I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.128 Party Preparations

Vol.0 Ch.128 Party Preparations

The month passed without incident and it was finally time for the royal party to celebrate Prince Quinus's first six months of life and to show him to the rest of the Fiafyrian Nobles.

Queen Rianna was in her study with a few nobles and other guests as they were going over last-minute preparations for the party.

"I must say, Alexandria. You have quite the eye for floral displays," Queen Rianna said as she looked at the flowers that were starting to form into the shapes of dragons.

The Countess smiled, "Thank you, my Queen. It helps to know quality maids for my assistants. Sometimes an extra set of hands is needed to make things more special."

The Queen nodded and looked over to Marchioness Isabella who was standing next to her.

"Isabella, you said all 31 minor noble families will be attending?" The Queen asked as she looked over the last invitation list.

"Yes, My Queen. And almost all of the major nobles should be attending with the exception of Baron Arathar Coldforge and his family. He is currently out on a hunting expedition to kill a Manticore that has been spotted in the area. His son is currently the acting Baron and will be watching over the western front," Isabella replied.

"That's a shame... I've never met Dwarves before. I wonder what they're like," Countess Alexandria said as she stared off into the distance.

"They are what you might expect. Loud, stubborn, smelly, and drunkards. They make the best of metals and stone. As well as crafting great weapons and armor. But don't let that fool you into thinking they're easy to deal with. They have a strong sense of duty and honor and they can be quite prideful," Isabella said with a serious look on her face.

The Queen just smiled, "You speak from experience. I've never dealt with Dwarves myself but I feel you're oversimplifying them, Isabella. Just like how the Elves are not just nature lovers and magical users but they can also be quite intelligent and prideful. There an interesting people if you get to know them."

"I didn't realize my Queen dealt with the elves?" Isabella said with a confused face.

"I didn't personally negotiate with the Elves. But, me and my mother did have to entertain some of the female elven guests. While my Father had to deal with the High Elves with some treaty that I'm not privy to, even to this day... My father only told me that they were a challenge to deal with as their demands were extreme... And they are a proud bunch indeed. Whatever it was, my father and his counsel had to refuse," Queen Rianna said with a sigh.

"But what did the High Elves want out of the island Kingdom of Corialis? Is it that close to the Lumen Fae Continent?" Isabella asked.

"No. But they met with my Father and his counsel for something. I was only 12 years old when they arrived. But my Father told me that I should only trust a noble High Elf as far as you can throw them," Queen Rianna said as she finished signing the final invitations for the party.

"My apologies if this question is rude. But are the rumors true about your Father's demise? They say he was assassinated by the Holy Kingdom," Isabella asked with a sad look on her face.

The Queen looked at the Marchioness and the Countess and saw the concern in their eyes.

"I don't know what happened to my Father. I was married to Cyndre by the time he died. My brother hasn't told me much of what happened and I've only heard rumors," Queen Rianna said with a sigh, "But enough of that. I need to get my son prepared for his big day."

The Queen stood up from her desk and headed for the door while her servants followed after her.

"I'll see you in a few hours after the party starts," The Queen said as she headed for Prince Quinus's room to get him ready for his big debut.

Isabella and Alexandria bowed to their Queen and they watched her leave as they started making preparations for the party.


Quinus was in his quarters paging through a book that the servants let him have fun with. Since he was a 6 month old they thought he would just rip up the parchment but to their surprise, he just looked at the writing.

'So this is an old history book on the Fiafyr Kingdom,' Quinus thought as he read the text in front of him.

He looked back at the pages and noticed the different images of people and places on them.

He then saw an image of the capital city of Tairal and an image of the King's palace.

'Damn? I am a Prince... And all this stuff about the fucking monsters and other creepy shit that's on the planet looks like they could whip out humanity without breaking a sweat! I wonder why they haven't done it. Do humans have something that's holding back those forces,' Quinus thought to himself as he continued reading.

He then came across the history of King Burell Meredydd and learned that a Dwarven City became a part of the Kingdom.

'Dwarves? There are Dwarves in this world? I wonder if there are elves too?... There has to be. I reincarnated in a world of magic... That means there has to be Elves too,' Quinus thought to himself as some of his questions were starting to get answered but new interesting questions started taking their place.

Quinus continued reading and learning about the surrounding kingdoms on the continent of Agon.


Wina was watching the prince reading the book with surprise. She had been watching him for the last week and noticed that he seemed to be quite smart for a baby. She was starting to believe that this child was something special.

'Is the prince a genius?... I thought most Royal families were overhyped by the court and the servants. I just don't get it?' Wina thought as she continued observing the prince.

