I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 72 – The True Demon of Lust

Chapter 72 – The True Demon of Lust

After a few hours of walking, we reach the place described to us by the mayor and other people. There’s a huge cliff in front of us, on the verge of the lush forest. Bountiful moss covers almost all of it, making it look more like a grassy wall than a stone precipice.

We need another half an hour to find the entrance to the cave system. All these weeds make it hard to spot, covering it like a tight, green curtain, merging with the scenery all around. Thankfully, Crawford’s familiar helped us by making contact with other spiders and asking around. I would rather not use my borrowing skill for recon ability and save it for the upcoming fight.

Alan clears the bushes and vines with his big axe, uncovering the dark tunnel leading into the cliff. There’s nothing special about it from the very first glance. It’s the perfect hideout, without any signs of mortal dangers. All you could perhaps expect from it is a bear, some wolves or other wild animals. But, somehow, my senses are already telling me that this is it.

Crawford starts chanting something under his nose while repeatedly tracing a small circle with the tip of his staff. The lines he is making start leaving a bluish trail until they form a solid smudge. Small, electric discharges jump across the ring, clearly announcing that the spell still matches his area of expertise.

After a moment, he stabs the empty space in the middle of the circle with his staff and it explodes into five lightning bolts that shoot towards each of us, including himself. I flinch seeing the incoming spell, but it hits me and disappears inside my body without me feeling anything.

I pat my clothes in confusion and then notice that our surroundings got a little brighter and a light blue hue can be observed. Glancing around, I see everyone having the same circle Crawford was tracing above their heads now, looking like blue, lightning aureolas. As expected, there’s one just above mine too. Neat. We don’t need torches now.

We get into the previously discussed formation—Kyrie and Alan in the front, me and Crawford in the middle and Edgar in the back. Everyone draws their weapons, prepared for combat at any given moment. I don’t draw out my hilt yet; it can serve as a good element of surprise with my costume.

Ready as much as possible, we start moving forward through the natural cave. Unfortunately, it seems that it won’t be as easy as walking a single path while following the stone tunnel straight to the designated boss room. This isn’t some dungeon designed by a dev or a game freak but an actual cave system with a multitude of natural corridors. It’s a full-blown network of passages.

After the first three times that we have to walk back due to us running into a dead end, I start mapping the area so that we won’t be going in circles. Everything looks pretty much the same. Stone here, stone there, stone everywhere. A few stalactites over that ceiling, a few stalagmites near that turn. Thanks to me having my hands free, I can sketch our little journey.

That is until we start hearing some weird, occasional rumbling and gnarling from up ahead. A careful peek inside reveals a small group of monsters looking like a boar mixed with a porcupine. They have the size and shape of a wild pig, but most of their body and back is covered in sharp spikes. And I know very well that these are not just decorations. We’ve stumbled on a passel of Razorspike Wildboars.

“There are six of them here, but what are they doing?” Kyrie asks after watching the boars turn over rocks and pace back and forth without any greater meaning.

I point at one of them after it turns towards us. “Look at its eyes. They are glowing in bright pink. I’m pretty sure that’s from some kind of a Charm spell and ability that works on monsters. We are against an Arch Succubus in the end.”

“So, they are most likely placed here by that monster as sentries?” Alan chimes in. “Why didn’t the villagers mention any of them?”

“They must have been intercepted before getting too deep into the cave system."

“Well, we have to get past them. What’s the plan?” Edgar asks.

“They are not much of a threat to us. Just watch out for a barrage of spikes and their tusks during a charge and it will be fine. I don’t think we can sneak past them, and since they are stationed here, we might very well be going in the right direction. I’ll grab their attention, you guys just slaughter them,” Kyrie sums up the very simple plan and we all nod.

Edgar casts Reinforced Skin on everyone to help against the spikes and so that Kyrie doesn’t have to burn her mana to use her Holy Bastion in the very first encounter. We do not know how many are waiting for us up ahead before we reach the Succubus.

With a loud shout, she rushes forward from behind our cover and runs pretty much into the middle of the group of monsters, readying her tiny buckler and flail. I thought she would at least bring out the light shield, but after she parries the first bombardment of little javelins with ease, I understand that she will be fine.

Alan and Edgar follow suit the moment all of the boars turn to look at Kyrie and cut into their backline. The former cleaves through a whole pig with one swing of his double-edged greataxe like through tofu before it can even squeal in surprise, already jumping onto another a second after.

