… the classroom…”

She starts with a very lively tone but the finish again dives down into something I can only catch a few keywords from. I start poking her side a little, sensing something interesting.

“What’s that about the classroom, hm?” I ask with a slight tease present in my voice.

Shino’s fingers start fumbling around each other as she begins to answer.

“Ummm… One night I stayed up pretty late… and I read this doujin featuring a teacher and a student, and… I couldn’t stop thinking about it the next day in the classroom... because the man looked so much like you… I even stayed longer to ask questions, but I didn’t pay attention to your answers... because all I could think of was… how I would trip and fall forward… onto your crotch… And when getting up… I would accidentally touch it… And you would keep your usual, calm smile, saying that it’s okay since it was an accident… And then, I would lean more onto you and… ask what if it wasn't really an accident… and you would grab me… push me onto your desk… and rip off my panties... and… and...”

“Okay, okay, that’s enough. No need to go into that much detail.” I stop her quickly before she faints from overheating with how red she gets near the end of the whole story. “I would never force myself onto you like that.”

“I know. That’s partially why I love you so much, Sensei… You are always so kind...”

Using my free hand, I place it on Shino’s cheek and turn her face towards me so that I can give her a little peck. But, her eyes keep darting away, pulling her head to the side until she completely turns back before our lips connect, covering her flushed face with both hands.

I chuckle at her adorable reaction. “How can you do that if you can’t even look my way when we kiss?”

Her body suddenly shivers and freezes. A moment later, she moves her hands back onto her thighs and turns her head towards me, locking her eyes with mine. She is forcing herself not to look away so hard that her pupils are literally shaking.

I tilt my head to the left and to the right and she intently follows my gaze. Then I stand up, walk around, and she still stares hard into my eyes. I can see tears starting to resurface on her face again and I crouch in front of her, brushing over her cheek with my thumb while shaking my head.

“Alright, alright, that’s enough. You’ve proven your point. Blink, you silly girl, blink.”

She does so instantly after I instruct her, making me chuckle again. I keep caressing her cheek while looking up at her pretty face.

“You really are determined to do it today, are you?”

Shino slowly slides off the mattress to join me on the floor, places both of her petite palms over my cheeks and pulls herself into a gentle kiss. After she backs away, a very faint nod follows.

“I won’t force you to wait anymore then. Let’s just move to a better place. One you fully deserve. And one that is yours from now on.”

Realizing from my movement what I’m trying to do, Shino blushes again after finally getting a hold of her emotions, letting me pick her up into a princess carry. 

I move with her to my personal chamber, avoiding people as much as I can. Can’t sneak by without a few curious stares from some guests in the recreational area, but they are busy enough with their own business not to bother us.

We get inside and I head towards the bed. Shino glances around with curiosity. I’m not sure what she has been expecting, but I sure hope not a stereotypical pimp cave. I’m fortunate Neira didn’t insist on hanging any nudes of me on the walls here or Shino could get the wrong idea.

Actually, I better talk with her about that huge painting above the reception. There’s no way she missed that. It must feel unimaginably weird seeing your past teacher surrounded by lascivious ladies from all angles; some of them even in the middle of not-so-proper acts.

Nevertheless, I sit down on the bed and place Shino sideways on my lap as her arms are wrapped around my neck. I lean my forehead against hers and look deep into her purplish eyes.

“Still sure?”

She nods faintly. “Yes… I’m sorry… I’ve fantasized about our first time so much but still get so nervous…”

“It’s okay. I’ll take care of you. And we can stop at any moment. Just forget about everything else and focus on me.”

I move a little up and tenderly kiss her forehead. Then, I make a trail of gentle pecks down and around her face, leaving a slightly stronger one at her cheek. As I return back in front of her lips, I stop before reaching them. Shino is the one to slowly lean forward and join them together in a soft touch.

Since she’s moved her hands down to her thighs again, one of my palms sneaks into them and I let Shino brush them with her thumbs instead. My other palm keeps lovingly stroking her side. We exchange light kisses without any rush. 

I already have some experience with shy girls who have trouble taking proper actions even though they’d really like to, but I can’t forget that Shino is Shino and not just someone with a slightly similar personality to Sirgia. Their circumstances are completely different, including the world they grew up in.

After a few moments, I feel her tongue curiously prodding my lips and I let her in. It’s clear from the moment she tries to initiate a deeper kiss that Shino has no experience in this. Well, it’s not like I was any better not that long ago. But, as her man now, it’s on me to make her feel appreciated, so I do my best to make things easier for her.

