I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 118 – A Very Much Needed Visit

Chapter 118 – A Very Much Needed Visit

After I help Cornelia fix her balance, the two of us catch up to the others who have already beaten us to the door leading into the castle.

No surprise there. We had to fix ourselves in a flash, still barely making it in time. It’s all her fault for being so beautiful and charming. I could adore my dear Cornelia for hours without getting bored.

Nevertheless, we join the group and follow the guard leading us to the King. They sent a servant to inform Ross about our arrival at a moment’s notice. It’s pretty obvious most if not all servants and knights have been ordered to prioritise informing him about us over anything else.

As we pass another intersection, I catch a glimpse of a shadow moving somewhere near the high and arched ceiling, making me shiver instinctively. Nothing shows up when I look around in search of the weird occurrence.

Then, something leads me to check my bond with the girls and I put more focus on sensing each of them. And, to my surprise, I count one more head than what I can see in front of me, hanging exactly around the ceiling of the intersection we have passed.

Holy shit. How in hell did she catch up with us? No. How in hell did she sneak in undiscovered?

The person currently stalking me from the shadows is no one other than Hecate, my dedicated spidergirl guard who takes her job way too seriously. She was supposed to be with Sirgia at this time.

Just to be sure that everything is okay, I send a Whisper to my lovely dwarf.

~Hey. Is everything alright on your side?~

An instant reply arrives in my mind, without the annoying pauses.

~Yes, Master. Is there a problem?~

~No. Everything is good. Weren’t you with Hecate to check if there’s anything you could do for her underwear?~

~Yes? She came with me to my workshop and we took all the necessary measurements. I’m now designing a few ideas I got. She is okay, sitting silently at the… Oh.~

I chuckle inwardly. ~She’s gone, isn’t she?~

~I’m sorry, Master. I got too absorbed in my work.~

Hearing Sirgia’s apologetic tone and sensing her slight guilt, I send her some appreciative thoughts as my phantom hand pats her adorable head.

~Don’t be. She’s a master at sneaking around. She’s with me so don’t worry about her. Good luck with your designs. And, you better not overwork yourself again or I’m going to punish you!~

She giggles cutely and I can feel a tiny trace of mischief and arousal in my little dwarf’s mind.

~I think I’ve already disappointed you, Master… I was a bad girl… and overworked myself a lot when you were gone…~

~Oho. Just you wait until I come back from the castle. I’m going to punish you so hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.~

I can literally see Sirgia’s petite face redden as she realises that I’m most certainly not talking about spanking. With another chuckle, I send her more pats and tune out. We have arrived in front of the meeting chamber.

The guide lets us inside and we find Ross already waiting for us on one of the fancy sofas present in the room. He smiles widely at us, but that smile falters a tiny bit when he notices Vanessa in our group, shooting me a slightly anxious gaze.

With a barely visible nod, I reassure him that things are pretty okay. For us, at least.

He stands up and spreads his arms. “Welcome back, my Heroes! It’s been a long time since we’ve last seen each other.”

I chuckle and roll my eyes at him. “Stop over-exaggerating. You sound like we’ve been gone on a quest to slay a rogue Demon Lord on the other side of the realm. We just escorted a friend home.”

“Discovered and crippled a well-hidden criminal organisation spanning over multiple villages, cleared an Abyssal outbreak by yourselves, gained more intel about the enemy during that, saved and rebuilt a settlement of Wood Elves, and I’m sure at least a few other things I’m not aware of.”

“Well… If you present it like this… We might have done a thing or two during that trip.” I smile wryly.

The King laughs and gestures at us to sit down, taking a glance at Vanessa.

“You don’t look that well, my dear. Are you feeling alright?” he asks.

Vanessa nods politely. “I might not be doing the best at the current moment, but I’m decently fine, thank you. I truly apologise for showing myself in such a state in front of you, King Rossberg. I did my best to make myself presentable.”

He waves his hand dismissively. “It doesn’t matter. Everybody has a worse day once in a while. You still look as beautiful and charming as ever, Princess Vanessa. It’s not an official audience with other people present so just act freely. And please, join us.”

