I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 70

Chapter 70

"Kill!" Outside the camp, a chaotic scene unfolded instantly. Goblins shouted for slaughter, not against enemies but aiming their weapons at their own kind. In the eyes of these goblins, their comrades had turned into loathsome enemies. If they didn't kill the other, they would be killed!

A group of goblin warriors who had just returned from outside also fell into chaos instantly. This was the power of succubi. Their mental attacks were terrifying. If Vivian, with her strength fully unleashed without suppression, could display her Demon Lord Level power completely, her abilities would be even more frightening.

With full force, she could plunge an entire medium-sized city into chaos within a short time! Those with slightly weaker abilities would be affected. This time, dealing with the goblins in this tribe was effortless.

"What's going on?" In the goblin tribe, a human goblin looked puzzled upon hearing the screams outside. He saw that in the sky, a figure shrouded in demonic energy, swooping down. Wherever this figure passed, all goblins seemed to go mad, attacking their comrades as if they had become hideous enemies!

"Oh no!" The human goblin's face changed dramatically. Quickly, he pointed in the void, and the next moment, a transparent shield appeared around him, protecting him.

This shield came just in time because a dreadful mental wave had already swept over. The shield violently fluctuated and looked like it was about to break! Meanwhile, in front of the shield, other goblins were already in complete chaos. All goblins had turned red-eyed, engaging in a frenzy of killing their own kind.

This human goblin was stupefied. In front of him, there was a panel only he could see. It was his system panel.

Su Mo's guess was correct; this was indeed a Protagonist with a rare Lord system among the Protagonists. This system allowed him to continuously recruit goblins. As long as he expanded his territory, increased his prestige, and gained more resources, he would become increasingly powerful.

He chose to start in a relatively remote place where there were no Protagonists nearby. The surrounding areas only had some ordinary orc tribes.

After more than ten days of development, this guy had already made remarkable progress. The smaller orc tribes around him were no match for him. After defeating them, they all became his slaves. Seeing his strength growing, in a few more months, he could even establish a small Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, a powerful enemy emerged suddenly. On his system panel, the watchtowers in his territory displayed the enemy's level, which had skyrocketed to deep red. This was legendary or higher-level strength!

"Damn it! I've worked so hard, and now there's a Legendary Level to crush my hard work!" The Protagonist was on the verge of tears.

In his tribe, complete chaos had erupted; all goblins had gone mad. The figure emanating overwhelming demonic energy was closing in. The protective shield in front of him was already on the verge of collapsing!

"Let's go! Totem!" Seeing the approaching danger, the Protagonist had no choice but to use his final trump card.

In the rear of his territory, a totem-like pillar lit up. This was a special building. However, unless absolutely necessary, the Protagonist didn't plan to use this building.

It was akin to totems in some tribes, used for prayer to gain the protection of Gods. Yet, his tribe was too small, and there was no guarantee that any God would take notice. Even if one did, for such a small tribe, it was uncertain how strong the God would be.

But now, he could only try with a hopeful mindset. He quickly activated the totem. As the totem activated, it illuminated.

"It must succeed, it must succeed!" The Protagonist prayed fervently. At this critical moment, the shield, supported by more than ten days of accumulated energy, shattered. It barely lasted for less than two seconds before breaking completely. An invisible mental attack had already struck, and the Protagonist's eyes had become vacant.

But the next moment, at the location of the tribe's totem, a will descended.


Although the tribe was small, a new God had taken an interest in it. His luck was not bad! Perhaps to express sincerity, this new God even bestowed its will upon the tribe! This was like finding a treasure!

In some tribal wars, if a tribe was weak, even if they prayed fervently, no God would respond or intervene. For a tribe so small, who would waste their power on it?


"Humph, succubus!" As the will descended, it sensed that Vivian was a demon, and the will fiercely rushed towards her.

"Divine Will!" Vivian's expression remained unchanged. Instead of retreating, she crushed a black scroll in her hand. With her action, a much stronger will descended at the location of the scroll.

This will was incredibly domineering and rushed towards the new God's will. The incoming God's will trembled, seemingly frightened. The next moment, that will hastily retreated back into the totem, fleeing in panic. In an instant, there was no trace left.

"What the heck! What kind of enemy did I provoke?" Below, the Protagonist, who had just regained consciousness when the God's will descended, was crying.

He had used his most significant trump card, activated the totem, and found a backer for his tribe. However, before he even had a chance to face off, he was directly scared away.

Aren't you a God? Why were you scared away in such a dejected manner?

"Plea…" The Lord flow Protagonist looked at Vivian, attempting to plead for mercy. However, he lost consciousness halfway through his plea and fell into a deep coma.

"Master, do you want me to use these goblins to create a passage for you?" Vivian asked Su Mo's consciousness. As she spoke, Vivian's fingers moved slightly. Then, all the goblins ceased their fighting and stood there bewildered.

She carried a scroll given by Su Mo with her. After opening it, Su Mo's will could be brought down briefly. The combat power of the God's will was actually limited. It scared away the will that descended, making Su Mo realize that that God was probably just a Pseudo God who had recently entered the Heavenly Realm.

In the World of the Gods, every once in a while, there would be one or two Pseudo Gods entering the Heavenly Realm. These Gods were too weak. Someone like the Crescent Moon Goddess, who controlled a kingdom with a population of over a hundred million, was the real backbone of the Heavenly Realm.

"No need, destroy this tribe first, then leave the area. That God has sensed my demonic will; it might go report to someone," Su Mo said.

"Yes, Master!" After Vivian finished speaking, she stuffed the Lord flow Protagonist into a spatial bag. Then, with a wave of her hand, a large green flame erupted. The goblin tribe was engulfed in a massive fire. In a short time, the tribe was completely burned down, all buildings, all goblins, everything was killed.

As for Vivian, carrying the Lord flow Protagonist, she left the area.

Indeed, shortly after Vivian left, another will descended through the same passage that the Pseudo God's will had come through. Discovering that the area had turned into a sea of fire, that will quickly left.

With Vivian carrying the Lord flow Protagonist, they arrived at the top of a high mountain. There, she once again used a black scroll. With her use, Su Mo's consciousness reappeared.

"The space here is weak; draw a magic circle, and I'll come over immediately," Su Mo instructed Vivian. After giving instructions, he left the Holy See. Through the portal that the Crescent Moon Queen had already prepared for him, Su Mo returned to his territory. Then, from his castle, he returned to the Abyss.

On the other side, Vivian, on a mountaintop, used a large amount of black blood to draw a magic circle. This rare blood of a magical creature could be used to open a passage but had limitations against powerful beings. It didn't, however, restrict Su Mo, who had concealed his Succubus bloodline. Su Mo's consciousness arrived again.

"Master!" Vivian respectfully said and released the Lord flow Protagonist.

Strange red light flickered in Su Mo's eyes. Soon, he learned everything about this Lord flow Protagonist. This Protagonist indeed had a Lord System, a Silver Level Lord System.

"A Lord System… interesting," Su Mo murmured. With a movement of his fingers, the Lord flow Protagonist turned to ashes. Then, he placed this Lord system onto the Villain's panel.

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