I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 63 – The Great Change

Chapter 63 – The Great Change

Something ticklish and slightly cold trailing over the skin of my chest brings me out of peaceful slumber. The small point travels to my nipple and circles it a few times, nudging the little protrusion, and then moves to the other one to do the same. 

After leaving an area of chilly sensation over both of them, the mysterious traveller begins their journey down my solar plexus. On the way through the smooth plains of my body, a friend joins them, making it into two frosty points grazing my skin. Then, a third one appears. Then, a fourth one. Then finally, the group reaches five individuals.

They move down and down at a steady pace, travelling in a single, horizontal line and leaving trails of cold sensation behind them. Soon, they pass my stomach, circle around the navel, and reach the underbelly. When these mysterious entities almost touch my nether regions, I hastily catch the wrist that has been leading them and open my eyes while squinting.

What enters my sight is obviously Cornelia’s face with a smug expression. One of her arms is extended down and towards me.

“What were you planning to do with these exactly, you little witch, hm?” I ask her playfully.

She smiles at me and pushes her hand further down in one, swift motion, grasping my precious family jewels into a chilly grasp.

“Ohohohohohohoooo… Now you’ve done it!” 

I shudder, shout, and yank her hand away, using my other free one to start tickling her exposed belly, sending Cornelia into a huge fit of laughter and lots of shaking.

“Ahahahahahaha! Stooooop! I concede! I concede!”

“Too late for that!”

I don’t let her go and mercilessly assault her delicious tummy and those perfect curves of her sides, making her unable to do anything else besides wriggling in pleasurable agony. 

But, she somehow manages to muster enough strength to throw herself at me, grab both of my wrists, and pin them above my head while straddling my waist. Still giggling a little to herself, she takes a few deep breaths and stares at me with a wide smile.

“You beast. To violate a dignified woman like me in such a barbaric way.”

“And who is the one that started it? I’m pretty sure going after the little guy is even more barbaric.”

Cornelia opens her mouth to most likely give another playful reply, but she stops and raises one of her brows. She then glances back over her shoulder and snorts. I’m pretty sure it’s from my quickly growing boner hitting her butt with how she is sitting just above my crotch.

“Mom was right. All men think about is sex,” she says while turning her face back to me and chuckling softly.

“Excuse me. The last time I checked, it was you who teased my nipples and grabbed my balls like some thug. Besides, how can I not grow hard when a gorgeous bombshell of a beauty is showing her everything to me while being on top?”

It’s as I just said. Literally everything is laid bare in front of me with her slightly leaning position, from the very enticing, perfect peaks hanging above my face, to the charming, little mound between her legs kissing my underbelly affectionately.

Cornelia chuckles again and leans forward to join our lips in a soft kiss. She releases my hands and lays herself down on my chest while I gently embrace her back and begin stroking her smooth, released hair. Sweet moments like these are just worth living for.

After a short session of caring pecks, she raises herself again with a warm smile and stretches her whole body while moaning openly. I hold her waist as she trembles a little from the pleasant exercise.

“I must say, your Rejuvenate is amazing,” she says after finishing. “I’ve recovered as far as to doubt that we even did anything before going to sleep. Which is great, but also… a little sad.”

I lift myself to a sitting position too and hug her tightly while landing a kiss on her cheek. “What? Would you rather have trouble walking after your first ever anal? If so, we can always arrange for that.” I trace my finger down her back and tickle her butthole a little bit.

She slaps me gently and I chuckle. “Did you forget I have to meet the Queen per your own request? She would instantly notice if I walked funny. I’m just a little down that there’s no evidence of our precious time together.”

“All the evidence is here,” I say and lean my forehead against hers. “Or, do you perhaps want to boast to someone and it’s hard without solid proof, hm?”

Cornelia blushes a little and pecks my lips. “Your imagination sure runs deep.”

She turns around on my lap and rests her back on my chest, pulling up her Status window. We both scan through it for changes after our passionate night and instantly notice one.