“Before that, I have something to say.” She bows toward the King. “I am deeply sorry for venting my anger on you after learning the truth about my brother’s death. I was overwhelmed by emotions and couldn’t think clearly, going as far as even trying to attack Sir Alastair in my rage. I wanted to officially apologise to you both. My family is ready to compensate you for the mistake I made at any time.”

I exchange glances with Ross and sigh heavily, standing up. After arriving by Vanessa’s side, I straighten her back up, placing my hands on her shoulders.

“I already said I don’t mind so why are you even going as far as to offer compensation for something like that? I’m sure Ross didn’t think anything of it either. But, I accept the apology on behalf of both of us. Let’s forget about remuneration, shall we?”

She looks at me for a brief moment before faintly nodding. Since a gloomy expression with lots of guilt in her eyes still covers her noble face, I slowly pull her into a hug, gently sliding my hand into her soft hair and beginning to tenderly caress her head.

“You are all amongst friends here. There’s no need to act strong, nor to keep apologizing. Just be yourself around us. I know you don’t have it easy right now and that it’s definitely exhausting trying to hide it. Everyone here understands it. Relax and let out what has to be out.”

With some hesitation at first, Vanessa’s body loses some of its tension after she releases a long sigh. I feel her nod again as her chin bumps into my shoulder and she hugs me back. I keep affectionately comforting her for a few long seconds until she relaxes a bit more.

Withdrawing myself from the embrace, I step slightly aside and look at Ross, who smiles softly at her and nods, confirming that he agrees with my words. Vanessa responds with the same and I lead her to our sofa by hand, seating her between Shino and myself. Both of us place a reassuring hand on her thighs afterwards, evoking one more smile from the wistful princess.

“So. How is the situation with those adventurers and villagers?” I ask to break the silence.

Ross groans while drawing his head to the back. “Just the worst. Thank you for smartly dealing with them, by the way. Due to your little stunt, we were able to get a jump on them and minimise the losses while capturing or executing most of the involved people on the spot.”

“You are welcome.”

“Anyway, that group’s influence actually spanned over four adjacent settlements. All Adventurer’s Guilds ran there were corrupt to the bone, going as far as even tinkering with their access to the system shared between them to cooperate properly. They were extremely well-organised.”

“You got them in the end, right?” I raise a brow at the King.

“Yeah. To do that, though, we had to almost purge the four villages. I’ve never seen so much Human scum gathered in one place and I’m sitting in the centre of the Human capital.”

“Well, now you know why.” I chuckle wryly.

He laughs too, more because of how terrible that is.

“It was a challenge to explain to people why over a hundred law-abiding citizens have been sentenced to death without looking like we are terrorizing anyone under the guise of their criminal activity. As usual, the anti-governmental bodies came up with the story of how they didn’t want to pay taxes so we made an example of them.”

“Oof. That sucks, man,” Kamil joins in. “I bet those idiots were with them too."

“I’ve heard something about this when I returned to Evaneheim not that long ago but what is this actually about? You guys were involved?” Vanessa forgets about her own situation for a moment and expresses genuine curiosity over our story, still a little gloomy.

Shino takes it upon herself to answer.

“We stopped in an Adventurer’s Guild on our path and they laughed about Sensei’s rank. I knocked one of the rude men out and the receptionist then gave us a fake quest outside of the village, where the same people ganked us to take revenge and get rid of us. Sensei and I killed them all after learning that they have been doing this for a long time and then informed Rossberg-san about it.”

“They have been setting up who gets the quests amongst themselves for maximum profit while killing off any wandering adventurers who disrupted their peace,” I add some details.

“Oh. That’s truly unthinkable. I would have never expected something like this to happen. And more than one village has been involved?” Vanessa expresses pure shock.

“Four, to be precise,” Ross replies. “I wouldn’t have believed that too if the information didn’t come straight from Alastair, through Cornelia nevertheless. Thank you again for taking fast action against them.”

All of us nod.

“Moving on, I can’t believe how unlucky you guys are,” he continues.

“What do you mean?” Natalie asks in her calm tone.

