I Own a Brothel in Another World

Chapter 103 – Chillin’ in the Desert

Chapter 103 – Chillin’ in the Desert

When we are finally done fixing the mood, Marcia is reduced to a trembling and slurring mess while her body hangs over the thick fallen tree like a piece of clothing thrown onto a drying line in a strong wind. Maybe with the difference that freshly washed clothes wouldn’t be so dirty all over and leaking a suspicious white substance from their openings.

As the gorgeous redhead rests on the log while belly-down, her ass is on full display to the slightly winded me. Precious creamy filling drips from both of her love holes in copious amounts, leaving trails on the bark and ground under her. Her pussy still twitches occasionally in this post-orgasmic bliss. I lost count on how many times I busted in her after like the sixth load.

I must say, she’s a real beast. She kept egging me on and on and we ended up fucking like wild animals all over this piece of the forest. Especially all over the fallen log, in countless positions involving throwing her onto it on both her back and stomach to achieve some mind-blowing angles with the cylindrical trunk.

She has insane stamina. Even with my quite bloated stats and the whole demigod thing, Marcia managed to tire me out a little bit before she couldn’t take it anymore. I bet that if she could speak coherently, she would have begged me to continue plowing into her but it’s not really my style to get off with a half-conscious girl. It just feels kind of rude.

As I look at the mess we have created, I can’t stop a smile forming on my lips. The amount of scratches and red marks on our bodies, and smudges of various shades of brown reminds me of our fun times with Astrea.

I was a little worried at first that I would hurt Marcia if I went as hard as she was asking me to, but even as we were getting ourselves roughed up by fucking like mad on the not-so-soft-and-velvety bark, she showed nothing but extreme pleasure. It’s a miracle we are not covered in blood but I guess we both are kind of resilient to some extent.

But, anyway, we took just a little bit more time than we should have and it will be better to return before the other guys start thinking that something happened for the girls to not come to get them. So, I walk closer to the ragdoll of a woman with a silly expression and slap her slightly reddened juicy ass.


“Wake up. It was fun but you need to get back soon or the others will catch on.”

Marcia releases a blissful sigh without moving even an inch. “Mhhhhhmmmm… So what… You said they could watch…”

I chuckle while shaking my head and high-five her other buttcheek.

“Ah! I can’t move anyway! You fucked my brains out! Look, my grey matter is literally spilling from my ass and pussy! I can’t even lift a finger!” 

She throws some accusative remarks my way but her constant giggling completely gives away her playful attitude.

“It doesn’t look grey to me,” I reply with a smirk and move to the other side of the log, crouching in front of her.

Contrary to her statement, Marcia immediately lifts her head up when my feet arrive in front of her lowered eyes and glances straight at my still standing member bobbing in front of her messy face. A wide smile paints her lips and she tries to extend her neck forward as much as she can to steal a lick of the enticing cock but it’s just barely out of reach of her tongue.

“Fuck… Just a little more anddddddddddddddd…”

I chuckle again and bonk her on the head. “You had enough. You swallowed like three full loads. What are you, a Succubus? Even Ailish isn’t that thirsty.”

“But it’s so damn delicious!” she whines. “Come on! Just one more! I know you like it! Just shove it in, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.”

She opens her mouth wide until I use my hand to close it from below. “Later. I have a feeling you will be able to drink quite a lot of it from now on.”

I smile at her and start channelling full-power Rejuvenate while brushing my palm all over Marcia’s roughed-up body, starting from her freckled cheek, moving over her slim back and plump butt, and ending at her ankles.

All the little scratches and bruises disappear gradually until only the dirty smudges remain. I fix myself up too while Marcia lifts herself up to sit on the log and checks me out from shoulder to toe with a seductive smirk.

“You are such a hottie that all this dirt and stuff makes you even sexier.”

“Thank you for the compliment. You are no less attractive in your current state either. I would bang the fuck out of you if I hadn’t already.”

She bits on her lower lip while dropping her eyes to my dangling boner. Marcia then takes a deep breath while closing her eyes.

“You are right. We should go. I already overused their kindness a lot. I promised the girls a quickie and not all-you-can-fuck buffet. I loved every second of it, though. I hope we can do some more, Al.”

I help Marcia stand up and slip two fingers up her flooded snatch and one into her backdoor, making her gasp faintly.

