I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.159 Traveling North

Vol.0 Ch.159 Traveling North

On the morning of the Fiafyr Trials of Adulthood, Quinus was in his room getting ready. The night before, he was told what to pack. So all he needed was a few essentials like food, water, and a bedroll.

Once he finished packing, Quinus sat down and started reading the book his mother gave him. The book was a collection of fairy tales and folk stories that his mother had loved when she was younger.

'I find it strange to read fairy tales when I'm living on a planet with magic and monsters. It makes it feel less magical to me.'

Quinus continued reading until he heard a knocking on his door.

"Enter," Quinus called out.

Lady Wina and three maids opened the door and bowed their heads, "Good morning, your Highness. We have brought you some breakfast."

Wina wore her usual attire with her assassin's gear hidden under her maid's outfit. It was an outfit that exaggerated all of her womanly charms that Quinus struggled to look away from.

"Thank you, Lady Wina. Please, let me get dressed and then we can have breakfast," Quinus said as he quickly threw a tunic on and some pants.

"Of course, My Prince," Wina replied with a nod as the other maids got to work cleaning his room and putting fresh sheets on his bed.

"You are all dismissed. I will handle the rest," Wina ordered the other maids.

"As you wish, Lady Wina," The maids replied as they left the room.

Wina was one of his escorts to the Labyrinth. Quinus thought it was a little too much to have his personal maid join him on his escort. But the Queen insisted and Quinus didn't argue with his mother.

"Please sit and enjoy your meal," Wina said.

Quinus was given a plate of eggs, bread, and meat along with a bowl of stew. He started eating faster than normal due to him being a bit anxious.

"Hmm? Is there something on your mind, your Highness? Are you nervous?" Wina asked.

"I can't help but feel a little uneasy. Even though I fought monsters in the southern plains with Percy and Sir Mathew. And dealt with bandits, I've never gone into a labyrinth... Everything I read about them seems like they are beings... Like I am intruding on a living entity and going through its home. It's a bit unsettling..." Quinus sighed.

Wina walked over and placed her hand on his shoulder, "You'll be fine, your Highness... Danger is all around us no matter where you go. And if something does happen. We are here to protect you."

"Thanks, Lady Wina," Quinus said.

"It is my duty as your servant, My Prince," Wina bowed.

Quinus felt a little more comforted by Wina's words. But it still didn't help him get rid of his nerves.

"We are to meet the others at the north gate at 7 am. So we should leave in the next 15 minutes," Wina said.

"Sounds good," Quinus said.

After 10 minutes, Quinus and Wina were headed to the north gate where his parents, Sir Mathew, and Sir George were waiting.

"I hear you'll be coming back with a harem, Quin," Sir Mathew said.

"Huh? Was that what Sir George told you?" Quinus asked.

"Haha, no. My wife told me you needed rescue during the party yesterday," Sir Mathew replied.

Quinus looked at Wina who looked away acting like she didn't hear anything.

'Haah... My own maid betrays me... I can't blame her... I bet I looked ridiculous.'

"Rescue is a bit of a stretch," Quinus said as he turned back to Sir Mathew.

"If the Prince was truly in distress, he would have called for us, Sir Mathew." Lady Wina replied with a wink to her husband.

"Well, it was nice to see the ladies are interested in you, Prince Quinus. But don't take their affection for you at face value. You need to make sure it's genuine," Sir Mathew said as he gave a wink back to his wife.

"Huh? If a woman gives you attention then you have the upper hand! What's more genuine than that," Sir George added out of nowhere as he interrupted the conversation.

Wina's face soured while Quinus put a hand up to his face trying to hide from secondhand embarrassment. Mathew looked at George exasperated as this was the hundredth time he'd commented on this.

Quinus stepped in before the two were about to go into a debate again, "Sir George... If you are as well known for your ways with the women as you are with the sword, then you would have your own harem... How many are in it again? I lost count at zero," Quinus said, cutting him off.

Sir George turned to Quinus and gave a look of betrayal. Then it turned to defeat as he wanted to counter the Prince's claims. But he knew Quinus was right.

"T-that is a low blow, Prince Quinus," Sir George replied.

