I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.119 Discovering Her New Self

Vol.0 Ch.119 Discovering Her New Self

"MATHEW!!!" Exclaimed Wina as her eyes opened up to see the Queen, Miss Rose, Rachel, and a whole bunch of maids who were all staring at Wina who was still holding the baby prince in her arms.

Quinus stopped feeding when he heard her yell out in ecstasy.

'W-Wait! Where's Mathew?... Huh?! What's wrong with me!!!' Wina thought as she shook her head trying to regain whatever composure she could muster.

"Miss Wina?! Did you just fantasize about Sir Mathew?" Asked the Queen while covering her lower face with her fan.

"NO, your Majesty! I would never do such a thing!" Wina said while shaking her head.

Miss Rose was covering her mouth while she laughed hysterically.

Rachel was stunned.

While the maids started whispering to themselves.

And Sir Mathew who just froze right at the entrance of the room walked in, just as Wina scream his name in delight.

'Why are they looking behind me?' thought Wina as she slowly turned to see what they were all looking at.

That was when Wina spotted Mathew behind her.

"M-Mathew!?" Wina yelped as her head snapped forward.

'Oh, goddess! He heard me!... Hold on?! Everyone heard me! N-No! I'm a disgrace of a assassin! What am I doing? Who do I think I am!? I'm so stupid! I should've known better than to do this!' Wina thought as she blushed furiously.

"Miss Wina is so cute when she is embarrassed! We need to protect her from public humiliation!" Said Miss Rose as she giggled.

Rachel started laughing as well.

"How dare you laugh at me! You're the one who's acting like a child!" Wina yelled as she glared at everyone.

Rachel looked at Wina with her eyebrows raised and said, "You didn't even notice us all watching you?"

"I-I got lost in the moment! I didn't mean to act that way! Please forgive me!" Wina apologized.

Miss Rose smiled at her and said, "Don't worry about it Wina. It's only natural for a woman your age to be attracted by a handsome man."

Then Rose moved closer to her ear to whisper, "Plus, Sir Mathew is single. Just thought you like to know."

The Queen cleared her throat and said, "Alright everyone! That's enough playing around."

Miss Rose backed away, "Very right, your Majesty! Miss Wina! It seems the prince has taken a liking to you. So, the offer is yours, if you want it."

Wina looked down at the baby prince in her arms. She was feeling excited and uneasy about what happened earlier.

'I never experienced anything like this before. I have to find out what happened to my body. Before things get worse... Sigh! At least I have one major hurdle out of the way.' Wina thought.

"I-I accept the position, Miss Rose... Does Her Majesty wish to take back the prince? I don't mind giving him to her..." Wina asked.

Miss Rose smiled and the Queen said, "Of course! You have done well, Miss Wina. I look forward to working with you in the future."

Rianna took her child back into her arms.

"Thank you, your highness!" Wina replied.

"Now then! I will leave you to Miss Rose. As she will show you to your new quarters." The queen said cheerfully.

"Yes! Thank you, your Majesty! Firstly, Miss Rachel. I appreciate the time you spent here today. But obviously, the prince has chosen Miss Wina. I wish you good luck with your future endeavors," Miss Rose told her.

"Ah! Yes! Well, I thought I would be disappointed at first. But seeing Miss Wina's reaction to the prince changed that. Good luck Miss Wina... You're going to need it." Rachel said with a grin while she was led out of the chamber by two maids.

"Lastly, Sir Mathew. Can you show Miss Wina to her quarters? You two will be working in the same room for quite some time. It would be good if you two got to know each other. Don't you think?" Queen Rianna said with a smile.

"Ya! Right!" Mathew said while he walks over to Wina and says, "Let's go!"

'Shit!' Wina thought as she quickly covered herself before Mathew can see her.

"You could have given me a moment! I wasn't respectable!" Wina yelled.

Mathew shook his head and smiled.

"Miss Wina... This won't be the last time for me to see your bosoms. I need to make sure you don't do anything to the prince while I am protecting him... Plus I wouldn't mind hearing you scream my name out a few more times," Mathew said with a smirk.

