I Got Isekai’d, Well Shyt!

Ch.102 Looking like a Noble

Ch.102 Looking like a Noble

It wasn't long after that when the sun rose. The sun shone brightly through the window of Quin's room.

'Hmm looks like Quin pick out a outfit already.' Rya thought. She was lying on the bed watching him.

Quin walked out from behind the door wearing a pair of short tight-fitting briefs and a black shirt. His hair was still wet from the hot spring and he had some soap foam dripping down his chest from washing off the lather.

"What? You like the view?" Quin said with a smile. He turned around quickly, almost tripping over himself.

"Haha! Your cockiness is going to get the better of you, Quin," Rya giggled as she grabbed his hand.

"Oh yeah? Then why don't you show me?" Quin asked as he pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply. His hands slid up under her rode and caressed her breasts.

"Augh? You need to calm down Quin. Mmmmh! We just got cleaned up!" Rya moaned as he kissed her neck.

"Ah... I'm sorry babe, but I can't help it..." Quin gasped as he moved his hips against hers.

"Mmm... Okay! That's enough, Quin! Jeez... I get that I'm gorgeous but I need to meet up with Hajdah and Laika. Plus I'm hungry. How about this we can have fun later tonight?" Rya teased with a grin.

"Are you sure?" Quin asked as he looked into her eyes.

"Yes, I promise." Rya smiled as she leaned in and kissed him again.

"Hmm, you're lucky that I love you," Quin said as he smiled at her.

Rya smiled as she shook her head while turning around only to feel a pain coming from her butt check.

"Ouch! Hey!" Rya yell in surprise as she looked back at Quinus who just pinched her butt.

"Couldn't resist," he said with a wink and a grin.

"Oh! You're playing with fire my friend," Rya said as she grabbed a pillow and was ready to throw it at Quinus.

Quin was still smiling waiting to see what Rya was going to do.

'Dammit! He's trying to get me to play with him... I need to be the bigger woman here. Otherwise, we won't be leaving this bed anytime soon.' Rya thought.

But then she stopped herself, sighed, and dropped it back on the bed.

"Fine, I forgive you. But next time, I won't show any mercy," Rya said as she pouted.

Quin smiled as he looked like he was going to make a move, but was interrupted by a knocking on the door.


"What? Now?" Quin said in annoyance.

"Sorry sir, I didn't mean to wake you," the butler apologized as he knocked again.

Quin swore under his breath as he went to answer the door.

He unlocked the door and opened it to see the head butler and a few maids standing behind him.

"My Lord. Lord Coldforge has prepared the dining hall for breakfast and wishes to speak to you. And I brought the maids to help dress her ladyship," The Butler explained as he bowed his head.

'Haah... I guess I have to stop playing with Rya.'

"Fine, come in. Please get Lady Rya dressed first," Quinus said to the head butler.

"Of course, my lord." The Butler said as he turned around and motioned for the maids to follow him.

Six maids came walking into the chamber and went straight towards Rya who was laying on the bed.

'Huh? H-Hey! Hold on!' Rya thought as the maids pulled her up to her feet and disrobed her before carrying her to the bathroom where they helped clean her up.

"But I already cleaned myself!" Rya pleaded to four of the maids. Two of them were humans while the rest were dwarves.

"Sorry, Ms. Rya. Our master would not like to see you in such a state," One of the female dwarf maids explained.

"I'm sorry, my lady. We cannot help ourselves," Another female dwarf maid added as she felt Rya's chest.

"H-Hey! What are you doing?! That's so wrong!" Rya yelled as she slapped the hand away from her breast.

"My apologies, my lady. I was just cleaning your front," The dwarf maid apologized with a red face.

"I'm fine! Just leave me alone!" Rya demanded as she tried to push the maids off her but they wouldn't budge.

"We must be quick, my lady. After this, we have a couple of formal dresses that need to be prepared for you," One of the female humans explained as she rubbed her hands together.

"Fine! Just hurry up! And try not to be so handsy." Rya ordered as the maids began to cleanse the rest of her body.

