I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.117 Beating out the Competition

Vol.0 Ch.117 Beating out the Competition

Rose was wearing a robe and carrying a medieval-style notepad.

Her face was covered with makeup and her hair was styled nicely.

She looked completely different from when Wina first met her.

"Thank you all for coming. You all are so qualified for the position but we only can hire one of you. So, please prepare yourselves and answer a few questions. And we would likfor you to show us how well you handle a baby." Rose said while she started to walk towards the middle of the room with two other maids beside her.

Wina noticed Kristan shifting in her seat. Like she was trying to hold in something. And no matter how much she tried to hide it from the others, everyone could tell that Kristan was uncomfortable.

"You there Kristan. Please come forward." Rose said.

Kristan was still looking down at the ground, but she quickly stood up and began to walk toward Rose.


Came a sound from her lower intestine. As it sounded like she was about to crap herself.

"OH! I-I-I sorry Miss Rose! I-I need to go to the restroom!" Kristan said as she quickly ran off while holding her butt with one of her hands while farting sounds could be heard with every step she took.

'One down!' Wina thought to herself as she watched Kristan run out of the room.

"Hmm? It seems Miss Kristan's stress has gotten to her. What a shame... Miss Amber? Are you alright? You seem sickly pale?" Rose asked Amber as she looked like she was about to puke.

Amber held up her pointer finger to signal that she needed a moment and then she turned away from Miss Rose while it looked like she was about to belch.

"Yeah... I'm fine. It's nothing to worry about." Amber answered.

"Miss Amber I appreciate your dedication to wanting to serve the royal family but I think you need to take a step back and relax. And maybe get some rest," Rose said in a kind tone as she looked at Amber.

"I-I fine M-Miss Ros- OH GODDESS! BLAH!!!" Amber could no longer hold back and vomited onto the floor right in front of her.

Everyone in the room except for Wina gasped.

"Wh-What's wrong with her?" Aisha asked.

"I don't know but I think we should get her away from here before she makes a mess," Rose said as she looked at the vomit on the floor.

"I-I'm so sorry Miss Rose! Please give me anothe- BLAH!" Amber could no longer hold it in and began to vomit again.

"Deb? Can you take Miss Amber to the infirmary? She will need a doctor to help her," Rose said to Debra, who was one of the maids in the room.


"W-Wait! Stop! I'm so sorry! I'll clean up what I can!" Amber begged as she tried to catch the vomit in her mouth.

"We don't have time for this Miss Amber. Just go along with Debra and be quiet. I don't want you to die just because you have the flu," Rose said sternly as Deb and another maid grabbed Amber by the arms and dragged her out of the room.

And after she was escorted out of the room. Six new maids came rushing in to clean up the vomit in seconds. Making the floor look like it was never dirty, to begin with.

'Two down,' Wina thought to herself as she smiled.

"Are the two of you okay?" Aisha asked Trish and Wina.

"Yup. I'm fine," Trish replied.

Wina just nodded as she kept smiling.

"I'm glad you're both okay. I was worried that you two might start getting sick as well," Aisha said with a smile.

"That would be dreadful..." Trish said as she shivered in fear.

So now there were only four applicants left. And each one of them was eager to get their chance to prove themselves in front of Miss Rose.

"Alright, we're going to start with a little question-and-answer session. So feel free to ask any question you want." Miss Rose announced to everyone.

"Yes ma'am," the remaining three said in unison while Wina just nodded her head

"Well then let's begin. First question: What do you do when you hear the prince crying in his crib?" Miss Rose asked.

"Umm... I usually go check on him and pick him up to comfort him." Trish said.

While the other three said, "Speak to Her Majesty First!"

"Very good you three. Miss Trish? It is good that you want to comfort the prince right away but it is after the Queen gives you the order to do so. Understood? Now can you wait in the next room, Miss Trish?" Miss Rose asked with a smile.

Trish's eyes went wide open in surprise.

"A-As you wish. Thank you, Miss Rose." Trish replied with a bow.

'Three down, two to go.' Wina thought to herself as she smirked.

"Next question: What do you do if you see someone stealing something?" Miss Rose asked.

"I would ask them why they are doing such an awful thing and try to persuade them not to steal anymore," Aisha said.

While Wina and Rachel said, "Alert the royal guard!"

"Very good, you two!" Miss Ross said to Wina and Rachel.

Aisha looked worried about the answer to the question.