Edgar decides to support Kyrie a little and raises his bludgeon into the air while standing behind her back. It then shines with immensely bright light, blinding the monsters in front of the woman, leaving her completely unscathed. That allows both of them to take down one boar each with a perfectly aimed strike in the skull. Three more to go.

As Alan chases after a terrified Razorback Wildboar while laughing maniacally, Crawford finishes gathering his mana and I watch as five little orbs of purplish-blue appear above his extended palm. A moment later, similar but bigger spheres show up under the cavern’s ceiling, connected to each other with a streak of quivering lightning.

He then closes his palm into a fist and squeezes it hard. The orbs above the battlefield fly into the centre of the ring that they created and slam into each other. A thunderous explosion fills the stone chamber as two thick streaks of lightning descend onto the two remaining monsters, frying them up instantly. Only two because Alan managed to catch up to his prey in the meantime, mutilating the poor piggy with a flurry of swings like a butcher.

With all of them dead, the two of us come out from behind our cover and walk towards the rest of the group in the middle of the bloodbath. Alan spins his axe to get rid of as much blood as he can while Kyrie wipes off her face with her gauntlet. 

Seeing her only make the bloody smudge worse, I come closer, summon a ball of water with Livelihood Magic and dip my sleeve in it, proceeding to help get rid of that stain from Kyrie’s pretty face. She’s a little surprised by my motion but doesn’t back off.

“Thanks.” She nods at me after I finish and looks around. “With this, it would be stupid to assume that the host doesn’t know about us now.”

“I apologize. I underestimated the loudness of that spell in an enclosed space,” Crawford tips his wizardly hat.

“I’m fairly sure it changed nothing. She knows about us since the moment we’ve stepped into this cave,” I say.

“Why do you think so?” Kyrie glances at me.

“Just a gut feeling.”

I can’t really explain to them that I’ve been feeling a little weird since that moment. It’s like there’s this faint, sweet presence around us which is getting stronger the closer we are getting to her, I assume. I’ve been suggesting the paths at intersections based on it and we ended up here.

Nevertheless, Kyrie seems to trust my judgement on that, most likely thanks to the lucky premonition with the Trolls. We leave the corpses of the monsters be and resume our journey. They aren’t especially rare so it would be a waste of time to salvage them for any meaningful materials.

About forty minutes later, Kyrie raises her fist into the air to stop us before we reach another entrance to a natural stone chamber. We can then hear some weird grunts and moans; very tired and kind of drained. Crawford sends Milly to check it out and reveals to us that there are six Humans inside.

We walk closer, assuming that those are the missing villagers, and we are proven right when they enter our sight. But, they look more like zombies than villagers. The six men slowly pace through the chamber while dragging their feet over the ground. As the mayor described, they look like dried-up fruits with how wrinkly their skin is. I also notice that their irises have turned bright pink.

“Looks like another charmed group. We found our missing six. I guess it’s good that they are alive, but they don’t look too well…” Kyrie comments.

“What now?” Alan asks.

“We have to knock them out, obviously. They are armed with pitchforks and hoes so nothing to worry about. Just slap them a little hard in the back of their heads with the flat side of your axe and we are good to go.”

A mischievous grin appears on Alan’s face, but I grab his shoulder before he goes on a head-smacking rampage.

“Let me try this one. I might be able to do something about this.”

He squints his eyes at me, glances at Kyrie, who nods, and steps aside with a dissatisfied grunt. I nod at Kyrie to thank her for the given chance. I’m curious how strong the charm placed on these guys is and if my Break Charm spell from my Charm Magic can do anything about it.

I step forward and the closest guy notices me; most likely some farmer dude, judging by the iron hoe and his clothes. I avoid his slow swing with ease and grab him by the neck with my right hand. 

Staring straight into his eyes, I invoke the spell and feel like my mental attack crashes against a solid wall. Each time I try to penetrate it, my attempts bounce off the barrier like I’m throwing fists at it. Taking notice of another person starting to make their way towards me, I redouble my efforts and frown heavily. 

It’s always imagination that boosts magic in all of these stories, right? Let’s try this out then...

I try to visualize my mental attack as a giant, spinning drill and push it against the barrier surrounding the man’s mind. His eyes widen when the blockade begins cracking under my assault and they lose their pink glow after it shatters completely. He loses consciousness and drops his tool to the ground.

Finished just in time to avoid getting impaled by a pitchfork, I step to the side and throw the guy I’m holding at my new assailant. As he staggers from the impact, I grab his collar and pull him close so that we stand face to face. 