“Oh my. Wasn’t this only 50% and for around 24 hours?” Cornelia points at the window.

Surely, the temporary bonus from sex would always show up as 50% for 24 hours or however many it was left after the act, but we can now see that the numbers there are 100% and 64 hours, which is certainly 72 minus 8.

“True. I wonder if it’s due to me advancing a Tier or from the race upgrade. Or…”

I wave my hand and summon my own menu to the side of Cornelia’s Status screen, and navigate into the Partners section. It doesn’t take me long to find her entry at the top of the list and I open it, making it visible to her too.

Cornelia Longdeville - Human
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
True Love (Infatuated Couple)

“As I thought, our Bond Level and Bond Type levelled too. I noticed your stats change a tiny bit. It could also be a bonus from us being actual lovers with mutual feelings.”

Cornelia rubs her chin while thinking. “Or it’s because you played with and came in both of my holes. Or it’s all thanks to anal. You haven’t done it before. Too many variables here…”

“Guess I’ll have to trouble the other girls to help me find out. But, all in all, it’s great that the duration increased threefold.”

“Already starting to get tired of all the pussy you are getting?” She chuckles.

“If I were to supply all the girls here with buffs daily, or even only those who are actually close to me, how much time do you think would be left for you then, hm?”


“I know things are moving slowly for our little establishment and it’s not really visible, but there are fourteen girls that openly slept with me already. If we include all the other employees, our family now counts up to twenty-one individuals, excluding me.”

“Damn. I didn’t realize there were already this many. I still feel like it was yesterday when I came here from the castle or we opened for the first time with just Safi and Emi in the main department.”

I nod. “Right. There are now also Garrena, Mafaris, Zalia, Shawure, Nebu, Cinra, Leyne, Roseni and Filue. It might not look like much when compared to the normal brothels, but…”

“...when we consider that it’s all non-humans then that’s plenty,” she finishes my sentence. “We are actually getting somewhere.”

I chuckle and brush over her fair skin with my fingers. “I wouldn’t phrase it like that. We still usually have a few customers a night. These are fair beginnings, but we need to double down on actual promotion soon. Meanwhile, I still have so many ideas to introduce…”

She grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. “You were thinking about finding a skilled tailor recently. Maybe it’s finally time for our little hero to make his way into the vast world?”

“Oh? Am I such a heavily annoying husband for you to already want to kick me out of our lovely house?” I tease her a little.

Cornelia fidgets a bit and I’m pretty sure I hear her quietly mutter the word husband a few times. A soft smile finds its way onto her lips for a brief moment and quickly disappears. I don’t think she knows I did notice it though.

Ekhm. You must be joking. I’d never do or think that. I’m just a way less possessive woman than you may be thinking I am.”

“Considering your yesterday’s obsession with having my first time, I find it quite hard to believe.”

She grows more and more flustered. “That was… just a short moment of weakness… Everybody has them…”

I chuckle and pat her head. “Alright, alright. You know I’m just teasing you.”

A smile reappears on her lips. “I know. Anyway, what I meant was, I don’t plan on tying you down and restricting you to moving only around the capital. You can leave the management to me and go out. Elea is plenty capable too. That was one of your goals and I believe we pretty much met it.”

“And here I thought you’d be very much into tying me up or down…”


“Hahaha, sorry, sorry. I just… love being like this with you,” I tell Cornelia honestly and kiss her neck.

“I’d have never thought I’d fall for a corny pervert in my whole life, but… me too…” She guides my hands to affectionately embrace her waist. “Umm… sorry…”

I tilt my head in confusion. “What for?”

“I call you a pervert again and again but it’s not like you are really one and I realized it might have been a bit rude…”

I sigh and chuckle faintly. “You can call me whatever you want. Besides, all men are perverts according to your mom.”