Shino breaks the slightly awkward kiss and giggles. “It’s way harder than I thought.”

“The key is to not think about it and just do what feels good. Like this.”

I move forward this time and she lets me take the lead. With gentle motions, I take her tongue for its first dance. Our mouths rub together in a sloppy kiss which I break off early to not inconvenience Shino too much.

“Haaah… You must have practised a lot, Sensei.”

“You can say that.” I chuckle. “There are a few special girls you will meet later that actively help me. Are you really fine with not being the only one?”

“Yes. If it was back on Earth, I would most likely have ended up as one of the wives to some young clan heir and I was brought up to understand that. It’s the role of most female heirs in our household. I’m really fine with it as long as I can be with you, Sensei.” 

“Damn. Things like these are still in play in the current age? I’m sorry to hear that.”

She shakes her head. “Don’t be. I never planned to follow that tradition. That’s why I said that I don’t care what my parents would think or say. This is a hundred times better than ending up with someone I barely know and who doesn’t even care about me more than he has to keep it respectful.”

I place another soft kiss on her lips and brush through Shino’s hair. “Since I haven’t said it yet, let me do it now. I love you, Shino. And always will. Please, don’t hold back and be open with me about anything you want. That’s the only way I can know what to do to keep you happy. Well, and maybe this too.”

Shino’s eyes move a little down, most likely to read the window that should have popped up in her vision.

“Oh… Is this part of your Class, sensei?”

“Yes. This and a lot more.”

She stares at the message for a while longer and I receive the notification of Shino joining my Partners a moment later. 

“I’ll tell you more about it in the morning. I know how much you love surprises.”

She raises her brow a little and I just smile at her.

“Okay.” She nods and then takes a glance at my lips, followed by a peek somewhere down. “So… Can we now…”

“Of course.” I give her a peck on the cheek. “Want me to undress you?”

Shino’s clothes suddenly disappear with motes of darkness accompanying the event and she turns almost completely naked with the exclusion of the simple black underwear. She has clearly not thought this through long enough as she instantly tenses and turns a shade redder.

To help her relax a little, I resume leaving gentle kisses on her cheeks, nose and lips while sliding my palm over the area of her alluring tummy. After a moment, Shino gets visibly better and moves a little back to smile at me. She then glances down at her chest.

Before she can say anything, I move my hand over her petite breast hidden behind the thin material of her bra and gently massage it with my fingers.

“Don’t even dare to apologize for them being small or anything like that. A certain dwarf would have to take you for a lecture on how much I love petite girls.”

She smiles with a bit more rosiness appearing on her recently calmed cheeks and reaches with her hands to unpin her bra, which then slowly slides off her arms, revealing her not-exactly-that-small chest. 

I lay her down on the bed and start a trail of kisses from her lips down to her breasts, sliding my fingers down her underbelly too. Some sweet sighs escape Shino’s mouth under my loving caresses. As my tongue finds its way to the adorable peak of the left hill, her hands appear on my hair and more sighs follow.

For a brief moment, I tease the stiff nipple with tame sucks and kisses, enjoying the little shivers her body makes at certain moments. When my fingers finally stop their prolonged journey south, they brush over Shino’s most secret place hidden behind a slightly damp piece of material. A very stifled moan reaches my ears and I glance up.

“Oh, come on. Do you have any idea how long I dreamed about hearing your musical voice moan for me?” I ask after seeing her bite on a finger.

Moving my face up, I kiss her lips with that finger still present in her mouth and use my tongue to seductively bring it out. Shino then watches as I lick it with a teasing smile. She pulls her hand back after a moment.

“If you really have to hide them, use this.”

I seal her lips properly by using my own, at the same time, pulling her panties away and pressing my fingers directly onto her hot slit down below. As expected, she gives me a little moan, which reverberates through our connected mouths.

Since it will be her first time, I make sure to take good care of her before we move onto the next step. Shino keeps pecking my lips as my fingers run around her pink flower, sliding up and down her labia. From time to time, I bump into her clit, sending more shivers through her body.

When one of my fingers slips into the moist entrance, I move my mouth away from hers and finally get rewarded with a proper and soundly moan from my cute black-haired princess, who didn’t expect me to suddenly withdraw from kissing her. She instantly pouts at me, making me chuckle.