Diving deep into his eyes, I invoke the spell again, trying to imagine a giant wrecking ball hurling at the barrier. Don’t ask why there’s a naked woman sitting on top of it; those were the weird times. Anyway, it destroys the mental wall in one blow and the man faints too.

I repeat the cycle with the four remaining guys, trying out different forms and shapes of mental attacks. Weirdly enough, the wrecking ball was the most effective one. I wonder if that’s because I could visualize it much clearer thanks to the woman.

With all of them done, we lay the six men down by the wall and Edgar casts some kind of a barrier around them, saying that it should hold on for twelve hours unless something close to the level of the Trolls we met before were to hit it.

After a short break, we move out again. The scent and presence are getting stronger and stronger. We are not hitting dead ends as often as before, mostly walking in the right way. Half an hour of marching later, stone double doors appear in front of us. We nod at each other and Kyrie pushes them in with Alan’s help.

We enter a bigger chamber than before. It clearly shows the signs of some work being done here. Four crudely sculpted pillars stand in each corner; a pinkish flame adorns each one, giving the stone room a bewitching shade. Besides these, we can spot another pair of double doors on the other side of the chamber. But… there’s something blocking our path towards them.

“Fufufufufu~♪ You have finally made it here, adventurers~♪”

A tall woman seductively walks into the light with slow and sensual steps. Everyone tenses instantly. Well, everyone except me. I’m just lost in the incredible sight I have never expected to be able to experience in my life. Yet, I truly have a real Succubus standing in front of me, exactly like they were often portrayed back on Earth.

Light violet skin runs all over the woman’s smooth and enticing body, barely covered here and there by a demonic-looking, dark crimson fabric or armour, definitely not your usual one. Almost all of her captivating skin is exposed except for her breasts, nether regions and the outer area of her thighs, waist, sides and chest, forming a long, demonic line from her feet to her breasts, running over the edge of her body, with her front and most likely back laid completely bare. The outer parts of her arms are covered with it too.

She has waist-long scarlet hair, adorned by two, slightly curly, onyx horns sprouting proudly from the sides of her head. A to-be-expected, long and thin tail ending up in a heart-shaped spade dances enticingly behind her butt, of the same colour as her horns. To complete that demonic look, almost draconic-like wings can be spotted behind her back, with onyx edges and dark crimson membranes, half the size of her posture.

Why am I not surprised that there’s a glowing scarlet womb tattoo over her pelvic area? Maybe because Elea’s peers were already all over it when I was handing out my fake seals to them. Well, as for the woman’s face, I could spend hours describing how attractive and ladylike it is, but I’m pretty sure saying that it’s just incredibly beautiful will do the thing. With the mention of her scarlet eyes with vertical pupils.

“I’ve been waiting for you. I was wondering how long it would take for someone other than just a bunch of villagers to arrive here. They are fine men, don’t misunderstand me, but you can live with the same taste again and again only for so long, you know? But, I’m glad. I’m already getting wet just from looking at you three.” The Succubus licks her lips while moving her gaze between Alan, Edgar and me. 

“Silence, monster! You will not lay your vile hands on any more good men! My companions won’t fall for your beguiling techniques that easily!” Kyrie activates her Holy Bastion and points her flail towards the woman.

She chuckles temptingly. “Bold words coming from a sole virgin of the group.” I swear I catch Kyrie blush as she quivers a little. “Awkward girlies like you are the most fun to break~♪ Come to mommy, I’ll show you the true world of pleasure~♪”

“Enough pointless blabbering! We are taking you down!”

“Straight into it with no foreplay? You are much more of a brute than I thought, fufufu~♪”

It’s a miracle Kyrie hasn’t yet launched herself at the Succubus from her taunts with how red she is. It just shows that she isn’t some random, inexperienced adventurer. Even though it looked like she was just angrily shouting at the other woman, the rest of the party managed to spread out and get ready for battle in the meantime. She’s a good leader.

The Succubus obviously noticed that and is now smiling at us impishly. “Show me what you got then! And don’t worry, I can take a good pounding!”

Gods. And I thought my puns and innuendos were getting out of hand.

She then jumps to the side to avoid a lightning bolt shot at her by Crawford and frowns at him. “Wait for your turn, gramps. You will be a good dessert after I have some fun with these youthful stallions full of energy~♪”

I can see him shiver and I don’t think it’s from his rising expectations after her implicative comment. With how desperately he launches a few more spells at her, it’s pretty clear that he is not looking forward to the aforementioned dessert.

