I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 59 – More Maids and Upgrades

Chapter 59 – More Maids and Upgrades

Slowly but surely, I make my way towards Neira. I take one more glance behind me to check on the tiefling girls, but they all seem to still be experiencing the aftereffects of our recent fun. Especially Shawure. Her body keeps jerking a little from time to time as she lays on the bed face first, unmoving, pussy up in the air.

Leaving them to rest, I move my gaze forward. Neira keeps shoving the thick handle of her brush repeatedly into her leaking hole while staring at my face. Seeing me come close to her, she bites her lip and drops her gaze onto my dick, hanging just in front of her face now. Her movements grow even fiercer.

I wait patiently with my arms crossed and watch her play with herself while moaning occasionally. She pulls her face closer to my cock and takes a whiff of it, which results in an instant shiver. The brush flies out of her hand, pushed away by her convulsing pussy, and she begins to furiously rub her clit as she cums with her mouth wide open. 

Seeing the chair rock a little, I quickly grab its backrest to support it, letting Neira ride her wave till the very end without any obstructions. No voice escapes her throat, tensed from the overwhelming pleasure for the whole duration. 

After a moment, her orgasm slowly fades away and she looks at me with completely flushed cheeks, perhaps just slightly embarrassed by the spectacle she made in front of me. She leans in and leaves a soft peck on the head of my penis.

I give her a minute to calm her breathing and body and finally speak up.

“Weren’t you supposed to be painting? Or is this some new brush technique I wasn't aware of?” I ask with a playful grin.

She giggles while still sighing and glances at my face, moving her gaze onto my cock next. She smiles enchantingly and returns her eyes to me, staring straight into my own.

Keeping that connection uninterrupted, she lazily moves her hand towards the easel’s little shelf which holds various utensils, and like a mischievous cat, Neira slowly pushes a cup with white paint off its edge while gazing deep into my eyes, making it shatter on the floor.

“I’m sorry, Master. I ran out of white paint while you guys were in the middle of it.”

I chuckle inwardly and try to sigh in slight disappointment. Looks like she is in the mood for some games too.

“I see. That’s really unfortunate. But, you might actually be a bit lucky. I know of a very good replacement I might be in possession of.”

Neira’s gaze wanders down onto my rod in front of her lips and then quickly back up. Her smile grows even wider.

“So, where should I deliver it?” I ask.

Her hands quickly move down and arrive at her secret place. She spreads her pussy open with her fingers and gives me an upwards glance, filled with lots of yearning.

“There’s a bit of free space in the storage back there.”

I nod at her and lean down, resting my hands on the wooden seat behind her chocolate hips. My glans rub her already moist entrance a few times and slowly slide in, evoking a prolonged sigh from Neira as my length fills her insides bit by bit until it's swallowed whole. She moves her hands to the top of the backrest and grips it firmly, beginning to rain small kisses on my lips above hers.

I reciprocate her attempts instantly and we dive for a deeper kiss as I start rocking my waist back and forth, slapping my pelvis against her bottom and juicy thighs which are raised to the sides. With her holding onto the chair now, I move my hands under her knees and push them a bit closer to her body, angling her butt up a little bit higher for some more intense fun.

“Nhnnnn… Mhhhhnnmmm… Mmmmmmm…”

Neira starts moaning more and more into my mouth as I hammer her pinkish flower into the wooden chair. Our tongues dance wildly while I fiercely poke around different points in her dripping wet pussy. Her whole posture jumps up with each thrust and her considerable breasts jiggle joyfully alongside them too. 

She is so wet from her previous fun that each slap of our connected bodies covers our fronts in even more of her lewd juices, releasing loud, squishy noises of intense lovemaking. Neira leaves my lips alone and starts licking my neck, allowing me to hear more of her enticing voice.

“Ahnnn… Ahhh… More, please… Ahhnnn…”

I’m a little afraid I will topple the chair if I add more strength to it, but I can’t very well ignore my lover’s wishes, so I hook her legs over my shoulders and pin down the seat with my hands again, pushing it into the ground while increasing the tempo a little. 

