I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 57 – Testing the New Body

Chapter 57 – Testing the New Body

After delivering the message to our always present observer, I go and make a round of checking on everyone. The elves still try to convince me that they are happy to start helping, but I keep turning them down for this night. They will have enough chances to work in the future and Neira will also be finished with adding their profiles to the menu cards.

Also, now that most of them will be joining the ranks of the main services department, while naturally still retaining their bathing responsibilities as they wished for it, I’ll have to expand the maids' roster too, just in case that one day we suddenly explode in popularity as a fancy bathhouse and a brothel at the same time. Them being busy in either of these situations would obviously lock them out of the other, and I’m pretty sure Dark Elves should be quite a popular choice for people coming here with a bit of fun time in mind.

I will ponder over that during the open hours, but for now, I continue walking around and checking on others. Teffith is fine and ready as usual, although she seems a little bit different now. I mention to her what Sirgia asked me for and she promises me to visit her tomorrow. I honestly can’t wait for the result. I know how amazing my cute dwarf is, but I’m eager to see what she can do when it comes to weapons. 

When I first learned that she was an artificer, I thought she mostly dealt with trinkets and gadgets, but as expected of a Dwarf from a decently famous lineage, her area of expertise is truly wide and she does know a fair deal of metalworking, smithing, woodworking and other areas of craft. She is the type to expand her knowledge and experience in all the auxiliary fields that could potentially support her main one. And that’s commendable.

Anyway, these two are doing great. Cornelia rested a little after our last conversation and can’t wait for another night at the reception. I didn’t expect her to actually enjoy that due to her scholarly nature, but it looks like she is a natural. Or maybe it came from having to interact with many different people as a Court Magician in the castle. She did live there for a fair number of years.

As for Safi and Emi, I have nothing to worry about. They are as eager as Cornelia. I’d say such simple creatures, but I don’t feel exactly right about that term, even though it describes them quite fairly. It takes me a few moments to peel Emi off me, but I manage to escape her jelly grasp and run away before she consumes me. In various meanings of that word.

I obviously can’t forget our newest, already implemented to the roster, additions. Nebu was so happy to meet more Humans before, but she is now a little bit nervous if she will be able to do well. I spend a bit of time comforting her on my lap by gently brushing through her feathers. She nuzzles her head into my neck cutely and almost all her worries disappear. I tell her that if she follows what we practised and what she learned, nothing will go wrong and she agrees.

Garrena is Garrena. After wrapping up her training session in the underground, she goes for a quick bath and that’s where I find her. I give her a hand with her hair as we chat. She reveals to me that she is also looking forward to the event and is hoping that someone picks her as she usually gets a bit horny after a heavy exercise and there’s nothing better to fix that than some lively sexercise. I chuckle at her and tell her that I’ll do my best in convincing our guests to give her a chance.

I want to avoid meeting the tieflings, perfectly knowing how it will go, but that would be just rude. On my way to them, I actually stumble on Astrea, which surprises me greatly. She just stands there in the corridor, staring at me with a neutral expression, her tail dancing slowly from side to side, almost in an enchanting manner. 

She doesn’t respond to my greeting so I assume that she still doesn’t want to talk to me or something. I start walking to pass her and she does the same. When we are close to each other, she wobbles a little and I subconsciously catch her into my arms, helping her regain her balance.

“You okay?” I ask.

“Nhn,” she nods quietly and hastily moves past me.

I observe her walking away, but it seems like whatever it was has passed and she is good again. I shrug my shoulders and prepare to move on too, but after a few steps, I notice a weird, chilly feeling on the top of my hand. Examining it reveals a bit of something wet like someone would graze it with a wet wipe or something.

Did she lick me during that moment?

That’s a bit confusing if so. I don’t remember reading about Beastkin races doing anything like that to others for whatever reason, so I’m not sure if she is finally opening up to me or what has just happened. Only time will tell, I guess. Hopefully, she liked the taste. I smile at the thought.

After I reach the tieflings, everything goes exactly as I predicted. They instantly start pouting and playfully whining that I still didn’t fuck them and how cruel of a master I am. The trio has great cooperation though. I can easily tell they spent a lot of time together and are close to each other. They know how to work together to enhance whatever they are doing and aiming for.

At one point, after their little spectacle fails, they all sit down on the bed in various seductive poses and start rubbing their crotches and breasts in an overly exaggerated fashion, releasing a myriad of fake moans into the air, seemingly trying their best to lure me in. 