“I’m talking about you stumbling on an active Rift near the final destination of your journey. I surely appreciate all the information regarding our enemy. But, really. Do you have like a sixth sense for those?”

“Speaking of which, have there been any recent outbreaks that require our help?” Shino raises a question.

The King releases a shallow sigh. “Only one but, unfortunately, yes. A small village suffered the initial wave before we arrived there to help them out. The situation isn’t yet under complete control. Would you be willing to close that one for me? I know you’ve barely returned.”

She glances at me, smiles, and nods her head. “Of course, we will. It’s our responsibility. And I think it would be a good opportunity for Vanessa-san to join us again and clear her head a bit from all those negative thoughts, right?”

The person in question turns to my compassionate samurai girlfriend. “Are you still willing to party with me after I attacked the person you love?”

Shino blushes faintly. “As Sensei said, it must have been, and still is, tough for you. Besides, we are friends, aren’t we, Vanessa-san? Friends should help and care about each other when the other one is having a tough time. We want to be there for you.”

Vanessa shows a grateful smile, sneaking a glance at me too, and lowers her head towards Shino.

“Thank you. I will gladly accompany you further. I think it’s a good idea and will allow me to clear my head up a little. It was always fun travelling with you and the others.”

Shino sneakily winks at me and turns to the King again. “We got much stronger thanks to Sensei now so it should be easier and faster to deal with it. Well, most of us did, at least.” She giggles with a faint blush.

Ross raises his brow at me and I just shrug. I’m sure he can figure this one out after a few moments. There are not many ways I can boost others’ growth and he certainly hasn't forgotten about my Class.

“That reminds me,” he suddenly snaps his fingers, “we have been waiting for you to negotiate the price and volume.”

“Of what?” I frown a little.

“The elixir, of course.”


“Yes. Unless you don’t intend to distribute it outside of your establishment.”

“Ah.” I cock my head back. “You mean the cure the girls developed alongside Jericho?”

“Exactly.” Ross nods.

“Why elixir, then?”

“Well.” He chuckles. “That’s what our test subjects have been calling it. All of them. I’ve heard the effects are above anything currently available on the market by leaps and bounds. I believe there’s a big profit to be made here. You could become our official supplier. That would certainly raise your establishment by another rank in the eyes of the public, no?”

I shake my head seeing Ross’ calculative grin. “Surely, it would make it easier for you to support us without looking like the government is favouring a single brothel without a reason. But, I don’t think we have the output to produce enough for wholesale and I would prefer to keep the production method a secret, even if the main ingredient is impossible to get for anyone else besides us.”

“Oh? Is it really that rare?”

Cornelia chuckles softly on the side, shooting me an impish glance. “It’s one in a kind, you could say. I’m almost certain no one else in the world has access to it currently.”

“Damn. Talk about a full monopoly. Is there anything I could help with, maybe?”

I rub my chin while thinking for a few seconds. “Not much in this case. We can discuss the financing of the other, side ingredients at a later date. I would much prefer that over cash. I’m going to meet up with Jericho to talk about it too so we’ll see.”

The King nods. “Good. Let me know about anything.”

“I surely will. There’s just a lot of stuff I have to take care of. Leaving your business for over two weeks isn’t the best idea.”

Ross laughs a little. “I’m sure you will manage. You are resourceful enough. And your regulars are extremely loyal. They wouldn’t mind even if you closed down for a bit to focus on what you have to do. I’m sure of that.”

He is speaking like he isn’t one of them. I know very well how many times he snuck in to fluff a catgirl or two during my absence and that number is surprisingly much higher than when I’m actually present in the establishment. I bet someone wanted to get some extra fun while preserving his image.

Too bad his efforts were in complete vain. Nothing escapes my attention. Especially if that nothing is the Human King coming to bonk a girl of his fancy after a whole day of hard kingly work.

“Well then. Do you already have a date in mind for Shino and the others to head to the outbreak site?” I ask.

“Whenever they are ready,” he answers, moving his gaze to the real Heroes. “We are currently repelling any attacks but who knows when they start bringing out something more than just grunts. I’m very afraid of the monsters you have faced past the Barren Valley and the ones you mentioned were present on the other side of the gate.”

