I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.2 Ch.58 Morning Wood

Vol.2 Ch.58 Morning Wood

Quinus was carrying Rya in his arms as he found their room. It was a large living space with several bedrooms for the group to sleep in.

"Here we are," Quinus said as he laid Rya down on the queen-size bed.

"Hmm... Tha-nks Quin-n! You're the best Q-Quin!" Rya said with a smile as she patted him on the back.

"I told you to pace yourself," Quinus said with a grin as he walked over to the other side of the bed to sit down.

"But... I've ne-ver been dest-oryed by one beer before in my life! How could I?! I'm not a wimp!" Rya said with a giggle.

"You should take some time to rest and recover. You're still a young elf and haven't had the experience of drinking that much." Quinus tried to reason with her.

"Y-Yeah yeah! I need to s-sober up. But I'll te-ll you I can dr-ink two IPAs with no pro-blem!" Rya said nervously.

Quinus paused when he heard Rya talk about IPAs. That was a type of beer that wasn't brewed on Tertius.

'That's an American-style beer!? I-Is Rya from Earth!?' Quinus thought to himself as he tried to find a way to ask Rya if she was reborn on Tertius, just like him.

"It happens to the best of us... And the dwarves love higher alcohol in their ales... Hey?... What did you do with your sword?" Quinus asked as he started patting Rya's head. He wanted to make her relaxed so she might let more of her past slip out.

"Mmmm. Oh, I put it w-ith my pack." Rya said as she started to get more comfortable on the bed. The tips of her ears were a bright red thanks to Quin pampering her. 'Man... Quin is spoiling me again... This should disgust me... But... his strong hands... augh... I... think... I'm going to.... crash soon.'

"Hmm. What about your cell phone? You didn't lose that, right?" Quinus asked, hoping Rya would let it slip if she had one as he tried to help her relax.

"Oh, mmmmm. I-I left it b-ack.... at my....... apar-tment......" Rya said in a quiet voice. Her eyelids became heavy as she slowly closed them.

Quinus couldn't believe it, after all these years he's found someone from Earth. He thought that he was the only one who reincarnated into this world.

"D-Do you have a favorite movie?" Quinus asked another question hoping to get another answer.

"I... haven't.... gone... to... a... t-heater... in... a... l-ong......." Rya passed out before she could answer.

Quinus just stared at Rya's gorgeous face in awe. She was from Earth, and he felt so relieved that he didn't know what to do.

"I guess I've finally found a friend from Earth," Quinus whispered to himself.

"Sssnnnnnnoooorrrrrrgggghhhh..." Rya started to snore loudly as she fell asleep.

Quinus smirked and kept patting her head as she slept comfortably on the bed.

'You've become more important to me Rya. I hope you'll tell me more about your past when you wake up. But I'll let you tell me when you are ready,' Quinus thought to himself.

After five minutes of staring at her, Quinus decided to get into bed with her slowly. He was careful not to disturb her as he got under the sheets. Once he got comfortable himself he turned his head to the side and focused on her sleepy face. It didn't take long for Quinus to start yawning and close his eyes.

"I'm looking forward to learning more about you," Quinus mumbled.

Rya didn't hear his comment, but it didn't matter because the two slept together on the large bed.


That night, Rya slept the best she'd ever had in quite some time. She was so tired that she didn't even notice she'd snuggled next to Quin who was sleeping peacefully. Rya started hating going to sleep this past week thanks to the Goddesses who usually would try to mess with her in her dreams. But ever since that night when the Goddesses tried to break her mentally by mind-linking her soul with her girlfriend, who was back on Earth, the Goddesses seemed to stop trying to interfere with her dreams.

She woke up to the light shining through the window. She looked around to see Quin lying next as her arms and legs were wrapped around him.

'O-Oh no! We didn't do it!? Did we? I-I don't remember!' Rya panicked as she came back to her senses. That's when she noticed that both she and Quin slept with their clothes on.

'Oh thank god! I thought for a second that I went too far!' Rya panicked as she moved her hands away from Quin and noticed that her crotch was itchy from pressing up against Quin's leg.

'D-Dammit! Why is my crotch so sensitive!? Is it because of the wool?' Rya thought to herself.

