I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 67 – A Surprise to Be Sure, but a Welcome One

Chapter 67 – A Surprise to Be Sure, but a Welcome One

Fortunately, on our way back home, we do not stumble on the mage again. I was partially expecting him to stay somewhere in close vicinity to confront me after our previous exchange, but perhaps he had something to do or the group of people that was with him dragged him away. Nevertheless, better for him. 

We don’t dilly-dally too much while returning and arrive at the mansion decently fast. After entering the main lobby, Cornelia throws her hands over my shoulders and pulls me closer for a short and affectionate kiss. She smiles gently after we break off.

“Thank you again for standing up for me. And for our short date. I’ll excuse myself now to see what I can prepare for you to take for this little trip. You also have plenty of work to do, right?”

I close the distance once more to leave a gentle peck on her dainty lips before answering.

“It was only natural, don’t think too much of it. But…” I lean towards her ear and whisper, “you sure we should leave this without a conclusion? I can sense your little arousal…”

Cornelia chuckles gingerly and whispers back, “I’m afraid my puny mortal body will end up useless for the rest of the day after experiencing the love of a demigod, even with the help of your Rejuvenate, and we truly have many things to do.”

“Alright. Just remember, holding back is unhealthy.”

“And look who is speaking. I do not believe you are not holding back constantly when surrounded with beauties—AH!”

A yelp of surprise interrupts her sentence as I lightly slap Cornelia’s booty and smirk at her. “You better go before I change my mind.”

She leaves my embrace and walks away, definitely doing her best to make her movements as enticing as possible and stopping for a short moment to send me a tempting gaze before disappearing behind a corner. Who would have thought she would grow fond of teasing me back this fast. Guess I can only draw out her cute, tsun reactions in public now.

To not waste the precious time, I sit on one of the sofas for a moment and formulate a plan on what to do next as there are truly many things I, or we, have to cover, and they are not only related to the establishment but the whole adventuring aspect too, closely linked with just my own person.

Let’s leave the brothel’s matters for now and focus on the other ones. The most critical issue here is the core of the whole case - the Succubus. Obviously, it’s not that I’m clueless about them. It should be obvious to anyone that studying the information on these beings would have come first, right? I mean, you land in a fantasy world and gain access to a huge library. As a man, checking out Succubi first is just the natural order of things. Heh.

So, as for knowledge about their strong points, weaknesses, general style of living and such, I’m pretty much covered. But, I’m not heading out to slay the monster. My goal is to capture it, or preferably, win the Succubus over to join me as my Partner and, if possible, a worker. There should be plenty of men lusting after a literal lust demon, even in this world.

But, my whole Class operates on two important things: acceptance and consent. I can only add someone to my Partners if they accept me willingly and I can gain more benefits from them only after they willingly choose to take it a step further, into the intimate zone.

While I’m almost completely sure the latter part would not be a problem, considering the nature of the entity we are going after, the whole acceptance might prove difficult. So far, pretty much every girl of another race I’ve met was favourable towards me with just a little bit of effort and kindness, but I shouldn’t let it make me complacent. It won’t always work like that. 

And Astrea is a good example here. Same as with others, I approached her with kindness and she started living with us, but she’s the only one who is still not my Partner even for the sake of the connection itself. I can’t make her. And it’s of course fine with me.

So, when it comes to a wild monster that usually considers other races as a mobile food supply, it might be impossible to achieve anything with the first impression and words alone. Hell, I’m not even sure that actions would be enough. 

Thus, this calls for more drastic measures. It’s time to finally pay a visit to the Monster Tamer’s Guild. Safi and Emi didn’t press the matter of the seals so I’ve been putting it off all the time other things came up, but this could prove useful in the current predicament. And they would be happy to finally get their seals too. They were a bit too understanding, especially Safi. I need to show them my appreciation with something else than just sex and mana-pats.

While I would prefer to start on good terms with the Succubus, I can’t underestimate its might. Ross mentioned it was an Arch Succubus, and from what I know, they are quite a bit higher than the common ones. 

Safely and successfully capturing it under the taming or enslavement contract first and then slowly trying to explain and show things is better than risking ending up mutilated while trying to talk politely. It’s not like I have malicious intentions. Sometimes you just can’t avoid using a little force.

Then, this is decided. Besides that, I need to prepare for the journey, and that means, stocking up on consumables and other utility stuff. I can’t rely only on my Rejuvenate or Healing Magic stolen from Elea. If I would even have it on me at the moment. I’ll have to bring her or Dhosk with me and go for a shopping spree, get some potions, ointments and the likes.