While the Succubus dances around in the show of flashing lights from all the lightning attacks, Kyrie and Alan shorten the distance between them and the woman at the same time. The Crusader swings her flail burning with Holy Fire exactly when the Berserker hauls his greataxe with a crimson afterglow. They are going all-in from the start.

Unfortunately, the woman makes a graceful bridge while leaning to the back and kicks up both of their weapons into the air as they are passing over her stretched belly. Looks like the demonic material making up her shoes is quite sturdy.

Standing up again and starting to chuckle at the two, she is suddenly interrupted by a ball of light hurtling straight at her. She manages to avoid getting hit by it straight in the face, but the projectile singes part of her scarlet hair.

“Oh, come on! I just finished making my hair specifically for you! Ugh, men will never understand how much effort it takes to make ourselves look beautiful for them.” She sends Edgar a disappointed glance as he was the one behind the last attack. “Ah! Whoops! Careful!”

Alan doesn’t let her make any more playful remarks and begins to chase after her, entering his berserk state. His swings, slashes and all movements get much faster than before and each time his weapon smashes into the ground from too much force behind the swing, a small crater is created in the stone floor and the whole chamber trembles a little.

“What a… Uf! Lively man… Ho! We have here... Woop!” 

The Succubus keeps dodging him by a hair’s breadth for a while until she steps onto a square static field prepared by Crawford. An electric shock surges from it and makes her muscles tense for a brief moment. That’s enough for the others and three different attacks fly at her from three directions, with Edgar stepping into close quarters too.

I start thinking that maybe this will be it, even without us having to use any of the Holy Viagra Water or my skills, but when I notice a smirk on her beautiful face, I immediately understand that she walked into their trap deliberately. I was standing on the sidelines up until now, saving my abilities and skills for the critical moment, but it seems that I can’t delay this any longer. 

Watching her get enveloped by a rising, spiralling scarlet mist, I bring out my hilt and form a whip with it with one hand and pull out the vial with anti-succubi juice with the other, uncorking it and spilling the contents on the weapon. The group’s attacks bounce off the mysterious haze and they are suddenly pushed back a few meters after it explodes around the Succubus’ body.

To the irony, she is now holding an onyx whip too while laughing softly at the adventurers. She doesn’t waste any time and launches it at Edgar, just to have it intercepted by my own, purplish rope. Two loud cracks follow after they interrupt each other and she glances at me with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh? Looks like our little scholar boy isn't here just for moral support? Interesting~♪ I haven’t had a brave young scholar yet~♪”

“I’m sorry but I’ve already promised someone a session in this costume. Take a ticket and walk to the end of the line.”

She chuckles at me. “You even know how to properly talk back~♪ Lovely~♪”

Alan interrupts our little flirting break and launches himself at her with a loud roar; his whole body seems to be emitting some kind of a ferocious aura. The Succubus scoffs at him and evades the cross-shaped double strike, tripping him with her whip afterwards.

“How rude. I was talking to your friend. You need to be punished for stepping between two lovebirds enjoying each other.”

Her whip visibly sharpens and she raises her hand into the air, aiming for his neck. I instantly send my own attack boosted with mana straight at her head. She clearly hasn’t been expecting my next move to be this fast and has to pretty much force her whole body to avoid it and she still fails to do so completely.

“AHHH! It burns! You bitch!”

A quiet sizzling sound fills the air as she holds onto her cheek and glares at me; a small puff of crimson smoke is rising from the wound.

“I’ve had enough!”

Just as she shouts at me, Kyrie jumps at her from the side. Her flail is now enveloped not only by her Holy Fire but also by some weird lightning coating. She makes a powerful arc at the distracted Succubus but that spreads her wings a bit and blurs, appearing behind the Crusader. The crimson mist surrounds her fist and she slams it into Kyrie’s back, sending her flying forward, tumbling on the ground.

She snaps her fingers and numerous black tentacles rise from the ground under every one of us, aiming to restrict our movements. I dodge them in time thanks to my slightly better reflexes, but all the others get entangled by them. Judging by how their skills and abilities fade down, these must be similar to my Void Chains.

As I’m jumping around trying to avoid getting caught, I notice a pinkish, heart-shaped orb forming above her palm. 

“I’ll enjoy watching you service all the others first, virgin girl. Prepare them for me well.” And she hurls it at the restrained Kyrie.

“No!” I shout and move in front of her, thankfully being near as it’s happening.

As I stop with my arms spread over the surprised brunette, the onyx tendrils coil around my ankles and the pink projectile hits me in the back. Kyrie gasps as I lifelessly slump forward, still standing straight. The Succubus chuckles from behind me.