'My body is for Quin. And no one else! Handsy little maids! Huh? Weird... I guess I mentally am a straight woman?' Rya thought as it was odd how much she's changed.

After the maids finishing up with cleaning Rya, they put on their aprons and moved her to the corner were they could dress her.

Rya stood there watching in confusion as the maids started putting clothes on her. Starting with her underwear which were a pair of pink panties and a bra.

"Lift your legs, Miss Rya. If you don't mind," The maid asked as she helped her step into the panties. Rya did as she was told and lifted her leg as the maid pulled the panties up her thick thighs until they were firmly against her crotch sending shivers up her spine.

'Aunh! Fresh panties feel so nice on me! I missed this—oooh!' Rya's thoughts were interrupted when another maid put a pink bra on her from behind.

"That should work. I was worried that this bra would be too small for a woman of your stature, but it fits perfectly," The maid said as she adjusted the straps on the bra and made sure to tighten everything enough so that the material wouldn't slide down.

From there, the maids helped put her white lace corset on.

'Oh, God! The material feels so good on me! It's almost as if my skin is being caressed by the fabric itself,' Rya thought as she waited patiently for her undergarments to finish getting fitted.

"A-Are you sure these are mine?" Rya asked as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"Yes, Miss Rya. These were provided by the Baron as a gift. You look stunning," The human maid answered as she adjusted Rya's hair while the dwarf maid finished with the corset.

It was at this point two of the maids brought over two dresses, one blue and one black. Both of them were long gowns that went well past Rya's knees.

The blue dress was an off-shoulder A-shape design that had a slit that ran from the top right of her hip and ran all the way down to her ankle.

The black dress was more conservative that would not show that much skin. It was more of a formal attire that wouldn't make her stand out.

"Which one do you like best?" The Dwarf maid asked as she held out both dresses for Rya to see.

Rya couldn't help but be drawn to the blue dress. 'Why am I drawn to the skimpier dress? D-Don't tell me Dalia has been rubbing off on me again,' Rya thought as she looked at the blue dress.

The maid knew Rya wanted to wear the blue dress and smiled at her.

"This will go perfectly with your hair and skin tone. Now please, try on the blue dress, my lady," The maid told Rya as she handed her a blue dress.

'Oh! This feels just as lovely as the corset!' Rya thought as she felt the fabric against her bare skin.

"Y-Yes... I'll try this one," Rya replied as she handed it back to the maids.

They then grabbed her long blue dress and started to slide it on her that was fitted tightly around her hips and breasts then flowed out slightly toward the bottom to cover most of Rya's thighs while exposing her right leg because of the open slit on the right side.

When they finally had the dress on Rya's body, the maids started to adjust the buttons that were pulled up in the middle of her chest.

'Aunh! It's so restricting and so exposing at the same time. Why does this make me so excited? Do I love dresses more than pants now? Mmmh!' Rya wondered as she tried not to moan as the maids kept adjusting her dress.

As soon as the last button was fastened, Rya's cleavage popped out of the dress and she admired herself in the mirror.

The maids started to tie Rya's hair back with a small ribbon.

"You can leave it loose, Miss Rya. Or you can wear it tied back like the rest of us," The Dwarf maid told Rya as she stepped in behind Rya and tightened the belt around her waist.

'Mmmh! Maybe I should try a new hairstyle. Perhaps some braids?' Rya thought as she looked at the maids in front of her.

"Can you braid my hair?" Rya asked the dwarf maid in a nervous voice. "I've never done it before..."

The dwarf maid smiled at Rya and nodded.

"Of course, Miss Rya. Come here," The Dwarf maid said as she motioned for Rya to turn around.

Rya turned around and stepped forward as the dwarf maid took Rya's white hair and wrapped it around her finger to get an idea of how much she needed to pull her hair back.

Once the dwarf maid was satisfied with the amount of hair that she had pulled back, she took out a comb and started to tease Rya's hair.

"Now, this part is very important. You need to keep your head tilted down or else the braid won't sit right," The dwarf maid explained before she started to add in some hair.