She laughs. “Seriously… How did she even get laid in the first place is above me… She was an even worse shut-in than me and her personality was not that different from mine…”

“Your personality is perfect and don’t let others tell you otherwise. There’s nothing wrong with getting embarrassed with lewd things and I find it very cute how you sometimes try to deny the simplest things with that stubborn act of yours. Now, let’s end this long-ass morning discussion before we lose ourselves in it even more.”

Cornelia moves off my lap and stands up from the bed to stretch again, showing her juicy butt to me. “Hhhhhnnnnnnngggggggg… True. It was fun, but there’s work to do. Ah!”

I softly slap that beautiful piece of ass while sitting on the edge by her. “That’s right. You have a royal to meet and I have to check on the new girls. Let’s have a meeting during dinner, you should be back by then. We’ll leave the travelling part for later. I need to make sure Sirgia creates enough fun toys for you to not grow lonely when I’ll be gone,” I say with a smirk.


Cornelia snorts and takes slow steps away while creating underwear and casual robes around her body using her ice ability from before. She spins around and gives me a smug look after placing her glasses on their proper spot.

An idea flashes in my mind and I quickly check for my new stealing skill, confirming that it’s off cooldown. With a few strokes of my finger, I borrow her Frostweave and activate it while standing up.

My body is covered with a similar, whitish mist as hers was, and after a few moments, I create a casual set of pants and shirt. It does feel comfy even amongst all this chill. Cornelia’s eyes widen for a moment and she sighs afterwards.

“Not only a pervert but now also a thief. Oh, how low you have fallen.”

We both chuckle and finally leave the room. Our beautiful chefs have already finished preparing breakfast for the whole family, including the new maids, so we join everyone impatiently waiting for the food.

Due to our numbers, the previous, long table we were using for our meals is now not enough to house all of us and we split into two groups this time. It's proof that we are growing in strength and numbers.

Sirgia runs out of the kitchen the very moment I show up in the dining hall, not leaving my side for even a brief moment. She doesn’t let Emi get any close to me this time. Their fight over my lap is getting more serious with each passing day.

I enjoy my meal by the table with all of my lovers and core members of the mansion, which includes Cornelia, Sirgia, Safi, Emi, Elea and the elves, and Teffith. Garrena, Nebu, the tieflings and the new girls group up by another spot. I’m pretty sure it was arranged by Elea and a clear distinction of seniority can be noticed here, going by who joined our ranks first.

The whole breakfast passes in a pleasant and chatty atmosphere. I expected our table to be the livelier one due to theirs having more new and not-yet-accustomed people, but the tiefling trio overshadows all the girls around my table with how easygoing and talkative they are towards Rene, Dhosk, Tyriana, Meiya and Neiya. I just focus on pampering my cute dwarf and being fed in response.

At first, I was slightly nervous about Tyriana, but it looks like my worries were unnecessary. It all came from the whole thing of fantasy stories back at home including various kinds of Elves. I’ve come across books where Dark Elves and other types of Elves had quite a hostile attitude towards each other and I didn’t see many mentions about such relationships in my time in the castle’s library.

But, that may be because it’s all good here. I caught neither my dark-skinned beauties nor Tyriana showing any discontent during their interactions. Just to be sure, I ask Elea about it and she confirms my assumption that there’s not much to worry about. Any conflicts are on a settlement basis rather than a racial one. Each village is like its own community.

After breakfast, we all tidy up and the new girls help out with the dishes in the kitchen. Cornelia prepares herself properly, picks up the merchandise she is meant to deliver to the Queen, and leaves the mansion. I wonder how the meeting will go. Perhaps I should have gone with her, but that would be weird with me coming literally the day after.

Everyone else finds their own work or things to spend time on. Sirgia, Mafaris and Teffith dive into the little dwarf’s workshop, most likely to work on the naginata. Neira disappears in her own studio. Filue and Leyne move to the garden and our satyr girls follow them. Garrena and the other elves head to the underground arena. I might want to check on them to learn a thing or two.