While the prospect is truly enticing, we don’t have time for that right now and I decide to play a prank on them too by acting like I’m considering jumping at them for real and slowly coming closer to loom over them on the bed. 

I can clearly see their eyes sparkling with excitement as I come close enough to embrace them whenever I want, but instead, each of the girls gets tied up with purple leather belts from my Void Chains ability and hung up in the air with their butts up. I give each of them a good slap on the ass. Unfortunately, it backfires and makes them even hornier.

After I threaten to lock them in these for the whole day, they finally back off and promise to be good girls. Since it will be only more and more annoying leaving them hanging like this, I promise them in return that we’ll have some fun next evening and that I can even bring Neira if they want, so that she can make a sketch or two. 

It works way better than the failed punishment and they change their behaviour instantly. It’s an amusing sight seeing them sit straight as much as possible like little girls during a lecture from their guardian while their tails shake and wave like crazy. I didn’t even know they could do that. Are they Dogkin or Tieflings?

Satisfied with my promise, they let me go. Time passes quickly and we are all soon at our battle stations, at least those who have them designated. The news about Garrena and Nebu had already been passed onto the informants during our training period, so we may or may not see some people interested in them.

The night starts calmly. Two adventurers visit the establishment in the first hour. Both of them heard about the royal-grade bath and wanted to experience it themselves. Cornelia talks them into picking a girl for the company during their time and one of them accepts Roseni while the other actually asks about Garrena, who is standing by one of the walls.

I go to her and she has nothing against it so the two leave for a dip with those beauties. Fifteen minutes later, they come back, looking visibly refreshed. Although, the one who picked Garrena is awkwardly taking glances at her and walking quite unusually. I figure out what’s wrong and pull the man to the side for a quick chat.

He ends up asking if she does and after my reply, he has another meeting with Cornelia to discuss the terms of service, walking away into one of the corridors with the orc lady in tow. Or rather, he is the one being towed. It doesn’t look like he minds though.

His friend rolls his eyes and decides to wait for his companion while enjoying himself on the upper level. Neira mans the bar and serves the guy a drink of his choosing. All in all, it goes well. Both people leave satisfied, with one clearly a bit more than the other, judging by his dreamy expression and even more awkward step.

Then, there are two hours of nothing until some people start appearing again. It looks like the rumours about the baths had more impact than the ones about the actual service as six people in total, excluding the initial two, come to check it out. Two of them end up trying out the other thing too, which is nice.

As for those who come for the real deal, four people show up. One of them is the dude previously falling in love in some slimy action and asking about the VIP cards. The rest are actually new customers. Nebu has her first guest and it doesn’t look like anything went wrong after the guy leaves with a smile. She is happy too. Or more like proud that she managed to mate again properly.

The numbers of visitors increased greatly when compared to the previous nights, but we shouldn’t let that get into our heads. Well, we certainly will keep expanding as it’s the priority right now, but one more busy day doesn’t have to mean it will now be like that in the next ones.

We host a short meeting with everyone after closing and discuss the events. There are no complaints and all the girls who worked today for the first time are fine with it. It makes me feel relieved, even if they reassured me before that it wouldn’t be any different. The whole thing is going better than expected and we can only pray nothing bad will happen along the way.

Also, the shared ability allowing us to communicate without the language barrier is so damn good. The conversations are now as smooth as never before and they are much less awkward. It’s truly a godsent skill. As expected of a Class focusing on gathering people together. I just need to work a bit on the other areas of it, and for that, we agree with Garrena and Teffith to meet in the arena after a bit of rest. I want to try some things out after evolution and tier-up.

We wrap up the meeting, clean the place up and go our ways. I don’t feel exactly tired even after all that happened to me today and wake up after around an hour of rest. I don’t want to disturb the peacefully sleeping Neira by my side, so I stay in the bed for two more hours while going through all my skills and abilities again, also developing a few ideas from before in my mind.

After that, I manage to slip out of her hug without waking the dark-skinned beauty and move to my desk to write down what I came up with before I forget everything. There’s still an hour or two before others start waking up. I begin wondering if I’m almost skipping this night due to the surge in stats and the race change. I don’t think it would surprise me to learn that I can now rest once per two days with all the weird things that happened.

When Neira wakes up, we move to the bath to wash each other. Naturally, we choose the mixed section, expecting it to be empty, but there actually are people inside. Nebu, Elea and Cornelia are taking a dip there. I have a feeling that the girls are starting to pick this one while knowing that I often come here.