“Oh? Chivalry? Commendable, I must say, but what’s the point of that when you are the one caught by the spell now? Well, it doesn’t matter anymore. Since I grew to like you through this encounter, let me reward you a little bit. You are allowed to do whatever you want with this girl.” She snaps her fingers and my body jerks.

I slowly crouch down in front of Kyrie and lean forward, placing one hand on her thigh and the other on her waist. As my face moves closer, I can see her cheeks turn rosy, but a tinge of fear can be distinguished in her eyes. She closes them just before my lips reach hers, but in the end, they never do and I move my mouth to her ear.

“I’m sorry, but bear with me for a moment,” I whisper and begin nibbling on her earlobe as my hands start to roam over her whole body.

After around ten seconds of gentle brushes that make Kyrie moan softly, I slowly raise myself again, turn around with my head still slumped towards the ground, and stay still.

“What’s wrong? I told you that you can have your way with her first.”

“I apologize, Mistress, but since the moment I’ve laid my eyes onto your exquisite being, all I could think of was embracing your irresistible body.”

She chuckles while moving a finger to her lips and biting on it. “I was going to give you a taste of me later anyway, but I guess we can reschedule things a little bit~♪”

The Succubus then approaches me while sensually moving her hips with each step and stops close to me with a lascivious smile. I tilt my head to the side and she follows my gaze towards Kyrie.

“Are we going to do it in front of them?” I ask, trying to act shy but indifferent.

“Of course. They will be next anyway.”

She then passes me and snaps her fingers. Everyone gets dragged into a single spot near the wall, still bound by the black tentacles.

“Enjoy the show~♪”

I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around the Succubus, slowly stroking her exposed belly and thighs as I plant a kiss on her neck.

“Fufufu~♪ So impatient. You are very eager to be eaten up, aren’t you?”

I stop caressing her skin and grin to myself, “I apologize but the one doing the eating… will be me...” and I snap my fingers this time.

Seven purplish straps shoot out of the nearby wall and tie themselves around her ankles, wrists, wings and neck, pulling her strongly towards the stone surface.


In the next moment, she gets slammed with her back into the stone surface after the bindings begin forcefully pulling her in. She tries fighting against the restraints, but she can’t move any more than they allow her, tied to the wall with her limbs spread out like Vitruvian Man by Da Vinci.

“How did you break my charm?! Why can’t I use my magic?!”

It’s my turn to chuckle this time. “It never worked in the first place. I’m immune to this level of charms.” Her eyes widen in shock. “Hmmm… It looks like my chains didn’t cancel your already cast ability. This is troublesome,” I comment after seeing others still bound by tentacles.

She scoffs at me. “I will not let any of you escape!”

“I never intended to.” My words surprise her again. “Oh well. I’m not really into doing it in front of such a cute girl,” I glance at Kyrie, “but it’s safer to take care of you first.”

“What are you planning to do? If you think you can force me to release them by hurting me, then you are gravely mistaken!”

I chuckle again and shake my head. “I’ve already told you what I’m going to do. I will eat you up.”

She sneers at me. “Getting overconfident from your little luck with my charm, are we? I’m an Arch Succubus, you idiot! I will devour you!”

“I’ll take it as consent then.” I smile at her and start moving closer.

“Just try sticking it in me! I’ll suck you dry!”

“Don’t come crying to me later saying that your stomach hurts from overeating.”

I close my eyes for a moment and completely release all the limiters I placed on my titles and passives to appear like a normal person. There’s no need to hold back against her. She is a powerful sex demon, right?

Opening them again, I grab the demonic-looking scarlet material covering her impressive breasts from the sides and rip it off, revealing her bare chest to the world. Judging by her widening eyes, it shouldn’t be so easy to tear off. Well, tell that to my stats.

My fingers squish the soft and incredibly perfect marshmallows hanging seductively in front of me. I’ve seen my fair share of breasts of various sizes and shapes, but hers just look almost divine. I apologize, Goddess Lumina, it’s not like I’ve seen the real divine breasts.

Anyway, I take my sweet time to fondle these excellent perky mountains, sneaking a little rub and pinch over their peaks from time to time. As expected from a Succubus, she holds herself very well against just this much, although I can see her breathing getting a little faster.

Leaving her breasts alone, I tear off the rest of her clothes covering the edges of her figure, leaving just a little bit under her ankles. I roam my hands all over her skin.

“You truly have a magnificent body, worthy of being called the Demon of Lust.”