"Miss Aisha, It's good you wish to reform a person to do good. But if someone has made it to the prince's room they are an expert thief and might want to kidnap the prince for ransom. If you waste your time trying to talk to them. They might as well deal with you first. And kill you. And no one would be the wiser." Miss Rose explained.

"Oh! That makes sense! I'll be sure to keep that in mind!" Aisha exclaimed.

"That's good to hear. Now Miss Aisha, can you wait in the next room with Miss Trish? Thank you." Miss Rose said to Aisha.

"Of course ma'am," Aisha replied as she bowed her head and left the room.

'I just have to deal with this last one. Then I will be able to get this job and kill the prince when I get the chance,' Wina thought to herself.

"So we are down to the last two? Miss Rachel and Miss Wina." Miss Rose said as she motioned for them to come forward.

Rachel and Wina both stood up straight and walked over to Miss Rose.

"Alright, the last question: What do you do if you smell something burning downstairs?"

"Report to the staff first!" said both Wina and Rachel at the same time.

"Very good. You two are making it tough to choose between you." Miss Rose said with a smile.

'Dammit! I should have poisoned this one too! Rah! That's what I get for playing it safe!' Wina thought to herself.

While Wina was lost in thought Miss Rose continued.

"Alright then, Miss Rachel... You were a wet nurse for Baroness Lidill right? How long did you work for the baroness?" Miss Rose asked.

"About a year and two months," Rachel replied as she bowed her head.

"And you also had been a maid before working for the baroness, correct?" Miss Rose asked.

"Yes ma'am," Rachel answered as she nodded.

"Then please tell me how many children you gave birth to, Miss Rachel?" Miss Rose asked with a smile.

"Two children. both sons. They live with their grandparents in the city," Rachel replied.

'Well I'm going to have to top her. Luckily I got the duchess to help write my recommendation letter.'

Wina thought as she grinned.

"Now, Miss Wina... You served as the wet nurse for Duchess Leandra Revelia? Funny... I thought she used someone else as her wet nurse..." Miss Rose said with curiosity.

'Dammit! Think of something!' Wina panicked.

"Yes... That is correct that the Duchess had another wet nurse. But she had private matters to deal with. So, I was a full-time substitute until she came back. Which was for almost two months. The Duchess was most pleased with my work that she would have kept me on if her friend and the original wet nurse decided to retire," Wina said as she smiled proudly.

"Well, that's good to know. I just wished you had a bimore experience. But I suppose it wouldn't hurt to hire you either way. So, how many children have you given birth to, Miss Wina?" Miss Rose asked with a smile.

"One son. I was a surrogate mother for a noble family in the Kingdom of Marn. Baron Killington's wife was having trouble conceiving a child. I was lucky enough to give birth for the Baron's family," Wina said as she bowed her head.

"InterestingI hear that nobles from the Kingdom of Marn are on a bit of the crueler side. Especially when it comes to their women. So I am surprised that the Baron was so considerate not to keep you in some way," Miss Rose commented.

"He was a bit strict, but I can handle strict men with no problem, Miss Rose. I only had to give him a boy and he was very considerate after that," Wina said with a smile.

Miss Rose could see that Wina was trying to put up a good front about her past. She wasn't entirely sure if she trusted her completely yet. But as long as Wina didn't do anything to jeopardize the job, she would be fine.

Rachel on the other hand was wondering why Wina lied about being married. But realized it was because they question her right off the bat.

"She's a quick-witted one," Rachel said while whispering to herself.

"Well, you two have proven to me that you are both worthy of the job. And I don't think I can make the final decision." Miss Rose said as she looked at the two.

Rachel and Wina were confused by what she meant.

"What do you mean?" Rachel asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"You have both worked hard today. So instead of me making the final decision. We will let the prince make it instead. Come follow me." Miss Rose said as she motioned them to follow her.

As the two followed Miss Rose and her maids upstairs to where the prince's quarters were.

Wina was observing her surroundings. Keeping tabs on the architecture, furnishings, and other things like that. Just in case she needs a place to hide. For when she needs to sneak around and do her assassin thing.

On the other hand, Rachel was paying attention to Miss Rose. As she was trying to get a read on her. In hopes of winning the job. She didn't truly believe that the baby prince was going to make the final decision for the job. So, she was going to do everything to please Miss Rose.

They arrived at a room with a large double door.

'Hmm, that must be Prince Quinus' room,' Wina thought to herself with a smirk. 'These Royals sure do like their extravagant architecture.'

She knew that it was probably not wise to enter without permission and so she waited by Miss Rose's side.

