I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 111 – First Interaction and a Suprise

Chapter 111 – First Interaction and a Suprise

The dark-skinned giant eyes me up from a distance. At least I think it does since it has no face. It slowly walks closer while tilting its creepy, bald head. The six demonic weapons in its hands can be a problem.

~Was I mistaken?~ Its voice echoes in my mind again. ~You feel like one of us but… different. You don’t look the part either.~

The nightmarish monstrosity doesn’t seem to show instant hostility and expresses something closer to confusion. This might actually be a good chance to learn more about them. Unless someone interrupts it.

I quickly try to send a mental message to Shino through Sweet Whispers, hoping that it can reach her. She is the first one who would jump right after me, for sure.

If I’m not wrong, we are now in that sealed realm Lumina mentioned, where her sister is trapped. This could be very far from Naharren. But, my skill does say that no boundaries can stop it so let’s just hope it’s not just part of the flavour text.

Well then. How do I now make this thing spill the beans while not turning it against me?

I hit the side of my head a few times with the butt of my palm. “I’m not sure how I went through that… lake... either. All I know is that it has been calling me. Something told me to return here. To return home. My memories are fuzzy. Something is messed up.”


The high-ranked Abyssal circles me while pondering over something. It gives me chills. It couldn’t have looked any creepier than this, could it?

“From what I can remember… I… came out of here? I was in a fight… big fight… My… chieftain? Boss? Leader? Was defeated by… Humans? Or it was Elves?”

I act as if I’m trying to remember things but it gives me a lot of trouble, releasing some grunts and groans as I tap my head.

“I woke up amongst many corpses of them and our… brothers? I looked different. I looked like this. Like a Human. No one was around. I didn’t know what to do. Only one order remained in my mind, return home.”

I really hope this thing believes me. Since no one else burst in through the gate under my feet, I can safely assume Shino got the message. I have felt something recently so I guess it’s a bit harder for them to get in touch with me from back there.

~Hmmm… Weird… Our echelon lost? That’s unfortunate… But, you survived. Naharrenians can’t use the Rifts. I sympathise with your cursed change, defeated one. I do not possess the knowledge to turn it back.~

“Thank you. It is pitiful that I now look like them but I’m at least still alive. Even if I’m damaged, I can continue to serve our Queen. What does she require of me?”

~Queen?~ the entity questions, tilting its head.


“Is that the wrong term? I think some of my memories mixed with Human ones. That’s what Humans call their leader. Is it different? Who do we serve? I’m so confused.”

~Oh, poor defeated one. I can only imagine how horrible it must feel. Here. I will help you. I will remind you of Mother.~

A painful prickle assaults my mind and I decide not to fight it. There’s a possibility that my cover will be blown, but it’s worth taking the risk. This thing seems to be repulsed just by the thought of coming in contact with Human memories.

After it pierces into my head, I start receiving flashes of various images. I see countless different Abyssals obediently forming full armies and heading in different directions. Chieftains are present amongst them, and gatekeepers too, like the current entity currently sharing its memories with me.

There is a lot of them. These outbreaks are surely happening all around the world. The only comforting thing is the lack of calamity-sized monsters and purplish, smoking beasts. I can recognize a few entities bigger than the chieftains that we have faced, but they are sparse. No Godzilla or King Kong in sight, thank Goddess.

Then, I receive a different vision. The scene shifts to a plain with rivers of purple glowing energy pulsing like veins filled with radioactive blood. The terrain still looks all grey, dark, dead.

These paths of weird dark violet liquid flow towards a huge hole and fall over the edge into what looks like a gigantic basin. This liquefied Void energy travels towards it from all directions, creating a net, or something akin to a circulatory system with it as its heart, kind of. Just one-way.

A moment later, it zooms in and I spot a person. Taller than this giant by my side, a woman with onyx skin stands on the edge of the dark purple pool and recites various chants in some ancient tongue filled with powerful magic.

I think I can recognize it. It’s possibly Primordial.

With just a sash made of some black material sparkling like the Abyss itself covering her hips, she continues waving her hands and weaving mana. If not for the fact that evil seems to be oozing off her, I might have thought of her as quite a handsomely-gifted woman with dark skin and black hair, but just her aura is the perfect definition of the ‘don’t stick in crazy’ rule.

