I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Vol.0 Ch.115 The Last Ditch Effort to get the Throne

Vol.0 Ch.115 The Last Ditch Effort to get the Throne

It's been a couple of months since Emil, now known as Quinus, was born into the world. The people of Fiafyr were curious about their new crown prince, many nobles came to pay their respects to him and the royal family. Duke Alaric was dumbfounded upon seeing Quinus' golden eyes and healthy appearance. He hadn't expected the boy to be so strong and healthy. He wondered why Rianna wasn't affected by the poison like her last seven miscarriages.

 But there was Quinus being held in the arms of a smiling Queen Rianna. When Rianna saw the duke, she smiled at him and returned his greeting.

"It's good to see you again Duke Alaric. How are your children?"

She then looked towards the side to see a grumpy 9-year-old Marcus, his mother, and two sisters standing next to the duke.

"Fine as can be. I'm glad to see that you're doing well, Queen Rianna. I just couldn't be more pleased knowing that the future of Fiafyr is in good hands." Duke Alaric said.

"Thank you, your Grace," she replied with a smile.

King Cyndre came into the throne room after dealing with important matters. He greeted everyone with warm words and then sat down on his throne. 

"Alaric? I'm surprised to see you here. I thought you couldn't be bothered with us commoners." He said with a smirk.

"I've come to personally congratulate you, your Majesty. You are now a father for the first time. It isn't as easy as it looks. Trust me, brother, I know."

Marcus looked at his father with an annoyed look.

"Hahaha! Well if you say so, Alaric. I'm sure my son will be just fine." King Cyndre said jokingly, but Marcus became angry and stormed off.

"I'm sorry about my boy, Your Majesty. My son is not in a good mood as he knows at he's not going to become the next king." The Duke said as he bowed his head low.

"Hmm... I hope this isn't going to be a problem for the future of our country. As long as you handle him right, Alaric. I wish for him to become a friend of Quinus." King Cyndre said while giving Alaric a worried glance.

"Of course, your Majesty. I'll do everything in my power to get my son's attitude on track. Just give him a little leniency. He has my stubbornness. And you know how stubborn I was growing up. He will grow out of it eventually." Alaric said.

"Good. Then we can all work together to keep Fiafyr safe from outside threats. Especially when I heard the news that young Marcus passed the mage's test. What element was he gifted with?"

"Wind," Alaric answered.

"Wind? Well, that's quite interesting. I hope he becomes the greatest wind mage in all of Agon. This could be a great opportunity for the kingdom of Fiafyr." King Cyndre said with a smile.

Alaric smiled back at his king. "Yes, Your Majesty. He'll be going to the mage's academy by next year. I'm sure he'll do well."

"Very good, Alaric. It was good to see you and your family today. I will talk to you later. All right, you may go back to your duties. I know I've kept you from them for too long." King Cyndre said while waving his hand.

"Thank you, your Majesty!" Alaric said and then left the throne room with his wife and two daughters as they went to find Marcus and depart the palace.


On the ride home, everyone in the carriage was quiet.

"Why does Marcus have to act like that?" Eleanora asked her older sister.

Duchess Leandra answered her daughter before her sister could. "Because his birthright was stripped from him. He has every right to be mad, Eleanora."

Eleanora hung her head down. 'Why must Mother spoil Marcus so much?' She thought to herself.

Marcus broke his silence and looked at his father. 

"You seemed cheery to see the new prince, Father. It was like you were happy to-" Marcus was cut off by his father.

"Shut it, boy! I've done everything I could to make sure your position as the heir is secure. The fates are against us and we have very few options left! I have a few more plans. And if they fail then we will have to swallow our pride and accept that Quinus will be the next king! But until then, you will stay silent and attend your classes while putting on a smiling face every time you see your cousin! Got it?!"

"Father..." Marcus said in a defeated tone.

"I know what you want to say, Marcus. But you need to prepare yourself if things don't work out the way we planned. Being a Duke is not the end of the world."


That evening, Marcus stayed silent the whole night as he walked through the corridors of the castle.

He couldn't believe his father would say such a thing.

'It as if Father has stopped believing in me! Well, I won't stop! I will do whatever in my power to discredit my little cousin and prove myself worthy of the crown!'

After walking past several doors, he finally arrived at his room. He opened the door and entered inside quietly. Once again, he was greeted with the sight of his mother looking at him.


While back in Alaric's study. Belial, Alaric's head butler was informing the Duke about an assassin that could be sent to kill the young prince.

"Your Lordship, we found a woman who might be able to become a Wet Nurse for the young prince. Word is the King needs his Queen to perform other duties so Her Majesty can't feed the child. We were hoping to disguise this woman as a wet nurse and have her deal with... Him."

Belial said and handed a letter over to Alaric.

Alaric read the letter and then raised his brow. "Can she be trusted? If the royal court knows about her true identity, they'd want to know who hired her."

"Yes, your Lordship. She can be trusted and she's done some other jobs for us in the past. I believe she will come through just fine." Belial replied.

Alaric nodded his head. "Good. Send her to my chambers tonight so we can discuss this further." Alaric said with a smile.


The young female assassin who was known as Wina had been given word that she needed to meet up with her client.

Wina entered the room with the duke and the butler. When she noticed the large pile of gold coins in front of her, she gasped in shock.

"My Lord Duke, I am honored to receive such generous payment for my services!"

She bowed her head in respect.

"Enough of that, I wished to see you first before I decide on hiring another assassin."

"Of course, my Lord!"

Alaric smiled at the young woman. "Tell me, have you ever done a job where you weren't in the shadows?"

Wina gave him a slight bow.