Just then, the door opened as a young man wearing royal knight's armor walked out. He had light brown hair, light green eyes, and a tan complexion. He looked to be in his mid-twenties. And Wina couldn't help but be drawn to him.

"Ah. Sir Mathew. I'm glad to see you on duty today." Miss Rose said with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, Miss Rose. Yeah, Her Majesty seems to trust me more than most. I was just trying to go on a quick break before getting back on duty," Mathew said with a joking tone. "I assume this isn't a social call? Oh? I didn't notice the new faces behind you Miss Rose. I'm assuming one of them is the new wet nurse?"

"These two are Miss Rachel and Miss Wina. They are the finalists for the position of wet nurse for our royal baby," Miss Rose said as she nodded towards Rachel and Wina respectively.

Mathew looked at Rachel first and gave her a polite nod. And when he looked at Wina, she felt things she's never felt before.

When being trained as a female assassin. Their masters mutilate the insides of theivaginas for two reasons. One is to prevent them from getting pregnant or having menstrual cycles. As they thought having their monthlies would hinder their performance if it happened in the middle of a mission. And second, was to prevent them from getting emotionally attached to any man or woman. As it made it uncomfortable and painful during intercourse.

Luckily they didn't mutilate everything as their master let them keep their clitoris because it could give them away as assassins if a mission requires them to share a bed with a target. So, that was the only part of their body that was able to feel pleasure.

A pleasure that wasn't allowed for assassins and so they needed to control all emotions. To do this, they practiced various methods of meditation and controlling their minds. This included keeping their breathing regulated and focusing on nothing but the task at hand.

And when Mathew looked her way, she felt a tingle go down her spine. Tickling a spot deep in the pit of her stomach. Something she'd never experienced before.

'Huh? W-What's happening to me? It must be the elixir's fault! I just need to focus my mind on something else.' Wina tried to tell herself.

But she felt like she was trying to fight a war against the ocean waves.

And she lost every time.

She had no idea why these feelings were happening. But she knew that she liked it and feared that she would give in to these foreign urges if she didn't do something about it.

It took a lot of practice to keep her mind focused in the heat of battle. And now, all her training was gone. As she started swaying her hips in hopes of shaking off the itchy feeling in her pelvis.

'Naugh! Come on! Focus!' Wina thought to herself.

And yet, even though she was trying to calm her thoughts. She couldn't help but stare at Mathew. His masculine face, muscular body, and his flowing light brown hair.

Her instincts were confusing her. Even worse than the effects she felt on the streets of the city.

As Mathew looked at her, he noticed the change in her posture and expression. And even though Wina was trying to hide it, he could tell that she was interested in him.

And Mathew couldn't deny that she was very attractive and he liked how sexy Wina looked ashe kept her back arched causing her newly grown boobs to push out and forward on her dress.

Mathew's green eyes drifted down to her cleavage. And then he looked up to meet her eyes again and saw the lustful glaze with a bit of confusion mixed in.

'What the hell is wrong with me!? I need to stop this before I make a fool of myself!' Wina thought.

It seemeshe was still nervous about her reaction to him. Which is understandable since she had never been attracted to anyone before.

"W-Wait! You can't look at me like that!" Wina said looking back at Miss Rose.

Mathew was caught off guard by Wina's sudden outburst.

Miss Rose and the others were startled too. After seeing such a direct exchange between Mathew and Wina.

Miss Rose smirked when she saw the always cocky and confident Sir Mathew get flustered by Miss Wina.

"What were you doing, Sir Mathew?" Miss Rose asked while smiling at him, as she watched him fidget awkwardly.

Mathew didn't know what to say in response. He wanted to tell her that he was admiring how beautiful she looked but that would have sounded weird coming from his mouth.

He quickly tried to recover his cool demeanor by clearing his throat and saying. "I'm sorry I got distracted by Miss Wina's beauty. And I hope you're not offended that I stared at you, my lady."

Wina was avoiding his eyes in order to not get charmed by him again. And she found it so strange. When she became an active member of the assassin's society and was finally out in the world. She has been called pretty, attractive, and beautiful by many men and women before. But this was the first time when someone told her that they were attracted to her and it made her heart race.

She was also confused by her arousal. Especially since she had never felt like that towards any man or woman before.

And now here he is telling her how gorgeous she looked and it was thrilling to her.

When Wina's eyes glanced back up to his face she saw that he was blushing and looked away in embarrassment.

'Is this what happens when you are attracted to a man?' Wina thought to herself. 'Or am I just imagining things? Maybe it was just the elixir's fault.'