Astrea disappears as usual. Okay, maybe not as usual. She lets herself be much more visible than before and even makes eye contact with me for a short moment. As mysterious as ever. I still wonder what was that lick about. Nevertheless, I don’t want to pressure her, so I focus on others. And I have no idea what the rest plans on doing.

Safi and Emi decide to accompany me for today and I of course agree. I decide to try and talk with our new maids to perhaps ease their worries a little more and find out what they would like to take care of most of the time or such. 

Our first target is Rene. We sit together and chat a little about ourselves. I especially encourage her to ask questions about me or the place or whatever else, and albeit a little uncertain, she does as instructed. I notice how her tail starts wagging enthusiastically a few times during our little exchange, mostly around the parts connected to how I treat the other girls and what our relationships are like.

She seems to be an honest and kind-hearted person to me, willing to earnestly follow the lead. Rene has nothing against helping in the bathing department alongside her usual maid-type work around the mansion, but when mentioning her body, she clearly gives the vibes of someone insecure about it, saying how she is sure she won’t be picked much.

I have to assure her with lots of head pats that it’s not true. I’ve seen most of her body back at Selina’s and she surely is a looker. Perhaps a little chubby at some places, but like hell anyone would have something against it. This is not Earth where people shame women about their bodies, turning them into walking skeletons. 

Her mood quickly switches into an overjoyed one and she starts openly snuggling to me after I praise her figure and looks, to the point where Emi starts pushing herself into me too, not wanting to lose in clinginess to the new resident. 

Making sure that she doesn’t lack anything and that she is content with her room and situation, we come across Dhosk next. From an open and easy to read extrovert, we turn towards a quite withdrawn and cold introvert. All her questions for me are formulated the way I don’t have to answer with anything else besides yes and no. When I try to learn something about her, she keeps her own answers short too.

The most important thing we are able to find out is that she was a charlatan at her previous settlement. She confirms having some knowledge and experience with alchemy and other fields connected to it and agrees to work with us on projects related to these areas. She will surely come in clutch at times.

As for the usual servitude, as I expected, she doesn’t say no to anything, just keeps her almost indifferent demeanour while talking about it. While she is okay with baths and such, I’m not sure if she is suitable to accompany guests for social purposes and I let her know that. To which, she obviously agrees with a short ‘yes’. Figures. Hopefully, Cornelia, Sirgia or Neira will find a common tongue with her.

I decide to not bother Dhosk too much and move on. The next person we find is Tyriana in the library. She is peacefully reading some book while casually sipping a fragrant tea when we come in. I don’t really want to interrupt her and think about coming back later when she closes the book and glances my way. Now it would be rude to just leave.

She is surrounded by that noble-like aura, but not the high and mighty one. Tyriana surely is a proud High Elf and it’s clearly visible with how she conducts herself, but it’s more like she respects herself. And others to some extent.

Our talk goes much smoother than with Dhosk. She is fine with most duties. Only bathing gives her some concerns. She explains that while she doesn’t mind showing a bit of her body, she doesn't want to let random men get touchy with her. I assure her that there are rules for that, but don’t pressure her into changing her mind.

She is truly a beauty like most women of her race, so I would be glad if she was up for the social part of the establishment in the lobby, but her way of being might not be that suitable for it, similar to Dhosk's case. She actually says by herself that she would like to observe others do it and then decide, which is good already. Even if she stays just as a general maid, it will be plenty.

Finally, I take Safi and Emi to the garden behind the mansion and… damn. I know I don’t really check on it often, but the transformation is real. The last time I took a glance around here was when Elea made that little tree nest for Nebu. Since then, it got much more colourful here.

Most of the hedges have now various, colourful flowers covering them, creating even fancier paths around the whole garden. The bowers are covered in vines and similar kinds of plants much more, giving them a completely different vibe than before. I have no idea how, but all the grass is evenly cut and no corner of the garden looks neglected. The girls must have been working hard on it.