"Hmph! You wish! That was a mistake that won't happen again! Let's hurry up and get this over with." Wina huffed as she walked past Mathew.

"She's a feisty one... Isn't she?" Mathew whispered to himself as he followed her

As Wina and Mathew left the Prince's Royal Quarters. Queen Rianna and Rose looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahaha! Oh! She is going to be a fun one! I look forward to becoming a good friend with her," Queen Rianna said as she wiped away some tears.

"Indeed! I wasn't expecting to pick her at first but I'm glad she won the position. She'll make things fun around here for sure, your Majesty." said Rose.


After walking down the hallway, Wina and Mathew finally arrived at the entrance of her room.

Mathew wanted to do some small talk but Wina wasn't having any of it. So he just walk alongside her. Smiling as he did.

'Thank the Goddess he didn't talk to me! Now I won't have to stand there looking stupid or worse yet, have people start whispering behind my back.' Wina thought.

When they entered the room Mathew finally decided to talk to her.

"Well, this is your room. It's a little fancy but I'm sure this isn't anything new for you Miss Wina. And if you need anything from me, I'm three doors down the hallway." Mathew said with a wink.

Wina froze for a second before she realized what he meant and blushed bright red.

'I spoke too soon,' she thought.

"There's nothing I need your help with Sir Mathew. Now if you excuse me. I need to take a break before I go back to work and then report to Miss Rose. Thank you for everything." Wina said with an impatient tone.

Mathew raised his hands up in defense as he backed away slowly. He knew she was attracted to him, but he was trying to figure out why she was putting up all these defenses. And the harder she tried to push him away the more intrigued and attracted he became.

"Of course. Take care Miss Wina. I hope we meet again soon." Mathew said with a smile.

Wina's face went white as she saw the smile on his lips and heard the way he spoke. 'Oh, Goddess! What am I doing? Why did I come off like such an idiot?!' Wina thought as she turned her back to him and quickly walked away.

Mathew was confused as he turned to leave.

He hadn't found a woman of her caliber in a long time and he was hoping to win her over in the long term. But he was worried that he may have screwed it up.

"Dammit! You've been thinking with your wrong head Mathew!" Said Mathew as he cursed himself.

"I should have known better than to try and charm her so quickly... She's going to hate me now! I can only hope that the damage isn't too bad..." Mathew muttered to himself while he sighed.

He then proceeded to head back to the prince's chamber as he was still on his shift.


After Wina heard the door close after Mathew left she let out a sigh. She had never felt this nervous before. Her palms were sweaty, and her heartbeat was racing. She couldn't believe how easy it was for Mathew to get under her skin.

"This has to be the elixir's fault! It must have changed me somehow!" Wina thought as she rubbed her eyes. "No! I cannot think like that. I need to focus on the mission."

Wina took a deep breath and prepared herself for the upcoming challenge ahead of her.

But something was still bugging her. It was that strange sensation she got whenever Mathew was near. Something inside of her just told her to trust him.

Wina looked around her quarters for a moment. She needed to make sure there were no secret spyholes in her room. Everything seemed fine. There were no hidden doors or peepholes as she slowly examined every inch of the room.

'Well, if there's a way to spy on me then it would be some artifact that I'm not aware of. But so far I haven't seen any signs of them.' Wina thought as she relaxed.

And as she did Mathew's smiling face came to mind. 'Dammit! Stop thinking about him already! No matter what he says I'm not going to fall for him so easily.' Wina thought as she shook her head.

That feeling was back again. That same warm sensation ran through her body and caused her pulse rate to increase.

Wina wasn't sure how long she stood there staring at the wall. But she needed to find out what was going on with her groin.

"Assassins are not supposed to feel attraction towards anyone! I was trained not to. So it should be impossible! There has to be another reason for this!" Wina said in a panic as she paced back and forth.

'Hmmm... I need to examine myself again.' Wina thought as she began to undress.

Once her clothes were off she lay down on the bed.

"Goddess?! My body's changed so much. I didn't know my hips were this wide now?" Wina whispered to herself as she stared at her own naked form.

She slowly started caressing her body with her hands as she continued to stare at her bare chest.