“We’ll take a few days to rest a little then since we’ve just returned,” Paul suggests. “Everyone agrees?”

They all nod in unison, following their leader’s decision. Ross nods happily too, certainly glad he managed to secure their support this quick. He then picks up an orange and a fancy knife, starting to peel it bit by bit.

“Hmmmm… I guess I won’t hold you here for who knows how long. Mother was supposed to join us for some snacks but she’s coming late. She must have stumbled on something important.”

I catch Cornelia snort for some reason. She tries to control and hide it from me and everyone else. She avoids my eyes afterwards.

The king finishes dealing with the fruit and throws a piece into his mouth. “Do yourself a favour and try one of these before leaving, though. It’s a recent batch actually coming from a town in the Beastkin territory. It was a pain convincing all the racist advisors to let the transaction through but it was so worth it.”

He then spins the knife over his palm for a bit and flicks his wrist, launching it towards me with a nod of warning just before that action.

But, before reaching even halfway, I watch how it ricochets seemingly off nothing above the coffee table, going past any of us and landing somewhere on the floor. Ross freezes at the spot.

“Stop,” I exclaim strongly, already prepared for this after I’ve realised he fucked up. “That’s a friend. Don’t hurt him.”

He didn’t freeze due to what happened to the knife but because six onyx spikes suddenly emerged from behind him and pointed right at all of his vitals, bending inwards, aiming at his front. 

Hecate quickly and silently made her way off the ceiling and held the King prisoner moments after he had thrown the knife, most likely perceiving that action as coming right at me. He clearly wasn’t aware of her existence until that very moment.

My slightly yandereish spidergirl obediently withdraws her spooky limbs and we all watch her pull herself up to the ceiling again. For a brief moment, Ross can’t stop looking at her hanging down from it thanks to her sharp and durable webs.

“And who is that?” Ross asks curiously after clearing his throat. “I haven’t even noticed her being here.”

“Amongst the things you have mentioned earlier, a few are missing, out of which discovering a lair of deadly spiderwomen, decimating them, and stealing something from them is quite a big one,” I say with a smile. “Say hello to Hecate, my new bodyguard.”

He lets out a wry chuckle. “A bodyguard? You? It should be other people hiring one to protect themselves instead.”

“I don’t think it would help much considering Sensei’s current strength.” Shino giggles adorably.

“Well, pardon her for that offence if you would. She’s still new to this and didn’t mean anything bad,” I ask.

“It’s alright. I might want to know where to find a bunch of them, though. I’m in need of a new special-ops squad and she seems very fitting.” 

“That might be tough considering she is quite rare amongst her kind. Rare enough to be shunned for that. Unless you don’t mind a version with a bit more of a spider than just deadly legs.” I chuckle.

Ross sighs and laughs a little too. “Why do you always get the best things…”

“Why don’t we check on Lianne while we are here?” Cornelia suddenly suggests. “It would be rude to leave without saying a word if we were supposed to meet. The two of us can go together while the others relax a little in the castle.”

“That’s a great idea, if no one minds, of course,” Ross says enthusiastically and everyone shakes their head. “She’s been talking about you even more than usual, for some reason. I guess she enjoys your company so much that even a short trip can affect her mood.”

“Oh, she surely does.” She chuckles and pulls me up with her. “We’ll be off then. If there’s anything important, contact us through Whispers,” she instructs others and starts guiding me to the door.

We are soon out of the chamber and link our elbows as we parade through the hallway, a certain presence accompanying us, of course.

“That eager to meet your gossip friend?” I ask teasingly.

Cornelia smirks. “I have a hunch.”

“About what?”

“You will see.”

Since she doesn’t seem to want to spoil the surprise under my intense gaze, I back off obediently and wait for the reveal, if she really is right about something.

I don’t have to wait for too long and we arrive in front of what I guess is the entrance to the Queen’s chambers. Cornelia gestures with her finger to her mouth, instructing me to stay quiet, and starts weaving some magic into the door.

After a few seconds, she gets rid of a protective formation and some kind of noise starts coming out of the room. It must have been a silencing array or something with that function.