My gear is fine, but I could use this opportunity to take Sirgia on a little date too and let her pick some things for me if she’d find it necessary. I’m sure she’d be more thrilled to make them herself, but I don’t want her to overwork herself even more.

Even though a few days is not much, I should turn up my training a notch, perhaps asking the elves, Garrena, Teffith or other experienced warriors to drill some more practical knowledge and movements into me during that short period. I do believe I’m fairly decent now, but surely, I’m far from what a proper, offensive Class would be.

Then, there’s the case of the adventurers that will be accompanying me, or rather, I will be accompanying as a researcher delegated by the kingdom. Guess I’ll wait for one of Ross’s men to deliver me their dossiers, hopefully still today so that I get to have some time to think about our performance.

Alright. I think that covers the external factors. Now, as for the establishment, I better call another meeting and explain everything properly, hearing them out in case someone would want to share their opinion. Let’s do it right now, I think I can’t sense anyone being outside at the moment, so it should be fine.

After finding Elea, I ask her to gather everyone in the lobby. I could use my Whispers, but there’s no need to startle them when my skilful elf maids can handle it with ease. I still can’t perfectly control the ability and sometimes fail to get rid of that part forcing me to split the message into a bunch of sensual moans and whispers, but I’m slowly getting there.

In fifteen minutes, we are all in the main hall and sitting in the half-circle like the last time. Without wasting their time, I explain the request of going after a Succubus and how it will affect us. Since I will be departing alone, I appoint Cornelia as my direct representative, telling them to treat her words and decisions as mine. Elea becomes second-in-command during my outings.

The two accept the honours and I make sure that everyone knows they can freely contact me via Whispers if necessary, but I trust their judgement and believe that they don’t need to be supervised by me over every single action and decision. In the end, many of them are much more knowledgeable or experienced in plenty of areas where I’m lacking.

For the new maids, this kind of stance from their master is still something surprising, perhaps a little bit shocking to have so much freedom of action, but the rest of our growing family is already accustomed to my way of being. They’ll come to be gradually too. Rene is already much more cheerful and open than when she came here, but that was to be expected from a Dogkin, hah.

It takes us all a fair amount of time to convince Sirgia to let me go alone though. I have to take her onto my lap and cuddle affectionately while promising to never drop my guard and take good care of myself. Her adorable and concerned gaze almost makes me rethink my decision. And here I thought I was supposed to be immune to Charms below the highest level. Her cuteness is just too strong.

But, in the end, after telling her and the others about the rest of my plans I’ve gone over before the meeting, she finally lets go and gladly accepts my suggestion of going shopping together, acting all dreamy and absent-minded for the remainder of the meeting, still perched on my lap.

Thus, we cover all the points and everyone heads back to do their stuff. I decide to visit the Monster Tamer’s Guild tomorrow and take my cute dwarf on a date today. Then, I’ll do the shopping with Dhosk the day after. She already agreed to help me out with it.

Sirgia merrily darts off saying she needs to prepare before we leave, making me chuckle seeing her so invested. I send her a Whisper to not be in a hurry and take her time picking her clothes or taking care of whatever things she needs.

Since we’ll be visiting mostly smithies, armour shops and such, I switch into my adventurer’s gear, taking a quick shower before, of course. It will finally see some real adventuring instead of just walking around the streets of the capital. Unless Sirgia decides it’s better to completely replace it. I better prepare my wallet just in case, who knows how she will act when shopping for things she is actually knowledgeable about.

Half an hour later, she knocks on the door to my chamber and walks inside, wearing her maid uniform. She looks absolutely adorable and the slight blush on her fair cheeks just enhances the scene. 

Of course, it’s nothing new for her to wear it, but I can also tell she took great care of herself before coming here and the calming, floral scent coming from her gives no doubt she spent most of that time in a scented bath.

“You look stunning.” My compliment makes her blush even more while she fondles her skirt. “But, you know you don’t have to use your uniform for this occasion, right?”

“I know. I wanted to wear it.”

“Alright. Let me change into my suit too. I fully expected you to choose some casual clothes.”

“There’s no need, Master. You… ummm… look really handsome… in this getup…”

I sigh and come closer to pat the head of my a bit embarrassed dwarf. “If you say so.”

I offer her my hand and we leave together after Sirgia shyly grabs it. A little bit of time passes before she gets less nervous and more relaxed, but I manage to somehow bring her focus to me rather than our surroundings with some small talk and we start our actual date.