'Wait, what is this?' Rya wondered as she reached down and rubbed her chest. "Ahh!" Rya gasped when she felt her nipples harden and her body began to heat up.

'AUNGH! No! This isn't happening!' Rya moved her hands away from her chest and tried to calm down. But she started to panic once she heard a noise from inside the room.

Rya noticed Quin's eyes were still shut and the noise was coming from behind her.

'I-It not Quin? Oh god! It's Dalia!? Is she awake?!' Rya thought as she quietly lifted her head up and looked at the other two beds. One was empty and the other had a naked wolfkin riding an 18-year-old man with a surprisingly huge cock?

'I knew it! She has no shame! And Jesus, Percy!? His dick is huge!' Rya thought to herself as she saw the size of Percy's cock and how it was positioned deep inside Dalia.

"Huff... Ahhh!" Rya started to gasp as she touched her own breasts and felt her nipples growing hard again. Rya did like to watch porn and other erotic material back on Earth, but she never had anyone have sex in the same room as her before. And she was having trouble tearing her eyes away from them. Usually, Rya loved watching a woman's pussy but her eyes seemed to focus on a different body part, that being Percy's cock.

'What am I doing!? Aungh! This is so wrong! Why are my nipples hard!' Rya thought to herself as she continued to stare at the two of them.

"MMmmmm! Little wolf! I'm at the edge! Nagh!" Dalia tried to whisper but couldn't contain herself.

'Please, stop it!' Rya thought to herself as she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep but her idle hands kept rubbing her breasts.

The moans of the wolfkin and her mate echoed throughout the room which didn't help Rya to calm down.

'No, please! Stop! Please!' Rya begged herself to stop, but her body wasn't listening and begging for more stimulation.

"D-Dalia!... I'm almost there! Mmm!" Percy groaned out as he slowly pushed his cock inside the wolfkin's pussy.

Rya could hear Dalia's legs wrap around Percy's waist. The elf wanted to resist but her curiosity got the better of her and she opened her eyes to see Percy lifting his hips up with Dalia going on a ride. The wolfkin's ass cheeks tightened up while her hips started to move. Dalia moaned as she was riding her mate.

'OH FUCK!... I-I'M GONNA CUM TOO!?' Rya bit her lower lip as she thought about her own orgasm. Her hands continued to play with her body.

Dalia's tail was wagging rapidly and hitting the wooden frame of the bed, making the sound of a wooden board knocking.

'Why the fuck did they have to pick that bed?' Rya thought to herself as she felt the build-up, her toes curling and her breathing becoming heavy.

"I'm so close, Dalia... I can't hold back anymore!" Percy hissed as he was on the edge.

"Do it my little wolf! Mark me so no other male will come near me!" Dalia growled and moaned out.

'OH MY, GOD!... MY PUSSY IS SO FUCKING HOT! IT'S SO UNFAIR!' Rya thought as she felt her nipples getting harder and her clit rubbed against her thighs underneath the blankets.

"YYYYYeeeeesssss! Right there!" Dalia moaned out as she gripped Percy's shoulders.

'Oh God! What am I doing!? This is so wrong! BUT I CAN'T STOP!' Rya thought to herself as she felt her pussy getting wetter and wetter.

"D-Dalia? AAAAHHHHH!" Percy groaned as he began to cum inside Dalia's womb.

"Aungh!? OH YES! FILL ME UP!" Dalia cried out as her whole body began to spasm.

'OH GOD! QUIN! UUGGGHHH! I CAN'T HOLD ON ANYMORE! AUNGH!!!' Rya screamed in her head as she felt her pussy getting squeezed by her thighs as the pleasure became too much to handle.

"YYEAAAAAAH!" Percy growled out as he exploded inside the wolfkin.

"NNNNGGGGGGGGHHHHH!" Rya tried not to moan out loud but a few sounds escaped her mouth as she was orgasming. Her cum squirted out between her legs and the crotch of her pants was soaked.

Rya had an orgasm before but nothing was like this. She felt so dirty, and it made her feel guilty that she thought of Quinus while watching them. She tried her best to remain silent and acted as if she was sleeping but her orgasm was taking its time to settle.