She doesn’t snap back at me and just keeps her lips tightly shut while sending me stern glares. I move my fingers towards her crotch and slip one under the heart-shaped patch of material hiding her love holes.


She finally can’t hold a moan when I yank it off just the way it rubs against her skin and pussy as much as possible as it comes off. She’s already drenched down there. Or she always is. I’ll have to confirm that little detail about her body later.

As two of my fingers make their way to her precious pearl, I lean my body against hers and go for a kiss. She even moves her chin to meet me in the middle, most likely still confident in herself, hoping to bewitch me with her bodily fluids. Too bad. You chose the wrong opponent to compete in that.

The moment her tongue invades my mouth, her body shivers and she hesitates for a second. I use that opportunity to push my mouth against hers with more force and attack her insides, ferociously making out with her muscle. Muffled moans start escaping from her sealed lips and she quivers again when I finally tickle her clit.

After a few initial rubs, I shove my pointer and middle fingers into her leaking honeypot and keep teasing her sensitive bud with my thumb.

“Mhhhmm~♪ Nhhnhnnmmm~♪ Mhhhnnn~♪”

Her body tries to escape the pleasure by jerking up but the restraints keep her down on my fingers. I quickly increase the pace and slide in and out of her pussy faster and faster, tickling all the various spots inside that I’ve learned about from my previous partners and my time on Earth. It quickly brings her to her first climax and I can feel her vagina squeeze my fingers as some liquid spurts out of her love nest while she moans fervently into my lips.

“Haaaah… You—mwwwhhmmn?!”

After a short break for a single breath shortly after she finishes her orgasm, I seal her mouth shut again and resume pounding her pussy with my fingers, this time, with their tips enhanced by the condensed mana. Her back arches instantly, almost ripping away her lips from mine, but I quickly pursue them.

I bring her to another climax in just fifteen seconds and much more of her love juices squirt out of her drenched crevice. This time, I don’t give her even a second of break and draw more mana to supply it to the thumb too. 

Both her clit and lewd tunnel are stimulated by my special technique, proving to be a little too much for our Arch Succubus as she makes it rain like a shower just seconds after I begin; her head shoots to the ceiling and escapes my hold.


I take a step back and give her a moment to catch her breath; her perfect chest heaves strongly with each movement of her lungs. Crossing my arms, I admire the wet carnage I created under her.

“Release them,” I order the Succubus.

“I won’t be… haaah… defeated by a mere Human!”

I sigh. “I really wanted to avoid doing it in public but you give me no choice.”

Without using my spatial storage, I take off the two-part shawl-like cloak and throw it to the side, getting rid of my robe next, revealing my bare chest. I hear Kyrie gasp the moment it lands on the ground and the Succubus’ chin drops to the floor too as her gaze locks onto my front.

I trace with my hands over my abs and pecs for a moment, reaching the line of my pants, and make them disappear into the ring without any warning. Her eyes instantly snap to my fully erect member, ready to pierce the heavens.

As I slowly make my way back to her while making sure that my dick swings around as seductively as possible, I see her gulp heavily. She doesn’t take her wide-open eyes off it even for a moment. She looks down at it when I press my body against hers and rub my stiff rod over her smooth belly.

“Do you want it?” I ask in a sultry tone.

It takes her a few seconds to break out of the salivating trance and she shakes her head. “No.” Her eyes still glued to my penis as she answers.

I chuckle and snap my fingers. The bindings expand and she drops lower and a bit forward, with her face arriving in front of my crotch. I press my shaft against her cheek and she takes a good, long whiff of it; her eyelashes flutter as another tiny stream of liquid gushes out of her pussy.

“You came just from sniffing my cock? What a slut.”

She completely ignores my comment and tries to angle her face to catch my dick into her mouth. Just moments before she succeeds, I rotate my hips to the side and back, slapping her with my hard erection across the cheek.


“No dick until you release the adventurers!”

She finally looks up at me with longing but also a bit of defiance left behind. I move my eyes off her and step back, turning to the rest of the party.

“Wait! I will release them after you give it to me!”

“No can do. Looks like I will have to ask this cute girl here to help me cool down a little.”

I start walking towards Kyrie while wiggling my butt as much as I can, trying to hit the best poses. I stop in front of her with my fully erect penis towering over Kyrie’s face from above. She’s blushing heavily and staring straight at it. I smile at her wryly and soundlessly speak "play along" with my mouth.