We share a meal together before going shopping. I chose the place where I took her after our first meeting, surprising Sirgia positively. We chat a little about the past, reminiscing about our first moments and days. She awkwardly shares what were her thoughts in the beginning and I do the same. All in all, a good time.

Then, the real thing begins. We start visiting various stores, smithies and workshops and Sirgia instantly switches gears from slightly shy into enthusiastic and passionate, almost as if her previous behaviour wasn’t true.

I happily listen to her giving me a plethora of little trivia and information related to many pieces of equipment and weapons. She beams with excitement whenever I ask a question myself. It’s not an exaggeration to say that she drags me around by hand without a hint of her usual timidness.

Well, I do enjoy her sweet voice excitedly explaining things to me, but I’m pretty sure we’ve been quite close to being kicked out from a few shops. Not all owners take kindly to some random Dwarf storming into their store and listing all the flaws she could spot while going through their products.

Under her guidance, I buy a few pieces of equipment. The most important one is Grennian Undergarments. It’s like a thin sweatshirt made out of silk from some strong spider monster. You barely feel it on yourself, but it supposedly can withstand cuts even from greatswords. 

I get the vibes of an item from a certain popular fantasy saga from it, but it’s more like a less impressive version of that mail. Still, a great find nevertheless. Even if it won’t completely defend from piercing attacks, slashing ones are the most common amongst monsters and other enemies.

Although Sirgia definitely has quite the stamina from working at her workshop and from her Class, she exhausts herself almost completely before evening comes due to all that rushing and running around while acting all giddy.

I carry her in my arms on our way back to the mansion and she silently rests her forehead against my neck, clearly sleepy but still awake enough to be aware of the situation she is in, which brings a bit of rosiness to her cheeks as she often steals glances at my face.

We head straight to her room after arriving back home and I lay her down on the bed. Sirgia snuggles close to me and I stay with her until she slowly falls asleep under my affectionate pats. She truly drained herself completely. With a small kiss on the forehead, I leave her alone to rest. She might finally clock in a few more hours than usual.

After a short dinner, I move to my own chamber to go through the information about the adventurers. It was delivered when we were out. They do work fast. But I guess they would have good connections with the Adventurer’s Guild or even work with it directly.

Anyway, after giving their files an initial glance, it seems that I’ll be in the care of a fairly balanced and experienced party. Four people in total: one tank, two damage dealers and one healer. Good composition and they are all A-rank, working together since the very F-rank.

They are all men besides the tank. I lowkey expected the healer to be a girl, but I shouldn’t be letting such thoughts cloud my judgement. This is not a game but a real world. Making such assumptions was improper even back at home and here it’s even more baseless with all the magic and other fantasy stuff. I’ve already met a fair deal of badass ladies.

For the rest of the evening and portion of the night, I familiarize myself with all the data about them that’s included in the dossiers I’ve received, going through bits of their history, their achievements, quests, but also information on their usual fighting style, abilities they shared or were confirmed by others, and such. Before I notice it, I drift off over the notes, still sitting by my desk.

I wake up to an extremely weird but somehow familiar feeling. There’s a mysterious warmth spreading through my body and I feel hot to some extent. I lift my eyelids and realize that I’m resting my arms and head on the desk, where I must have fallen asleep. There’s a blanket covering my shoulders, so I guess whoever was meant to sleep with me last night, didn’t want to move me. I’ll have to apologize to them later, but now…

I’m fairly sure the weird warmth is not the effect a blanket placed over my back can have. Especially when it originates from somewhere around my lower abdomen, in the front to be specific. Then, my brain finishes booting up too and I begin registering the missing sensations, along with some wet noises and faint breathing from under the desk top.

Connecting the dots in my mind, I lean back and tilt my whole posture along with my head to the side, aiming to take a glance below the desk. What greets me, is most likely the most unexpected sight ever, instantly throwing me into extreme confusion.

Right now, down there, my belt has been unfastened and my pants have been lowered to the middle of my thighs, along with my underwear. But what’s more, there’s a girl lazily licking my erect penis while holding it up with her petite hands, with a dreamy expression and closed eyes, visibly relishing in the action.

But, what’s even more, that girl is Astrea. And that’s the core issue here, making me so confused. I’ve already guessed what was happening, but in no way have I been expecting to see the single woman that has the least skinship with me to be giving me a morning blowjob. No wonder I haven’t sensed anyone from my Partners under the desk.