“Definitely,” I whisper to her ear while stirring her insides a little and using magic to clean them up.

“Nooooooo…” Marcia whines into mine. “I love feeling so full inside…”

“I wouldn’t mind leaving it there for you, but let’s think of the others.”

“Right. Thank you.” She pecks my cheek and I get rid of the dirt on me with the same spell. Marcia catches my hand before I do the same to her skin. “Wait. I’ll clean myself back at the river.”

“If you say so.”

We then collect Marcia’s underwear, which has gotten a bit easier with the tree on which her top landed on resting toppled on the ground now and begin heading back. She asks me to escort her so I resummon my gear and wrap my hand around her waist to help her walk through the woods.

When we reach the riverbed, the other girls are waiting on the grass while snacking on some jerky, already fully clothed. They spot us coming and stand up to meet us.

Natalie notices Marcia walking with a slightly unsteady and wiggly step while supporting herself on my body.

“You okay?” she asks.

Marcia beams a wide grin at our blond actress and I can’t help but smirk. “I healed her muscles but I think her brain has some issues believing it after what we’ve done.”

Shino giggles with a flush and the two of them take Marcia from me.

“Alright. I’ll get back to my post. Let me know when you finish here, Marcia, and we’ll switch.”

“Nah, Al. You can go in. It’s the guys’ turn now. I can clean myself up with all of you. Unless that makes you uncomfortable?” Marcia raises a brow at me with a teasing smile.

I shrug my shoulders. “I bathe with women on a daily basis at home and you can bet they don’t do so in swimwear so why would it? What about you girls, though? You fine staying around or are you going to walk away?”

“We can stay,” Natalie responds with her usual calmness and both my travel companions nod.

“Ummm… Actually…” Shino chimes in while shooting me a shy glance.


“Can I… join too? To wash your back, Sensei?”

“You sure about it?” I ask, knowing how embarrassed she gets just with the thought of being affectionate with me in front of them.

She makes a cute nod. I guess she is trying to overcome that shyness. I mean, we already fucked in front of the others even if all they saw were shadows on the walls of our tent so maybe it’s not that surprising she is feeling braver.

Marcia explodes into a hearty laugh and slams my back. “Hahaha! Good for you! I’ll team up with Kamil then! Now, if only we had someone who could lend a hand to our handsome archer…”

She turns to Natalie and their gazes meet. Our almost emotionless bard squints her eyes at the frivolous warrior without changing her expression even a bit. You can feel the icy atmosphere.

Marcia shoots her hands into the air. “Chill! Chill! I’m just joking, hahaha! Not like Paul would agree anyway. So big yet so shy. We really need to find him a girlfriend.”

Natalie ignores her and turns to me. “We will grab Paul and Kamil. You guys can go in.”

Shino lets go of Marcia and allows Natalie to walk away with the giggling redhead in tow. Teffith and Ghilerie head out towards the other direction after the former smiles at me softly. I follow them with my eyes for a bit and then glance at Shino. She blushes even more when our eyes meet.

I extend my hand to her. “Let’s go. It will be less embarrassing if we go in first.”

She takes it and we get into the water together, shoving our clothes into our storage rings first. Naturally, both of us leave something to cover our privates. Shino wears a black matching bra and panties while I stay in my dark grey shorts. She looks just so stunning I can’t help but pull her close and peck those dainty lips of her a few times.

Without taking it too far, we stop after a few loving kisses and I start washing myself. As she suggested, Shino helps me a little both with the back and front. Kamil and Paul soon arrive and join us. I guess the girls let them know beforehand because they show no special reactions to Shino taking care of me.

Paul washes himself in relative silence while Marcia keeps chattering with Kamil all the time. No surprise that she’s the only one completely naked as he does his best to scrub all the dirt off her tanned skin with the help of an appropriate for this world sponge. We don’t use any soap or other detergents to not poison this clear stream.

The two of us finish before the others and I pull Shino onto my lap so we can both relax a little bit while still in the pleasantly cold water, submerged to our shoulders. She leans her back into me and I wrap my left arm around her lean waist, using my right hand to summon my system. This is a good time to check on things and I don’t need to hide it from Shino.