Before I get enough time to ponder over what’s the source of the weird sounds, Cornelia silently opens the door and lightly pushes me inside, coming in after me. I instantly realise what is the answer to my previous question and quickly slap Hall of Serenity on the nearby wall.

Lianne is currently sitting on a comfy stool with a fancy cushion, wearing one of her iconic light azure dresses, with a tall, oval mirror right in front of her. From our position, we have her from her back, pretty much, and I can clearly see her royal pussy in the reflection, which is getting fervently drilled by her slender fingers as Lianne lifts her clothing a little bit.

The Queen releases melodic, slightly withheld moans as she plays with herself, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Cornelia chuckles lightly, breaking me out of the slight daze induced by the unexpected and very alluring show.

She then winks at me and clears her throat as loud as she can.

In an instant, Lianne’s head turns almost one-eighty—of course, with her shoulders—and she squeals in surprise, standing up so fast she topples the cushioned stool. She quickly covers her nether regions and a crimson flush begins surfacing on her angelic face.

“Al. Cornelia. Welcome. I didn’t hear you come, hahaha. What are you doing here?”

She waves at us cheerfully but notices that her fingers are slightly wet for an obvious reason and quickly hides that hand behind her back, clearly wiping her love juices into the dress with a slightly nervous and embarrassed chuckle.

Cornelia shakes her head and steps closer to the shorter and more petite woman, catching Lianne’s wrist and bringing it up.

“Really? Masturbating here, to him, instead of coming to meet him in person? Have you fallen so low already?”

More crimson covers Lianne’s fair cheeks. “I don’t know what you are talking about…”

“Oh, stop it already. I’ve listened to enough of your rants about not knowing how to tell him and how it’s just the worst being the Queen.”

Evoking a cute yelp from her best friend, Cornelia brings Lianne with her as she comes back to my side, as result, pulling the blushing Queen close to my chest. The two of us exchange glances as she looks up at me and I gaze down due to our slight height difference and how petite Lianne is.

She then turns her gaze to my charming magician. “I think we should stop this, Cornelia. As far as jokes and teasing can go, we both know—”

Cornelia rolls her eyes. I sense a tug at my belt, and suddenly, my pants dematerialise alongside my shorts, effectively bringing my half-erect cock out into the open, slowly waking up.

Lianne’s eyes widen in an instant and get glued to my crotch. After a few seconds, she blinks repeatedly and glares at her friend. 

“Cornelia, you are taking this too fa—

“Oh, come on.”


Not letting Lianne finish her sentence again, Cornelia reaches out, places her hand on the back of the youthful lady’s head, and pushes her down onto the monument of desire standing at full attention.

Holy shit.

Did she just drop the Queen's mouth onto my cock?

I turn to Cornelia to question her but she shushes me down while speaking ‘observe’ with her lips. Moving my eyes to my navel, I watch how Lianne pulls my cock out of her warm mouth and stares at it with an almost entranced expression.

She positions her face from below and adores my member towering over it like a leaning tower. A very faint smile curves her mouth as she half-closes her eyes and starts lovingly pecking my shaft while rubbing it up and down.

Lianne sighs blissfully every few licks, relishing in the taste of my dick, that’s for sure. She literally rubs her face into it and even giggles to herself a few times. Her lewd efforts spread over various very pleasurable actions as she focuses on different parts of my penis, giving all of them proper attention and care.

After a few moments, she guides her mouth back above it and descends onto the stiff pole as her eyelashes flutter a little. Completely forgetting herself, she uses one hand to pull her dress away, releasing her perfect-in-all-aspects pussy, and starts rubbing her alluring mound again while tenderly sucking me off like she has her most favourite lollipop in her mouth, maximizing the number of licks for it to last the longest before the fun ends.

Her fingers and tongue move faster and faster, the latter doing an amazing job around my glans while the former being violently thrust into her leaking snatch. Lianne’s experience is clear as day. She knows how to please a man, and herself at the same time.