With how much I lean onto her now, it looks like I pretty much folded Neira almost in half while drilling her pussy as her knees reach even farther than her head with how close my shoulders are to hers in this position. She loves it though. I both can feel and see it. And hear.

“Ahhh! Ahhh! Yes! Like that! Ahnnn! Nhnnn!”

I keep assaulting her slippery hole according to her wishes while leaving soft kisses all over her cheeks and sometimes those pretty and enticing lips. With me holding the chair down, she wraps one of her arms around my neck and uses it to push herself even more into me, timing it to my thrusting. Even more pleasure fills both hers and my mind. She must have been really frustrated watching us earlier.

Feeling her slowly approaching climax, I let mine build up alongside it and start moving my lips to the side of her face. Due to all this almost animalistic pounding, Neira fails to register my intentions until it’s too late. My tongue carefully traces over the edge of her ear to the very tip.


She releases a loud cry and I can feel her tightening inside, but she is still not at her peak. Before she has a chance to say anything, I thrust myself into her pink crevice as much as I can while very delicately sinking my teeth into the flesh of her sensitive ear.

That instantly pushes her over the edge and Neira’s pussy begins to wring out my dick in fierce convulsions while her back arches to its extreme.


A flood of white paint rushes through her spasming tunnel until it reaches the appointed storage, filling it to the brim with a fresh supply. Neira’s toes curl up and she again goes silent from all the pleasure, with her body completely overwhelmed by shivers and her mouth wide open.

We bask together in our post-orgasmic glory for a few minutes, huddled up and gasping heavily. Neira gazes into my eyes with a wide smile and pulls me into a passionate kiss. I raise her from the chair, turn around, and sit there myself, allowing her to lean onto me and rest in a bit more comfortable position while she keeps showing her affection with loving kisses. It’s so damn wet from her love juices I almost slide off it during the attempt.

Looking over her shoulder, I notice the colourful trio lying on their bellies towards us, resting their faces on their hands, grinning at me. What a sight.

Noticing my gaze, they lift themselves a little on their elbows and start rocking their bodies to the sides, creating a wave of colourful, jiggling breasts. It makes me chuckle into Neira’s mouth, to her slight confusion.

She sits up and also glances back, understanding instantly what made me laugh and she giggles too. Not wanting to lose to them, she starts shaking her slightly smaller boobs right in front of my face while smiling at me. 

I sigh heavily and slowly trace with my hands up her waist, placing a kiss on each of her beautiful breasts as I move my hands over them, finally arriving at her face and pecking her lips once more as I hold her cheeks dearly.

She giggles again and finally stands up from me, releasing my rod from the clutches of her lower lips. A faint stream of white drips out of it instantly and she makes a playful pout.

“And after you put so much effort in filling it up…”

I laugh a little and stand up too, plugging her leaking hole with my finger afterwards, and evoking a surprised moan from her. I stir up her insides a bit with it, making Neira release some more whimpers as I tease her.

“Gods, you never stop flirting, do you?” Mafaris asks and the trio chuckles.

“What can I say? Whenever I see a beautiful girl give me a chance to tease her a little, I just can’t stop myself from doing it,” I answer and kiss Neira, who hugs me from the front.

We move to the bed together and fall onto it. Everyone snuggles closer to my sides and we lie like that for some time. Neira of course takes the VIP spot on top of my chest.

“I’ve never met with anyone who could fuck this much…” Shawure says at some point.

“True. It was amazing. I’m pretty sure I won’t want to go back a year later if I can get some of this cock from time to time,” Zalia adds from my other side.

“You are making me reconsider my life choices, Al,” Mafaris comments from somewhere to the south of me and a tingly kiss on my balls soon follows, confirming her location.

“That’s right. Praise him more. There’s no one better than Master Alastair,” Neira proudly announces while gazing into my eyes lovingly.

I chuckle and sigh. “You girls are just too much… Come on, let’s take a quick bath since we recovered a bit.”