"This would be my first time doing something like this."

"Would you be willing to infiltrate the palace as a wet nurse? You will need to take care of the child until the servants and guards trust you enough. So you can be alone with him."

Wina looked at the duke as she thought about how long it would take her to achieve her goal.

"I believe it could be done, but it will take some time before the staff decides to trust me. I think I can achieve that in three months if I'm lucky. But knowing that this child is the only child of the royal family. They won't be quick to let down their guard."

The Duke leaned forward on his chair and spoke in a serious tone.

"Do you think you can do it?"

Wina stood up straight and nodded her head. "All I need is time, my Lord Duke."

It was at this time Alaric inspected Wina's body. She had short brown hair that came down to the middle of her back. Her skin color was a light tan. She wore a navy blue dress that was designed for female assassins to hide their weapons while also wearing boots and stockings that covered most of her legs. A dagger was hidden in the right boot and a small knife was tucked away underneath her left arm.

Her eyes were a deep brown color and her lips were red. She had good hips and ass but her breasts were small. Barely B-cup-sized breasts.

Wina noticed the duke looking at her chest with a concerned look written on his face.

"I-I have a maternal elixir that I've got from an alchemist. Worry not, Duke Alaric."

Alaric nodded his head. "Good, you may take this gold as a down payment for whatever supplies you may need."

Wina gave him a nervous smile. "Thank you very much, my Lord Duke."

"You're welcome."


While back in the castle.

Quin's eyes finally developed enough to see things in black and white, with a lot more focus. As he saw his new mother for the first time. 

Originally, he thought he was being handled by giants. But he soon realized that they weren't giants and instead, he was a baby. He held onto a woman's breast to comfort himself. It was his mother's breast, Rianna. She was holding him close to her as she was enjoying the embrace of her only child.

'Whoa! S-She's beautiful! Is she my new mom? Man, this is weird. I can't believe I am a child again!' Quinus thought as he hugged his mother's massive breasts.

Rianna felt her baby hugging her boobs in a tight embrace. That made her smile and she kissed his forehead. "Oh? Is someone hungry? Well, lucky for you I have milk!"

Quin looked up at his mother, "What language is she speaking? And why is she in a Victorian-style dress? Did I go back in time? This is all too strange."

His mind was racing with questions until his mother undid the front of her dress to expose one of her breasts.

'Uuuummmmm! H-Her breasts look so massive! I-I just want to suck on them! Uuuhhhnnn!'

He leaned forward and started to latch onto the nipple.

"Ahhhhhh!" Rianna moaned. "Oh, Quinny! You are so needy! You must be starving?"

Quin continued to suckle her breast as he felt a warm liquid flowing into his mouth. It tasted sweet and salty at the same time.

'Oh, man... This stuff is hitting the spot! I need more of it!' Quinus thought while continuing to suckle Rianna's breast.


Rianna reached around and stroked his hair. "Such a good boy. Don't stop, Quinny. Drink up so you can get strong like your father."

Quin sucked on the nipple harder and moaned as he felt his mom's milk begin to flow inside his mouth.

'Hahaha! This tastes great! I thought this stuff looked disgusting back when I was a man. But maybe it's because I have a newborn's tongue? Gah! Stop thinking Emil! Just enjoy it!' Quinus thought as he happily sucked on his mother's tits.

Quin continued to drink the warm milk until he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," Rianna said as she pulled her son off of her breast to adjust her dress.

The door opened and a knight entered the room. "My Lady, we were sent to watch over the prince for the night shift. Is there anything else you need from us?"

"Nope. Thank you very much. I'll be putting the prince to bed shortly." Rianna said as she walked towards the crib in the middle of the room.

Quin's mouth was still full of milk and he began to drool.

'I don't know if it's a good thing that I can't get turned on by my mother. Or if I should be worried about getting addicted to mom's milk? Sigh! Yeah, it this probably for the best that my body isn't getting aroused by her beauty. I don't want to piss off Dad... Wait?! Is that dude wearing a suit of armor?' Quinus thought as he noticed that there were other people in the room, including a man who was wearing armor and was holding a sword.

'Am I on Earth? I don't feel like I'm on the same planet anymore. Just stay calm, Emil. There has to be an explanation for all this. I need time to figure it out!' Quinus thought as he started feeling exhausted.

A few minutes later, Rianna had laid her son down in his crib. She kissed him on the forehead before walking out of the nursery.

"Good night my lady. No one will lay a finger on him. I promise," the knight said to Rianna as he escorted the mother out of the room.

"Thank you, Sir Knight."

After exiting the bedroom, Rianna stopped to speak with the knight.

"Send word to me if anything happens to the prince, Sir Mathew."

"Yes, My Lady. We'll keep you informed."

With that, Rianna returned to the main hall where her husband was. 

"How's our son?"

"He seems to be doing well. He loves sucking on my bosom." Rianna smiled.

"Oh? Should I be worried that he will steal you away from me?" Cyndre said with a sarcastic look.

"Hehehe! Really now? He just has his father's taste in women. Besides, I've been told the more I nurse him, the stronger he grows. So, I'll milk myself dry to make sure he becomes a powerful king one day." Rianna said with pride.

"But you need to do your duties for the kingdom, my love. I don't mind you doing most of the nursing but having a specialized servant won't be the worst idea," said King Cyndre.

Queen Rianna pouted at first, but then she broke into a smile. "You're right, Cyndre. I will start looking into hiring a wet nurse to at least feed Quinus when I'm not around."

Cyndre nodded while grabbing his wife's hand.

They walked down the hall to their private chamber and closed the doors behind them as they turned in for the night.

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