“Sensei… Not fair...” 

Her hands find their way to my chest under the shirt she has been slowly unbuttoning as we were making out. Noticing her fingers roaming around the edge of my pants, I pull all of my top off and throw it away. 

Shino gets my intention and starts unfastening my belt by herself, getting done with it quite quickly. As weird as it sounds, we pull my pants down together. She then sits up and brushes with her palm over my clearly visible tent.

“It’s so hot…”

She pulls my underwear down too and reveals a certain guy very happy to finally see her. I’ve expected Shino to freeze for a moment, but she wraps her fingers around my shaft pretty soon after the beast is released from its cage. She gently moves her hand up and down and all around it.

“It’s hot and hard… and big…”

“They say that men love hearing girls call their dick big, but what always made me wonder is if there’s anything they would like to hear.”

Now using both of her hands to curiously stroke my cock, Shino visibly ponders.

“Hmmm… I don’t know… Maybe that it feels really good inside? Personally, I would be happy with any compliment.” She then looks up at me. “Ummm… Can I try… licking it?”

“You don’t even have to ask. Need some tips?”

She shakes her head while lowering it. “I practised this a lot.”

“But of course you did, uffffff…” I release a sigh as her warm mouth envelops my glans and part of the shaft. Shino’s tongue begins to work on making me feel good immediately. “You really did practice. I feel honoured.”

While I let Shino show me whatever techniques she had learned and practised for this moment, I pull her waist closer and begin to softly caress her pussy with my fingers. Only now I notice how perfectly shaved she is, clearly for this situation. Not a trace of hair is noticeable around her small cute slit.

She mostly employs a strategy revolving around slow and long movements of her tightly shut lips, up and down my rod, supported by regular sucking and her tongue tickling the underside of my penis.

To show her my appreciation, I not only don’t hide my expressions but also rub her increasingly wet crevice. Seeing that I’m not interrupting her too much, I slide one at first and then two fingers inside her leaking honeypot and begin lovingly moving them in and out accordingly with her own actions.

We play with each other for a few short minutes. Shino then stops giving me a very good blowjob coming from someone inexperienced and wipes her mouth from a bit of saliva dripping down her chin.

“Your precum is so sweet, Sensei. I’ve read it tastes way worse.”

I pull my fingers out of her moist tunnel too and move them to my mouth, licking her love juices off them.

“Looks like you aren’t embarrassed so much anymore if you can talk like this.”

She instantly drops her gaze down and I chuckle. Pulling her closer to me, I make our bodies lean against each other. My temperature pretty much rivals hers and it's clearly visible how much into it both of us are. Shino initiates a light kiss while stroking my penis.

“Sensei… I should be… ready now…”

As expected, she has me figured out. I nod at her and sit in a lotus position to let us be connected with our faces in front of each other. Shino lays her hands on my shoulders and squats over my lap. My hands quickly move to support her thighs from below and she visibly relaxes a bit.

“Go slowly. There’s no rush, okay? You have a small frame so take your time.”

“Don’t worry about me, Sensei... I’m very flexible from all the training...”

Shino moves one of her hands down to point my tip properly at her love hole and soon my glans press onto the almost scorching hot lower lips. An alluring sigh escapes both our mouths and we giggle together.

As we stare deep into each other's eyes, she starts lowering herself bit by bit until my tip slips in. I can already tell that she’s unimaginably tight, perhaps from all the exercise she mentioned. Nothing has gripped my member so snuggly yet.

“Mhhhnnnn… Ghhnnn...”

A strained expression is present on her face, no matter how much she tries to hide it. After a brief moment, Shino smiles at me.

“See? I’m fine… Ghhnnn… You can move… now…”

I respond with a wry smile and point my eyes down. After she follows my gaze, her face turns into a shocked one.

“Just… the tip?”

With my hands busy supporting her thighs to prevent her from falling onto my rod, I lean closer and rub my cheek against hers.

“Haven’t you ever used any toys?”

Shino lightly shakes her head. “No… Only on the outside… I wanted to keep it perfect for you… Ah! It moved!”

“How can it not move when you say adorable things like this. You are making me so fucking hard it’s unbelievable.”

Shino giggles and pecks my lips. Still aiming to continue, she pushes herself down, and very soon, I can feel my glans tearing her hymen. She winces in pain as her nails dig deep into my shoulders.


