I Don’t Have Any Magic Power but I’m Having a Blast at the Academy

Chapter 4

I Don’T Have Any Magic Power But I’M Having A Blast At The Academy 4


I am the only human who witnessed the end of the Eternity Sword Chronicles.

Naturally, I have all the crucial information.

Where to go and what to do to obtain certain items, strategies for different demons, even the backstories of the main characters.

But the questions on the written exam had a completely different nature.

Filled with incomprehensible terms like shortest magical distance concentration and so on.

And then, a message popped up, quite inconveniently.

[Pass the written test!]

[Minimum passing cost: 500SP]


I’m so shocked I can’t even speak.

Initially, I was given 1000SP as a benefit for beginners. And the required points for the practical exam were 500SP.

If I had not chosen a proper spell but just got lucky to pass the practical exam, then the offer to pass the written test with the remaining 500SP was like, well, an unbelievable condition.

The benefit for beginners was nonsense; it was merely covering the essential expenses.

I feel so grateful I could just hit someone.

It was when I was scrutinizing my status window carefully.

“Number 362, Kwak Jinyong, disqualified.”

─No way!

One of the candidates was being escorted out by the assistants.

‘······What’s that?’

Did he cheat?

I was so bewildered that I blinked while staring at the empty seat.

I’ve heard of people getting caught for cheating during the college entrance exam, but witnessing it firsthand was a first for me.

But that was just the beginning.

“Numbers 341, 327, 378, disqualified!”

······Is this really a written test?

Is this about surviving for a long time or something?

As I looked at the gradually emptying seats, I felt like having a brain freeze.

Cheating aside, the kind of “cheating” I knew and what was happening here seemed to be from different genres.

Even though I didn’t know, it seemed like all sorts of bizarre methods related to magic and spells were being used.

This is a system where only those who study properly end up as suckers.

More than that, something had been bothering me since earlier, so I glanced briefly to my side.

One eye was open, rolling around, peeking at the test papers. However, no one seemed to care.

······Could it be that only I can see that?

At that moment, the supervisor standing at the podium scanned the classroom and calmly muttered.

“It seems like most of the cheaters have been caught. Well, not getting caught is also a skill.”

······Oh, is that so?

Despite the supervisor’s statement that cheating is also a skill, the eye was still busy stealing glances at the test papers.

I looked at the tall, mysterious girl sitting next to me.

‘It seems like that girl is the one doing it······’

The girl, sensing my gaze, widened her eyes in surprise, then quickly winked with one eye and brought her index finger to her lips.

Before I could respond, the supervisor spoke again.

“Stop whatever you were doing and pay attention. It’s time for the theoretical evaluation.”

A theoretical evaluation during a written test?

Candidates, just like me, seemed puzzled, all turning to gaze at the supervisor with questioning looks.

“If you can’t apply theory, then it’s useless. The theoretical evaluation is a time to see if you can apply it.”

Well, seems like some kind of listening test.

The supervisor tapped the blackboard and said,

“Everyone, come out and write your name on the board. We will evaluate based on that.”

One of the candidates asked in astonishment,

“Is that really all?”

“The candidate who writes their name first will pass the written test.”


The bombshell statement from the supervisor brought silence to the examination room.

And the candidates realized that it was not just a matter of writing their names.

Though they didn’t know what it entailed, it was surely a challenging task.

At that moment, one candidate raised their hand.

“What happens if we can’t write our names?”

“You simply redo the exam. However, anyone I deem to be falling behind will be asked to leave immediately. Any more questions?”

The supervisor chuckled as he scanned the room.

Instead of asking questions, everyone scrambled to get ready to leave.

“If there are no more questions, let’s begin.”

Before the supervisor finished speaking, the candidates swiftly left their seats and rushed out.

And then.



Without taking a step, they recoiled backward.

“What, what’s this?”

“Suddenly chills······”

As the candidates turned pale and bewildered, the supervisor chuckled.

“Didn’t I say? ‘Theory evaluation.’”

Theory evaluation.

I immediately recognized the meaning as I watched the retreating candidates.

‘It’s an array.’

An array is a magical space that restricts movements.

Just like how the candidates retreated now.

I remained seated without getting up.

There’s no point in exhausting myself trying to outrun those who use magic.

It was better for my mental health to give up early and observe. But······

‘This will lead to a different story.’

With the situation like this, I also had a way.

But first, I needed to confirm.

“Does it really not matter what method we use?”

“Yes, just write your name on the board.”

“No objections later on?”

As I double-checked, the supervisor chuckled.

“If you object, I’ll grant you anything you want at my discretion.”


At those words, I pulled out a chair and stood up.


There are two ways to break through the barrier.

First. Find the axis where the magic feels strong and move in order like playing yut.

Second. Forcefully break through with your own strength.

Either way, it’s an impossible method for someone like me who lacks magic.

I can’t feel magic, and I certainly don’t have the ability to break through the barrier.

But precisely because I lack that magic, there was a method I could use.

“What? Why is he leaving?”

“Is he trying to go back through the front door?”

“Supervisor! Is that even allowed?”

The candidates went wild after witnessing my actions.

They said it didn’t matter what method we used, but they didn’t say it was okay to go “outside the exam room.”

But what can you do.

If they’re unhappy, they should leave too.

If they can, that is.



The candidates trying to leave through the back door were bounced back without even crossing the threshold.

Because there was a ‘magic detection barrier’ spread across the exam room door.

Until the exam was over, this barrier, unless accompanied by an assistant, prevented anyone from leaving the exam room.