Zalia is the first one to sit up and she throws herself on top of Neira. “Yay! Carry us, Master!”

The other two quickly catch up and I end up buried under a pile of beautiful girls, each one of different skin colour. They might have meant it as a tease, but Neira and I grin at each other, knowing very well that I’m more than capable to fulfill their silly request.

Without any struggle, I use one hand to lift the three bodies into the air while still holding onto my dark elf girlfriend with the other one. The tieflings start laughing in surprise but try to stay still to not fall down.

I could go like this, but I have a better idea. I carefully throw them onto the bed, evoking even more giggling from them, and stand up with Neira latched to my front. I let her reaffirm her hold before reaching out to grab Zalia’s ankle and pulling her into the air by it. She gets flung over my left shoulder with her ass to the front in an instant, laughing like crazy. I slap her butt, only increasing the intensity of it.

The other girls quickly move closer, allowing me to playfully throw them over my shoulders too. Mafaris lands on the other one while Shawure finds herself on top of Zalia. Holding onto both sides, I walk towards the bath, not caring if someone may see us. They are having fun and that’s what is important. Fortunately, the path is clear.

I throw myself and all the baggage into the pool in the mixed section and we take a relaxing dip together. Neira establishes her dominance by always ending up in my arms while all the other girls can only hold onto my sides or other parts of my body. Well, I guess I can show a bit of favouritism towards my actual lovers.

After the short rest, we move out to the side and the girls start cleaning me all over. It’s impossible to convince them against it anyway. As they take care of me, I use that time to scan through all the notifications and my status.

First of all, each of the colourful tieflings appears to be on the first level of the Bond with me. Nothing surprising there, honestly. 

For Mafaris, it says Passionate Curiosity with just a Master/Servant view of us. She might truly be a bit more interested in my dick than in the one she previously experienced, but I don’t think we’ll see the fabled case of turning a lesbian into a cock-lover. I’m pretty sure she likes being pan.

Shawure’s one figures as Sexual Affection and she considers us Sex Friends. I kind of expected that. She is the one often getting into a sexual frenzy. Nothing like having to deal with someone in heat even before I employed any Beastkin.

As for Zalia, it says Budding Friendship and we are considered New Friends. I’m happy to hear that. Glad to have some people who don’t always emphasize me literally owning them, even though I don’t find that bothersome anymore. Guess I got used to Sirgia repeatedly declining to act with a bit fewer formalities and all the elves pretty much revering me.

They are all at Tier 2 so their stats aren’t that amazing, but that’s fine. I still get around six or seven points per attribute in total from the rainbowy bundle. It’s a lot considering my current state. Neira’s status didn’t change yet. If it will, then we most likely have to wait a bit. I try to remember all her stats and such just in case.

We leave the bath to get a snack and something to drink. While at it, we chat about the fun we had and Mafaris tells me she got a bit closer to Sirgia as their interests are quite a decent match as I noticed earlier, and that’s how she managed to convince her to take the handcuffs. For testing purposes as she stated. Well, they were tested. And they didn’t feel uncomfortable.

I get to know that Sirgia is working on a few of my smaller ideas on the sidelines, supposedly as a break from her main projects. That’s just like her. Her dictionary might have a different definition of the word break.

Neira joins in and tells me that she is also working on something fun with Cornelia’s help, now just waiting for a bit of feedback from her. She tells me to visit her a bit later today so she can show it to me, preferably sometime after Cornelia comes back from the town. I peck her cheek to show my gratitude. Seriously, I’m surrounded by amazing people.

We keep discussing the tiefling girls' future endeavours as part of our new, expanded roster, mostly focusing on what services they are willing to partake in, like for example some tailjobs and such, also filling Neira on what to include in the menu and their portfolios, when a Whisper arrives by my ear.

~Master… I finished… the task… You can come… We already… have… a few girls interested…~

I rub my chin and smile. I did not expect Sirgia to do anything more than just pass the message to Selina and inform her about our needs, perhaps discussing the payment too, but it looks like she worked with her to get an even better result. Finding maids should be easier than girls willing to work sexually, so I guess they were able to quickly survey around.