“I can get rid of that pain with my abilities. Swallow some of my saliva.”

“No! I want my first time to be proper! Even if it hurts at the start! This much is nothing!”

She keeps lowering herself as a trickle of blood drips onto the sheets. Seeing her determination, I can’t find it in myself to force her into agreeing and can just watch and make sure she doesn’t suddenly lose her strength and impales herself on me.

With my support, Shino finally reaches the very bottom and her lower lips kiss with my underbelly. She wraps her arms tightly over my shoulders and hugs me while breathing heavily. I caress the back of her head while planting soft kisses on her neck.

When she finally sits back up, I press my palm onto her navel, above the point where we are connected, and cast Rejuvenate to ease it up a bit for her. I’m not going to use any of my actual Class abilities, but I can at least heal her up.

Shino pouts at me and pecks my lips. “You are too kind, Sensei… Even though I told you…”

“Shush. This is just a simple relaxation treatment. And the quicker you feel better the sooner I can pound your incredibly tight pussy. You are not going to make me wait, are you?”

“Liar again.” She giggles. “You would never do it without asking first. You are just trying to make yourself look bad.”

“Stop acting so smart and take this.”


A cute moan escapes Shino’s lips as I assault her left breast with my tongue and rub her right peak with my fingers. She runs her hands through my hair as I keep sucking.

“Mhhnhnnnn… Sensei… Nhhnnnn… It’s tingly...”

I move my mouth up to match hers. “Where?”

Shino pecks my lips. “Inside…”

Hearing that, I slowly lift her up and then back down. My cock makes its unhurried way through her incredibly tight and hot passage, which is hugging it literally from every possible side. She’s so snug inside that my glans feel like pulling through a vacuum as the edges of my tip rub against her walls.

“Ahhnnnn… Like that…”

Not seeing any pain in her expression anymore, I start repeating that motion while listening to Shino’s soft moans.

“Mhhhnnn… Nhhnnn… Sensei… Mhhhmmm… I love you…”

“And I love you too.”

As I increase the tempo a little, we try to make out, but end up covering our faces in saliva from how jumpy this position is. Neither of us has any problem with that and Shino happily lets me drop her pussy back on my dick pointing up to the ceiling. Soon, loud smacking and wet noises fill the air.

“Ahhhnnn… Ahhh… It’s starting… ahhhnnn… to feel really… mhhhnnn… good… Ahhh...”

She moves her legs behind me and firmly wraps them together, starting to pull each time I lower her butt down. I gather all my possible efforts to join our lips together in a deep kiss as I pound her marvellous pussy. Shino moans into my mouth like she’s in heat.

“Mhhnnn… Ahhhh… Ahhhh… Yes… Nhhhh… I’m almost… Ahhh… Ahhh… Sensei!”

“Fuck… You feel almost illegal…”

I increase the tempo even more after she kindly announces getting close and bang her hips against mine like a beast. But, during that intense moment, I’m starting to realize something. 

Should I come with her? She definitely doesn’t know about my skills. I have no idea if she took any precautions either.

In the end, I decide to hold back for now. I want to avoid making Shino unnecessarily distressed. And I make my decision just in time. Her unbelievably narrow vagina clamps on me even harder, almost like it wants to choke all the seed out of my cock, and Shino also hugs me strongly with her legs and arms as her whole body gets enveloped in shivers.


I stop piercing her pussy and let Shino ride her first high tonight, caressing her back during her trembling. She soon calms down and only the ragged breathing is still present.

“That was… amazing… Sensei… Haaaaaah…”

To let her lest a little, I drop us down onto our side and slowly pull my cock out of her love hole. Shino runs her fingers over her pussy, slipping one inside, and turns a little sad.

“I really wanted you to creampie me during our first time, Sensei… But… I’m glad you didn’t… I’m actually not sure if it’s a safe day…”

I pull her into my embrace and give Shino a soft kiss, making a swift motion with my hand.

“That’s not something you have to worry about with me.”

Her eyes widen after reading the effect of a certain Title of mine.

“Something like this...”

“With that, you can have as much as you want and there won’t be any risk ever.”

She then visibly thinks about something for a short moment before pecking my lips and crawling up the bed to pick up a pillow. Shino flops onto her belly and raises her butt high into the air. Using one hand, she spreads her perfect pussy while hiding her face in that big and fluffy pillow, sending me a very embarrassing side glance.