In her time as an assassin, she had a few contracts that targeted nobles in other kingdoms and she found most of them to be slightly above average as maja warriors with a mana vein that was in the master level at best.

But having been with this child for months now. She was starting to believe the rumors of the kid possibly being at the level of a Demi-god. And whatever scrap of will to complete the assassination contract was slowly leaving her being.

Wina needed to find a way out of this contract. She needed to find something... anything to get out of it... But, she had no one to help her. She was alone in this world with no one to turn to. Not even her new friends could come to help her... She would have to kill the prince or be hunted by the Assassin's Society if they find out she willingly turned on her client.

'An extra 15,000 gold to kill this child in the next month?... Go fuck yourself Alaric!' Wina thought as she sighed and turned around and started walking out the door.

Mathew and Ingrid noticed Wina's sad expression as she was by the door.

"Are you alright, Miss Wina? You seem like you're not yourself today?" Ingrid asked.

Wina shook her head, "I'm fine... I'm just a little tired and I think I need some time to myself."

"Do you wish for someone to accompany you," Mathew asked as he stood up and walked towards her.

Wina felt a warmth in her core when he moved forward to comfort her. But she shook her head and just looked at Mathew, "No, that's alright... I'll be fine."

"Sir Mathew, you stay here with Miss Ariana. I'll guide Miss Wina to her room," Ingrid said as she moved forward and picked up the bag that was full of dirty rags that were used to wipe down the furniture.

"Thank you, Miss Ingrid," Sir Mathew said before turning around to look at Prince Quinus who was now crawling towards the bookshelf.

"Whoa there, your Highness. I can't have you climbing up the bookshelf," Sir Mathew said as he picked up the Prince and took him out of the room.

Quinus just sighed as he was stopped again from reading a different book that was on a higher shelf. Quinus thought it was a book on sorcery. And was so hoping that it was a book on magic.

Ingrid smiled and bowed to Sir Mathew as she saw him walking away with the Prince. And handed the child to Miss Ariana.

She turned around and walked up to Wina.

"Come on. Let's go Miss Wina. I can see you need some time away from the Prince," Ingrid said as she started leading the wet nurse back towards her room.

"I really don't need your help, Miss Ingrid. I just need some time alone is all," Wina said as she walked beside the maid.

"Wina? I know that look that was on your face. You feel alone, don't you... Please, tell me what is wrong?" Ingrid said as she looked at the young woman.

'Ingrid noticed that? Why is she always trying to help me?'

Wina sighed while turning her head and looked at the maid, "I just have a lot on my mind. Nothing more. But thanks for your concern."

"Wina... You are a good young woman who has her whole life ahead of her. And you just need to trust yourself," Ingrid said with a sad smile.

Wina wanted to argue back and tell Ingrid to fuck off. But she stopped when she saw the older woman's warm eyes behind her sad smile.

And with that, she sighed while looking down before she looked into Ingrid's eyes again, "For the first time in my life... I'm just scared."

Ingrid smiled and wrapped her arms around Wina, "Everyone is scared of something. Just don't let it stop your future."

Wina's eyes widen as she felt the warmth coming from Ingrid's hug. It was like being comforted by a mother figure that she never had. And she let the woman hold her for a few seconds before she broke away from her arms and looked at her with conflicting feelings, "I-I... Sigh... Thank you, Miss Ingrid."

"I know it's a lot to ask Miss Wina but... Just think about your future and where you want to go and who you want to be... Okay?" Ingrid said with a smile.

Wina's eyes widened for a second and then she turned around and walked down the hallway with a smile on her face.

"I'll try my best, Miss Ingrid. And... I appreciate your kind words," Wina said as she continued walking.

'I have to think about my future and get out of this contract... There has to be a way but how is the question.'

Before Wina was out of sight Ingrid had one more request for Wina.

"And please try to have a future with Mathew! He will be so pathetic without you in his life," Ingrid yelled out as Wina turned the corner and out of her sight.

Wina stopped and looked back at the maid who was smiling at her.

"W-Why do you think I don't want to be with Mathew? I never said that," Wina asked as she blushed and looked at Ingrid.

Ingrid was surprised, "So, you do plan on marrying Sir Mathew? And here I thought you just wanted to be friends."

Wina tried to ignore her and quickly turned around in the direction of her room, "I did. I do. I mean... I'm not sure! Why does everyone like to tease me? I don't need this!"

Ingrid just smiled as she watched Wina turn the corner.

'Oh, Miss Wina. Just how much do you hide behind that tough exterior? And to think she kept trying to push him away,' Ingrid thought to herself before heading to the laundry room.

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