Meiya, Neiya and the two gardening elves tend to the area around our small pond when we arrive. They look really fascinated by whatever the taller women are explaining to them. We join the group and listen about the underwater flora and how to properly raise it. Truly, I can spot some beautiful looking greenery down there through the crystal-clear water.

After Leyne and Filue finish their lecture, we butt in and chat about the two satyrs. They are not new to nature obviously, but they let us know that forests were their main home and that’s what they are most knowledgeable about while the aquatic aspect is not really their forte.

All in all, the elf girls mention that they already talked plenty and both satyr sisters will definitely be a huge help to the garden and other flora. They already started planning to fill the mansion with some appropriate flowers and plants they plan to grow back here, and with Meiya’s and Neiya’s knowledge, they will be able to see to it much faster now. 

As for the talk about their other responsibilities besides the garden, it goes well too. Meiya, the shorter sister, does express a little doubt that she would do good, but neither of them has anything against helping with the baths. The same goes for the social company. 

It took around two hours to talk with everyone. It’s way too early for Cornelia to come back anytime soon so I decide to train my control over the draconic hilt and my other skills a little. My two, lovely bundles of jelly oblige to help of course and we go down to the underground.

Garrena, Roseni and Cinra are engaged in a two versus one there. It’s obvious who against who. Even without the help of her ancestral bloodline, Garrena is able to fend off the two agile warriors while throwing an attack now and then. 

I don’t know if there are any racial relations at work here but I swear both sides are fighting much more ferociously than they usually do while training. And they all have wide, almost taunting smiles on their faces. As far as I know, there was no large-scale conflict between their races in the past. Which is kind of surprising with the whole desire to conquer in the Orc’s communities. But then again, it might boil down to settlements and tribes.

We take a spot where we shouldn’t disturb the trio and begin our own exercises, starting with hand to hand combat. I’m no CQC master but I do have some experience in it so I’m able to take the two of them at once. The memories they inherited from the girls are not enough for them to match me. But, their almost shapeless bodies that are able to morph during the fight are definitely a tough nut to crack.

Thanks to their high resistances I don’t have to hold back that much, even though seeing my punches literally create holes in their elastic bodies from the force of impact did make me a bit concerned at first. 

After an hour, I bring out my artifact and switch into a more defensive stance, letting them attack most of the time. While they try their best to assault me at the most irregular angles, I practice the speed of morphing my weapon into different forms. Being able to quickly switch shapes in the middle of a fight can definitely end up being more than just handy. I manage to get the hang of it when it comes to the weapon types I used a lot in the past. The new ones still take a bit of time to form and materialize.

Two hours later, we make a little scramble. Garrena looked like she wanted to fight the slimes herself, so I gave her that chance while going to face the dark-skinned duo this time. And boy, they do not spare me in the slightest. Now that they know my body is much tougher than before, they go almost all out on me. I can repel Safi and Emi, but when it comes to experienced fighters, I still look like an amateur.

Garrena overpowers my slimes fast and we switch back in twenty minutes. Our trio decides to take a break for now and then actually to end for today. While the elves and the orc stop paying attention to us, getting lost in their own, small and violent world, Safi and Emi drag me to a different stone room, one of the storages.

The moment I see the calm and collected Safi give me the look, I understand instantly that there’s no escape. Mana-filled pats may not be enough today. And I don’t even delude myself they could work after she steals my lips while Emi goes after something else.

Thus, we spend thirty minutes enjoying a different type of physical activity. We haven’t partaken in it much after they finished our biology lessons, so I feel very much obliged to let them have some fun with me as an apology, and they certainly do. I just hope nobody randomly comes into this little warehouse and finds us entangled together in the sea of crates and barrels.

Thanks to that, I’m able to confirm that the doubled value of the buff Cornelia received was in fact due to either me advancing or changing race as the two of them receive it too, so it’s for sure not about us reaching the fifth, maximum level of our bond.