I let my current companions know about the situation and everyone leaves to take care of their own stuff. Before I answer Sirgia, the situation from not that long ago flashes in my head, when I sent a Whisper that didn’t break the sentence into a sexual mess. Focusing my all on somehow affecting it, I send her a mental message back.

~Good. I’ll be on my way in a moment. Great job. I’m proud of you.~

And it partially succeeds. The contents weren’t forcefully divided into almost moan-like parts and stayed as a whole, but the overall, slightly sensual style still accompanied my words. No matter how you look at it, it’s a win. Possibly, the more I work on it the better it will get, but I don’t expect Sweet Whispers to ever stop sounding sweet altogether. Sirgia thanks me back, still in the broken fashion, and I can feel her happiness through our connection.

Without delaying it too much, I quickly move to my room to change my clothes into something more formal, which is of course my full suit, and leave the mansion, informing Elea on my way so that she can let others know if necessary.

I head straight for Selina’s and push through the quite lively city. It’s pretty much the middle of the day currently and the weather is very nice, so that’s not unexpected. I’ll visit a few notice boards on my way back to check the posters. We’ll soon need to replace them after Neira prepares the expanded ones.

I reach the peculiar, red building and enter inside. The very moment I step in, a lady in the company’s uniform approaches me and asks to follow her. She must have been waiting specifically for me so I do as she instructs and follow her lead to one of the more fancy meeting and showcase rooms.

On my way there, Cornelia sends me a Whisper announcing her going to return now that I’m here. I agree with her, mentioning that Neira is waiting for her help, and enter the chamber the attendant points to me. Sirgia and Madam Selina are inside, sitting on the opposite sides of a coffee table.

“Master.” My cute dwarf stands up instantly and bows a little.

I raise my hand to acknowledge it and walk closer to them. Selina raises herself too.

“Welcome again, Alastair.”

“Nice to see you too, Selina. I’ve heard you already found something for me, even though I just barely sent my lovely servant to ask for your help,” I nod my head to her and sit down on the sofa at the same time as she does. Sirgia stands by its side.

“Ohohoho~ You know very well that I care a lot about my precious customers. Besides, the order was much easier to complete this time. Your little maid provided us with a lot of useful details and accompanied us during the screening process herself, so it went pretty quickly. She already spoke with some candidates too.”

I glance at Sirgia and she smiles shyly, dropping her gaze to the ground. She really tried to outdo herself for me. I’m pretty sure Selina figured out my ways completely, so I move on the sofa closer to Sirgia and gently pull her wrist to bring her to me, seating her on my lap and showering her in pats.

The merchant lady smiles knowingly at the blushing dwarf in my arms and then at me. I smile back and turn my focus Sirgia.

“So, how many did you find?”

“I think around fifteen,” she answers quietly.

“Did you talk with them all?”

“Only with ten so far. I wasn’t sure how many you would want, Master, so I didn’t want to… ummm… give them false hope…” she answers again, slowing down at the later part and whispering it to my ear.

I nod. As much as I’d want to say 'as many as physically possible’, we both know it’s not the best idea. I appreciate her thoughtfulness.

“What about that ten then?” I ask.

“Some of them are willing while others are still suspicious and distrustful.”

“I see. That’s to be expected. How many did you manage to convince?”


I pat her head again and look at Selina. “Could I ask you to bring those five to us?”

“But of course. Excuse me for a minute while I arrange it.”

She stands up and leaves through one of the two doors present in the room. With her gone, I rotate Sirgia on my lap so that she sits on it sideways, and cup her chin up, planting a gentle kiss on her cute lips.

“Thank you. Did anything uncomfortable happen?” I ask while brushing her cheek with my thumb.

She smiles at me and nuzzles her face into my neck. “No. Everything went fine. I did my best.”

“I know. You always do.”

She giggles and turns around after leaving a peck on my cheek, anticipating Selina to come back at any moment now. Before that returns, she jumps off me and sits by my side, saying that we’ll have to stand up to check on the slaves anyway. She already has everything planned ahead.