First, I pull up my Partners menu and look for three specific entries. Thankfully, Lumina was smart enough to add a filtering function and it can order them according to the time of the last update so I don’t have to scroll a lot just to get to Teffith’s info since she partnered up with me a long time ago.

A big purplish rectangle appears in front of our eyes.

Teffith - Dragonewt
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
Insecure Affection
(Fresh Mates)
Ghilerie Nisvi'ere - Wood Elf
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
(New Friends)
Marcia Santos - High Human
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
Sexual Affection
(Budding Sex Friends)

“I didn’t think Teffith would start at the third level. I would bet on the second,” I comment, grazing over Shino’s soft tummy.

“She likes and respects you, Sensei. She is a little awkward about it because she thinks it’s not true and her desire to grow stronger is the actual reason. Teffith-san is a kind person who thinks about others more than herself. Just like you, Sensei.”

I brush my cheek against Shino’s and leave a peck on her slightly rosy skin. “Thank you. I already knew she felt insecure about this but even the system calls her out on it. I will have to do something about that warped perception of hers. ”

“Marcia-san is at the second level, huh. I thought she liked you more, Sensei.”

“It’s not just about that, Shino. This system rewards stronger feelings and you can see from the Bond Type that she is attracted to me more physically than romantically. I don’t mind, of course, but from what I know, much clearer feelings of affection or love are necessary for higher levels.”

“I see… That makes sense…” She nods gently. “I wonder what my Bond Type says…”

As she wishes, I add one more entry to our cluster of Partners and Shino’s own rectangle shows up on the bottom.

Asakura Shino - High Human
Bond Level:
Bond Type:
True Love
(Reunited Lovers)

Her cheeks quickly grow rosy and she turns her head to glance back at me with a slightly confused gaze. “Reunited?”

I smile at her and gently peck her lips. “According to a certain Goddess, we were already a couple back on Earth. A stupidly oblivious one, but we were. We held feelings for each other for quite some time, it seems.”

She turns a shade redder but a precious smile forms on Shino’s face. She leans forward to join our lips in a tame exchange again. She closes her eyes, be it from her shyness or just to enjoy the warm affection, but I keep one open and catch almost everyone looking our way, with just Paul turned with his back to us. I can already tell Marcia won’t let such a perfect opportunity to tease Shino slip by.

After my samurai princess pulls away with completely crimson cheeks, we turn our attention back to the purplish windows.

“Shall we take a peek at Marcia’s status? I won’t lie that I’m not curious even though we talked about her abilities,” I ask.

Shino nods and I tap the ethereal button.

  Name: Marcia Santos
  Race: High Human
  Age: 22
  Job: Adventurer []

  Class: Primal Blade Dancer
  Tier: 2
  Titles: Otherworlder, Blade Artist, Messenger of the Wind, True Harem Lord's Partner
 Strength: 26 (+50)  Agility: 31 (+49)  Constitution: 29 (+49)  Intelligence: 15 (+47)
 Charisma: 18 (+47)
Common Abilities Class-Specific Abilities
Actives Passives Actives Passives

 »One-Handed Sword Arts Lv. 4
 »Dual Wielding Arts Arts Lv. 6
 »Sprint Lv. 3

 »Linguist Lv. 2
 »One-Handed Sword Mastery Lv. 3
 »Dual Wielding Mastery Lv. 7
 »CQC  Lv. 3

 »Free Step Lv. 4
 »Primal Rage Lv. 3
 »Ballet of the Sylphs Lv. 4
 »Tango with the Dead Lv. 3
 »Aerial Foxtrot Lv. 2
 »Steel Waltz Lv. 1
 »Elemental Capoeira Lv. 1

 »Sword Dance Lv. 7 
 »Dancing Predator
 »Minor Elemental Affinity
 »Agility Boost

“The skill names fit her Class so well,” I comment.

“It’s the same for Natalie-san. Her abilities are named after various pieces of music,” Shino responds. “Some of her stats tripled thanks to you, Sensei. She will be stronger now.”

“She can’t even hold a candle to how strong you are with that Bond Level at five. You were in triple digits if I remember correctly, right?”

I pull up part of Shino’s status to compare their numbers.

 Strength: 33 (+118)  Agility: 42 (+114)  Constitution: 27 (+119)  Intelligence: 41 (+109)
 Charisma: 24 (+113)

“Damn, girl.” I whistle at the numbers.