'Oh God... W-what's going to happen now? Are they going to notice that I was awake the entire time?' Rya panicked as she lay there with her eyes shut. She had to wiggle her toes to distract her from the annoying itch that was deep inside her pelvis.

Luckily for Rya. the two love birds were too caught up in their post-sex bliss to notice.

"Hehehe! That's my little wolf! Mmmmmaw! Aaah! Y-Your cum feels so good! Yeah! Ohhh! Yes! You're going to make me cum too!" Dalia moaned out as she laid her head on Percy's chest.

"L-Lady Dalia, we should stop now. We shouldn't wake Lady Rya or the Prince," Percy said as he rubbed her back.

"N-No! Let me cum one more time!... Please?" Dalia begged as she wrapped her arms around Percy's neck and kissed him deeply.

"F-Fine... B-But please make it quick, My Alpha," Percival said as he massaged Dalia's ass cheek.

'Does having a cock in you feel that good?... I wonder how big Quin is?... Gah! No, Ryan! You're a man! And just because I have a pussy doesn't mean that I'm a woman! Grrr! I don't understand why I'm feeling this way.' Rya thought to herself as she tried to ignore the two of them.

Dalia's nose began to twitch as she picked up Rya's mating scent. The wolfkin turned her head and looked at the sleeping elf, who was covered up in the blankets. She smirked when she realized that Rya was awake and was playing with herself the entire time.

"Dalia! E-Eyes up here, please! I need you to watch me..." Percy whispered into Dalia's left ear.

"Hmm? Ohhh... Yes, my Wolf!" Dalia moaned as she lifted her head to look at Percy's face.

One of Rya's hands started to creep down from her breasts to her crotch and she slowly undone the string to her pants.

"Ah! My Wolf's cock is so big and strong! Ahhh! Don't stop! Uunghhhh!" Dalia moaned out a little louder as she felt Percy's cock sliding in and out of her pussy. The Wolfkin was excited to make both her mate and her new friend cum again.

"As you wish, my Alpha! Cum for me!" Percy groaned as he pushed his hips forward and buried himself inside Dalia.

"Uuuuhhhhh! Y-You're so thick! I'll cum again soon! Uuughhhhhh! This is what drives females wild... You're the best, my Wolf," Dalia moaned while she occasionally glanced to her side to watch Rya's expression as she masturbated.

'God, they won't stop. I've already cummed once, and I feel disgusted that I'm still aroused. It's not fair! Why are women's bodies like this?!' Rya thought to herself. She couldn't resist the temptation any longer as she pushed her fingers past the waistband of her pants and felt the soaked underwear that was stuck to her pussy. Her will to stop herself was crumbling as her hand was now rubbing the little bead size clit between her legs. She kept her eyes tightly shut as if nothing was happening. But the more she played with herself the more her imagination ran wild. It didn't take long before images of Percy fucking Dalia from behind started coming into her mind. These images were of Percy thrusting into Dalia's body which was making the itch in Rya's crotch even worse.

'Aungh! Why do I get these images?' Rya thought to herself as her fingers worked their way into the folds of her pussy.

"Don't stop! Keep going!" Dalia cried out as she dug her nails into Percy's back.

The images started to change as Percy became Quin. The Prince was fucking Dalia in Rya's fantasy. 'Dalia?... WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH QUIN!?!?' Rya yelled in her mind. She knew Dalia wasn't having sex with Quin but her emotions were going haywire.

"O-Ohhhh! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck my tight little cunt! Fill me up with your cum! Make me moan!" Dalia whispered out as she pushed back harder against Percy's cock.

At some point, Rya's finger started entering her pussy. Her body was starting to become weak as another orgasm was beginning to build inside her as her imagination of Quinus fucking Dalia got wilder. It didn't take long for Rya's fantasy to change from the wolfkin being fucked to morphing Dalia into Rya being fucked by Quin. It was so surreal, vivid, and god damn hot seeing herself with a lewd face as Quin's massive cock was sliding in and out of her pussy.