“My whole body is yours entire, so fill my pussy to your heart’s desire.”

I stare at the visible part of her face which is getting increasingly red. 

“Is that from another doujin?” 

She quickly hides it completely in the pillow, making me chuckle lightly. I move closer to Shino and lean myself over her from above, poking her leaking entrance with my tip while giving her ear a mischievous nibble.

“You have to tell me all about it later so that I can fulfil all of your dreams and fantasies.”

Before she can reply, I plunge my cock into her tight pussy, evoking a cute muffled yelp from my charming student. I straighten myself up, place my hands around her sexy bottom and begin pounding that perfect piece of ass.

“Mwwhhh… Mhhh… Mhhnnnn…”

Seeing that only delighted moans are caught by the pillow, I give her recently pretty lily tons of strong affection. Our bond is finally starting to form on a much deeper level and I’m beginning to sense Shino’s desire leaking into my mind.

“Ahhhnnn… Ahhhnnn… Ahhh… Ahn…”

Her posture joined with my heartfelt pistoning makes the pillow slip from under her face and I can listen to Shino’s carnal cries without any obstruction. To stop her from fixing its position, I turn my thrusts up a notch, sending her ass slightly into the air with every push.

“Ahhhh! Ahhnnn! Sen… ahhhh… sei! Ahnnn! Ahhh!”

It so happens that it’s also exactly what she wishes for, judging by her intentions perceivable through our connection. I have no idea what kind of doujin she read, but it surely involved a lot of rough pounding that kept throwing the body of the female heroine in all directions.

Not that long after we begin, Shino quickly approaches another climax. She’s gotten quite sensitive after her first one. And this time, I’m very much obliged to make her wishes come true.

Timing my thrusts to her increasing high, I poke all around her snuggly insides as I violently slam my pelvis against her bottom. This, in turn, results in Shino getting even noisier and completely abandoning the pillow to firmly grasp the sheets in anticipation of the incoming orgasm.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahnn! Sensei! Ahhhhnn! I’m! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~!”

I plunge myself inside at the perfect moment. As her tight walls start constricting around my cock, a steady stream of milky liquid fills her deepest insides, travelling further and further with each release, painting Shino’s insides white.

She loses all the strength in her legs and they slide to the sides, making her tummy plop down onto the bed. A bit of my seed starts dripping out of her beautiful slit. I move myself to Shino’s side and lay down in front of her, pulling the lovable girl into a hug.

“Haaaah… Haaah… Haaaah… I’m so spent… Sensei…”

I chuckle and brush through her hair. “No surprises there.”

“You still look full of energy…”

“I can’t go soft after just two times with five wives and tens of other girls looking for some affection. And my Class does help a lot with that too.”

“I see… Ummm… Shouldn’t you go back to them now?”

I plant a soft kiss on her lips. “How could I just leave you alone like that? Do you really think I only care about scoring a girl? They can do great without me having to guide them by hand.”

“I don’t want to inconvenience you too much…”

“You are now my lover, remember? You have all the right to inconvenience me as you please. So, no, I’m going to stay with you. But, since you might find it embarrassing having to get into the bath at a time like this, let me just do this real quick.”

My fingers slip into her pussy, accompanied by a little moan, and I clean Shino up with some simple magic. Then, I rotate her body and wrap myself around her as a big spoon, caressing her belly with gentle strokes.

A contented sigh escapes Shino’s lips. “I’m so happy I finally confessed… And that we finally did it…”

“I’m sorry for making you wait so long.”

“No. It was my fault. I should have come to you the moment we arrived here instead of stupidly putting it away like usual. Ugh… It was actually Kamil-san and Marcia-san having sex almost every night that made me realize how frustrated I was. I get horny too, you know! And all the noises don’t help!”

I chuckle and kiss the nape of her neck. “From now, I’ll take care of your horny whenever I can.”

Shino grazes my hands with hers. “Me too… of yours… whenever...”

“Are you sure about that?” I lean more into her ear and whisper to it. “I’ll tell you a secret then. I’m always horny.”

She giggles and I feel her fingers around my shaft, positioning it towards her lower lips. Using the bed, she pushes herself down, sliding it inside with a sigh. Looking over her shoulder, she smiles at me smugly.

“Is this enough for an answer?”

“Oh, you little…”

And my cleaning seems to have gone to waste as we go for another passionate round before Shino finally loses all of her energy and dozes off in my arms.

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