This continues until her moans over my dick increase and Cornelia pushes the Queen down on my cock again, this time, impaling the royal throat on my throbbing member. Lianne gags a little but still continues to suck me like a pro, clearly enjoying the treatment. 

Her fingers become a blur and strong vibrations assault the nerves around my glans and shaft as she releases a hearty moan into them, which vibrates through her throat and my dick in the process. She orgasms so hard a bit of love juices gushes out of her love hole and hits the floor just as I unload a hefty dose of delicious seed deep in her tight upper tunnel.

After swallowing all of it, Lianne shakily stands up with Cornelia’s help and glares at the smirking magician while panting heavily.

“That was very, very rude and inappropriate, Cornelia,” she begins.

“But?” My charming researcher lifts a brow at her.

“But thank you.”

Cornelia chuckles. “I couldn’t stand you tormenting yourself over it anymore. Just fucking fuck him already. Everyone knows you find Alastair more than just physically attractive.”

“I can’t believe a day has come when I hear these words from you.” The Queen chuckles adorably with her soft tone and turns to look at me. “So… Ummm… About that promise from before your departure…”

I shake my head and lean down to join our lips together, wrapping my arms around Lianne’s petite figure. She moans into my mouth and her hands shoot to my still erect cock, caressing it as we pursue each other’s tongues.

She withdraws first, still pumping my mast. “Can I assume that’s a yes?”

“Do I really have to answer that?” I smile at her.

Lianne responds with the same and snaps her fingers, making her dress and everything else disappear in a blink, showing up completely naked in front of me. She spins around, leans forward just a bit, and spreads her royal cheeks for me, displaying her pretty, pink slit from behind, leaking so much love juice it’s an almost constant stream.

Our eyes meet. She just begs for it. She craves it badly. And I’m going to give it to her. I’m going to nail the Queen right in front of the Court Magician, her friend, and my wife.

So, I thrust my hips forward.

“Oh, my sweet Goddess!” Lianne’s head shoots to the back as she screams in ecstasy. “Yep! That’s a cock! That’s a thick, hot, juicy cock!”

She shivers so strongly I have to catch her body to prevent it from falling. She might have come just from getting stabbed by my rod. Her already amazingly snug pussy tightened on me for a brief moment.

Regaining some of her composure, Lianne glances at me over her shoulder. “Please?”

I smile at her and begin pumping her royal flower, so much devoid of this carnal pleasure for way, way too long.

“Oh, yes! Oh! Oh! Oh! You fill me so good with your big cock! Oh! Oh!”

Moving my hold closer to her chest, I pull Lianne more into me, arching her back a little as I keep drilling her from below in a standing position. Cornelia moves right in front of us and puts her hands on her hips, smirking at her friend.

“Look at you, so against this before, now unable to even hide your silly expression anymore just seconds after shoving a dick into your nymphomaniac pussy,”

“Oh! Oh! Ohhh! Yeees! I was wrong! Ohhh! Ohhh! His cock is so good! Soooo gooooood, ohhhhhh! Corneeeeeliaaa!”

I increase the intensity of my pounding, slamming my cock into Lianne’s yearning hole so strong that I bump her up with each hit. It’s not really an achievement with her petite frame but it clearly increases the pleasant sensations for her even more as she, subjected to gravity, falls down right onto my dick as it lunges up to pierce her again.

My lovely magician chuckles and unpins her robes behind her neck, causing them to fall just like in the carriage. She smiles at me sweetly and steps closer, sandwiching Lianne between our bodies and preventing her from escaping my violent treatment.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! This is so good! Getting fucked standing is so goood! I don’t remember when was the last time I felt so good! Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Cumming again!”

As Lianne gushes onto my cock, I make out with my dear wife over her shoulder. We pursue each other’s lips like the Queen doesn’t even exist, lost in our small, affectionate world. Only my hips remember to drill the wet folds wrapped tightly around my member just by themselves.

“I would have never thought you would expose yourself in front of Lianne, nor even guide me to fuck her right in front of you,” I say as our lips part for a second.

“Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhhhhhhh!”

Cornelia chuckles. “Immeasurable are the heights you are willing to go for your friends to help them achieve their dreams.”