'I was in such a hurry that I didn't realize how big they got?' Wina thought as her heart began to race once more.

'I need to stop this! No matter what happens, I refuse to go crazy like that again!' Wina said as she held her breath and focused on relaxing her body.

Her breathing slowed and became smoother, and her heart rate returned to normal.

Only then did she move her hands lower towards her new problem area.

"Augh! This is so awkward!" Wina said as she reached into her vagina and began to rub it gently. "Whoa! My clit grew? Aunh! I-It's the size of a bean? Naugh!"

Wina slipped one finger inside her pussy and felt electricity run up and down her spine. Her excitement shot through the roof and she moaned.

"Eek! I'm healed?! Lucas's elixir healed my vagina!" Wina cried as her body shook.

Wina was shocked that she didn't feel pain like she used to when she fingered herself. She didn't know if she should be happy or mortified by this discovery. All she knew was, she had to make sure it stayed hidden.

"I need to talk to Lucas about this later! Aungh! What am I gonna do?!" Wina said as she sat on the bed and covered her pussy with both hands.

Wina couldn't believe that her body could be healed without a healer. She also couldn't believe she actually enjoyed touching her own private part even though it was hard to admit it.

And as she sat there pondering, her idle hands started to wander once more towards her genitals.

"Goddess... I don't think this is normal! I never seen a woman want to masturbate as much as I want to right now!" Wina said as she tried to fight the urges that kept coming back over and over again.

But this sensation that used to be painful was now begging her to explore it more.

"Not today... Not until I've calmed myself down." Wina whispered as she continued to rub her leaking pussy.

Wina's thighs squeezed together as she felt the pleasurable heat between her legs.

"Ahhh! Goddess, you're so good to me!" Wina said as she rubbed harder and faster.

The pleasure that spread from her clit grew stronger, and she continued to moan as her fingers worked their magic. Her fingers plunged into areas of her cervix she never dared to go before, and she was amazed at how sensitive it was.

"Aunh! Damn you master! Ohh! Damn, you for stealing this away from me! Mmmmh! If I have known? I would have killed you years ago!" Wina said as she thrust her hips forward and back in hopes of reaching deeper inside.

Wina felt her climax building rapidly, and her orgasm was all but inevitable.

As Wina's body trembled, her mind started to go blank as the wave of pleasure washed over her.

Before she would have tried to stop herself. But now that she's tasted what most women felt, she wanted more.

"Mmnnnn! Ahhhhhhh!" Wina screamed as her body jerked forward and back.

Wina's eyes rolled into the back of her head, and her vision blurred as she felt a powerful release rush through her body.

It was her first time experiencing an orgasm, and it was better than anything she ever imagined. And while she was in the middle of her climax her vision turned white from being lost in wave after wave of pleasure that coursed through her body.

"Oooh! Master! How dare you take this from me!" Wina said as she settled down from her mind-blowing climax.

As she lay there on her bed. All she wanted to do was stare at the ceiling of her room. Thinking about everything she's gone through in this short time and how she will never let the Assassin's Society come anywhere near her vagina again.

Now that she had experienced how intense the pleasure of orgasm was. She thought she could control it better.

'Yes! I just need to do this every so often so I don't get overwhelmed by the urge again.' Wina thought as she relaxed in her bed.

She knew what she needed to do and now she just needed to get the trust of the people around her so she can be alone with the baby prince and kill him.


Back in Quin's chamber, Quinus wasn't expecting that wet nurse with the big boobs to cry out in ecstasy when she was breastfeeding him.

'Damn! I hope that woman's singl- wait! What am I thinking about? If she's lactating, then she had a baby herself... Whatever. The boredom is too much and it's not like I'm going to be her boyfriend... I mean I'm still a baby. And she's what? In her mid-twenties? Yeah, I'm too young for her and I would make her seem like a pedophile if I try to make her love me. I'll enjoy the journey while it lasts,' Quin thought as he continued to feed on his mother's breast.

It wasn't long before he was tired and ready for a nap. He laid back down and closed his eyes as the warm feeling of his mother's breasts lulled him to sleep.

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