'This is wrong! I shouldn't be thinking about this! This isn't hap-AUNGH!' Rya's thoughts were interrupted when her fingers brushed against her G-spot.

"I'm gonna cum again! Faster! More! Fill me up with your hot seed!" Dalia hissed out as her words were mixed with moans and screams.

The images of Rya getting fucked continued and at some point, her feminine side took over as she couldn't help but notice how attractive Quin was. Rya couldn't get his eyes and his smile out of her mind. And she could feel her pussy tighten every time she thought of him.

'Hmmm... I want this! Ohhh... You're so hot, Quin! Mmmphh! Let me have your cock! Just this one time!' Rya thought to herself as she rubbed her G-Spot faster and faster. The Dark Elf had lost herself to her fantasy making her rational mind lose all sense of reality.

"Yes! Take it! Fill me up! Yes! Uuuuhhhh! Oooohhhhh!" Dalia moaned out as she started to shake uncontrollably from an intense orgasm.

'AAAUUUUUGGGNNNNHHHHH!!!' Rya's eyes rolled up into her head as she too lost control and orgasmed again.

Her hands worked the insides of her pussy which made her hips buck wildly into the air from all the pleasure that she was feeling. This pleasure was lingering and kept washing over her entire body, for a minute, before she came down from her high. After her ecstasy had subsided for what seemed like an eternity. Rya's eyes began to regain their focus and then she looked around the room in a panic once she realized that she had an orgasm fantasizing about Quin, who was the very same man who was lying right next to her in the same bed.

'W-What have I done? I-I... Aungh! My crotch still feels so warm! Please, God!... Tell me that no one saw that!' Rya thought to herself. But she started to relax when she heard the sound of a female moaning on the other side of the room.

Rya was relieved when no one was looking at her as the two lovebirds were making out. With the coast clear Rya quickly pulled her pants up and retied the string.

'W-Why is my body betraying me?... I never felt this way about a man before! What is happening to me!? God! This is so wrong!' Rya panicked mentally.

"Hehe. You're such a good boy, little wolf... Maybe we should go for another round," Dalia whispered to Percy as she stroked his cheek and smiled at him.

'RAH! That is the reason why I had such weird thoughts! It was Dalia's fault!... You're a BAD GIRL, DALIA!... You made me horny and also made me imagine myself getting fucked by Quin. It was your fault!... I was only trying to sleep, but no! She had to have sex with Percy! Grrrr! I was fine for this entire trip to Ironside but you couldn't control yourself and made me think about having sex with Quin! Which I'm not going to do!... Haah... I need to wait for them to leave, then I can go to the bathroom to clean myself off... I've made such a mess.' Rya lied to herself as she lay there with her eyes closed.

"Haha. Well, you are a beautiful woman, Lady Dalia."

"Aww! Thank you my handsome Wolf. You are also very pretty yourself. Hehehe," She replied with a giggle while teasing Percy.

"Y-Yeah... Thanks. I mean... We probably should get cleaned up, my Lady." Percy answered as he blushed.

"Haah... Yeah, Alpha would be disappointed in me if we didn't look presentable," Dalia added.

Dalia gave Percy a little kiss before getting up from the bed and walking towards the door. "Come on little wolf. I'll need your help washing my back. And I can wash yours? I hope?" Dalia teased him with a wink. Then she glanced at Rya, who was pretending to be asleep but the wolfkin could smell Rya's mating scent wafting in the air which made her smirk.

After Dalia was satisfied with her work, she turned to the door that went out into the hallway, and walked out of the room. Percy quickly grabbed his pants that were on the floor and put them on to cover his manhood. Once he fastened the drawstring he hurried after his girlfriend leaving Rya and the sleeping prince in the room.

'Thank God they left! I really need to run to the bathroom. I feel like I have to pee.' Rya thought to herself as she grabbed her new pair of clothes and ran to the bathroom.

After Rya left Quinus opened his eyes. "Hmmm... I was going to reprimand Percy but maybe I'll hold off for now..."

Quinus thought he heard Rya say his name when she was playing with herself.

'I hope you want me, Rya... Because I will do everything in my power to make you feel ten times more love than anyone else!' Quin thought as he got out of bed and headed for the other bathroom.

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