Ohhhhh! Ohhhhhh! Ohh! Ohh! Oh!”

I peck her lips dearly. “You are the bestest friend anyone could have. I love you and I will keep saying that every day.”

“Ohhhh! Ohhh! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!“

“Less chatting, more thrusting. It’s not even half as intense as she goes solo with all the toys you gave her.”

“Ahhhhhhh! Don’t go faster right now! Ahh! Ahhh! I’m cumminggggggggg agggaaaaaaainnnn! Unghhhhhhhhhh!”

Lianne enters an orgasm so strong her toes and fingers curl inwards and her eyelashes flutter like crazy. I can feel her muscles squeeze me real hard down there as her snug passage constricts on my cock from her high.

“AH! What?!”

Shortly after she calms down a bit, Cornelia puts her hands under Lianne’s knees and pushes them up, bringing her into an almost full nelson. Taking a hint, I resume my honest efforts to fill the empty void Lianne’s pussy suffered after her last beloved partner passed away.

“Ohhh! Ohhhh! That’s it! I love it so rough! Spread me moreeeeeeee! Ohhh! Ohhh! Ohhh!”

I’m not going to lie, listening to her soft, adorable voice scream lewd things is turning me on even more. Always so calm, composed, kind and royal, Lianne is currently using that angelic voice to scream in ecstasy and rain praises about my penis making a mess out of her cunt.

“Alright. Time for a switch,” Cornelia says, looking around for some reason. “There. That fancy desk. Smash it into pieces.”

“What? Wait! No, no, no, no! Not the desk! Ohhhhhhhh! Oh! Oh! Oh! So strong! Ohhh!”

Ignoring Lianne’s protests, I go where Cornelia leads me, flip Lianne around, and shove myself back into her warm embrace, slamming her into the wooden surface with each thrust her wet pussy receives during the classic mating press.

Our mixed love juices splatter all over the sturdy furniture. For whatever reason, it seems to be turning my partner even more. It looks like Cornelia really knows Lianne inside out.

“Next, that dresser over there. Let her see herself in the mirror.”

Releasing another wave of ferocious white delicacy into Lianne’s deepest depths as she climaxes on me, I follow our instructor and push her into another piece of furniture, this time, taking her doggy style while raising one of her legs to better reflect her precious place receiving a violent pounding, filled with cum so much it’s starting to drip down as we fuck continuously.

She stains the mirror with her hands and petite breasts rubbing strongly against it. Our gazes meet during this round and I can adore her extremely flushed and ecstatic expression. Lianne has a truly silly smile as I rail her from behind, just begging for more even without any words used.

“Move to that corner full of plush bean chairs. She loves to masturbate there while upside-down.”

Following the piece of interesting trivia, I carry Lianne where Cornelia points me to and rotate her again. In a flash, I’m drilling her pussy in a piledriver position, staring at her ecstatic expression and listening to her amorous moans from above.

At this point, I’ve shot my seed inside her so many times it leaks out and travels down her slim belly more with each thrust. She doesn’t make anything of it and just keeps receiving me joyfully, inviting me to pound her more with the lewd smiles she keeps shooting at me from time to time.

“Alright. Come here, we will finish her together.”

Gladly, I bring Lianne back up and nail her from behind just like in the beginning. Cornelia pushes herself into the Queen and starts lovingly sucking on her decently-sized small breasts as her life depends on it. I add a bit of stimulation to Lianne’s clit with my mana-enhanced fingers and we quickly bring the Queen overboard.

Receiving my last surge of milky white liquid, Lianne pants heavily, shivering between our bodies with a stupid grin on her dainty lips. With the bed nearby, I drop the three of us onto it and sigh blissfully too as I and the Queen come down from our respective highs.

Cornelia chuckles and strokes my cheek, lying next to me. “That was okay.”

“Okay?” I raise a brow at her.

“Yeah. I think you are like one-third into it?”


Then, Lianne suddenly regains all her vigour and pounces on top of me like an energetic cat, impaling herself on my cock again.

Giggling charmingly, she shows a wide grin. “Time for round two. My turn now.”

Oh, gods. I forgot she’s a total freak.

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