Most likely due to her actions, the glowing pit pulses now and then, giving birth to more creatures. They often resemble various monsters and beasts with a more demonic spin to them. I recognize a few enemy types we have already faced.

But, there are also some new ones. That includes humanoid entities like the gatekeepers, chieftains, and such. Some normal grunts resembling humanoids more advanced than gorillas or monkeys show up too. Fortunately, the rate of their birth isn’t fast.

Watching it, though, makes me realise another thing. She uses Primordials as a kind of template for these monsters. They were her creations back in the day, in the end. And that could explain why this gatekeeper felt that I was familiar. Or why I stepped through the gate this easily.

I receive a few more flashes of its memories and try to act as if I’m attentively examining all of them, but they don’t give me as much useful information as the initial ones. Luck seems to be on my side as the entity doesn’t dive into my mind, only feeds it images and thoughts. Betrayal might not exist in their dictionary so it might not be concerned about me lying.

After a few more moments, the show ends and I regain full control of myself. The gatekeeper has sat down by the edge of the Rift and shoved its swords into the ground.

~Do you remember now?~

“Yes, brother. Thank you for lending me your memories. It made me feel much more comfortable with myself.”

The monster nods and returns to doing… nothing. Just sitting there like a statue. Gatekeepers have no other orders than to watch over the Rifts. All Abyssals seem to be content with their simple tasks. 

It’s to be expected from the mindless grunts who can only think about destruction, but even the smarter and more intelligent forms are completely loyal to their mother, Umbra. Because that’s her real name.

Honestly, I should have expected it. Umbra and Lumina. Darkness and Light. Quite fitting for the two sisters. I kind of wonder if they gained their personalities and qualities after their names, if the names came second, or if someone gave them to the god-like entities.

Guess I’ll have to chat a bit more with Lumina whenever she is willing to share such secrets with me.

Now, I need to get out of here without looking suspicious. Normal Abyssal wouldn’t want to leave this realm unless ordered otherwise. I have no orders right now. I should return to Mother and receive new ones. But, I’m not a mindless thrall.

“Say, brother. I feel like it comes from these weird Human memories inside my mind, but I think I have an idea.”

~An idea?~

“There are those things called politics, scheming, and sabotage that I have learned of just recently. These Human thoughts tell me it would be a good idea to make use of my pitiful transformation instead of showing this unsightly body in front of Mother.”

The entity clearly ponders over my words. I’m not sure if it’s considering them or if it should get rid of a faulty grunt behaving weirdly. I felt some connection between the Abyssals so I hope they don’t kill their own kind.

~I am unfamiliar with these thoughts, defeated one. What do they tell you to do?~

“They tell me that I can use how I look and think like a Human to go back to Naharren and mix in with them. That I can work amongst them to raise my rank in their hierarchy. And, when I get enough influence, I can secretly prepare a big Rift in the middle of their biggest settlement. That would be very helpful to Mother’s plans.”

~Hmmm… You look like a Human… but you are not… This… idea… It’s a good idea.~ The gatekeeper stands up. ~We should inform Mother about it.~

“No, no, no! Let it be a surprise!”


“Humans do some things in secret when they know it will make someone grateful and then show what they have been doing when it’s finished! That’s a surprise! Mother will like it very much!”


I sigh in relief as the gatekeeper sits down again and starts pondering the new information. Thank the Goddess they are so easy to manipulate. Well, I might have an advantage in that due to my race and the earlier bluffs.

~Very well. A surprise, then. You returned without a problem but can you still use the Rift properly?~

“Uhhh… I think so? I only stepped onto it on the other side. Do I do something else?”

~In your mind, a willingness to ‘come’ is necessary to return through the Rift. To traverse it outwards, you need a willingness to ‘go’. Circulate your energy for a more seamless transition.~

“Thank you. I will now try to travel back to Naharren. Should I mask the Rift somehow now that no one is on the other side?”

~Unnecessary. A new platoon will arrive soon.~

I knew things were too good to just end up here.

“I see. How long do you think it will take them? Maybe I should stay and watch over it.”

~By Mother’s measurement of time, ten days.~

That’s not exactly soon to me but I guess for timeless beings it’s like a grain of sand in the desert. Works great for us.