Shino turns red again after just taming her blush. “It’s all because of you, Sensei… Thank you…”

I peck her crimson cheek. “Your feelings played a huge role in this so it’s not just me. Thank you too. I love you, Shino.”

She smiles adorably and then shyly glances back at me again. “What about yours, Sensei?”

“Hm? Stats? One second. I’ll bring up my whole status.”

  Name: Alastair Carter
  Race: Primordial
  Age: 28
  Job: Adventurer []
  Class: Sexmancer
  Tier: 4
  Titles: Otherworlder, Demigod of Lust, True Harem Lord, The One Who Controls Life
 Strength: 44 (+209)  Agility: 44 (+205)  Constitution: 60 (+191)  Intelligence: 56 (+182)
 Charisma: 64 (+174)
Common Abilities Class-Specific Abilities
Actives Passives Actives Passives

 »Livelihood Magic Lv. 10
 »Formless Blade Arts Lv. 9
 »Anticonception Magic
 »Fertility Scan
 »Hall of Serenity Lv. 4

 »Linguist Lv. MAX
 »CQC Lv. 5
 »Arms Mastery: Novice
 »Improvised Weaponry Lv. 1
 »Mana Control Lv. 11

 »Love Contract
 »Sweet Whispers
 »Lascivious Hunt
 »Rejuvenate Lv. 14
 »Carnal Mist Lv. 4
 »Voidal Bondage Lv. 8
 »Charm Magic Lv. 3
 »What's Mine Is Yours Lv. 5
 »Heart Swap Lv. 2

 »Lover’s Intuition
 »Sensual Strengthening
 »Charm Affinity
 »Void Affinity
 »Language of Love

“Oh wow…” I gasp in surprise. “Looks like we’ve passed the two hundred bonus mark from all of this…”

“Incredible…” Shino whispers. “Sensei is so strong… And you can utilize a lot more of them than us, right?”

“All of it if I’m not wrong. I really need to be careful now. No surprise I toppled that tree so easily back there.”

Shino looks at me with her charming purple eyes turned wide. “That tremor was you guys? Did you really break a tree… having sex?”

I chuckle and shake my head. “No, no, no. I punched it accidentally. But… I guess it would be possible if I set my mind on it… At least with someone who is quite durable.”

“Am I… durable?”

I snort at her question and start tickling Shino’s sides underwater, causing her to wriggle, kick and flail while laughing energetically.

“Hahahahahaha! Sensei! Stop! Hahahaha!”

“Is my adorable short girlfriend interested in getting roughed up by her big bad boyfriend? Aren’t you afraid I would break your tiny body in half?”

“Hahahahaha! Stop! Please! Sensei! Hahahaha!”

I stop the hellish torture and wait for Shino to catch her breath. She then looks up at me with a flushed expression, both from the little exercise and her timidness.

“I wouldn’t mind… you being rough with me… Sensei…”

I peck her forehead from the side. “Whatever your wish is, don’t hold back and feel free to let me know. But, I think it’s time to get back on track.”

She nods. “Yes. It was fun. Thank you, Sensei. Let’s help Ghilerie-san get back home.”

Shino stands up and extends a hand to me with a sweet smile. I let her help me up and we walk together to the grassy land. After everyone dresses up, we resume our journey, preparing mentally for what’s to come.

Half a day later, we reach the high mountain range that separates this lush and green environment from the harsh and sandy desert. We can’t see any of it yet, but it’s obvious with the hill peaks being more withered from the other side. We follow a crude road leading up and towards something looking like a keep or a sizable gate.

After arriving closer to the massive structure, we notice that it lacks the grating and only the arch made of dark brown bricks remains in place. We can spot the first signs of the desert atmosphere when glancing through the huge gate. Warm air hits our faces and the winds carry trails of dust and sand behind them.

As for the keep itself, it seems old and abandoned, if it ever was manned in the first place. I think it serves more as a shelter for those going both ways and also a landmark. It’s visible from quite the distance so people can head towards it instead of looking for another entrance through the steep mountains.

Since nights in the desert back in our own world can’t be counted as extremely pleasant and safe, we decide to camp inside the brown walls and continue in the morning. There’s no doubt this Barren Valley is much worse than the baddest deserts back on Earth. It has the fantasy element to back it up. Beasts and monsters and such.