Positioning myself with my back perfectly to the Succubus, with my hips covering Kyrie’s face and shoulders, I move my hands to the top of her head, watching her reactions to make sure I don’t go too far. Before I even move onto the next step of my plan, the tentacles slither back into the ground.

I smile victoriously and kneel in front of Kyrie, helping her up and pulling her closer to whisper to her ear. “Get everyone out of here. She’s resisting quite hard, I can’t bind her forever.”

“What about you?” she asks worriedly, trying to look me in the eyes, but I can see her gaze desperately shooting down repeatedly.

I pat her shoulder. “I’ll take care of the Succubus. I’m confident in my skills.”

She looks down at my cock, unable to resist the urge to stare anymore and I sigh. Grabbing her other shoulder too, I spin her around and slap that tender ass, evoking a cute yelp from her.

“Go. We will talk later.”

She glances back at me over her shoulder once more and helps the others out. After they leave the chamber and close the stone doors, I turn back to the Succubus. With a snap of my fingers, the bindings disappear and she falls to the ground, instantly rushing towards me on all fours and slamming her face into my crotch.

“Ohhhh sweeeeeeeet Aaallmoooootheeeeerrrrr… What is this fucking thing…”

I chuckle. “An object of worship.” Grabbing one of her horns, I position her mouth in front of my glans. “Now. Show me how you treat your god.”

She no longer resists and takes my rod into her mouth in one, quick swoop, wrapping her arms around my waist. I gasp a little when met with the humid and hot insides of her mouth. As expected from a sex fiend, she makes great work of her tongue, cheeks, throat and lips, applying incredible suction as she bobs her head back and forth.

“Ohhh… That’s good… The better you get me off, the greater pounding you’ll get—woah!”

Hearing my words, she doubles—no, triples her efforts to make me come. It’s the first time I see someone so eagerly sucking cock. She practically fucks her throat with my dick, drawing back and forth with incredible strength and movements, hitting my pelvis with her face so hard it pushes me back one step at a time.

“Fuck… You are a freak…”

Deciding to not prolong it anymore, I grab both of her horns and start thrusting into her mouth to meet her own advances. Loud, wet, schlicking sounds fill the stone chamber as I ravage this Demon of Lust. And her purely ecstatic face along with fingers rubbing her slit at lightspeed clearly show how much she loves it.

With one last push, I delve deep into her throat and release a luscious load of milky cream. She keeps hugging my waist as if forbidding me to back away until she sucks out all of my seed with her amazingly tight tunnel, constricting around my cock while trying to milk it dry. 

I finish cumming after around ten seconds and slowly draw back, allowing her to meticulously lick my rod around to scoop every bit of semen left on it. My dick leaves her mouth with an audible pop and she starts gasping for air.

“Haaaah… Great Allmother… This is unbelievable… The smell, the taste, the texture, the amount of life energy, it’s all inconceivable!”

“Already satisfied?”

Her anxious face shoots up at mine. “No! Please! You promised to fuck me!”

“And I’m a man of my words.”

I grab her horns again and lightly throw her up and against the wall. She hits it with a soft moan and I pin her to the stone surface with my body, lifting her right leg with my hand. I slide myself into her flooding cavern in one move.

“Ahhhhhhhhhh~♪  Yesssssssssss~!”

“Let’s see who will devour who.”

“Ahnnnnnnn~♪ Ahhhhhhhh~♪ Like that~! Break me~! Devour me~!”

I start violently hammering her into the wall; her bountiful love juices keep splattering over our stomachs with each heavy slap of hip against hip. Her whole body jerks upwards with each powerful thrust her tight hole receives. 

She wraps her arms around my neck in desperation, trying to reduce the recoil of my pounding, but she can barely latch onto me with how limply her body shakes from all the pleasure she is receiving. Sensing her incoming climax from how her insides seem to change, I aim for one of the usual spots with the tip of my penis and she orgasms instantly with her mouth opening wide.

“Ohhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkk~!”

I let her ride her high for a moment and roughly rotate her horizontally after she stops squirting on my legs, impaling her demonic lily from behind this time, pushing her front into the wall.

“Ahhhhh~♪ Ahhnnnn~♪ Ohhhhh~♪ So fierce~♪ Destroy that pussy~♪”

Stuck between me and the stone wall she can only scream and moan into the air as I drill through her incredibly hot and moist tunnel repeatedly. Her whole body bounces back and forth; into the wall, into me, into the wall, into me. And she is wholeheartedly relishing in the savage pummeling. I start licking the membrane of her wings, peppering it with sucky kisses here and there.