And a minute later, Selina returns with a line of women of various races behind her. I recognize two Satyrs, a Lizardfolk, an Elf, and a half-blood Beastkin of some canine subrace. I'm not sure what exactly is her ‘breed’ as it may differ from the Earth ones.

She doesn’t lead them onto the stage this time but orders them to stand in the free space in the room. They all glance at Sirgia and then at me, most likely recognizing the dwarf girl that spoke with them earlier. She hopefully mentioned a thing or two about me too.

Like the last time, Selina leaves us alone to discuss things and promises to return in half an hour, telling the women to listen to me now. I ask them to sit down on the opposite sofa and some of them look at me with a bit of uneasiness. Only after Sirgia explains that there’s nothing to worry about they follow my request.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Alastair,” I decide to start politely, trying out Common, but it doesn’t seem to ease the worries of the more uneasy ones. “Did my friend here tell you about me and the place I manage?”

The satyrs and the beastkin meekly nod while the lizardfolk and the elf keep staring at me as if judging me or something. I hear Sirgia sigh on my side and I look at her. She stands up, moves to my front and climbs onto me while crossing her legs over mine. She then sits on my thighs and grips my vest, pulling herself closer for a kiss.

That motion surprises me a little, especially since I can feel how embarrassed she is from this public show of affection as her heart is thumping loudly, but I figure out she must be aiming for something and I graze over her back as she rains little kisses on my lips.

After a moment she stops and glances back at the women. “See? Everything I told you is true. Even though I’m a servant, Master is a really kind and understanding person, letting me do what I want, even if I want to… to… kiss him in front of others while I'm a Dwarf…”

I chuckle seeing her face get increasingly red and pat her head. “You chose a weird way to prove your point, you know?” I move my gaze back onto them. “But, she is right. I’m looking for people who will work with me, not mindless slaves. I’ll even get rid of your seals if you agree to help me. Since you are to be employed as maids and servants, you don’t have to worry about me laying my hands on you. Besides, I have them full already with how clingy my lovely dwarf is recently.”

Sirgia squirms in my embrace, hiding her flushed face in my suit. She cornered herself alone, now she has to suffer the consequences of her actions. Shouldn’t have bitten more than you can chew. 


One of the other girls finally raises her voice and I glance at the young woman with dog ears and tail. The fur on them is light brown, just like her shoulder-long hair. I nod at her to speak.

“I’d like you to pick me, mister. I’ll surely be of use.”

“I’ll be glad to have you if you are willing.”

She nods faintly and I can see her tail starting to wag excitedly even though she tries to show a neutral expression.

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Rene. I’m a half-blood Dogkin and I’m twenty. My dad was an Elf while my mother was a half-blood too. I’ll try my best.”

I nod at her with a smile. Now that I think about it, her features look slightly similar to the golden retriever’s but less… golden. I’m no dog expert. If there is a different name for these looking like them but with different colours, then that must be it. I barely remember some classic ones.

Hoping that the ice has been broken with this, I move my eyes onto the first person on my left, which is the Lizardfolk woman. Her scales are of a very dark green colour while the areas over her front and inner limbs are slightly lighter. She has piercing, acidic green eyes and seems to belong to the kind without hair. There are a few different subspecies as far as I know. 

Her reptile head has quite the distinct, feminine angles, easily allowing even someone like me to recognize her gender. If the two peaks hidden by a linen cloth over her chest weren’t enough of a hint. 

Yes, they do have breasts and even nipples. While they do lay eggs, mothers can feed their newborns milk after they hatch, for the first period of their growth or something. As for how it works down there, it seems to be similar to mammals, but slightly different. They get fertilized the same way as Human girls, but after that, the birth process differentiates and eggs start forming. I don’t remember the details. It’s not like it’s important right now.

Seeing my gaze on her, she sighs and bows her head a little. “My name is Dhosk. I’m from the Swamp Dragons tribe. I’m thirty-five. I guess I’m willing to accompany you too if everything was really true.”