I share a tent with Shino and wake up to some shuffling in the morning. Teffith, Ghilerie and Marcia walk inside and Shino shyly covers herself up to the very eyes at the sight, making me chuckle at her adorable act. She’s not fully naked, just in her underwear, but I guess that’s still too much.

But, that actually proves to be nothing when compared to what happens next. It looks like my companions had a talk with the feisty redhead and brought her into the whole plan to feast on my milk. Thank the Goddess at least Natalie wasn’t dragged into this. I really hope she doesn’t feel uncomfortable with all this degeneracy surrounding her.

The visiting trio pretty much ignores the blushing samurai girl and lays down in front of me to take care of my morning wood together. Three girls shower Alastair Junior in their warm affection while their timid friend watches from the side.

But, somehow, Shino gathers enough courage to scoot closer and they happily back away for her to have the honour of receiving the first load of the day. I can tell how much she is struggling against her shyness to actually do it so I grab the blanket we slept under and create a division between her and the other girls, shielding Shino from their gazes.

It does seem to work and she relaxes enough to take me into her mouth and bob her head up and down until she finishes me while looking up with those mesmerizing purple eyes of hers. I thank my lovely samurai girlfriend for her kind service with a peck on the cheek and she steps aside.

The other girls show barely any reservations while working for their share. Even Ghilerie looks pretty comfortable but she did spend a night with me and Teffith at the same time so I don’t think she has any issues with others being around.

Nevertheless, we take a few minutes since I don’t want to make it feel too fake with the fact that I can shoot pretty much one after another a few times in a row due to my abilities and quite strong body. They could feel weird with that. Instead, they can enjoy the satisfaction of actually bringing me to the edge by themselves and kind of earning the breakfast pudding. I can tell they appreciate it. As weird as it sounds.

Trying to ignore the hilarity of this situation, we leave my tent in turns to make it a little less suspicious. The girls do get some confused stares from the guys—but not from Natalie, so I guess they did explain it to her—when they all mention that they will be skipping on meals from now on to test some experimental rations my cooks prepared.

Kamil and Paul don’t hide their uncertain expressions but it looks like the girls manage to fool them by explaining that I wanted to do it on my own when they learned about it and insisted on participating so much that I had no other choice but to agree. And supposedly, I have only enough of those rations for the four of them to participate for long enough to get valuable results and even one more person would be too much. These scheming vixens.

So, we depart towards the scorching lands with the prospect of my cock getting sucked at least eight more times today if we stop for dinner and dessert. What the fuck is even happening?

The moment we step out of the shadow the dark brown gate casts on the ground, we immediately realize the sun wants nothing else but to murder us. The heat is so strong it feels like we have stepped inside an oven at half power or more. I can already see Kamil boiling under his full plate metal armour after a few seconds in the light.

I have no fucking clue how that’s even possible. Yeah, I know, scorched earth, no trees, cracked and completely dried up ground don’t assimilate heat as good as the green regions and that’s why deserts are… deserts, but holy fuck, can there be such a huge difference literally one step from the edge? It’s like you could almost stand in the centre of the keep and feel cold and hot on your arms extended to the sides.

“Oh, fuck me… I feel like one of those baked potatoes you wrap in aluminium foil and throw into the fire…” Kamil curses while trying to make some space around his collar.

“This is bad,” Natalie comments. “It’s much worse than what we have been told. We will be struggling to survive, not even mentioning fighting in such an uninhabitable environment.”

“I hate to say this with how much I love the tropics but I have to agree,” Marcia chimes in. “This is some hardcore stuff. How do people even handle it? Besides going around, of course.”

Shino glances up at me as I rub my chin. “Sensei?”

“I’m thinking. Does anyone have any ideas? Or do we really have to circle this whole plot of land?”

“If it’s too much then I can go around it alone for the rest of the way. I don’t want to impose on you for many more weeks, Alastair,” Ghilerie suggests with a smile after placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shake my head and look her in the eyes. “That won’t do. I promised to escort you all the way and I’m not going to chicken out at half-point. This path is the shortest, but… Hmmmm…”

As I dive into my thoughts, the others start discussing it amongst themselves and the noise reaches my ears in a muffled state with how focused on finding a solution I am. I bring my menus up and stare at my abilities. When my eyes land on What’s Mine is Yours, I raise a brow at it and tap the skill.