A short wash-party can’t be avoided and we clean each other after the quick night. The breakfast follows and it passes in a family-like atmosphere. Then, everyone leaves to do their thing and I move underground with Teffith and Garrena.

We change our clothes into the sparring sets that are always prepared on the side and move into the arena. Garrena is eager to face me so Teffith lets her go first. The orc woman picks up a heavy, twin-headed axe from the wall as her weapon for this duel.

I summon my draconic hilt from the storage ring and grasp it firmly. I did practice with it from time to time, but it hasn't seen many battles recently. Hopefully, the soul inside isn’t mad at me for not using the artifact.

Earlier today, when I checked the skills, I noticed that Formless Blade Arts show more weapon forms listed in the description. Most likely thanks to my body being much stronger now. I’ve fought a lot with the shortsword, the whip and the whip sword, but for today, I decide to test the changes in me and close my eyes to imagine something different.

A clear image in my mind quickly makes the hilt imitate a greatsword. When I lift my eyelids, a long and wide blade enters my sight, obviously, in the usual, purplish hues and glints. Even though the sword is something like 2 meters long and has this mighty shape to it, I hold it in my hand like a longsword, with a similar feeling of weight.

I make a few test swings using only one arm and it looks like I can operate it fairly easy. Garrena seems impressed by the unintentional show of strength and gets fired up even more. Before we start, I notice that the misty helix which usually connects the crystal at the end of the hilt to my whole arm is now much weaker and fainter. It’s now barely visible. I guess I’m strong enough for it to not have to do all the work for me just so that I am able to use it.

Garrena starts shivering from building up excitement, so I don’t prolong this anymore. Greatswords or zweihenders aren’t my forte, but I did receive some training with them, and I assume one of the basic starting stances I remember, gripping the hilt with both hands, resting the blade on my shoulder and lowering my posture. 

It’s easy for the opponent to figure out the trajectory of the first attack with this, but I’m sure she is looking for a simple and straight exchange of blows, and not a fancy duel of feints and parries. Nodding my head, I signal at Garrena and she jumps forward, crossing the distance between us in an instant. 

She laughs heartily as her axe descends onto me from above. Just as I predicted. She truly must want to just let loose. Then, let’s give her what she wants and test my own strength.

Instead of angling my sword to receive her blow and making it slide over the blade, I swing in exactly the opposite way to her weapon and they clash with a loud clang. My hit seems to be stronger and Garrena’s axe is pushed back along with herself. She quickly regains balance and launches herself at me with a smile again, this time, aiming for my side with a wide, horizontal swing.

She is fast. And clearly experienced. While my hands are still above my head after receiving the brunt of her attack, her blade is already whizzing through the air at me. The only thing I can do is to bring my greatsword down the moment her axe reaches me, and that’s exactly what I try to do.

Coming from above, my sword slams into the head of her axe just shortly before it reaches my body and another loud clang resounds in the chamber. While Garrena’s weapon is lodged into the stone floor after my hit, I slam into her with my shoulder to land the first blow in this bout.

Unfortunately, I either undervalued my own strength or overvalued Garrena’s power as she is sent flying backwards shortly after my body hits hers. She speeds through the air and crashes against the wall. Both of them seem fine as the orc woman raises herself to the knees and glares at me in excitement, and the surface behind her looks intact. The enchantments the girls covered the walls with are coming in a clutch.

That reminds me, we forgot about one pretty important aspect. I hastily send a Whisper to Elea, telling her that we are having a bit more intense training session underground and it would be nice having her there in case someone gets hurt a little. She scolds me and says that she knew something was off with the strong impact that made the whole ground floor shake just now. I should have borrowed her Healing Magic back then, hah.

“Good hit! Garrena did not expect this strength! Will now fight for real!”

The muscular, green woman cracks her neck and stretches her arms after standing up. She is a tough one. Good. If she would have been done with this, I would have to limit myself and wouldn’t learn much about my new might.

I use my feet to launch her axe still lodged into the ground in front of me into the air and manage to kick the pommel as the whole thing is spinning, sending the weapon flying towards the orc. She catches it with ease, getting pushed back just a little. I lower my greatsword to the right with one hand and gesture at her to come at me with the left.

Garrena laughs loudly and brings the weapon above her head, holding it horizontally by both ends of the long handle. She then releases a ferocious roar which lasts for quite some time. I start feeling like the air in the room is getting heavier or something. The pressure is just this noticeable.