"You lack situational awareness, Sir George. You keep trying to counter Sir Mathew, but he's married to a top-tier woman and has had a child with her. He's the last person you should be disputing," Quinus replied.

Wina was surprised by the Prince's quick wit. She looked over at her husband who seemed happy by the compliment.

"A top-tier woman? Well, I guess you're right about that," Sir George conceded with some reluctance. Normally he would try to continue arguing but the prince always seemed to know how to hit him where it hurt.

'Haah... I guess I'll take that as a win... For now.' Quinus thought as he looked around to see if he could find Percy.

"Hmm? Where's Percy? He's not here?" Quinus asked.

Wina stepped in and said, "He's training with Lady Nelumbo and couldn't make it today."

"So that's where he is. Why didn't you tell me that's where he went, Win?" Sir Mathew asked.

"You were busy getting everything together and I didn't have the chance to tell you," Wina replied.

"Hmm? Oh. Sorry, Win," Sir Mathew apologized.

"It's fine," Wina smiled.

Quinus thought it was strange that Sir Mathew didn't know that Percy was with Lady Nelumbo but in the end, he decided to drop it.

"It looks like the rest of the escorts have arrived," Sir George stated as he pointed towards a group of knights coming their way.

The knights were wearing the same armor that Sir George and Sir Mathew wore. None of them could join the prince in the Labyrinth but they will make camp at the entrance. Just in case they need to run in for rescue. They will also be tasked with keeping any monsters from wandering in and preventing or killing anyone who tried to enter the labyrinth during the trials without the permission of the crown.

Quinus's parents walked up to their son.

"Are you ready, Quin?" the King asked.

"I am," Quinus replied.

"Quin, you know what's on the line if you don't pass this," the Queen said.

"I know Mother. I won't give them a chance to question my worth as the Crown Prince," Quinus said.

"Just make sure you focus on yourself. I believe you are more than capable of handling these obstacles and challenges. The Goddess has already given you her blessing. Remember that," the Queen said.

"Right, I will," Quinus said as he nodded.

"Good luck, son. I will see you after the test," the King said as he patted Quinus on the shoulder. While his mother hugged him. After his parents gave him their blessings, Sir Mathew and Wina joined them.

"Be careful out there. And protect my son, Sir Mathew," the King ordered.

"Of course, your Majesty," Mathew bowed.

"I won't let you down, my King," Sir George also bowed.

"Thank you all. And may the Goddess guild you," the Queen said.

Quinus, Sir Mathew, and Wina bowed.

"Alright, Prince. It's time to get going. Everyone, mount up," Sir Mathew said.

The knights mounted their horses and started riding towards the north gate. The Labyrinth of the Lost Souls was a three-day ride north from the capital city.




As the Prince starts his journey up north. Duke Alaric was in the study of the Divalo Manor.

*Knock! Knock!*

"Come!" Duke Alaric said as he was still reading through his documents.

The door opened to Head Butler, Belial.

"My Lord. Your nephew has started his journey and that traitor is joining him... Should we recall the messenger?" Belial asked.

"No... Things are stable around here and my punishment will be lifted soon. I wished to see her panic when I confronted her yesterday but she was too calm and collected to easily get a reaction out of her. She really does make a man want to break her down. But her death will be more than satisfying at this point. Even if the prince is caught in the crossfire then so be it," Duke Alaric said.

"I'll trust in your plan, My Lord. But what will be our contingency plan if things don't work out?" Belial asked.

"She will be continuously hunted by the Assassin's Society... And she will be far away from the capital city for me to get blamed for this. Even if Quinus is caught up in the fighting. He most likely will come out of it unscathed... That bastard has fate on his side. But she doesn't... At least she will pay for what she did to me and my family," Duke Alaric sneered.

Belial smiled, "Yes, My Lord. And if there is nothing else, I shall leave you to your thoughts."

Duke Alaric nodded and waved his hand to dismiss Belial. Once alone, Alaric leaned back in his chair.

"I've waited a long time to do this... Wina Daz... You will regret the day you humiliated me and took my family's honor. No one gets the better of House Revelia and lives to tell about it."

And with that, the Duke went back to work going through his documents.