“I don’t even have to ask what Sirgia told you to assure you nothing was a lie. I trust her completely.”

Hearing my statement, Sirgia tries to finally slide off me to the side and sit there while facing the other girls. She is still a little red but tries her best to appear professional and dependable. Dhosk nods at her and then at me.

“I’ll be happy to get out of this place anyway. Tyriana, ninety-four years old, High Elf. I’ll be honest, I plan on returning to my settlement after the one year period ends. Don’t worry, I won’t run away before that. My pride wouldn’t allow it.”

The blond-haired and blue-eyed beauty joins the conversation and I nod at her, accepting her will. Now, only the two Satyrs are left. One girl seems to be around 160cm while the other is like 15cm taller I think. As for the other women, the high elf looks to be quite tall as their race usually is, the lizardfolk is somewhere around my height too, and the lovely looking dog girl is slightly shorter than me.

The satyr girls both have dark brown hair and slightly lighter fur over their hooved legs, ending shortly under their navels where it switches into the skin, and short horns peeking out of their curly hair. They look very similar to each other, but maybe that’s a racial thing. Nevertheless, I decide to ask.

“Are you girls sisters?” 

I ask in Sylvan to try easing their minds a little. Rene’s ears perk up when hearing it. Most of Beastkin also use it. The other two look at me curiously. I smile at them and refocus on the remaining duo. The taller one nods.

“Yes, we are,” she answers in Sylvan too. “Could you… pick us both? I don’t want us to get separated, mister.”

“I don’t mind. I would hate myself for splitting you girls. If you are fine with working for me for a year, then you are welcome to return with us.”

They glance at each other and then nod. “Thank you. I’m Neiya and this is Meiya. We are both thirty-nine years old. We are good with nature, so if you have a garden, mister, we can do our best to tend to it.”

“Guess it will get even more lively there soon. Alright. Everyone is coming or does anybody have any second thoughts?” I ask back in Common.

Everyone shakes their heads. We wrapped it up pretty quickly, so we spend the rest of the time chatting about the work awaiting them and also about themselves. I’m pleased to know that most of them don’t mind helping with baths if nothing indecent is involved there. Only the satyr girls seem hesitant and I’m not going to force them. I thought that the prideful high elf lady would be more against it, but she seems fine.

Selina comes back and we finalize everything together, finishing with these five girls for now. She tries pushing us for a few more, but I politely decline. It’s better to let these women accustom themselves to their new place first and Sirgia already did plenty of good work seeing through all of this, deserving a rest instead of another round of talking and screening.

On our way back, we visit the usual tailor to receive some of the finished uniforms for the previous batch of new employees, and to take measurements of our today’s companions already. They need them soon if they are going to be focusing on maid duties.

All the posters on the notice boards we visit are still intact, so we head home without any delays. The girls stop for a moment in front of the main gate to the mansion to admire the sight, not really sure if they believe that it will be their new home now. Sirgia urges them in, saying that it’s just the beginning, and we get inside.

Elea and her squad are already waiting for us, missing only Neira. I can also see Nebu sitting on the railing above and glancing our way curiously. Emi obviously rushes into my arms, as usual, followed by the always kind and stoic Safi. I think the plethora of races is a bit too much for the new girls and they don’t know who or what to stare at. I’m pretty sure I catch Rene eyeing the big painting while salivating a little though.

Now that I think of it, will it be fine? We now have a cat and a dog in here. I’m aware that most Beastkin subraces don’t function exactly like their Earth counterparts, but one can’t help but worry. I have a feeling that while Astrea is the typical, carefree cat type, Rene might turn into the loyal and loving dog type. I already can imagine their rivalry, hahaha.

Anyway, Elea takes it on herself and her friends to introduce our new arrivals to the mansion and most of the quite light rules here. She also promises to verify their knowledge and train everyone in maid duties with her followers. These dark elves know a thing or two about serving like that.

They leave to bathe first and I escort Sirgia back to her room to help her change. We get her into her smithing clothes fairly quickly and move down to her workshop. She pretty much runs back to her desk, that’s how much she missed working on her projects.