We end our ‘practice’ at the same time as the others do and we get into the bath together. I still can’t get over how hot Garrena’s muscular body is. Fortunately, no incidents happen in the water and we peacefully wash ourselves and then enjoy a short dip in the hot pool.

After the bath, everyone goes their way and I can sense Cornelia coming back so I walk to the entrance to fetch her. Leaning onto the pillar of the open gate, I wait for her to arrive by my side. The moment she comes close, I notice a heavy blush on her cheeks.

“I take it the meeting went well,” I say with a smile.

“Oh, Goddess…”

“That good?”

“I… She… Haaaaaaaaaah…

I chuckle a little and pull her for a quick peck. “I won’t pressure you if you don’t want to talk about it. Come now.”

We start walking the path to the mansion and she sighs heavily again. “What the hell is that thing you gave her this time…”

“Uhhh… A rocking stool?”

“A rocking stool doesn’t have two platforms for artificial penises that literally ravage both of a woman’s holes when using it!”

“Hahaha, well… It’s an upgraded version. Did she already use both before you gave her the solution?”

Cornelia shakes her head. “No. She only played with the front and she told me it was amazing. Completely different from doing it by hand. You’ve outdone yourself again, Al. Each time you give her something, she can’t stop praising it.” She jabs me with her elbow lightly. “And… Ummm… When she explained its use to me, we obviously talked about… us… and last night…”

“No wonder you came back so embarrassed.”

“That’s not it. She… She literally made me help her apply the lube and show her how to… you know… make it feel good in that place…” Cornelia shivers a little. “Oh, Goddess… I thought you were intense back then but she was moving so fast I didn’t even know something could go in and out so quickly, and she kept cumming and cumming and still rocking back and forth even faster...”

“Oh wow.”

“Yes. Oh wow.”

I rub her shoulder reassuringly as we move past the front door. “Well… Sorry for that… I did not expect her to jump straight to it…”

Cornelia takes a deep breath and chuckles. “It’s fine. I had to lend her a hand a few times in the past too so I thought I was quite used to her intense nature, but this was a surefire eye-opener. My butt feels sore at the very thought of that…”

“At least she seems to be enjoying herself.”

“If we consider that all her previous actions were limited to the front side… you literally doubled her possibilities with that lube. If the Queen ends up getting into double action, it will be all your fault.”

“Oh noooo…” I cry playfully and Cornelia laughs openly.

We share dinner together with everyone and then start gathering in the main lobby for the meeting. I have a few topics I want to touch upon now that we are much more developed than at the start. And one of them is quite crucial regarding our clientele.

The coffee tables are moved to the side and the sofas are brought into a half circle so that everyone can see each other and we can have a nice, auditorial atmosphere. I sit opposite to them in the very middle. 

Again, it seems that there’s some kind of order to the seats. My lovers start the domino from the right and then it goes by seniority. I wonder if the position of Cornelia, Sirgia, Neira and Elea have some kind of rule to it too. It doesn’t look like they sit in the order of who I accepted first. Who knows.

“Well then. Let’s begin our short meeting. There are a few things I want to discuss with everyone here and hear your opinion on them before we decide to introduce the changes. But first, I wanted to thank our new friends, Rene, Dhosk, Tyriana, Meiya and Neiya for joining us and deciding to help out as much as they can. I hope you girls won’t be dissatisfied with your stay here. Feel free to talk to me and others about anything. We are one, big family here.”

Rene raises her hand a little timidly and I nod at her. “Yes?”

“Does that mean we don’t have to be formal and very polite all the time?”

“Yes, it does. You can be at ease here. I only want to ask you to refer to me as Master and act appropriately in front of customers or guests. Besides that, you are free to be yourself.”

“Can we… call you by name too?” Neiya joins and I nod again.

“Of course. All those who keep calling me Master all the time do it because they want to for whatever reason. I’d love for you to be friendly with me.”

Almost everyone from the old crew nods along with my words.