“That is soon. I didn’t see any of the Humans or Elves around when I was coming back so I think it should be safe for me to quickly move to the preparations of my surprise. I shall take my leave now, gatekeeper.”

The monstrosity nods at me and remains unmoving. I glance down at the swirling ground beneath my feet and fill my body with mana. Then, I try to will to go. Since not much is happening, I assume it might be connected to Primordial and will it harder but in Primordial in my mind.

I begin experiencing the familiar pulling sensation but much smoother this time. It still swirls me a little and tugs into every direction but I don’t feel like mashed potatoes on the inside after finishing the transfer.


Shino’s anxious shout reaches my ears a fraction of a second after I pop up back in Naharren. I brace myself for impact but nothing happens.

Opening my eyes, I find myself still in the very middle of the Rift. Everyone else has moved away from it and stands some distance from the edge. Natalie is currently holding Shino back from jumping ahead to lunge toward me. My samurai girlfriend has quite some Abyssal blood on herself.

“I’m all okay. Let me just step off this portal.”

With a quick jog, I walk up to the two best friends and Shino slams into my chest the moment I leave the swirly surface. I hug her closely, brushing through her black hair as she tightly clutches the back of my coat.

Teffith and Ghilerie step closer too. My dragonewt bouncer grazes over my cheek with her palm and smiles warmly as I glance at her.

“You gave us a big scare, Alastair. I’m glad you are back.”

“Sorry. It was not my intention.” I lean in to give her a peck.

“Are we safe? Are they coming after you?” Ghilerie asks anxiously.

I shake my head at her. “No. The gatekeeper won’t leave its post and we have about ten days before reinforcements arrive.”

“Let’s blast this gate to oblivion, then!” Kamil suggests.

“Wait. That might look suspicious and ruin everything.”

“What do you mean?” Paul joins in.

Still caressing my petite samurai, I explain.

“I managed to trick the gatekeeper into thinking that I’m one of them but weirdly changed after a fight here. It seems they have a thing or two common with Primordials and that fooled it. I got some information out of it and suggested sabotaging Humans with my current looks so it let me go freely. If we get rid of this Rift too soon, it might grow suspicious.”

Marcia snickers at me. “Just admit it, it was a girl and you seduced it. What was it? A purple Minotaur with six giant tiddies?”

I chuckle a little while shaking my head. “I don’t think gatekeepers have genders per se. The only actual woman in there might be the other goddess. She did have a hefty pair, at least.”

“Damn. And you haven’t added her to your harem? You could have ended the whole war already!” She sniggers even more.

“I saw her only through the gatekeeper’s memories. I wouldn’t risk capture just to take a peek from up close. With her size, I could end up as her personal Human-shaped dildo,” I answer with a little joke to play along with her a bit.

Marcia explodes into a hearty laugh and wipes off a tear or two. “That would have been a sight! And story! A Hero imprisoned by an evil goddess to be used as her fucktoy for eternity! Imagine how many men would be envious!”

“Unless she is into anal.”

The unexpected comment coming from the most unexpected person in the calmest and most neutral voice turns the cave silent. Everyone glances at Natalie, who keeps her usual poker face, and Marcia suddenly drops onto the ground while holding onto her sides and starts rolling amidst her roaring laughter.

I sigh and shake my head again. Glancing down at Shino, clinging to my chest, I pat her head a few times with some gentle affection.

“You good down there?”

She looks up and reveals her tear-stained face.

“I’m… I’m so sorry…”

I frown at her. “What for?”

“B-Because of me… and my selfishness… S-Sensei almost…”

Releasing one more sigh, I cup her cheeks into my palms and kneel down to bring us on a similar level, more or less. I slowly pull her closer and connect our lips in a loving kiss. For a few long seconds, I pursue Shino’s mouth with gentle passion, peppering her lips with a myriad of loving pecks.

After we part, I stare deep into her charming, purple eyes.

“Stupid. You had nothing to do with this. It would have happened no matter if you asked me to come to you or not. So, forget about it. Alright?”

She makes the tiniest nod and her eyes skip to my lips. I lean forward again and let Shino lead the tender barrage of pecks this time. The faint flush over her fair cheeks rises gradually as she lets go of her worries and starts getting more conscious of our position and actions.

