I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.121 It’s only the Frist Day!

Vol.0 Ch.121 It’s only the Frist Day!

Dawn was about the break through the horizon and the sun would soon rise. The warm rays of the sun began to creep into the capital city of Tairal.

And sleeping in her room without a care in the world was Wina. As an assassin, she wouldn't have slept more than three hours, but with the maternal elixir changing her body from a skinny athletic build to a voluptuous curvy woman, her body demanded sleep for nine hours instead.

She now had curves that women could only dream of and men wanted. Her breasts were slightly larger than a cantaloupe and her ass was a big bubble butt that defied gravity. While her hips became wider giving her an hourglass figure.

Her long silky straight brown hair became curlier overnight and flowed over the mattress and was a rich chocolate color. There was a part of her that wished she could change back. But there was another part of her that loved the way she looked now.

It was as if something dormant within her subconscious was awakened. With the elixir, she felt so alive and free. She loved how her vagina was healed from her training as an assassin and how she had bigger breasts. Her face was still the same but her skin was smooth and supple.

And after feeling the joys of being a woman for the first time she slept for nine hours straight. It was the most refreshing sleep she ever had.

"Mmmmmm" she moaned as sleep took her again.

*Knock! Knock! Knock!*

Wina didn't stir at the sound coming from her door.

"Mmmmh..." Moaned the sleeping assassin.

The door opened as Sir Mathew entered. "Miss Wina, it's time to- Oh?"

Mathew stopped himself when he saw Wina lying naked in bed with no sheets covering her.

He could see her breasts rising and falling with each breath she took. And her pussy was glistening from the juices that came out of her as she slept.

'By the goddess, she must be smiling upon me.' He thought to himself as he admired Wina's beauty. As the sun rose the light shined through her hair illuminating her brown locks.

'I think I need to marry her... But I guess I need to wake her up before we are both late for work.' Mathew thought as he walked closer to Wina.

"Ugh...Mmmmm, uhhh... Mathew..." she mumbled in her sleep.

'Hmm? Is she dreaming about me? I wonder if I should play along.' thought Mathew as he quietly moved next to Wina.

He watched her closely as she started to slowly stir in her sleep. She slightly spread her legs open and pressed her butt against him as she rolled onto her side facing away from him. Her hand went between her thighs and began to rub herself lightly.

"Naauugh... Mathew..." moaned Wina.

He smiled as an idea popped into his head.

Mathew moved closer to her ear and whispered, "Hm? What is it, my love?"

Wina arched her back as she bit her bottom lip.

"Mmmmmmhhhh... D-Do you find me... Pleasing?" She moaned while teasing her clitoris with her fingers.

"Oh yes, you're beautiful. No woman can compare to you, my love," Mathew whispered as he reached down and guided her hand into her pussy.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Wina moaned as her fingers slipped into her wetness.

Mathew continued to whisper sweet nothings to Wina as he kept his left hand on her hip pulling her close. He leaned in and kissed her neck softly.

"M-Mathew! W-Where have you been all my life?! AUGH!" She cried out as her eyes snapped open as she orgasmed hard.

Mathew backed away a little as Wina was riding on cloud nine.

It took her a moment before her mind cleared and she remembered where she was.

'Oh no!' Wina thought as her cheeks burned red with embarrassment. 'How am I still fantasizing about Mathew?! I just can't get him out of my head!'

She then closes her eyes and laid on her back again not realizing Mathew was in the bed next to her.

Mathew smiled at how beautiful Wina looked lying there. And was laughing on the inside at how oblivious she was.

"Wina my love, are you awake?" He asked while running his fingers through her curly hair.

She sighed and nodded when she heard his voice but discovered that this wasn't a dream. Mathew was really there in her bed.

She quickly opened her eyes and saw Mathew lying next to her with his charming smile.

Panic set in as she quickly rolled away from him to the other side of the bed and grabbed a pillow.

"W-What the three hells are you doing, MATHEW!" roared an embarrassed Wina as she threw the pillow at him.

Mathew laughed and held up a hand to catch the pillow that was thrown at him.

"Sorry my Love, but I felt like cuddling," said Mathew as he gave her a wink.

"YOU! You! You! JERK! Why did you have to say that!?" Wina yelled as she grabbed another pillow and threw it at Mathew who dodged the attack.