“Fuck~! Fuck~! Fuck~! Coooooming agaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn~♪”

Her convulsing snatch pushes out my cock as another stream of love juices bursts out of her quivering slit. I press her body against the wall to prevent her from sliding down and plant strong hickeys over her neck until she stops shaking.

“Mhhhhhhmmmmmmm… Not that ba—AH!”

Seeing her still being able to act cheekily, I yank her off the wall and throw her onto the ground. Before she can collect herself, I pick her hips up from behind and shove my cock into her pinkish cherry, looking unspeakably cute from this angle and with that incredible, light violet skin all around it.


She starts moaning while I hammer her pussy in a wheelbarrow position, slamming against her bottom as hard as to force her to move forward with her hands on the floor. A path of dripping love nectar is left behind us as we make it forward while fucking like beasts.

At one point, I rotate her around to change the position and she ends up making a bridge with her hips still in the air. I can now perfectly see her lewd, completely euphoric expression. She tries to throw a wide smile at me but fails to do so when my cock rubs against her inner walls again, far inside her deepest depths, forcing her to bite on her lower lip as her whole body trembles.

Not wanting to just fuck her without getting to bust a nut myself, I stop holding back my orgasm and push her onto the ground. I catch her ankles and drive them to the sides of her head, pinning them to the floor. With her butt now slightly in the air, I pummel that pussy relentlessly from above.

“Ohhh~♪ Ahhhhh~♪ Ahnnnn~♪ So fucking deep~! I can’t~!”

I lean forward and join our lips in a sloppy kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck again and her vaginal walls start constricting. As our hot tongues dance together, I start sending waves of cloudy liquid deep into her dripping honeypot, flooding her baby chamber with warm delicacy. 

Her spasming fades down after around fifteen seconds and I free her lips. Until she recovers completely, I softly play with her amazing breasts, enjoying the marshmallowy treat for my fingers and mouth. 

“Uhhhhh… Fuuuuckk… That was intense… I admit you are pretty good…  You almost—” Seeing my wide grin coming from in between her sacred valley, she stops, her eyes widen, and her violet face pales a little. “Oh, no, no, no—AH!”

With my cock still hard and inside her pussy, I rotate her again and continue giving her a good pounding in a leapfrog position this time. She is already barely able to move so she can only lie on her chest and take it with a lot of moaning. She turns into an even bigger mess after I grab her warm tail and yank it towards myself, catching the heart-shaped spade with my lips.

“Ahhhh~♪ Ahhhnnn~♪ Ahhhh~♪ Alright~! Ahhhhhhnnnn~♪ You win! Ahhh~♪ Not the tail~♪”

“You don’t look broken to me yet.”

“Nooooooo~♪ Ahhhhhhh~♪”

After making her cum into a squirting mess again, I pull her up and grab her wrists, starting to hammer her pretty flower from behind while we are standing and she is hanging down parallel to the ground within my hold. I pull her onto my dick with each shove, teaching her demonic pussy what it really means to be a Demon of Lust, or rather, a Demigod of Lust.

Fifteen minutes of violent pounding through various positions later, she can’t speak anymore and can only moan and slur incomprehensibly every time she climaxes and receives my seed. I’ve lost count, but I think she took it around six times already. 

With the addition of the seventh one, I let go of her horns as I’ve been nailing her from behind while holding onto them and let her slump onto the ground; ass in the air and leaking from the abundance of cum. Her body keeps shivering repeatedly.

I fall onto my ass and take a deep breath, admiring my amazing work. This was a good opportunity to test my endurance and it’s way better than I imagined. Well, I literally outsexed a Succubus, so that says something. An Arch at that. I do feel plenty tired though. I’ve been casting Rejuvenate a lot to support my immense stamina from my race and stats.

Standing up, I walk closer and push her butt lightly, making it fall to the side unresponsively, hitting the ground with a lovely slap.

“Huh. She fainted. Oh well.”

Leaving a beautiful woman on a cold stone floor is against my principles so I scoop her up into my arms and princess-carry the Succubus towards the other set of big doors. I’m able to push them open with just my leg and it reveals a small, decorated chamber on the other side.

Spotting a queen-sized bed with incredibly comfortable-looking bedding, I walk up to it and drop my exhausted Succubus in the middle of it, pulling myself to spoon her. Before falling asleep, I make sure to clean her love hole with Livelihood Magic to avoid any discomfort later since I have no idea if she needs to be conscious to absorb all that overflowing semen. With that done, I drift off with her in my arms.

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