“Okay. I guess we should start with this. As most of you know, we’ve been developing some toys and devices for the sole purpose of having more fun with intimate stuff and a fair share of them are designed for women. At first, I mostly considered selling these at our place and perhaps through some connections, but I figured out we could target both genders with our services in the end. Until now, every new resident we’ve welcomed here was a girl, but if we want to open for women too, I thought about looking fo—”


A sudden, unexpected and completely unanimous rejection of the idea even before I lay it down completely makes me flinch in surprise. I’m pretty sure that shout came from not just my lovers but also most of the working girls too. I take a moment to think about it, but nothing comes to my mind.

“Ermm… May I know the reason? I can kind of understand the four on the right objecting, and perhaps others uninvolved in more explicit business, but why is the rest joining in on it too?”

“Master, if I may?” Elea captures my attention and I nod at her. “While I’m blessed to call myself one of your lovers, I believe I understand the situation of others enough to speak on their behalf. It’s completely different to just have sex with the guests that come here for it when we are open than having men other than you live in this mansion with us all the time.”

“She is right,” Mafaris joins in. “People come, people fuck, people go. No more interactions. Well, besides the baths or company, but that’s part of the job and we do act there. In any way, it’s different when men would live among us. I’m honestly very comfortable with just you. I don’t wanna other dudes to try to hit on me while off duty or stuff like that. That’s just an example of course, not like I expect them to, but… yeah.”

“I’m in a similar boat,” Roseni speaks up. “Having casual sex is different from living together. It might get… uncomfortable. As stupid as it might sound, girls get along with other girls much better than with guys. All in all, we do think a little bit different in some aspects.”

I wait for a moment but no one else adds anything. “I presume the rest of you have similar thoughts since you don’t speak up?” The remaining people who previously objected nod their head. “Well, I respect the opinions of all of you so I won’t be pressuring you. I expected my women to be against it in the first place. Our plans change only a little bit.”

“We are sorry for the inconvenience, Master,” Cinra says and all the elves bow down, soon followed by others who catch up.

“Stop. Don’t do that. It’s fine. As I said, it only changes my plans a little bit. We still can open to women and that’s where all the toys come in.” I move my gaze around and stop at the crimson-skinned tiefling girl. “Mafaris. I assume you’ve run across a few of the fun thingies by now right?” She nods curiously. ”What if I told you to service some frustrated ladies in a room full of these?”

Her eyes instantly shoot wide and I swear they start sparkling. She stands up so fast others around her flinch. “OH, MY GODDESS YES! I LOVE YOU!” 

She launches herself at me, almost toppling my chair. I catch her into my arms and chuckle while getting squashed under her fine body. Mafaris quickly realizes what she is doing and jumps off me.

“I’m so sorry! I got a little bit too excited there!” 

She bows down, showing a bit more control. Her tail keeps flying behind her like crazy though. The other tieflings give me wide and knowing smirks.

“It’s okay. I’m already used to this thanks to a certain individual.” Half of the girls turn to glance at Emi who shows a funny expression with her tongue out. “Anyway, that’s the plan. We’ll turn some of the free rooms into literal pleasure dens for women, equipped with many different contraptions and toys. Most of them should be easy to use and we could just lend the rooms to the female customers while they take their time there with what they chose, but some more complex plays might require a helping hand to set up. And there could always be girls that are similar to you, of course.”

“Yes, yes, yes! I’ll gladly see to it, whatever you have in mind! I’ll do everything to make it work even if I will be the only one to oversee that part of our services!”

I chuckle and reach out to ruffle through her dark crimson hair. “Great, but what about others' opinions on this?”

Everyone looks around and nods. No one raises any concerns. Then, Shawure and Zalia speak up and offer their help with the activities too. Some of the elves also join in. Looks like we have a few people willing to help with this. Mafaris returns to her seat, visibly trembling.

“Alright. We’ll go with this then. It will take some time before we announce these services, but I’m glad to hear no one is against them. Let’s move onto another feature I want to mention. Role-playing. We do lack the costumes and perhaps a tailor for now, but it’s something that could enrich our repertoire.”

