I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.157 Quinus’s Tenth Birthday

Vol.0 Ch.157 Quinus’s Tenth Birthday

Since failing the mage's test. Quinus focused more on his swordsmanship with Percy over the past two years, until he finally turned ten years old. His birthday was celebrated for two days and there was a ball for the second day. The highlight was when his father announced that his son would go through the trials of adulthood and would be heading to the Labyrinth of Lost Souls.

It was said that the Goddess created the ancient labyrinth and it was designed to test the worthiness of the youth to become an adult. There have been stories of people going missing thanks to the labyrinth changing its portals every two to three hundred years. But the kingdom would send adventurers into the labyrinth just to make sure that no child of a noble would get trapped if the dungeon core changed its portals or if some monsters wandered in and got trapped inside the dungeon.

The Kingdom of Fiafyr was very strict when it came to their youth going through the trials. There have been rumors amongst the commoners of them using the labyrinth as a way to weed out the weak and stupid. This wasn't true of course, because this labyrinth wouldn't let anyone in unless they had a grown mana vein. If someone tried to enter the dungeon and didn't have a mana vein, they would get teleported back to the surface.

There were many rules and regulations that a child had to follow in order to go through the trials. The first thing is that they couldn't bring a weapon into the labyrinth. They could only carry a basic survival kit. And they could only wear basic clothes and shoes. The second thing they needed to do was seek out an impure ether crystal on the fifth floor. These crystals only got as big as a six-sided die and didn't have any monetary value but it shows that those who are able to collect them are worthy of becoming an adult.

As everyone was applauding Quinus, the nobles started to talk amongst themselves about the upcoming celebration.

"Are you not worried about sending your son, my liege?" Baron Johnathan Dule asked.

"I put in the quest to the Adventures Guild and requested them to go through the Labyrinth of Lost Souls to clear out any monsters that might be roaming around inside the mazes as well as having them check out the portals. It's only a matter of time before the dungeon core changes its layout. So, we are taking precautions." King Cyndre answered.

"Seems like overkill if you ask me, Your Majesty," Marquess Duval Wrightwood said a little loudly.

"I'm not letting the only heir to the throne of Fiafyr go inside a labyrinth without having some of the kingdom's strongest adventurers clear out the place to make sure the labyrinth is safe," King Cyndre said with a stern tone.

"I understand that my liege. But you're paying triple the amount just to send in adventurers who have cleared out the labyrinth from years past. Isn't that a bit overboard?" Marquess Duval said.

"I can assure you, Lord Wrightwood. I'm not doubting the competence of our adventurers. But I rather not take any chances and I want them to be thorough... Besides, my son has his retainer Sir George by his side training him until he enters the labyrinth and he has the best tutors teaching him everything he needs to know when dealing with the dungeon. I have complete faith in him," King Cyndre explained with a smile.

Marquess Duval didn't look too happy about spending all that money to make sure the Prince was safe. Especially, since he's been struggling to buy the support of the Minor Lords from Alaric. He was using way more money than he hoped and his treasury was dwindling down even with getting 75% of Duke Alaric's income. The Marquess thought it was going to be easy to gain the loyalty of the Minor Lords. But the truth is, Alaric was the one to advise the few Minor Lords to siphon off as much funds from Marquess Duval as possible before declaring their loyalty to Duval.

Alaric had been working behind the scenes for the past five years and he had the support of the Minor Nobles that Marquess Duval thought were loyal to him. And the Major Nobles who had been trying to stay neutral were thinking about joining forces with him as he showed how humbled he had become over the years after his punishment.

Behind the scenes, Duke Alaric was known to be a ruthless man, but he was also fair. While Marquess Duval was only keeping those Major Nobles from leaving his side by bribing them and offering administration positions. This is why his treasury is running low and his power base is starting to crumble.

Marcus on the other hand hasn't stopped plotting against his cousin. But no matter how hard he tried his cousin would come up smelling like roses. And to top it all off, Quinus and Percy have grown into a very powerful team. Even before they went to the trials.