I watch as Astrea’s slightly ticklish tongue travels over my shaft from bottom to top in slow motions. Again, it feels way different from whatever I’ve experienced before. I was curious if Catkin tongues are any similar to what I expected them to be and I was proven right. But, it’s not uncomfortable, rather very much pleasurable.

Still, even though it feels amazing, it’s as confusing as it was a moment ago. After a few more careful licks, she guides the tip into her mouth and swallows my rod bit by bit, swirling her tongue along my glans and then the shaft as she takes it further inside, applying a bit of suction alongside that too.

Now, I can’t call myself an expert, but I’ve been through enough to notice that there’s no way this is her first time gobbling down a dick. She’s clearly experienced and her movements are refined. She definitely knows what she is doing with both her mouth and fingers which now switched to massaging my precious orbs. Not that it actually matters to me.

Astrea makes a long and powerful suck while coiling her tongue around my rod as she pulls up. Her body shivers a little and her closed eyelashes flutter during the motion. My dick leaves her mouth with an audible pop and she prepares herself to go down on it again just to have her now half-closed eyes meet mine. 

She freezes with her jaws wide open and her tongue sticking out, on which my tip is currently resting. I can clearly see her impressive—and now a little bit scary—sharp canines surrounding my flesh. Her pupils instantly narrow into thin needles and she stays unmoving while staring right back at me.

Sensing her sudden wariness even without any bond between us, I try to move as little as possible while bringing up a reassuring smile. I’d rather not have her freak out with my dick between her teeth.

“Let’s stay calm, alright? There’s no need for any sudden movements.” I show her my hands, slowly moving them closer to my body so that she can see them clearly. “I’m not angry. Perhaps a little bit surprised, but not angry. I don’t mind you continuing if that’s what you want. It felt really good. I promise I won’t do anything.”

She stays still for a moment longer, seemingly judging my words, and her pupils slowly return to their usual, a little less narrowed size. I can see some of the tension leaving her body.

“If you want to go out, I can move,” I add, realizing that she’s pretty much squashed between my legs under the desk with barely any space for movement. It’s amazing how she got herself there.

But, Astrea doesn’t intend to leave yet and unhurriedly envelops my cock with her mouth again, not dropping her gaze off me for even a moment. With a wry smile, I observe how she gradually resumes her lively blowjob, finally accepting that I truly don’t mind.

Since that’s where we currently are, I lean into the backrest and relax too, exhaling in relief and pleasure. I watch from above as her head bobs up and down on my penis while she gazes me in the eyes all the time. I have no idea how long she was at it, but I felt quite close when waking up, so I guess I shouldn’t prolong this too much.

I let myself enjoy her amazing caresses. Her tongue is truly skilful, tickling and coiling around many great spots over my whole cock and working in perfect sync with her hands and lips. And the way she is looking up at me from below just takes it to another level. I move my hands to grip the sides of my seating as it gets better and better.

“I’m almost there. You should watch—uooooooooohhhhhh!”

In reaction to my words, instead of taking my rod outside, she actually increases the intensity of her movements. Astrea suddenly starts banging her head up and down on my dick like a metal vocalist while her tongue waggles horizontally at the speed of an electric razor, stimulating the underside and my glans and shaft like crazy. She keeps pumping me with her hands at the same time.

“Ohhhhhhhh, maaaaaannnnnn…”

That’s the most intense blowjob I’ve ever experienced and her slightly ticklish tongue is just perfect for what she does with it. Even though I could control myself for a bit longer, the amount of pleasure coursing through my whole body is so great it could make me go mad if I keep this up, so I stop blocking the buildup and let the dam break.


She interrupts me again, this time by shoving my whole fucking cock into her insanely tight throat, down to the very base, hitting my underbelly with her small nose. The pressure is insane. This pushes my pleasure meter through the roof and a flood of milky liquid shoots into her constricting tunnel trying to wring me out desperately. 

My penis twitches furiously as it releases wave after wave, and Astrea takes it all like it’s her daily thing to have a thick pole thrust far into the insides of her mouth. Thank gods I somehow held myself back from reaching out to pat her head earlier because the spots where I’m holding the chair explode into splinters when I clench my fingers into fists, crushing the hard wood like dried up twigs.

If there still was any leftover doubt of her having plenty of quite rough experience behind the belt, the fact that she has literally no gag reflex even with how ferociously she thrust my pole straight into her throat in one go, completely annihilated it. It’s either that, or catgirls in this world just don’t possess such a thing.