While she keeps shouting, blue, glowing patterns begin to appear on her skin, slowly slithering their way over her limbs, belly, chest, neck and then cheeks. A moment later, the space behind her starts getting blurry and something starts forming there. 

I recognize a bigger version of the axe she is holding but made out of blue, spiritual energy, and then, the apparition expands and shapes up into a... humanoid-looking... silhouette...

What the fuck?! SHE HAS A STAND?!

Truly, the semi-transparent, blue-coloured figure hovering over her back with a spiritual axe in their hand can definitely be considered one. And I’m pretty sure that thing is not just a flashy decoration. It’s a real, buff-looking, giant Orc dude with a war-like expression, just waiting to mutilate my puny body with his weapon, even if he is just a floating torso.

Ohhhhhhh, if that’s a fucking ability, I’m stealing it the moment my skill is off cooldown! I’m so jealous!

Garrena doesn’t let me fawn over the spectacle and takes a fighting stance, clearly indicating that her next move will be a furious charge.

“Hahahahaha! Master get ready! Fun starts now!” she shouts before jumping forward.

The floor cracks a little under her feet with each step she makes while running at me. I’m actually surprised that I can see her moving. She is definitely charging at quite an impressive speed. But, this is not good. I’m not a combat Class. If she gets to me I’m a toast. It’s now basically two versus one!

In slight panic induced by the battle-frenzy orc racing straight at me like a speeding truck, I call for my Void Chains and cross tens of them on her path, making them as thick as my control allows for it. In a flash, Garrena disappears from my sight behind a wall of purple, smoking metal, or whatever the material is.

But, that state doesn’t persist for long. There’s a shout, bluish gleam of light, and barely in time to duck, I notice a crescent wave of energy cutting through them like through butter and flying straight at me.

Fuck me… That’s a Tier 4 warrior? What kind of monsters were people back in the days when Tier 7’s fought on the battlefield?

Again, my contemplation is cut short as the orc woman quickly follows the arc of energy she sent to deal with the chains and appears in front of me, making a wide, diagonal, downwards swing. I take it onto my sword and it slides down into the ground. But, a second later, the spiritual apparition mirrors her motion and the two-times-bigger axe starts heading for me with the same trajectory.

Not fair! I don’t have four arms and two weapons!

Complaining in my mind, I dodge the second slash by pushing and angling my body to the side, barely, just barely avoiding the sharp, ghostly blade. I can feel it scrapping over my chest as it passes me and slams into the ground as the previous attack. A centimetre or two closer and I would be one layer of skin lighter. Thanks, but I like my body as it is.

After I jump back, Garrena continues her assault, slashing at me from different angles and sides. Each cut is followed by a spiritual slice exactly one second after it. No matter how much I trained with the elves or others in the past, every single attack is a closer call than I would wish for. If not for my new, enhanced body, I would have been done long ago.

But, I can only defend, parry and dodge. She leaves me no space to even think about counterattacking. Not like she leaves any openings either. This feels like cheating. Wasn’t I supposed to feel like a cheater now? My worries about getting OP were completely off the mark, it seems.

Void Chains slow her down a little from time to time, but it’s nothing compared to Garrena’s momentum. Whatever Nature Magic spells I manage to cast on the move are too weak to do more than scratch her skin. The only things I can match her in are my strength, agility and stamina. Well, I’m sure I’m actually better in those areas than her, but the fighting experience is showing.

Just as I start thinking about surrendering, and whining in my head about not having two weapons, something touches my mind and my gaze subconsciously moves to the hilt. The crystal at its end flashes three times and I feel my mana getting sucked into the artifact, like that day in the slavers’ den.

As I see at the edge of my vision the next overhead attack from the orc lady coming at me, my left hand starts pulling the hilt to the left while my right hand does the same in exactly the opposite way. Before my brain registers what they are trying to do, the artifact turns a bit transparent, and I swear, it splits.

No longer held back by the solid hilt, both of my hands fly to their targeted sides with a copy of the relic in each of them. Suddenly, I end up holding two greatswords. Without thinking too much about it, I cross them over my head in anticipation of the incoming blow.

Garrena’s main axe makes contact with them and I pull the left greatsword down and to the side, making her blade scrape and slide over it into the ground to my left. A second later, her spiritual apparition follows and I do the same with the right greatsword, receiving the brunt of the ghostly attack and guiding it into the ground to my right.

