I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 1651 Meeting An Old Friend

For them, he was prepared to suffer to let them enjoy a better life, much better and peaceful than what his family gave to him.

"I believe so," Hye raised his head to see a portal appearing out of nowhere. The first step to reach his goal was by going back to the same place he went to many years ago.

Hye never stepped a single foot outside his apocalypse except for two times. At one time, he went to visit a god, and at another he went to visit the Bringold impact.

And right now, that portal appeared to link his world to the world of the Bringold impact.

Hye wasn't the same newbie he was when he went there. He learnt a lot of things already about impacts. Each impact took at least one world as a base for their operations. And the more worlds the impact got, the higher that impact grade and stance in the universe became.

The Bringold impact was indeed a mediocre one as Hye previously expected. It controlled just ten worlds, a little figure compared to the big shots. Comparing it with the impact Silverlining was working for, it was clear how weak and powerless they were.

Silverlining's impact controlled a staggering two hundred worlds or even more. That was mainly thanks to the huge support it got from the Toranks race and empire, a thing that all the big empires and races did in the universe.

Hye knew in the past years that Silverlining's impact was just a front of the Toranks race. And that meant whatever deals he made with him, were in fact deals with the race and empire.

"Make sure you are going to be safe," the farewell was indeed quite bitter and surprising to all. Hye never expected to grow such strong ties with his girls, with his family, with his trusted men, with his kingdom.

Yet when he saw how tearful they were by his departure, he became more affirmative at his earlier decision.

"I'm going to make our home flourish and grow to become the strongest force in the entire universe," he took such a vow to himself while stepping slowly and firmly towards the portal.

He engraved their faces, this entire picture to his mind while the world around vanished and was replaced with pure silver fog.

He was going out after twenty years, and he intended to make such a first trip worthy to shock the entire universe.

The blinding brightness vanished after a few minutes. It was the same when he went before to visit this impact. And when he arrived there, he found himself standing in the middle of a big hall, with no one else there except one.

"Long time no see," Hye recognised his old friend from the first glance, "you still look as fabulous as ever."

She was the green nymph lady, the one who he met and interacted with before. "I see you are still as naughty as ever, hahahaha!" she laughed, while pointing towards a small, rounded table on one side with four seats there, "let's sit and speak. It sounds like ages have passed since we last talked."

"Is there anyone else coming?" Hye followed her there and asked while motioning towards the other two empty seats.I think you should take a look at

"Well, many wanted to meet the celebrity, the young prodigy who shook the entire universe twenty years ago. But the impact leaders saw it better for you to deal with someone you are already familiar with."

"They are correct indeed," Hye nodded, looking around, "nice place. I don't recall being here before."

"Your only visit here was limited to the auction hall and my room," she softly chuckled, placing a playful expression on her face, "do you want to go and check that room again?"

"Perhaps at another time," Hye knew she wanted to deepen her ties with him using her bed. But he already got enough joy from his girls to not need to touch any random woman like her, "tell me, how is the impact doing?"

"As if you don't know this," she bitterly smiled, "you are the main reason behind our current situation."

"I did nothing," he shrugged, but he knew what she was referring to. In fact, the impact was always weak and had a low stance, but it controlled double the worlds it got now.

Twenty years ago, and when they dealt with Hye, they made lots of future deals to secure more income. At that time, they got the courage to buy more worlds and add them to their belongings, doubling even their world count.

But when Hye cut all ties with them, they ended up in a very tough situation. Many came asking for compensation, and they ended up with just the ten worlds they got right now.

Hye didn't feel any guilt at all in what happened to them. They wanted to scam him and ended up getting screwed by their wrongdoings. He got nothing to do with any of that. If they dealt with him honestly and with dignity, then he'd never sought any other impact but them.

In return for that, they'd have ended up having a hundred worlds, or even better.

"You could have negotiated with us," her face was getting darker the more she spoke, the more she recalled the tight times she and the impact had to live through thanks to him, "we could have fulfilled any desire of yours, no matter what!"

"If you betrayed me once, you'll betray me forever," Hye didn't show any courtesy and said what he truly felt, "but as you can see, I didn't blacklist you."

"Lucky for us," she showed a smile that wasn't one, "but this is just a onetime deal. We want more, if possible, of course."

"Hmm… You do know whom I've dealt with after breaking ties with you, right?"

"The Toranks race got a huge empire and a very wealthy impact, they don't need anyone like you by their side," she indeed knew what Hye did after leaving her impact.

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