The three-day trip was boring for the most part. Aside from a few skirmishes with monsters. They found a spot to set up camp beside the road for the night. Quinus was able to get some sword training in after dinner. Mathew was watching over him.

"You've improved, your Highness. I can see a big difference in you compared to last week," Mathew said.

"Really? I can barely tell," Quinus replied.

"It's tough to notice when you're focused on the task at hand. But once you relax and take a step back, you'll be able to see how far you've come," Mathew said.

"Why do they not allow us to carry our weapons for this trial? I feel like a mage has an advantage when going into the trials," Quinus asked.

"I've heard the rules for the trial are based on a story the Goddess told. The rules are simple, the challenger must survive the maze without any of their gear, and they can only use the skills that the goddess has gifted them," Mathew replied.

"So, is it to level the playing field? But, mages don't need weapons," Quinus asked.

"If the trials were about combat. Then you would be correct. But the trials are more about endurance and wit. It is something all of us who can grow our mana veins must do to prove our worth to the goddess. The trials are designed for Maja and Mages, regardless of their talents. The trial is supposed to help people understand themselves and grow from it," Mathew said.

Quinus sheathed his sword and sat down on a log near the fire as Mathew continued.

"The trials are also a place for the people of the kingdom to gather together. To share stories, and have a drink or two." Mathew said with a smirk as he looked like he was lost in nostalgia.

"You speak from experience, Sir Mathew? What happened during your trial?" Quinus asked.

"Hmmm? Well, I remember the first three floors were boring but the fourth floor was when I stepped into a portal that teleported me into a dark place. But it was a room of illusions that triggered things from my subconscious. I was scared. I was angry. And I was confused," Mathew said.

"Illusions? Triggered memories? That sounds a little odd. I was expecting something more... I don't know..." Quinus replied.

"It is a different experience for everyone. Some trials were similar. While others were vastly different," Mathew said.

"So... What happened in your trial?" Quinus asked.

Mathew looked off in the distance as he remembered the events of his trial, "I saw my family's home burning. The fire spread out to the surrounding fields, and then I saw the bandits dragging my mother out of our house. I wanted to scream. But I was powerless until something unlocked in me."

Quinus leaned forward as he wanted to hear more, "Then what?"

"My body felt a surge of energy coursing through me. I felt stronger, and faster. As the lightning was awakened inside me just like my father. It was at that moment that I was able to stop the bandits. And save my family. And before I knew it. I was warped out of the room and was on the fifth floor," Mathew replied.

"So the Goddess' trial helped you unlock a hidden skill?" Quinus asked.

"Not quite. I found out later from my father that I had awakened my bloodline," Mathew replied.

"Awakened a bloodline? You have a bloodline, Sir Mathew?"

"Yes, but keep it a secret. Bloodlines are rare and not well known," Mathew whispered.

Quinus looked at Mathew with surprise and then it changed to a serious face.

"Keep it a secret... I don't wish to break it," Quinus replied.

"Well... If you change your mind, ask," Mathew replied.

"I will," Quinus nodded.

As they sat on the log and looked into the flames of the fire. Two knights walked up and bowed.

"Sir Mathew... Your Highness... We believe the village of Vandia is only ten miles away." One knight said.

"We will reach it midday tomorrow," said the other knight.

"Good... Thank you," Mathew replied.

And both the knights left the Prince and Sir Mathew.

"It's been a long ride. But we are getting closer." Mathew said as he turned to Quinus. "We should get some sleep, your Highness. We will reach the entrance of the Labyrinth tomorrow afternoon and the trials will begin by the day after."

"Right... Goodnight Sir Mathew," Quinus said.

"Good night, your Highness," Mathew said as the two men turned in for the night.

Quinus didn't realize how tired he was until he laid his head on his pillow. It only took him a minute to fall asleep.

The next day, they reached the Village of Vandia. It is a simple village of farmers, fishermen, and a blacksmith. Usually, Villages that are located by a Labyrinth would grow into a big town or a city due to the trade and farming of resources from the labyrinth. However, this village didn't attract the same level of commerce and traffic due to the lack of valuable minerals and metals that came out of the labyrinth. Once in a while, an uncommon monster would wander inside the labyrinth and get trapped. But that seemed to happen once in a blue moon. 

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