I chuckle and report to her about the handcuffs, also checking on what other little things she started tinkering with from the list of gadgets I provided her with. She is currently focusing on the spatial enchantments and Teffith’s naginata so there’s not much, but I can see she picked up a few of them. My smile grows wider when seeing which ones exactly. I’ll have to visit the Queen again soon.

After leaving her alone, I contact Neira and ask if I should come and she invites me to her workshop where I feel Cornelia’s presence too. I come in and find them exactly there, sitting by a desk together and leaning over something.

“Oh, Al. You are finally here.”

“Welcome back, Master.”

They greet me as I walk closer.

“What are you working on? I can’t say that I’m not curious about what my greatest magician and my greatest artist can come up with together.”

Cornelia averts her gaze with a bit of rosiness appearing on her cheeks while Neira smiles brilliantly. She is still a little tsun-tsun and I love it. I peck her cheek to fluster her a little more and Cornelia elbows my stomach softly.

“It will be hard to sleep with him again if you keep acting like this, Cornelia,” Neira giggles and teases the other woman.

“Wha—?! Who cares about doing t-that again! Love is not all about sex!” Cornelia glares at her with an even redder face.

I tap both of their shoulders and chuckle. “Okay, okay. Cornelia is right. It doesn’t matter who did it how many times with me, I love you both equally.”

My tsun magician proudly nods, but her expression soon changes while she stares at Neira’s lips. Seeing the dark-skinned woman grin faintly, her eyes widen a little and she turns a bit dejected, most likely realizing that Neira had one-upped her even though she joined the ranks of my lovers just recently.

I pull her a little bit to the side and move my face closer to Cornelia’s ear, aiming to whisper to it in private.

“You still haven't collected your reward for the ancient magic and you are already piling on another with whatever you girls did here. You better cash in on them soon before they amount to more than your body can handle.”

Cornelia shivers a little in response and she looks me in the eyes, nodding while biting on her lower lip. I chuckle and peck her cheek again before we separate and act as if nothing happened.

“So, what am I looking at?” I ask, moving my gaze onto the desk littered with random pages from our menu cards.

Ekhm, I found Neira’s previous attempt at magical painting intriguing and we exchanged some knowledge from our respective fields, coming up with a few interesting ideas. We hope you like the first one. It’s ready.” 

She nods at the dark elf and Neira picks up a full menu card, handing it to me. I open it and flip through the pages. It’s great but nothing much changed. Then, she inserts her finger in between the pages when I’m going through the roster and stops me on the section with her dark elf friends’ portfolios. Her finger moves over Filue’s portrait and it soon loses all its colour, fading into various shades of grey.

I raise my eyebrow and watch as she does the same with the three other girls on these pages, turning them back into colourful pictures afterwards with another stroke of her finger. Cornelia leans over my back and throws her arms over my shoulders. Her face shows up to the side of mine.

“We called it reactive paint. I’ll skip the scientific and magical mumbo jumbo and just say that when it makes contact with mana, the mixture loses its colours and fades to black, depending on how much energy gets transferred into it and what were the proportions of resources used in the product’s creation. After filling it up more than the mixture can handle, the change reverts due to all the mana getting released into the air, making it possible to loop it again.”

I nod in admiration. “Amazing. I guess it’s not something you can find anywhere?”

“I believe it’s first of its kind, Master. Even my family which deals in art didn’t have such a technique,” Neira answers. “But, we didn’t create it just because. With this, we can easily mark the girls that are unavailable or currently working in the menu cards handed out to the customers. I think it’s a very useful and smart function to implement.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “Truly, it is. You came up with something incredible. This will really help a lot and also take some burden off Cornelia’s shoulders. This is great.”

Neira smiles and moves to peck my lips. Cornelia seems to be a little jealous as I feel a gentle kiss on my cheek where her head is too. We all chuckle together and I sit down to listen about how they came up with this and managed to pull it off. Looks like I can expect surprises not only from Sirgia but also from them now. Fun.

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