I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.1 Ch.45 A Wolf Goes Out at Night.

Vol.1 Ch.45 A Wolf Goes Out at Night.

Upon finishing dinner Rya pulled Dalia through the hallways of the estate until they made it back to their bedroom. Rya quickly entered the room without a second thought and was surprised to run into a maid, who was organizing and cleaning up the mess that they made earlier.

"T-The elf?... I-I mean, how should I address my Lady?" The maid asked.

'Good one Ryan. Now they think we're slobs. I'll have to be more careful from now on. I don't want the staff to look down on us.' Rya thought before answering her.

"Um... You can address me as Rya and my friend here is Dalia. And I'm sorry about the mess. Dalia and I had a... disagreement on what to wear for dinner," Rya replied.

The maid bowed. "Apologies, Miss Rya. It's alright. I'll get back to work." The maid said as she began to clean up the mess.

"Thanks," Rya said.

"No problem. I should be finished in a moment, Miss Rya." The maid said as she exited the room with a bow.

'I feel like I should help her... But I have no clue if I would be getting in her way... It's probably for the best that I give her space. She probably would freak out if a guest started cleaning up in front of her.' Rya thought to herself while taking Dalia to the bathroom. So she could clean off all the food and grease that was smeared all over her hands and face.


It took Rya 15 minutes to get Dalia cleaned. It would have been quicker if the wolfkin would have just sat still.

"Dalia, you're a mess!" Rya yelled.

"Nope. I'm not. You are!" Dalia yelled back.

"Look at all this grime in your fur!" Rya said.

"There is no grime. There is only my natural beauty." Dalia boasted.

"You're going to catch a disease! Come back here!" Rya said as she chased the wolf girl around the bathroom until the poor wolfkin was cleaned head to toe again.

With that taken care of Rya led Dalia back to the bedroom, where the maid laid out two separate sleepwear garments for the both of them.

"Here you go, Miss Rya. Please try it on." The maid said.

Rya looked at the clothes and pulled out a white negligee.

"A-Are these really okay to wear?" Rya asked.

"Yes, I'm sure it'll look good on you. I have a good eye for this type of thing, Miss Rya," The maid replied with a proud smile.

Rya didn't know if this maid was telling the truth or trying to flatter her. She didn't want to say no because she felt it would be impolite.

'This is so embarrassing!' Rya thought.

Rya turned away and dressed in the white nightgown, while Dalia wore a similar outfit. The white lace negligee matched Rya's beautiful white hair and contrasted well with her dark tan skin. It barely covered her butt and had a plunging neckline that showed off her chest. Rya thought she would hate wearing such a garment, but it was surprisingly soft. It was comfortable to wear and it felt great to have on. But it didn't leave much to the imagination.

'It's not bad, I guess. But it is a little bit revealing... This might not be good for my mental health. I feel so exposed!' Rya thought.

She turned to the maid and said, "It's beautiful... But don't you think it's a bit too revealing?"

The maid giggled and shook her head.

"Miss Rya, I promise you, you're going to love sleeping in this outfit," The maid replied.

Rya blushed, feeling extremely self-conscious and embarrassed.

'But it's so... flimsy.' Rya thought while looking at the thin fabric.

"How about yours, Miss Dalia?" The maid asked the wolfkin who had a black lace negligee that was practically transparent on her.

"Hmm, these clothes are more acceptable than the ones you gave me, Alpha. Thank you." Dalia said with a smile as she did a spin in her new outfit.

'Well, I guess it's closer to being naked for her? Are all Wolfkins like this? I'll have to ask Quin about it later. Maybe he knows a thing or two about her kind.' Rya thought.

"I will take my leave, young Misses. If you need anything just pull the string by the nightstand." the maid said.

"Thank you!" Rya and Dalia replied with a nod.

"You're welcome. Good night," The maid replied with a bow before leaving the room.