Astrea waits until I stop sending more of my creamy seed out of my cock and slowly slides it back up, stopping at the tip to lick the whole thing clean to the very last speck of evidence left on it. She finally releases me from her clutches and continues to observe me with her calm and neutral face from below as I pant heavily.

“Huuuuhhh… Huhhhh… That was… insane...” 

I cast Rejuvenate to regain my strength quicker and slide the chair backwards, extending a hand to her after hiding my penis back in underwear first, of course. Astrea takes it and I help her up, creating an orb of clear water afterwards for her to clear her throat and she accepts it too, cutely drinking from the bubble suspended in the air.

With me sitting and her standing we are now seeing almost eye to eye since she’s like above 155cm tall and my chair is quite high too. I’ll have to replace it now, though.

“You really surprised me there, you know?”

“Sorry,” she replies quietly, not shyly, just in a soft tone.

“It’s okay. Did something happen? We haven’t even talked much in the past. I did not expect you to… you know.”

She breaks eye contact for a moment and ponders, most likely trying to figure out the words or if she should tell me the actual reason.

“It’s fine if you still don’t trust me eno—”

“It’s here.”

“What’s here?”

“My mating season.”

Before I reply, she wedges her fingers under the fabric of her shorts and brings them down along with her panties just enough to fully reveal her magnificent, petite lower lips, decorated with a silver bush above the closed slit. There’s a huge, wet stain on her underwear and a thick trail of nectar connecting it to her pussy.

“I’m in heat.”

“Ah,” is all I can utter while my eyes are glued to her precious place. 

I manage to break out of my daze a moment later and bring her clothes up again to cover the distraction. Glancing at her face, I can spot an extremely faint blush, even though her expression remains unchanged. This might be more of a physical reaction than her getting a little shy.

“I see. It must have been hard for you here. Do you want me to help you? Or do you already have a mate and want to leave?”

“I was fine... I don’t have a dedicated mate, but… I have a suggestion… and a favour to ask… if that’s okay...”

I slowly move my hand to her head, watching if she will allow me to touch it, and she doesn’t show any signs of swatting it away or dodging, letting me gently place it down and ruffle through her hair, still being observant of me.

“Of course it’s okay. Just tell me what you need and I’ll do what I can to make it happen.”

She stares at my smile for a moment and then continues. “It’s not many, but I had a few friends back there, on the streets. There’s a… secret community of Beastkin under the city. Each month, we gather in a specific place in the sewers to meet and share what resources we can with others. It’s a harsh community ruled by the strong, but it allows many to survive as long as they are useful… or exchange favours for food...”

I can sense a tinge of sadness in her calm voice.

“I’m willing to become your exclusive mate if you agree to help my friends and take them in too. I can guarantee they are good people and they are all girls, so there shouldn’t be a problem with others being uncomfortable around them. They would also definitely be fine with working here. It’s way better than what they have to go through there...”

I rub her head a bit more forcefully. “Hey, Astrea, I already told you I will help you if I can. No need to go this far. But, the timing couldn’t be worse…”

“The next meeting is still over two weeks from now, so it’s okay. It won’t interfere with your current objective. And even if it did, I would just wait for another one.”

“Alright. We’ll let others know and prepare slowly so you can bring them in then.”

“I’m afraid… it’s not that easy…”

I raise my brows a little. “Is there some problem?”

“I haven’t brought this up until now because… I’m just not strong enough to do it. But now, I can smell how strong you are after the change and that’s why I decided to ask. My friends are not like me. They aren’t skilful enough to go to the surface, so they live with the community. As I said, it’s ruled by the strong, usually males. My friends are females, so… they won’t be allowed to leave just because they want to…”

I cock my head back in understanding. “We will have to take them by force then, is what you are saying?”

She nods.

“I see. Another breakout operation.” 

I rub my chin as I consider the situation. I guess it should be fine. I shouldn’t have to go alone like the last time. And I don’t really want to let Astrea down, now that she finally decided to open up to me a little, even if in a quite unexpected moment.

“I’ll help. Let’s discuss the details after I’m done with the Succubus. And, you don’t have to offer yourself for their sake.”

A faint smile finds its way onto her lips for a second and then disappears in a blink. She sighs softly, perhaps a little bit dejectedly.

“Thank you… I knew you wouldn’t accept me as your sworn mate…” She gazes down a bit.

I sigh too, sensing some misunderstanding going on. “How so?”

“Because I’m not a virgin.”