After the dust kicked up by the impacts falls down, she notices me standing unhurt in the middle of two blades lodged into the floor, with both arms holding one greatsword and extended to the sides after parrying her attacks. The previous smile disappears from her face and Garrena raises her eyebrows in surprise.

I grin at her and quickly kick her in the stomach before she gets out of her dazed state, and send her flying back. She uses her spiritual weapon to slow herself down by shoving it into the flooring. I take a quick glance at the two blades I’m now holding onto.

Eh? The right one is now pure scarlet while the left one is navy blue? Wait… Is this because red and blue make purple? Hahaha… I did not expect this level of logic from a magical relic… They look cool though. There’s still that glint and different shades on each.

Before Garrena gets a headstart on me again, I lower my posture and prepare to lunge forward.

“My turn now!” I shout as I push myself forward, giving it my all.

After the first step, the flooring under my feet cracks deeply and I’m sent towards my target at an unexpected speed. I basically jump three meters in an instant, landing on my other feet, leaving a deep imprint of it there too. In five, quick steps, I show up in front of Garrena, who manages to put her guard up just in time to receive my blow.

I swing my right weapon diagonally upwards, which pushes her axe above her head with the force of the impact. Retaining the momentum, I spin around and make a horizontal slash with the other blade, but it gets blocked by the spiritual axe and bounces back.

With both arms crossed in front and above of me after this failed manoeuvre, I put all my strength into driving both greatswords at once into the apparition’s weapon again from the opposite sides, making mighty slices downwards.

This attempt crushes the spiritual weapon’s handle into tiny particles and pushes Garrena a bit to the back. Proud of my achievement, I smile to myself and start planning the next move, when I notice that, in fact, I’m not actually in control of the situation.

Just as I did at the beginning of our duel, Garrena uses the pretence of her obliterated guard to lunge at me with her body. But… accompanying her shoulder bash… is a dome of reddish smoke in front of it… and it gives the same vibes as the nose of a plane in an aerodynamic tunnel.

And exactly as I expect, I’m hit by whatever the hell this skill is, as hard as by a fucking, speeding plane, and I’m sent flying backwards until I slam into the wall with a loud thud, coughing up a bit of blood. I bounce off the barrier and fall to the ground, somehow retaining both hilts in my hands.

Lying there face first, I notice a warm feeling spreading through my body, and a greenish glow, before I have the time to bring myself up. Guess Elea must have arrived somewhere in the middle of our fight. I don’t feel like I’m dying after this hit, but her help is appreciated, and I slowly lift myself into a sitting position to smile at her, also noticing Teffith on my other side.

“Thanks. I’m alright. Mostly,” I say to reassure the worried elf.

She squints her eyes at me and then sighs heavily. “Yes, I can see that. Although it’s very unbelievable your insides didn’t turn into a mush. If this was your past self, the one hit by Teffith’s tail, you’d be a stain on that wall instead.”

I chuckle nervously. “Guess this whole Primordial body is quite tough.”

“It seems so.”

While she keeps healing me here and there, Garrena walks up to us from the front. Hearing her heavy footsteps, I raise my gaze at her and my eyes instantly widen to the extreme.

“Holy fuck! Elea! Do her, not me!”

The Priestess quickly turns around and notices the reason behind my shout. Although she is smiling from ear to ear, Garrena has two, long, crossing cuts over her stomach. They don’t look deep, but they are bleeding like crazy, covering her legs and the lower part of her body in crimson streaks.

Elea instantly switches targets and quickly casts a different healing spell, one that requires direct contact and is much more potent. Garrena’s smile then disappears and she looks down at the dark-skinned woman.

“Wait! Pretty elf can leave a scar?” she asks.

Elea glances up at the orc lady. “What? I can, but… why?”

She laughs openly. “Haha! Amazing fight! No one hit Garrena this hard in the village! Master broke Ancestor’s Spirit! Powerful warrior! Garrena wants memory! Scars best memories!”

The remaining three of us look at each other, Teffith and Elea look at me, and I shrug my shoulders.

“If that’s what she wants. I don’t think it will impede her work. Orcs are viewed as strong and ferocious warriors. I guess it will add her some authenticity and appeal even.”

Garrena laughs happily again. “Thanks Master! Was great duel! Strong, but lack experience! Garrena can train Master if he wishes!”

I nod at her and smile. “Thank you too. I’ll definitely come to you when I’ll be looking for guidance in two-handed weapons. Sheer power is truly not enough, haha.”