'FINALLY, A BED!!!' Rya exclaimed to herself as she jumped on the bed and turned over to face the other side of the bed.

"Sooo soft. This bed feels like heaven!" Rya yelled out loud.

"Hmm? I guess it's, okay? I'd prefer to sleep up in a tree, instead of the ground. Even if it is soft," Dalia said while lying down on her stomach.

'Sleep in a tree!? Nah, fuck that. I'd rather sleep on a cloud than a tree branch,' Rya thought as she snuggled into the covers.

"What's wrong with sleeping on a mattress?" Rya asked in confusion.

"Nothing really... It's comfortable, but I feel safer, high up, in a tree." Dalia explained.

'Oh! That makes sense... Yeah, I guess she's so used to being in the wild that trees feel like the safest spot for her. Especially if she were attacked by monsters.' Rya thought to herself.

*Yawn* "Well, it should be safe here, thanks to Quin. Anyway, I'm going to sleep. Good night, Dalia," Rya said while covering herself with the blanket.

"Goodnight Alpha," Dalia replied with a small yawn.

Rya quickly fell asleep, and Dalia just laid there on the bed wondering about everything that led her here.


After a half hour of lying on the bed, Dalia opened one eye to see if Rya was asleep.

She saw Rya was sprawled out while snoring lightly. Dalia smiled as she quietly got out of bed, making sure she didn't wake Rya.

Dalia went straight to the door to the hallway patiently listening for any activity outside of the door.

She waited for a minute and then carefully opened the door. The wolfkin was hoping to sneak out without alerting the servants. When the coast was clear Dalia slowly made her way down the hallway towards the other bedrooms.




'Ah! Found the young one's scent. Time to mark you, little cub.' The wolfkin grinned. 'You're mine now...'

Dalia cracked open the door to Percy's room. Sir George was nowhere to be seen as she scanned the room until she spotted the bed in the back of the room with a lump underneath the covers.

"Perfect, the pup's asleep. He'll never see it coming," Dalia chuckled quietly.

Dalia proceeded to walk through the door while taking note of her surroundings. She noticed a bookshelf full of books and a desk with papers scattered everywhere. Next to the desk was a large bed that looked like it could fit three adults comfortably. And there, lying in the middle of the bed was Percy.

Dalia quietly peeked inside the covers and saw Percy sleeping soundly.

"Such a sweet cub," Dalia whispered to herself.

'He looks so cute and defenseless. He smells like a newborn baby, too.' Dalia thought while staring intently at the sleeping figure in front of her.

She looked behind her at the closed door and thought she heard someone walking by. After a few seconds of nothing happening, Dalia turned back to face Percy.

'He's mine now. Time to take what is rightfully mine, my cub.'

The wolfkin carefully crawled under the blankets and onto the bed, moving slowly and carefully. She didn't want to make too much noise and wake him up before she pounced on him and just as she was about to, she saw him shift and he started to mumble in his sleep.

"Mmmm. Oh, Lady Dalia. I wou........... you-" Percy muttered in his sleep.

Dalia was surprised to find that Percy was dreaming about her. She watched as he continued to mumble.

"Lady Dalia... I would like to... You. You are so... Beautiful." Percy murmured as he moved slightly in his sleep.

'So the little cub dreams about me? Human males are so weird.' Dalia thought while her tail was wagging.

"Mmmmmmm, oh, Lady Dalia. I wouwwwww..."

Dalia felt her heart flutter hearing him say her name in his sleep. It made her feel warm and special, something she hadn't felt ever in her life. Demi-humans don't usually court each other in this way. Beastkin males would usually force the females to mate with the strongest male of the pack. So they could create a stronger pack. This was so foreign to her, that instead of pouncing on Percy right then and there. She decided to take a different approach.

'I don't know why I want to do this. But it's an interesting and weird idea... I just hope he doesn’t wake up... Don't disappoint me, little cub.' Dalia thought to herself.

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