When we finally part, I smile at her, leave one more peck on her forehead, and stand up. Then, I look around, ending at glancing up. As I have felt, Hecate hangs upside-down from the cavern’s ceiling on her thread, watching us attentively.

“Come.” I wave at her and hold my hand in the air.

Hecate slowly descends while turning her body and steps onto the ground with the help of my palm. She doesn’t show any emotions on her pale face as usual, but I can feel a big deal of guilt and anxiety in her mind thanks to our bond.

Shino realises my intentions and steps away, freeing me from her affectionate clutches. I plop a hand on the spidergirl’s short, silvery hair and ruffle through it as her six black eyes stare at my face.

“And the same goes for you. You did not fail to protect me, alright? This was much above any of us to prevent. You don’t deserve punishment for allowing this to happen. Look, I’m all fine, not hurt at all. So, you did a great job so far. And I hope you will keep at it in the future. Alright?”

I look into her main eyes which seem to suck light in, making you lost in them. But, they are more charming than creepy, honestly. Like you are staring into a deep, mysterious abyss that holds countless secrets. It fits her quiet, mute personality.

Hecate finally answers me with a nod too and my smile grows a little. Her melancholic emotions dissipate to some extent. I’m glad it has worked.

“Now. Care to explain why you look like you took a dip in a pool filled with Abyssal blood?” I turn around and raise a brow at Shino.

The timid samurai blushes fervently while looking away. Natalie arrives at her side.

“The moment you disappeared, she lunged towards the closest corpse, that Wyvern over there, launched it into the air, slashed into pieces, and stood right under it as the waterfall of purple blood crashed onto her.”

Shino starts fidgeting with her fingers as her hips begin to sway a little. This little murder machine.

“She managed to avoid all of us trying to stop her and almost jumped into the gate, but paused just before, fortunately. I caught her then.”

“Thank you, Natalie.” I nod my head at the blond-haired bard. “My message must have gone through just in time.”

“It did…” Shino admits, glancing at me with an upturned gaze.

“So, what now?” Paul asks. “I don’t think we are ready to even scout the other side.”

“Not in the slightest.” I glance at Ghilerie. “I think we should try to hunt any remaining Abyssals that could have potentially scattered around and help the Wood Elves clear the surrounding forest.”

A small smile grows on her lips. “Thank you.”

With a nod, I turn to the others. “After a few days, we’ll get rid of this Rift before reinforcements arrive. Since we have to wait a moment, why not help them out a little in the meantime? I bet they could use a pair of hands after we reclaim the settlement.”

Marcia appears in my vision, back up from the floor. “I’m all in.”

“Sounds good,” Natalie agrees too.

I glance at Paul and he shrugs in approval. Not much else we can do besides starting our journey back and quite a few people would most likely be discontent with leaving the Elves in their current state. Including me, of course.

So, we first split and look around for any possible survivors in this underground complex. I don’t think the grunts will be able to ruin my plan but it’s safer to make sure that nothing can slip back through the gate. I have already announced that the force has been wiped out.

An hour later, we regroup again and begin heading back to the settlement. One thing I have noticed is the fact that when I use Lascivious Hunt through the blood of the grunts, I’m led not just to a single monster but many of them as if they are a collective.

Thanks to that, we have a decently easy time tracking the survivors and getting rid of them as we move through the woods. Chasing after all of them right now would take a bit too long so we just pick up those that are more or less on our path.

It's a little curious since I have earlier assumed that the skill worked since it was a female ape but they might have something of both genders in their DNA or whatever runs inside those freaky monsters. I don't really care as long as it allows me to track them effortlessly.

I step back whenever we fight one or more to let the others gain the experience from dealing with them. Teffith, Ghilerie, Shino, and Marcia usually stand back too as they are quite high in their Tier or advanced just recently. As for Hecate, she just focuses on protecting me, as usual.

We arrive back at the old village of the Wood Elves at around three in the afternoon. A few lone Abyssals are still wandering around so the Heroes quickly dispatch them. After securing the perimeter, we move to the hidden refugee camp.