Rya did as she was instructed and kept her head tilted low. Closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling of having her hair pulled back.

The dwarf maid started to add more hair and added in another strand. 'Uhh! This feels so good! M-Maybe I should ask Quin to pull my hair?' Rya thought as her anticipation grew stronger with each strand.

"Hmhm! There we go!" The dwarf maid said as she finished wrapping Rya's hair. "Please move your head back."

Rya moved her head back and the dwarf maid took out a few pins to pin Rya's hair down. Once the last pin was placed into Rya's hair, the dwarf maid began to take the ribbon and start to wrap it around Rya's hair.

"Do you like it, Miss Rya?" The dwarf maid asked as she adjusted the ribbon.

Rya looked at herself in the mirror. Stunned by what she saw. She looked so different from what she normally was like. Rya looked like a noble lady with her long white hair pinned up and tied off in a bow. Her braid looked similar to a French braid and it only came halfway down her back instead when it would go past her butt when left loose.

'What am I thinking? Am I becoming a fussy girl? Why do I enjoy this so much? Is this the new me? I mean, I know I've changed, but I don't think I'm different mentally from when I came to this world,' Rya thought as she looked away from the mirror while trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

"Huh? Is there something wrong, my lady?" The human maid asked as she noticed Rya's reaction.

'Oh no! Did I say something weird again?' Rya thought as she shook her head.

"It's nothing, I'm just not used to dressing in such nice clothes," Rya lied as she stood there.

"I see, well then, let's get some shoes," The Human maid said as she motioned for Rya to look over at the dwarf maid folding a pair of pink high heels.

'Um? Are those 5-inch heels? How does anyone wear these things?' Rya wondered as she felt her palms starting to sweat.

But before she could refuse one of the maids grabbed her foot and slipped the shoe onto her foot and then the other.

'Whoa! Huh? I'm standing?'

"Here you go, now try walking in them," The Dwarf maid said.

Rya was surprised by how comfortable they were.

'Um? Just take it to show Rya,' Rya thought as she took a step forward.

"Mmmh! They feel so good on my feet!' Rya smiled as she took another step.

"See, my lady?" The dwarf maid said as she clapped her hands together. "Aren't they wonderful? They were crafted by a famous shoemaker in the eastern city of Tairal. They say you can sleep standing up in those heels. Magical right!"

"You're right, the shoes feel great," Rya laughed as she twirled around showing off her new outfit.

'I can't believe I'm doing this...' Rya thought as she continued to dance in front of the mirror. 'How silly of me.'

"Goodness gracious, my lady! You move beautifully." The Dwarf maid complimented as she walked towards Rya.

"Hmm! Thank you... This there anything else we need to do? I would love to spend all day in this dress," Rya asked as she continued to twirl.

"Usually we would do your makeup. But that's to cover up one's flaws. But your skin is flawless, so you should be fine," The dwarf maid said.

"Ha ha! Yeah, I lucked out there," Rya replied with a laugh, "Hmm, well I guess I shouldn't keep Quin waiting."

"Yes, my lady!" Both maids said with a bow.

As soon as Rya opened her door to leave, she heard someone call out to her from outside.

"Wow! That dress looks like it was made for you, Rya," Prince Quinus praised as he turned around to face her.

"Thank you, I wasn't sure how this dress would look on me, at first," Rya answered him nervously.

Quinus nodded his head in agreement, "Well, I think it looks amazing on you."

Rya's heart raced again. 'Calm down Rya! I need to grab some food then meet up with the mages.'

Quin was dressed up in his formal wear, wearing his royal black tunic with golden trimming along the sleeves. His hair was combed back and seemed to be held back with some type of grease.

He didn't seem to notice as Rya blushed.

'Don't look at him too much, don't look at him too long,' Rya thought as she tried to keep her cool.

"Ready to go?" Quin asked as he held the door open for Rya.

"Y-Yeah!" Rya stuttered as she walked past him towards the stairs.

Once they reached the top floor, they entered into the dining room.

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