In fact, a week ago, a group of bandits raided a village near the capital city. Marcus sent a couple of his men to try and get rid of his cousin. But to his surprise, Quinus and Percy not only saved the village, but they captured every bandit that attacked the village and turned them in. He had to make sure that none of them could talk and he paid for an assassin to poison them before they could be interrogated. This irritated his father to no end as he needed to hide his finances from the other Major Nobles. With his son demanding to use more money meant a higher chance of them being found out. Which would cause them to be thrown in the dungeons or be executed.

The nobles were impressed when they saw the Prince and the Knight's son fight each other. It was clear that the Prince was the superior fighter, but the squire had an impressive display of agility.

"If the Prince is as strong as they say. Then I believe that this will be a very easy task," Earl Nathaniel Valerian commented.

"Indeed. But, you shouldn't underestimate the Labyrinth of Lost Souls, My Lord. If he makes a simple mistake and heads for the sixth floor then we may lose the Prince," Viscount Octavius Blackwood said.

This is the main reason why this Dungeon is known as the Labyrinth of Lost Souls. The first five floors of the labyrinth were mostly safe with it acting like a hedge maze with portal traps strewn throughout the hallways. It wasn't as dangerous as other labyrinths and almost anyone, regardless of their rank or ability, could get to the fifth floor with little to no issues. But everyone who dared enter the sixth floor has either: never been seen again or has been teleported back to the surface. The few survivors who were teleported to the surface weren't warped by the entrance like those who didn't have a grown mana vein. Instead, they were sent to the far reaches of the continent, some even getting dumped in the sea. They couldn't remember anything after going past the fifth floor.

Past Kings have tried to clear this labyrinth to see if there was anything on the sixth floor but the mages weren't able to dispel the magic in the portals and the kingdom didn't wish to waste the lives of their people to see if they could make it on the sixth floor.

"You should have more faith in His Highness," Baroness Ysandra Fairchild said.

"Well, I do. It's just that I think we need a backup plan if he ends up dying," Baron Alistar Dravenhart replied.

The Marquess glared at Baron Alistar Dravenhart and Viscount William Lysander who wanted Marcus Revelia to become the next King, instead of Quinus.

"And who would be the next heir if something happened to the prince?" Marquess Duval hissed.

"I'm not bold enough to suggest his cousin, Marcus, become the next heir, Marquess. I'm only suggesting a backup plan. If we know who could be in the line of succession, then we will be fine," Baron Alistar argued.

"Then who?" Count Sebastian Ingham asked with a stern look.

Baron Alistar Dravenhart glanced over to Viscount William Lysander who smirked. "Well, we can have one of the elder daughters of House Revelia or the elder sons of House Valerian become the next in line," Viscount William suggested.

King Cyndre cut in after he noticed the Major Lords talking about the line of succession, "Do not speak as if my son is dead! I will fine anyone who dares to bring this topic up again. Do I make myself clear?"

The nobles felt a chill running through them as the King's anger was emanating from him. It was clear that he was not willing to let anyone usurp his throne. He was going to do everything to keep his family safe. Even though his wife wasn't happy with him because Cyndre was warming up to his brother again.

"We are sorry, Your Majesty. We didn't mean to insult the Prince or the Royal Family," Viscount William and Baron Alistar said at the same time.

The nobles apologized for offending the King.

"Good. Now let's enjoy the party. This is a celebration after all." King Cyndre declared and everyone went back to their seats and enjoyed the rest of the evening.


Alaric wasn't chatting with the other Major Nobles at the time as he slowly approached a maid with glowing hazel eyes who was watching over the prince, as he was dancing in the middle of the ballroom with several young ladies. The maid spoke without turning her head, "Your Grace," Wina greeted the Duke coldly.

"It seems you've truly gone down the straight and narrow path, haven't you?" Alaric said in a huss tone.