"Haha! I'm sorry, Miss Wina! But you whispered my name and I couldn't help myself." He explained while batting his eyelashes.

Wina felt her face grow hot when he called her by name. She knew she shouldn't be acting this way around Mathew, but she couldn't control herself.

"That's your excuse for looking at me naked! GET OUT! NOW!" She screamed at Mathew.

Mathew's smile disappeared when he noticed Wina was truly upset.

"I'm sorry. I'll leave now," said Mathew while backing up to leave her room.

Wina watched him go and then jumped back onto her bed face first. She screamed into the quilt as she tried to calm herself down.

"Why do I always act like this around Mathew!? Why can't I stop thinking about him?! Ugh! Wait! How did I not discover him in my room? It's like my training is all gone!" Wina cried as she sat up on the edge of the bed.

Her thoughts were interrupted when a knock came at the door.

She turned and looked at the door.

'If it's Mathew! He's a dead man!' Thought Wina as she stood up and quickly moved over to the door.

She slowly opened it and peered outside.

To her surprise, she saw Miss Rose standing there with a smile on her face. While Mathew was out of sight.

"M-Miss Rose! What can I do for you?" Asked Wina nervously.

"I sent Mathew to wake you up before you need to go to work. But it seems you still aren't ready." Said Rose with a small smile. "This will be your only warning Miss Wina. You have five minutes to get ready."

Wina blushed and closed the door behind her.

'Shit! I need to wash up and-' Wina's thoughts stopped when she caught a glimpse of her assassin's utility leg belt lying on the floor next to her bed.

"Oh, goddess!" Wina gasped as she picked up the belt.

'PLEASE! Please tell me that Mathew didn't see my assassin's belt!' thought Wina as worry started to take hold of her.

She was hoping her cover wasn't blown when Mathew came into her room.

Wina quickly rushed into the bathroom and washed her face before dressing into her royal wet nurse outfit. She made sure to secure her thigh belt, with her dagger and poisons, on her left leg so it could be hidden under her skirt.

After she finished getting dressed she walked out of the bedroom and headed to the door where Miss Rose was waiting.

"Very good, please follow me." Said Rose while leading Wina through the halls of the castle.

After walking down several hallways and staircases, Wina was led into a large dining room where there were the servants gathered to eat. They all stood up when they saw Miss Rose enter the room and bowed their head.

"Good morning everyone." Said Rose as she took a seat at the table.

Wina followed after her and sat across from Rose.

"Now that we're all here let's begin. Breakfast will be served shortly but first I would like to talk about your responsibilities for the day." Said Rose as she began eating her breakfast.

"What should we be doing today?" Asked Wina while she took a small bite from her bread.

"The Queen will be with her son for most of the morning until the afternoon when she'll need to visit a local noble's firstborn daughter coming of age party. So I want you girls to keep an eye on the boy. Make sure he doesn't get into any trouble and that you make sure he's comfortable." Said Rose while finishing off her food.

"How long is Sir Mathew's shift?" Wina asked as she started eating her breakfast.

Rose smiled at Wina's question and leaned forward.

"No fooling around with him, okay? I know he's a handsome young man, but you two are on the clock," said Rose while wagging her finger.

"Really? He was the one to sneak into my room this morning and saw me naked before he whispered in my ear. He's the one you should be telling not to fool around. Not me!" Wina said then took another bite from her bread.

The maids sitting around Wina started whispering to themselves and Miss Rose gave Wina a stern look.

"Miss Wina. First, you should lock your door next time. Second, you seem to be seducing Sir Mathew. All the young women working in this palace have been trying to get Mathew's attention. And you are the only one that's caught his eye. Do you know how many women wish to be in your place, right now?" Said Rose with a soft smile.

"Wait! I'm not trying to seduce him! He flirted with me and he doesn't respect my privacy." Wina said indignantly.

All the maids around Wina started shaking their heads at Wina's comment.

"So you wish to get even. Is that correct, Miss Wina?" Asked Rose as she stood up from the table.

'Huh? She'll let me get even? How?' Wina thought excitedly.

She waited for a second before answering.

"I-I do! But what can I get from him so I can be square?" Wina asked nervously.

"If you're are finished eating. We can meet up with Mathew and make things right." Rose said as she walked towards the door.

Wina wasn't expecting this at all from Miss Rose. So she stood up and walked after Rose and the other maids. When she got to the end of the hall Miss Rose stopped and turned to Wina.