"Well, I'll let you get to your business. But I hope we can speak again sometime," Mathew said as he bowed towards the three.

"Yes, please do!" Miss Rose replied smiling sweetly.

Wina looked away again as she feared she might get more embarrassed and charmed by Mathew. She felt a little ashamed about how she acted around him. But she was happy that he wasn't angry over it.

'If I get the job. I'll have to be in the same room as him. This job may be harder than I hoped,' Wina thought to herself.

Mathew nodded and walked away leaving her to face the other two.

Miss Rose was smirking at Wina's awkwardness with Mathew.

"That was quite the performance, Miss Wina," Miss Rose teased.

Wina was flush with red cheeks and shook her head in embarrassment. "I'm sorry! That won't happen again, Miss Rose!" she said with a curtsy.

"Aw? But you two are so cute together," Miss Rose said teasingly.

Wina blushed an even deeper red and looked away.

"Haha! I'm sorry for needling you, Miss Wina. But I will tell you this ahead of time. If the prince chooses you as the royal wet nurse. You are prohibited from having an affair with your coworker until the prince is of age where he no longer needs a wet nurse," Miss Rose stated.

Wina looked up to Miss Rose with surprise.

"You don't have to worry about that Miss Rose, we're not going to be together like that," Wina said with a smile as she was trying to convince herself that she won't fall for Mathew again.

Miss Rose smiled sweetly back at her. "But Sir Mathew will be watching over the prince from time to timeSo, I hope you can work with him while you two are on the same shift. There is nothing wrong with keeping a good relationship between coworkers in a professional setting," Miss Rose explained.

Wina gulped nervously. She was worried that she might make a fool out of herself when working alongside him.

"Also, it's alright to go out on a date with him if you like. But only when you two are off duty." Miss Rose added.

Wina gulped nervously again. Her mind was flooded with confusion as she tried to figure out how to respond to what Miss Rose said.

"But I thought you said no relationships, Miss Rose?" Wina asked timidly.

"No, I said no affairs. You twcan be a couple. But we can't have you having intercourse around the prince. He's still a baby. We don't want him being exposed to those acts or other such activities," Miss Rose clarified.

"Oh! Of course. I'll keep that in mind then," Wina said nodding her head.

"Good! Because I am hoping to see you two together often. Getting along with each other will help you become a better-wet nurse and nanny. Isn't that right, Sir Mathew?" Miss Rose said teasingly as she looked past Wina.

'Sir Mathew!?' Wina gasped and looked behind her. Seeing that there was no one standing there.

"Oh?! So you are interested in him?" Miss Rose asked smiling at her.

'How did I fall for that?!' Wina thought to herself.

"Hahaha! I like you Miss Wina. I hope you are chosen! Because I would love to see the two of you together! Now without further ado. Let's meet the young prince," Miss Rose said happily.

Rachel wasn't happy that she was getting ignored by Miss Rose and she needed to do something to be seen. She just didn't know how at the moment.

Miss Rose noticed that Rachel was a little mopey.

"Come now Miss Rachel. Don't think too much about it. I think you would be a fine candidate for the position. But it's not up to me anymore," Miss Rose said as she pointed to the big doors that Sir Mathew came out of.

Rachel shook her head as she couldn't believe that the baby prince was going to decide who was going to be hired.

"How's the prince going to decide? He's a baby? Whatever, I'll win in the end," Rachel whispered to herself again.

The group entered through the doors and saw a few more maids and another royal guard. That's when Wina saw her. The Queen of Fiafyr, Rianna Meredydd and she was holding her newborn son in her arms. Wina's target was in sight.

And as soon as she laid eyes on the prince, Wina felt a burning desire to hold the baby. She wanted to cradle him in her arms and make sure that he was comfortable.

'Dammit! I should have waited for Lucas's elixir to finish fermenting!' Wina cursed to herself. 'I just need to fight these side effects. And soon or later I will get control over my body again.'

She knew that it would take at least half a day for the elixir's side effects to wear off. Or so she hoped.

While Wina was lost in thought the young baby prince turned his head and looked at them with his golden eyes.

'Huh? There is something behind those eyes. But I don't know what it could be. But there's definitely intelligence behind them. And that would creep me out if he wasn't so cute,' Wina gasped in surprise before she regained her composure.

Quinus seemed to focus on Wina over the rest of the group. And it made her nervous. Like this baby knew she was an assassin and he knew that she was hired to kill him.

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