The same guards greet us, Vezir and Achiel, uncovering the entrance. The latter seems a bit more hostile towards us than before. Or maybe it’s towards me, I’m not really sure. I have a feeling it might be related to our mutual friend who is a beautiful Wood Elf with golden hair and green eyes.

He doesn’t make any trouble for us, though, and Ghilerie quickly leads us back to the meeting room. Traversing the rocky tunnels, we can notice a minimal improvement in the state of the refugees. Almost everyone has now something to snack on and there are a bit more fabrics and materials for them to cover themselves.

The Elder welcomes us alongside the rest of the leaders. All of them wear hopeful expressions after seeing us return more or less unscathed and in full number.

“How did it go?” she asks, looking between all of us.

Ghilerie steps forward and makes a respectful bow.

“We have successfully gotten rid of the three remaining chieftains and most of their forces. Some Abyssals have scattered into the forest but we will slowly hunt them down.”

Smiles break onto the lips of the attendees and the Elves start nodding at each other, murmuring in relief. The Elder places her hands on Ghilerie’s shoulders and slowly pulls the Tracker into a warm, grateful hug.

“We have also located the gate through which they have arrived in this world. But, we will need some time to prepare the means of closing it,” Paul adds. “While we don’t think there’s a risk of another wave coming out anytime soon, it would be wise to station a scout nearby to keep an eye on it.”

The two women break the hug and the Elder nods at him.

“We will of course arrange it. Thank you for your hard work. It certainly must not have been easy to achieve. I can see it by the state of your clothing. You should rest for the rest of the day. If you are planning to return already, I suggest doing so tomorrow at the first signs of dawn. You are always welcome to spend a night here.”

“But, Elder, they are not going to leave yet.” Ghilerie takes the woman’s hands into hers. “They agreed to help us reclaim our home and rebuild what has been destroyed whilst they wait. They will need a few days before they can get rid of the gate anyway.”

“Oh.” The emerald-haired Elf turns to us. “Will you really?”

“As Ghilerie-san said, we have to wait so we might as well do something useful in the meantime,” Shino answers with a nod.

Some more murmurs break through the Elves in the meeting chamber. I can catch some parts of it. They seem surprised we are going this far. A few are a little doubtful if it’s really all without hidden intentions. Others feel ashamed about our initial reception.

“That would bring our debt of eternal gratitude even further.” The Elder strokes her chin. “And it was already very hard to imagine how we would be able to repay even a fraction of it.”

“Such worries can be left for the future,” I join in. “I can assure you, though, Elder, that we won’t ever ask for anything unbecoming or harmful for your community.”

“So be it.” She bows her head and the others followed. “And please, as friends of our people, call me Elyari. We are truly honoured to have met such benevolent Humans.”

Teffith chuckles from behind me. “They are quite special. Especially the one with grey hair.”

I glance back at her with a smile. She just winks at me. Looks like someone is starting to get more comfortable with her ulterior motives of getting stronger through sex.

We then leave it to Elyari and the others to spread the information and organise their people while we move out to get ourselves cleaned. She directs us to a nearby pond for that since the lands around should be pretty much safe thanks to our input.

Under Ghilerie’s lead, we find it quite easily, without stumbling on any lost Abyssals or other monsters. We don’t intend to take a long dip like on our way here so everyone just jumps out of their clothes, staying in underwear, and we wash them together. Natalie and I give others a hand with some magical means too.

“So, did you manage to learn something new or useful on the other side, Alastair?” she asks at one point of our casual chatter.

“Quite a few things. I have already mentioned the Primordial thing. Umbra is creating monsters out of something looking like Void energy and growing an army.”

“Umbra?” Shino tilts her head.

“The other goddess, Lumina’s sister from the story,” I answer, giving her a few pats.

“How bad?” Paul glances at me.

“Big in numbers but not that world-ending yet. It definitely takes a lot out of her. I didn’t get to know much about the gates, called Rifts, and how exactly they are opened, though. Maybe Lumina will be able to provide some hints next time I speak with her.”

“I’m still wondering how we are supposed to go against that. Compared to you, our growth seems slow, lacking,” Natalie shares her thoughts.

“Don’t worry so much, Nat.” Marcia grabs her around her slim waist. “That Goddess said to Al that her vision of the huge outbreak was still far ahead. I don’t think we can use Al’s abnormal advancing speed as a good way to measure ourselves.”