Cinra instantly gasps a little in realization while others look confused.

“What exactly is this role-playing, Master?” Shawure asks.

“Cinra, what do you think?” I turn to her to see how much she got from our first session.

“I believe it’s about acting according to a certain assumed role or personality during sex, making it a bit deeper than just bland service. For example, I was recently asked to behave like a slightly arrogant noble lady towards a customer, ordering him around while we did it. He seemed really, really satisfied with my acting, fufufu~”

“That’s right. It was about personality in your case. Other examples could be something like dressing into robes of an adventuring priestess and acting slightly pure like one, dressing into a cloth armour as a rogue and acting in an appropriate manner, or any other stereotypical professions. It doesn’t always have to involve acting according to stereotypes, some people just love doing it with a ‘theme’, so just the costume changes a lot. Oh, and this includes common racial outfits. Orcs, Elves, Tieflings. Every race has something unique they wear, right?”

Everyone goes ‘oooooooooooohhhh’ and they start chatting between themselves. I catch on some mentions confirming that men in this world might be into this stuff too, from their giggling banter. Shortly after, almost everyone from the working department starts nodding enthusiastically. Nebu looks a little bit lost, but that’s expected. I’ll have a longer talk about everything with her sometime later.

“Okay. I see that this gets a green light too. Uh… It means it passed. Just a saying. Pay it no mind. Anyway, the last thing is connected to you being almost locked here. From now, I want you to be able to leave the mansion at will, under some rules and regulations of course.”

The girls listen to my words curiously, awaiting my further news.

“First one, you’ll obviously have to wear your collars. And I’d like you to wear your uniforms too. It will both protect you a bit and serve as an advertisement for our establishment. The more people see your outfits, the more questions they will ask, getting directed here in the end. Any objections?”

Everyone shakes their heads.

“Second one, you won’t be allowed to leave the city’s premises alone. I might take some of you out from time to time or per request, but I want you to stay inside otherwise.”

A wave of nodding.

“Third one, you have to promise to not cause trouble. And I mean acting rashly. By all means, defend yourselves when something happens, but try to not get into dangerous situations by yourselves. It might be hard to see your folks being pushed around on the streets, but we can’t fight the system. For now. And remember that others don't know your seals are kind of fake but don't let that stop to act in case of an emergency.”

“You don’t have to worry, Master. I’m sure everybody understands that even without you mentioning this. Most of us were slaves and know it’s best to avoid unwise actions in the middle of a Human settlement while alone. We also owe you a lot,” Neira butts in and most of the girls nod.

“Alright. There are some more, but they are minor ones so I’ll just give you a note to read. If you are fine with that, we are good. I’m sure I mentioned it before, but you do get an actual salary, so shopping is very much up for consideration.”

It suddenly gets a bit too lively to continue when I mention shopping and I decide to end the meeting. We’ve covered all the major points anyway. With this, we will be moving onto another phase of our business. There’s still so much to do but we are making good progress. And so far, reception is also as good as it can be.

While I make my way out of the increasingly louder lobby, Cornelia catches up to me and walks by my side.

“Things are looking good. Give it a week or so and you’ll be able to go out on an adventure or two. Maybe find a good tailor or some nice monster girls and use your manly charms to talk them into joining us,” she says with a mischievous smile.

“I kind of feel bad for the prospect of leaving you behind like this. Don’t tell me you wouldn’t want to accompany me.”

She chuckles and joins our hands together. “How sweet of you. I can always let Elea substitute for me, you know? But, you should take out the girls with a bit less freedom. The two of us can go anywhere, anytime.”

“True. I’ll just wait for the day when you will beg me to take you with me after I ignore you for months.” I give her a playful smile too.

“Ha! We’ll see who will be the one begging for attention!”

She pushes me with her hips and laughs. We then glance at each other and share a short kiss as we head to my room. Someone has to work before all that can happen.

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