“Almost all of your sworn mates were pure when you accepted them. And I’m anything but pure. I’ve mated with many different males in my life. When we Beastkin go into heat, we look for any partner of the opposite gender to relieve ourselves in mutual understanding. And I’ve done it many times in the streets with many different variants of Beastkin. Even many at once. I must look very dirty in your eyes…”

“Hey.” I scratch behind her adorable, grey ears to make her look me in the eyes again. “You should already know that I don’t care if a girl was a virgin or not before we met. I don’t discriminate based on such meaningless things. So tell me, is there something more to your request about becoming my mate besides helping your friends?”

She glances back at me, a bit anxiously.

“Each Beastkin’s body works differently and some have their mating seasons more often while others can go for months without it, but there’s one thing that can influence some species. Females of the Catkin are highly attracted to strong males and that’s also what’s happening to me. A bit ago, your scent suddenly changed into one that very powerful males produce and it started affecting me,” she starts to calmly explain.

“I apologize. I didn’t know about that part.”

“No, it’s not your fault. That’s just how it works. You are very strong now and it made my body start going into heat after I inhaled your incredible scent. And even more when I subconsciously licked your sweat, letting my urges get the better of me. I almost collapsed from ecstasy afterwards, barely managing to hide in time. Please, don’t think I’m against it. I very much like it. And so… I know it’s selfish… But I thought that maybe while I ask for help for my friends… I could also become your sworn mate in return… Which is actually something I began yearning for...”

That’s what I thought. I’ve accidentally made her fall for me without doing anything. Well, perhaps by evolving, but it’s not like I had a say in that. She is just following her instincts and how her kind functions. It’s not something unheard of and I can't deny it kind of stroking my ego a little, knowing that she is attracted to me for such reasons.

I show Astrea a reassuring smile again and move my arms to her armpits. She doesn’t react in any way besides just following my movements with her eyes and lets me sit her down sideways on my lap. I continue to play with her short, grey hair with one hand.

“Well then, am I understanding you correctly? Do you perhaps have feelings for me?”

She nods. “Yes… I want to become yours… Even though—”

I stop her by placing a finger on her lovely lips. “Thank you. I’m very happy to hear that. You are a very beautiful girl. And now, I’m also sure that you are as thoughtful and kind as you are cute. I’ll gladly accept you as my sworn mate as long as you don’t mind sharing me with others. I can’t push them away to be with you, unfortunately.”

“You don’t have to.” Astrea shakes her head a little. “Strong males have many mates. It’s common for Beastkin. I saw how much you love your mates. I’m content with being one of them and receiving part of that love.”

“Then, there’s no problem.”

She stares at me with expectant eyes. “Is that really okay?”

I chuckle a little. “Where’s that confidence from when you almost choked me to death?”

She drops her gaze down. “I’m really sorry for that… There were Humans who tried to lure me in with sweet words too, to try and capture me… After the second time, I became wary of their fake kindness… Also… males like it more when their females act submissive, no?”

I chuckle again, realizing that she has been trying to get into my strike zone, most likely hiding her true personality whenever possible.

“I was just joking, so don’t sweat over it. And I would like for you to be yourself. Do you think you can do it for me?”

She nods after a moment of hesitation.

“Good. I’ve read a bunch of stuff about Beastkin, but is there something special you have to do for us to become mates?”

“It’s not necessary, but… while they join their bodies together under the pale light of a full moon, sworn mates show their devotion by letting their partners bite strongly on their most sensitive part, which is the tail.”

“Interesting. I’m afraid I don’t have a tail though.”

“Would it be okay if I bit on your ear?”

“Of course. We should wait for a full moon then, I guess?”

Astrea starts fidgeting a little on my lap while her tail makes charming dances in front of her face.

“I don’t think… I can wait any longer… After getting this far… It’s just a thing people do, not even a tradition, so…”

“Hahaha, I can see that. I’m okay with doing it now if you want. Or do you need to prepare yourself?”

I catch a feral glint in her eyes. “Now is good.”

I fully expected Astrea to make a move after that, but she just keeps staring at me while sometimes dropping her eyes onto my lips.

“Go for it,” I encourage her with a smile. “I can tell you want to be the one in the lead.”

“Is it truly fine for me to act that way?”

“Stop worrying about it. I’m all yours. And besides, strong girls who know what they want make me really hard.” 

It seems my words achieve the desired result as Astrea shifts on my lap in a flash, from sitting on it sideways into kneeling over my thighs right from the front and looking at me from above. 

She takes my face into her hands, pulls it up, and slowly descends with her own while making sure I get a good view of her sharp canines. She locks our lips together, closes her eyes, and begins to savour the taste of our first kiss. 

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