“For sure…” Kamil groans.

Marcia giggles. “And well, you know, you can always get faster too.”

Natalie sighs and puts her leg between the mischievous redhead’s knees, pushing her lightly. With an overdramatic squeal, the Brazilian beauty falls into the water. She resurfaces with one titty out of her bra and intentionally makes nothing of that fact, flashing her tanned peak at everyone.

At least until Natalie topples her again and fixes her clothing under the water, earning herself a pout from Marcia afterwards. Seriously. It has never really looked like that but they must all be really great friends to not get annoyed by Marcia's constant mischief.

“Also, if I can get a map after we return, I might be able to point out the locations of a few possible Rifts. Not sure how accurate, though. I would be judging the position depending on the one we will close and what little hints of distance I have received from the gatekeeper's memories,” I add while helping Hecate wash her slim body.

“Then, we will be able to find those and close them,” Shino says. “I’m sure Rossberg-san would be happy to hear that. We might have to split again, though…”

“Honestly, why do we even have to care?” Kamil whips his wet clothes and puts his hands on his hips, looking my way. “He will most likely reach god-like level before we get to anything semi-decent and will be able to handle this whole Cataclysm alone.”

“We should still help people if we can.” Paul walks closer to him. “We did agree to deal with the outbreaks in the kingdom.”

“And besides.” Marcia throws herself at Kamil’s back, wrapping her arms around his chest. “What else are you going to do? Sit on your ass in the capital? You would get bored as hell in a flash. He has shit to do after coming back, a whole business to run. You? I’m fairly sure you have higher chances of seducing some royal pussy outside of the capital rather than inside, where the only one is, for sure, interested in only one person.”

Kamil groans at her much louder for some reason. I’m not sure, maybe there’s something more about what she said that only they can understand, or the insinuation that the Queen is after me rubs him wrong.

While they start bickering between themselves, I glance at Shino. She notices my gaze and smiles sweetly.

“I’m okay, Sensei. As before, I don’t think I’ll leave the party to stay around you all the time, as much as I would love to. I don’t want to act too clingy, too.”

I pull her for a brief hug. “You can be as clingy as you want. But, I agree. You are a smart and responsible girl. I’m not sure I would be able to do the same if I was in your shoes.”

She giggles adorably, embracing me back. “There’s no doubt about it, Sensei. In the end, you have been my role model since the moment I’ve seen you.”

A weird, warm feeling starts filling my chest for some reason. I have no idea why these exact words coming from her triggered it but they did. It’s the first time I heard somebody say it to me. I guess it’s some hidden teacher’s dream or something.

“Thank you, Shino. We’ll always be able to talk whenever you want. And my cooldown on Heart Swap is getting lower and lower. Since Marcia is now a valid target too, I can switch us now and then. She would surely be happy to take a few days of a break in our Pleasure Chambers while I enjoy some time with you guys.”

Shino pulls herself away a bit and shows a lovely smile. “That’s actually a good plan, Sensei. Too bad Natalie-san doesn’t seem to be interested in you. You could swap with her then too. At least I think she isn’t. I’ve never seen her show any signs of that. Maybe it’s my fault because I always kept talking about you to her.”

I chuckle a little and brush through her hair. “Not everyone has to be into me. But, I guess I should add her to my Partners, at least. She would be able to talk mentally not just with me but with you too. If she wouldn’t mind.”

“I’m sure she wouldn’t. Let’s ask her now.”

Shino quickly walks to her best friend with me in tow. Natalie notices our approach due to the loud sloshing of water, of course.

“Natalie-san! Would you like to become Sensei’s Partner?”

Natalie’s brows raise a little, showing a rare sign of surprise.

“Ah.” Shino giggles shyly. “Not that way. Just so he can sense you and we can talk mentally.”

“Sure. That’s certainly useful. And the situation in the underground caverns only proved that. If Alastair and his companions weren’t there, we wouldn’t exactly be able to sense you.”

“Fair point,” I agree.

So, we add Natalie to my Partners list and test the connection out for a few moments, laughing together at how unusual her lewd Sweet Whispers sound when compared to her normal, calm and collected tone. An even rarer faint blush covers her cheeks for a few seconds.