The familiar catalogue of abilities that I can borrow from my intimate Partners shows up, sorted by the names of the owners. I check one by one to make sure I don’t miss anything important even if a person with physical specialization might not have the highest chances of holding a useful skill for this situation. You never know.

After going through tens of them, I stop at Cornelia’s list. This should be the best place to look for a solution. She’s a powerful Frost Magician. For a few moments, I consider borrowing her Ice Magic or Glacial Breeze but the first is just a broad compendium of quite offensive ice element spells and the other is a defensive hailstorm swirling around the user, which could possibly be harmful to allies.

Ice Prison, Ice Manipulation and Ice Cathedral won’t work either. The last one could be good but it would only let us drop a big and fancy igloo to cool down inside from time to time. The heat is so unimaginable we would need to summon it every few minutes.

That only leaves Coldblooded, a passive ability which she has used in the past in front of me, just after we spent our first night together. I more or less know how it works. I’m not sure if it will be enough but it at least doesn’t consume mana or a minuscule amount of it. Worth a try.

I steal Cornelia’s skill for myself, making a mental note to shower her in earnest thanks after we return and turn to the others.

“Alright. I have an idea.” I clap my hands a few times to interrupt their heated discussion.

“Sensei?” Shino tilts her head cutely.

I wink at her and activate the skill. Starting from my heart, my body temperature drops drastically and keeps decreasing as if wanting to race towards sub-zero for a shot at a Guinness record. My skin turns light blue and an extreme frost spreads through my whole being. If I’m not mistaken, my hair should have turned completely white and my eyes crystal blue.

I exhale with a shiver and a white cloud escapes my lips, quickly dispersing in the intense heat. Everyone stares at me with wide eyes and chins resting on the floor.

“What? Never seen someone turn into a fake Ice Elf?” I chuckle.

“Damn. That’s one way to look hot and cold at the same time.” Marcia snickers. “How does this help us?”

I extend a hand to her and strongly pull her into myself after she takes it, wrapping my hands around Marcia’s waist.

She shudders instantly. “Oh! Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

In a flash, she snuggles to me with as much body surface as she can, nuzzling her face into my neck and wrapping her legs around mine.

“This is blisssssssssssss…” Marcia purrs. “I call dibs on Mr Ice-Cream…”

The others stare at us in confusion. Shino is the second one to step closer and she places a hand on my cheek.

“Oh. Sensei’s skin is so cold. It really is like ice.”

“So, are we supposed to walk around while hugging you in turns?” Paul raises an uncomfortable brow at me.

I snicker and shake my head. “This is not the end. I want to try something more. But, first, someone has to pry this hot girl off me before she freezes to my skin like a tongue to a metal pole.”

Ghilerie and Teffith take the task on themselves and pull Marcia away as keeps playfully flailing and begging to stay in my arms like a small child getting forcefully separated from her doting mommy.

Then, I close my eyes and focus. There’s no doubt that I’m technically stronger and more powerful than Cornelia in many aspects. I don’t want to sound like a jerk here, but that’s just the truth with the whole Primordial thing and other stuff. Thus, I should be able to go a little further…

After around three minutes of intense willing for this normally unbearable cold to emanate from my body even stronger, I open my eyes to a quite peculiar sight. The ground around five meters in diameter from my position is covered with visible frost. I can tell that it’s not just the cracked earth but the air has gotten colder too. Occasional wisps of white frost swirl around me at various heights and distances.

“This should work. I think,” I comment while watching everyone else look around inside my frosty bubble.

“Amazing! It’s so pleasantly chilly here!” Marcia shouts joyfully and then snaps her gaze onto me with a mysterious grin. “Hey. Your whole body turned winter cold, right? Inside out?”

I raise a brow at her. “Uhhh… Yeah?”

“Does this mean that is a literal ice cream now?” She seductively licks her lips.

I snort and swipe down my face with a wry smile. God-fucking-dammit… Now I’ve been turned into a living ice cream dispenser? Really? Plug-and-fucking-play? Or rather, plug-and-fucking-suck? Gods… This won’t end well...

“Can you uphold it for the whole day?” Natalie asks, bringing me back from the unexpected revelation. “This must be an extremely draining magic.”