"Once things between you two cool down. Try to think of ways you can get along with each other. I don't want to fire you Miss Wina." Rose said to her.

'Hold on! She'll fire me first!? But I didn't do anything wrong! I was the one who was wronged! Dammit! I hate playing these games!' Wina thought.

"Okay, I will. What should I do?" Wina asked while still following behind Rose.

"Just let me do all the talking okay Miss Wina? You just need to follow my lead." Rose said as they made it to the Prince's room.

The maids opened the door for them and Wina stepped inside.

Mathew was standing on the left side of the Queen who had Quinus in her arms.

"Good morning you three. Come in." The Queen said while smiling at them both.

"Morning Your Majesty. Morning Sir Mathew," Rose said cheerily as she bowed.

The maids followed behind her and closed the door.

Mathew noticed Wina wasn't looking happy and started to worry about crossing the line with her.

"So! Sir Mathew... I got a complaint from a coworker about some misconduct. You wouldn't happen to know what you did would you?" Rose asked Mathew.

Mathew became nervous when being questioned in front of everyone.

"Hmm? Did Sir Mathew do something wrong, Miss Rose?" Asked Queen Rianna.

Wina decided to be bold and jumped in to answer the queen.

"Sir Mathew thought it was a good idea to walk into my room while I was... indecent. And instead of trying to wake me or leaving he decided to touch me while I was dreaming, your Majesty. I think that's more than enough reason for me to complain to you." Wina said bluntly.

"I would never, Miss Wina!? I only kissed your neck and touched your hand!" Mathew exclaimed in surprise as he stared at Wina.

'Thank the Gods! He didn't see my assassin's tools. Now let's see how much trouble I can get him into,' thought Wina.

"So you admit to coming into my quarters and seeing me in the nude? That's more than enough reason for me to report this incident to the Queen," Wina said with a soft smile.

The Queen and a few of the Maids started giving Mathew judgmental gazes while they whispered to each other.

Mathew knew he screwed up and needed to make things right with Wina.

"I-I'm sorry I offended you, my Lady. What can I do to make things right?" Mathew asked nervously.

'Oh? Isn't he the honest type? Most other men would have argued and lied their way through this.' Wina thought excitedly.

The Queen jumped in, "I think it's only right for you to feel what Miss Wina went through don't you think, Sir Mathew?" The Queen asked him.

Mathew felt like his heart was going to stop.

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Mathew replied with a bow.

"So your punishment will be to show yourself unclothed in front of Miss Wina when you're done with your shift. An eye for an eye. Does that work for you, Miss Wina?" Asked the Queen.

Mathew looked over at Wina and saw her smile happily.

"Yes, your Majesty. That's a fine punishment," Wina said with a nod.

The Queen smiled back at her before turning to Mathew.

"Alright then, Sir Mathew. And after this, you need to be on better behavior around my servant. Is that understood?" The Queen asked him sternly.

"S-Sure ma'am! Of course..." Mathew said nervously.

With that, the queen dismissed the two and told them to begin their shift.

'Good! Once I'm alone with him I might just poison him for what he did... I can wait!' Wina thought happily.

And so Miss Wina went about her day helping the Queen with Prince Quinus from time to time.


After a few hours of work.

Wina's poor breasts started to get engorged because she hadn't breastfed the prince since yesterday. And Queen Rianna doing most of the feedings in the morning.

"My dear, are you alright? It's been quite a while since you last fed him. And you look in pain" Queen Rianna asked Wina.

"I-I'm fine, your Majesty. It's painful but I've been through worse. I'll be alright," Wina replied.

Queen Rianna shook her head.

"Here, I'll let you feed my boy this time, Miss Wina," The Queen offered.

With that, the queen handed Quinus over to her.

"He's growing fast isn't he?" Wina asked in a happy tone.

"Indeed, he's the best baby I've ever seen. Though it pains me to say this, since he's my only child," Queen Rianna said with a sad expression.

"Well, some women can't give birth, your Majesty. You're very fortunate to be able to have such a wonderful boy," Wina replied.

"Really? I didn't know other women had a similar issue as me. It's a shame... No woman should have to go through a miscarriage." Queen Rianna said in a surprised tone.

"Haha! Don't worry about it, your Majesty. Now little prince. Do you want to help me relieve my pain from my bosoms?" Wina said playfully.