Wina ignored the comment and kept her attention on the prince, who was still dancing in the middle of the ballroom.

"You're lucky that I don't turn my blade on you. For you've caused me a great deal of trouble," Alaric continued.

"And here I thought you didn't hold any grudges," Wina said with an apathetic tone.

"Me? I might have a few. But you aren't one of them," Alaric lied.

"You lie as naturally as you breathe, Alaric... Now, why are you here speaking to a maid," Wina asked with an annoyed tone.

The Duke didn't like this assassin calling him by his first name. But he held his tongue.

"I just wanted to air out my grievances over these many years. I would have done this sooner but I needed things to cool down... Luckily it seems the Marquess took a turn for the better and I didn't want to give the impression that I was betraying him," Alaric muttered quietly.

"You mean you have weakened the Marquess... Serves him right after sparing your life," Wina stated coldly.

"Indeed... He will get what's coming to him, in due time. But back to you... I'm disappointed in you. You've thrown away a promising career. And if you wanted a boy toy I would have given you as many as you wanted," Alaric commented.

"You think throwing men at me is what made me switch sides? You're an idiot if you believe that."

"Well, I would have at least given you a nice place to retire and live a quiet life. But instead, you decided to be the prince's hidden bodyguard. Soon you'll be out of a job once the prince comes of age," Alaric said, giving her a suspicious look.

'Hmm? So, is he planning on outing me to the Assassin's Society? Why would he do this in the first place?' Wina thought to herself.

"I have another position once the prince no longer needs me. Don't worry, I've already planned ahead," Wina replied.

"Well, I hope you enjoy your pathetic life as a maid, Wina Daz. I would have at least given you something worthwhile to do, but I guess you are nothing but a commoner now," Alaric stated.

'Commoner? He's more of a child than I thought.' Wina ignored the Duke and continued watching the prince. While Alaric just looked at Wina waiting for her to look at him but she never did. He shook his head and left her alone after not getting the response he wanted.


As Alaric walked through the ballroom, he was stopped by several nobles and made small talk with them. Alaric then went outside for some fresh air and was approached by his younger brother who was holding a cup of wine.

"You look angered... What is wrong?" King Cyndre asked.

"I was just thinking about the past," Alaric said as he stared out over the city of Tairal.

"You better not be thinking about-"

Alaric raised his hands up in defeat. "I will never go after your son, brother. That is a promise. My days of going after the throne are long gone."

Cyndre looked at his older brother to see if he was lying. But he couldn't tell. "Good... I would hate to kill you, brother... You are the only one who I can talk to like this."

Alaric chuckled. "Well, you're my younger brother. You're supposed to come to me with your troubles. Unless this is something that has to do with Rianna?"

Cyndre sighed. "You know me too well, brother."

Alaric shook his head, "Well, you should have executed me once my assassin turned on me."

"Well, you are my only brother and you helped me with the marriage with Rianna," Cyndre said.

Alaric sighed and took the cup of wine and said, "You're too soft, little brother."

They both took a sip from their glasses and looked out over the skyline.

'Brother, I may not be going after your son anymore. But my son, Marcus, is... and if he needs my aid then I will help him. The throne is his birthright and it will be his even if the fates are against us... Just wait a little longer brother. Then you will see that we are meant to rule this kingdom.' Alaric thought to himself as he watched the skyline of the capital city.

"I know in due time Rianna will forgive you. But maybe you shouldn't be seen chatting with me all night. You have a reputation to maintain," Alaric said as he handed the cup of wine back to his brother.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll go and have a chat with her. I'll even invite her for a picnic. Once Quinus goes off to the Labyrinth," Cyndre thought out loud.

"Sounds like a good idea, Brother. Now go... Your people need you," Alaric replied.

Cyndre gave a slight nod and left his brother alone as he went back into the ballroom.

"You made a mistake listening to Duval, brother... It may take years but Marcus will get the throne," Alaric muttered under his breath.

The duke looked over the city once more before heading back inside.

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