“It barely consumes anything. And my mana reserves feel almost bottomless. Not to boast, but I have 238 points in Intelligence and can utilize 100% of it so that definitely helps a little bit.”

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” Kamil screams in confusion while I catch Natalie’s brows rising almost to the top of her forehead for the first time in my life. “How can you have so much?!”

“I’m pretty sure you know exactly how.” I shrug. “Perks of being Sexmancer and things like that. Being surrounded by a few strong and loving wives does help a little.”

“He is a fucking god, that’s how!” Marcia laughs. “I’ll tell you all about it while we walk if you want. I’m quite fresh myself since Shino explained it to me just recently, but I got the gist of it. Come on! We shouldn’t waste more time! We have a pretty Elf to deliver home!”

Ghilerie blushes ever so faintly and smiles at the lively redhead. We slowly get into a proper formation and move out. As she promised, Marcia chats with Kamil about the details of my Class, my powers and everything else as they walk side by side. 

Surprisingly, I don’t receive any nefarious stares from the man in question. He only rolls his eyes from time to time and groans at his friend. With my boosted hearing, I catch Marcia teasing him about a different kind of skill and prowess a few times. I would have expected Kamil to get at least a little angry that I banged his friend under his nose but it looks like he really did change to some extent.

We journey through the scorched land which looks like a completely dried-up bottom of a river or lake—perhaps one existed here hundreds if not thousands of years ago—while keeping our guards up for any signs of danger. The chilly atmosphere in the five-meter radius around me helps our concentration a lot. And it’s not like monsters have that many spots to hide and ambush us.

Besides the different elevation of the terrain and occasional rocks of various sizes—and bones, lots of bones—there’s nothing around, really. A no man’s land. Maybe more like dead man’s land. It will be a pain travelling through this repetitive scorching hot and damaged earth.

We take a break for dinner. Obviously, as much as Marcia would love to, the girls decide not to consume their meal straight from the dispenser in front of everyone and agree that bringing out a tent to hide the process would be awkward. Besides, everyone wants to stay near me and chill. Literally.

Thus, our experiment changes from three meals a day to two and they skip dinner. I argue that it’s not exactly the best idea in our current situation but Marcia somehow manages to convince the rest that they will be fine and that they will stop immediately when one of them feels like it affects them negatively. In the end, I surrender and eat my normal portion with the others.

The rest of the day passes uneventfully and we set up a camp. I disable my borrowed skill since it won’t be of any use during cold desert nights and we all go to sleep after spending some time chatting together around the fire. Of course, not without the girls showing up in my tent for their share.

In the morning, I wake up before everyone else—excluding Paul, who held the last shift—and get my chill vibes going to save my sleeping friends from the suffering of having to wake up drowning in their own sweat from the unbearable heat.

I have spent a night alone this time since the girls didn’t want to wake me up when switching shifts. Marcia shows up in my tent as the first one while mumbling something about being unable to wait anymore to taste my frosty cream for breakfast. 

She proceeds to do exactly that after caressing the winter-cold south pole with her tongue for a few moments, relishing in the chilled popsicle. She keeps sighing in bliss while consuming what she calls the sweetest iced whipped cream ever

Teffith, Ghileire, and even Shino agree with her after showing up for their meals and the four dazzling beauties start openly discussing their individual impressions of my delicious, snowy cum. What a time to be alive…

After packing up the camp, we continue forward. Nothing special happens in the next three days. The occasional dog-sized scorpions and snakes that show up mostly during the night or around the early and late hours are dealt with by our rangers. Ghilerie is more than happy to make use of her new bow and boosted stats. 

There are also no issues with my plan. I don’t feel drained by Coldblooded, even with how much the girls drain me every day, and they actually seem fine too. More than fine, I’d say. It’s a weird thought but my seed really makes them full and energetic. And, of course, a bit stronger with the temporary buff.

On the fourth day, we are still making our way through this dead land when the ground starts suddenly shaking out of nowhere.

“What the fuck is this?” Kamil shouts, surprised, trying not to fall down.

“No idea but stay alert!” Paul replies and we all look around, battle-ready.

Then, one by one, giant pillars emerge from the scorched ground at various spots around us and then dive back into the brown dirt. Five enormous Sandworms start circling us, each with jaws wide enough to swallow three people at once.

“Ah, shit…”

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