Elea finishes patching her up, and as promised, leaves two, crossing scars behind. They are of a lighter shade of green, still looking badass over her muscular six-pack. She is a perfect example of a hot warrior. Even covered in her own blood and scars, she looks dazzling and breathtaking.

After standing up, I ask Teffith if she would like to go next, but she says that I shouldn’t overexert myself even if I have Elea’s healing and my own Rejuvenate. The current fight was quite intense. I definitely burned a lot of mana with that weird, splitting technique. 

Checking the Formless Blade Arts skill menu reveals that it is a legit move as it appeared in the list there, under the two other ones I know - the big swords from the ground thingy and the defensive hail of little blades from the sword whip. Good to know. I wonder if I can make copies of any shapes I can create. I will have to test it out later. Each new ability always consumed more mana during the first activation than the later ones.

So, I agree with Teffith and we reschedule our bout for another time. She is also a Tier 4, so I’m really looking forward to facing her. Her Lancer Class focuses much more on speed and agility, so it will be different from Garrena. And also, I guess Sirgia will have her weapon finished by then, allowing Teffith to fight with something she is used to. Yeah. Let’s go with that.

We notice that the arena has already fixed itself as we talked. Since we are not going to fight to the death again, Elea leaves us alone and returns to whatever she was doing. The three of us start practising and training together for two hours. Then, Siriga comes and invites Teffith to her humble workshop and we decide to end for today.

I go with them to watch from the sides. They don’t have anything against it. Sirgia asks the other girl many questions about her ideal naginata and they work together on the schematics. She meticulously refines every single detail, even after Teffith assures her that it’s already perfect. But, in the eyes of our crafting maestro, it isn’t.

It takes them around eighty minutes to finish the process of gathering information and designing the product. Teffith is not needed for the rest so she takes her leave. I stay for a little longer and pick my cute dwarf up to sit her on my lap as she works on choosing the correct materials and enchantments. She gives me an appreciative peck on the cheek and focuses on her task.

As I watch her, sometime in the middle of her work, I start thinking about the maids issue. Well, it’s not exactly an issue, but let’s just call it that for convenience. The simplest solution would be to ask Selina for help again. This time it’s mostly about women who would be willing to do simple tasks related to cleaning and such, perhaps also bathing if they would be up for it. I get another idea along with that one and decide to bring it up during dinner.

When the time comes, I escort Sirgia to the kitchen and leave her and the cooking duo of elves alone. Not that long after, everyone meets for the feast. I speak up during the meal.

“We might need some more dedicated maids now that our elf friends are also going to partake in nightly activities,” I start and everyone looks at me curiously. “Thus, I think we should ask Madam Selina for help again. Sirgia, what do you say about paying her a visit on my behalf?”

The lovely dwarf freezes mid-bite. She looks at me with wide eyes. “Me? But… I think Cornelia would do much better… And you didn’t want us to go out yet, Master…”

“That’s also partially why I asked you. We should slowly start changing that as we get more known. And while Cornelia would definitely do good, you are the one who came with me there the last time and they already know you,” I explain. “Additionally, I would ask Cornelia to watch over you from the shadows. I do believe that you won’t have any problems with either the task or defending yourself if anything happened on the streets, but that would make you feel safer, right? She would follow you while out of sight.”

Sirgia puts down her spoon and visibly ponders over what I said. Looking at Cornelia, I deduce that she approves of the idea. Small steps, but we can start letting our girls out right now. People need to start recognizing the uniforms and collars and associating them with us. It will make it even safer for them as they won’t be viewed as your usual slaves.

“If that’s what you want, Master…” Sirgia looks at me and says quietly.

“Only if it’s not bothering you too much. I’m only asking, not ordering you.”

“I’ll do it. I’m much better than before. And Cornelia will be there so… Yes. I can do it.”

I smile at her and pat her head since she sits close to me. “Thank you. I’ll fill both of you in on the details after we finish here.”

And exactly as told, the three of us meet half an hour later and discuss everything. Sirgia has to demand speaking to Madam Selina on my behalf and discuss with her the acquisition of more slaves, this time maids that don’t have to be willing to work in the brothel part. We will leave the races up to her.

The girls give me a kiss each and depart already. Even though she is nervous, Sirgia is eager to complete the job I’ve given to her as my representative. After they leave, I prepare myself mentally for what’s about to come and go towards a certain room with three presences inside. Oh boy...

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