Quinus looked up at her with his golden eyes that shone brightly as he stared.

Wina smiled gently and opened the front of her dress to show an engorged breast. Begging to be emptied.


'Wow! Her tits look like they need to be drained! Well, I'm still a baby, so I don't mind if I do!' thought Quinus as he latched onto Wina's swollen nipple.

"Naugh!? Ohh! The prince is so eager? You must be hungry," Wina said with a smile.

Quinus smiled back at her and kept sucking on her breast.

'Damn! This is amazing! I'm so happy to be alive again! I wonder if I'm still on Earth but I'm not sure that I am anymore. Not only do I not recognize their language but they use candles for light. It's like I'm back in the Middle Ages or something... Damn! Her milk tastes amazing! GOD! I need more!' Quinus thought happily as he continued to suckle on Wina's breast.


As the baby prince continues to suck on Wina's breasts the pain disappeared but something started to replace the pain and made the space in between her legs start to itch.

'Oh no... His sucking is making me horny!' Wina thought in a panic.

Suddenly she felt her wetness leak out from her panties and run down between her thighs.

"Mmm!" Moaned Wina as she bit her lower lip with pleasure.

She was unable to stop herself from getting aroused as Quinus played with her breast, which only got her hornier.

'Why isn't my assassin's training not working anymore?! I used to be able to withstand pleasure but now it feels so good!' Wina thought in a panic.

"Is there a problem, Miss Wina?" Queen Rianna asked with concern.

"N-No, your Majesty. T-The prince is so generous that I'm struggling with some strange urges right now..." Wina said nervously.

Queen Rianna gave a nod, "So it's not only me?"

"Huh?" Wina replied confused.

"I asked a few of my noble friends about their experiences breastfeeding with their children but they never get aroused while feeding them. But every time I feed Quinus. My heart raced, my loins tingled, and my mind wandered about doing... things to my husband. Like having an urge to... Ahem! Maybe I said too much! Hehe." Queen Rianna giggled.

'Huh!? She gets horny as well? Just from feeding her son!? Naugh!' Wina thought in shock while Quinus continued to feed.

"Would you be willing to become a mother, Miss Wina?" Queen Rianna asked in a serious tone.

Wina's itch grows deeper inside her when she hears this question.

'Why is she asking such a question!? Aunh! I-I can't think straight right now! Ugh! How does everyone else around me keep their cool?' Wina thought while she started to panic.

"Y-Yes, your Majesty. If you wish me to be a mother someday! I would gladly accept!" Wina replied in a shaky voice.

"Good! I think you would be a lovely mother! And not to pressure you but you should make Sir Mathew your husband. When you see him naked later make sure to tease him as much as possible!" Queen Rianna ordered with a wink.

"Ummm! Yes, your Majesty," Wina said with a nod while feeling faint but warm sensations flowing through her body.

'Mathew naked...? Mathew's penis has to be huge! I bet it'll be so hard and long! I wonder if I'll have an orgasm from just seeing him?' Wina thought in excitement as her mind started to get clouded by pleasure.

Queen Rianna chuckled, "You know what to do, right?"

"Y-Yes, your Majesty!" Wina said with a flushed face.

And right then Quinus was done eating and passed out right there in Wina's arms.

"Oh? Looks like my Quinny is asleep... I'll take him to his crib," said Queen Rianna while picking taking a sleeping Quinus from the arms of a dazed Wina.

She didn't realize the prince was no longer attached to her chest.

Mathew couldn't help as he saw Wina sitting in her chair with her bosoms out and a dreamy look written on her face.

"Is she alright?" Mathew worried but didn't want to get in more trouble with Wina so he stood there in the corner of the room.

'Mathew... Mathew could be a fantastic husband... Mmm... H-Huh? W-What happened? Wait! Did I zone out!' thought Wina as she came out of her dazed state and looked down to see her breasts exposed and her arms empty.

"H-He's gone! Where did he go!?" Wina panicked while looking around in confusion.

Queen Rianna looked at Wina with concern, "Are you talking about my son? I took him back Miss Wina. You should probably put your clothes back on before you embarrass yourself any further."

"A-Ah! Y-Yes, your Majesty," Wina said shaking off her embarrassment and quickly fixing her outfit.

'I totally zoned out! I thought this was going to be an easy mission! But all these new variables are making things complicated! It's only been one day!' Wina thought with worry.

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