Then, we return to the cave and get invited to another feast, with much more traditional dishes prepared this time. They must have used some of the supplies that have been brought from the settlement.

This one, though, doesn’t end up with another orgy like the last time. We peacefully rest without jumping at each other, to my surprise. Thanks to that, I’m able to pamper Hecate a little as she sleeps in my arms.

The next morning, we get to work. Since I’m currently the best person to track Abyssals after we locate at least one, I’m assigned to the hunting squad, which includes Kamil, Natalie, Paul and Ghilerie. We are going to be scanning through the woods in the next few days.

The rest of our group decides to help the Elves reclaim their settlement and fix whatever can be fixed. There’s a lot of cleaning and repairs at their old home. But, Shino, Marcia, Teffith and Hecate can handle it.

It takes me quite some time to convince the spidergirl to agree to this division, though. I believe her mobility, strength, and versatility of her webs can be a huge help in construction and other things around the village.

Very reluctantly, but she receives her orders with a nod, in the end. Even if she seems hesitant, I can tell she won’t ever go back on her word. She’s still deeply affected by that loyalty towards me. It is good that she is starting to ponder longer over my orders before accepting them, though.

So, each group focuses on their task. In the next five days, we, the hunters, manage to track and eliminate around thirty loose Abyssals which have scattered from the three groups we have fought earlier. 

Most of them have rat-like shapes so I guess Shino destroyed the big one so fast that the others in her squad back then didn’t even get to thin its small army. I’m really glad she is on my side. I pray Ross never does anything to annoy her ever, hahaha. Might be hard to be a king without a kingdom.

In our search for enemies, we actually travel quite far, visiting two nearby villages to check on them. Elyari has tipped us about their location as we discussed the routes to take around the forest.

There seems to be some light damage but coming from nothing more than just a scouting attempt from the Abyssals. We have already informed Ross about the situation so there’s not much we can do on this front. Hopefully, no other villages were attacked.

As for the cleaning and construction team, they are doing great too. We see big improvements each time we return from the hunt. It was a good decision to put Hecate in it. With her threads, rebuilding some destroyed houses in the trees goes smoothly.

It’s all slowly starting to look as if nothing has happened. There are some small changes caused by the damage, but that’s inevitable. No one is really worried about that as everyone is banded together and focused on restoring their former home. The Elves even start acting openly friendly with us.

So, on the sixth day, we finish on both sides. Our group doesn’t find a single monster and the other team is left with just minor adjustments. Elyari offers to share her knowledge about magic with Natalie, who aids the Elder in restoring the wards around the village back to their full power. I’m sure this will come useful.

Since we are set to begin our return journey tomorrow, another big feast is held. This time, in the renovated settlement, of course. Everyone celebrates its restoration, getting rid of the Abyssals, and us as their saviours. A pretty huge party.

I still can’t shake off the feeling that quite a few men are giving me glares when I’m not looking but let’s just ignore that, shall we? I’m fairly sure that will be a common occurrence at some point in the future.

As we are all sitting around beautiful bonfires and enjoying the cuisine of Wood Elves, a pretty girl with light brown hair approaches me.

“Dear Saviour. I was instructed to bring you to one of the abodes in the trees as someone wishes to meet with you.”

A little confused but also curious and intrigued, I agree to follow the guide. We walk through a few wooden bridges and end up in front of one of the treehouses which are visible from below. There’s nothing really special about it that differentiates it from the other ones.

Urged by the woman, I enter inside and she closes the door behind me, not accompanying me any further. Glancing around, I spot a few sets of quite charming, wooden furniture, fitting the lovely home. The windows are closed shut and it’s enveloped in a dim light coming from a few small crystal lanterns.

My gaze lands on a figure of a woman in extremely alluring elven robes. I instantly recognize her elegant, youthful face and long, dark emerald hair.


Elyari smiles beautifully and her robes suddenly drop to the ground, revealing her splendid, curvaceous body. I could tell she hid quite the weapons under her garments from the very first moment, but her impressive breasts do not lack perkiness at all.

My gaze jumps down for a brief moment, catching on a little bit that’s clearly standing out on her fair skin.

“Green too, huh.”

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