And this barrier reacts to the ‘magic’ of the individual. It means only I, who lacks ‘magic,’ can freely come and go.

“What, how did he get out?”

“Did he steal a faculty card?”

“This is cheating!”

The candidates crowded at the back door roared at us like trapped monkeys.

They were convinced Haesol had pulled off some trickery.

But some candidates and the supervisor knew better.

Haesol hadn’t resorted to any trickery; she simply broke through the barrier.


Eungaye was surprised, mouth agape, and Hanseyeon’s eyes sparkled.

Breaking through the magic detection barrier was no small feat.

To evade magic detection, you had to hide your magic so well that it wouldn’t be triggered, which was not an easy task.

No matter how carefully you try to conceal it, magic tends to leak out in small amounts.

To not spill a single drop and conceal it perfectly meant Haesol’s control over her magic had already surpassed the level of an adept.

Moreover, Haesol didn’t even seem to be struggling.

Even if it wasn’t panting from exhaustion, a hint of sweat should be dripping at least to be normal.

“······That guy, he doesn’t have magic, right?”

One candidate muttered in awe.

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But everyone knew that it couldn’t be true.

Even the candidate who spoke was merely surprised, and his words were nothing more than a passing comment. That’s why the correct answer slipped away like water flowing.

I couldn’t help but feel a sense of dismay in the astonished eyes of the candidates. They had passed through the magical detection barrier too easily.

Shouldn’t I have at least pretended to struggle a bit?

I regretted it inwardly, but it was already in the past. I resolved to be more careful in the future as I opened the front door and walked in. As expected, the supervisor, eyes wide with surprise like the students, greeted me.

“At that age, you’ve mastered the gift? Impressive.”

I couldn’t confirm or deny it…

As I sighed and silently wrote my name on the blackboard, the supervisor nodded in agreement.

“So, it was a magic control gift after all.”

You need magic to control it.

Without magic, there’s no control. It felt unfair, but I didn’t bother to correct them.

I wasn’t going to come out as powerless.

Otherwise, if I did, I would have nothing to say even if I were immediately kicked out after passing or failing.

Taking a deep breath, I asked, “Is it over now?”

“Yes, you passed.”

As the supervisor chuckled and spoke, a status message popped up.

[Quest Complete: Enroll in Eternity!]

[Completion Reward: 500SP, Projection of the Above Individual Awarded.]

[#Ep2. Entered the Academy Scenario.]


…The examination room was deserted after the end of the written test.

Supervisor Jeong Haejun looked through the test papers submitted by the candidates, his eyebrows twitching.


One test paper, filled with doodles, was stuck among them.

Reading the name written on the test paper, Jeong Haejun chuckled and said, “Well, quite remarkable.”

This year’s entrance exam attracted talents for whom the term ‘remarkable’ was an understatement.

Among them were those who had not yet become official supernaturals but still carried the reputation of one, and even a recommendation from the Association President. However, none surprised Jeong Haejun as much as the owner of this test paper.

If one could control magic so intricately, breaking through a numeral system used in theoretical evaluations would be a breeze. No need to navigate a path, just let the magic of numerals flow. It would have been as easy as turning a hand over for that person. However, he didn’t. Instead of dealing with numerals, he chose to break through the much more challenging magical detection barrier.

That was something even Jeong Haejun hadn’t anticipated.

“Heh, what a funny one.”

As Jeong Haejun scanned through the test paper, he let out a bitter laugh.

There wasn’t a trace of touching the questions at all.

“A person who passes a written exam with a blank sheet.”

Thinking about the reaction of the written subject professors who saw the blank test paper, Jeong Haejun couldn’t help but feel amused.

And so, the only name written on the blackboard, ‘Lee Haesol,’ was erased.



After finishing the exam and returning, I collapsed onto the bed.

There was no place on my body that wasn’t stiff.

The aftermath of the communion with Gram was now showing up.

Having moved like crazy with a body that had only breathed, it felt strange to become completely normal.

But the moment I opened the status window, I sprang up from my seat.


[Projection of the Anomaly]

─You can project objects or abilities by consuming SP.

[Player Haesol Lee]

[Remaining Points: 6500SP]

As I had expected, the Projection of the Anomaly was a reality manipulation-type gift. Moreover, there were no restrictions on the projection of abilities.

“This is totally unfair, isn’t it?”

Eternity was a world where the concept that ability equaled strength had taken root.

For instance, Eunga-ye played with candidates like puppets using just one gravity gift. The Projection of the Anomaly meant being able to bring such abilities without any constraints.

“··· Just imagine it?”

I roughly conjured up whatever came to mind and tried to visualize it.

▶Player Haesol Lee can handle all artifacts.

My imagination appeared as text on the status window.

“So, this is how it works.”

It was slightly eerie, but I decided not to dwell on it too deeply. After all, this world was a game from the start.

Anyway, the ability to handle artifacts was the most essential ability for me.

If I didn’t have magic, I’d have to rely on my item sense.


[Ability to Handle All Artifacts]

[Cost: 1000000SP]


My eyes narrowed.

How many zeros are in that 0?

For now, pass.

I roughly rummaged through a few and realized.

This is expensive, the more shameless you are.

“I can’t even touch the gift side.”

Eternity’s abilities are broadly divided into ‘talents’ and ‘gifts.’

Talents represent aptitude for a specific field. On the other hand, gifts are abilities that interfere with reality.

Eunga-ye’s gravity or my Projection of the Anomaly fall under these gifts.

Rare are those awakened as cunning as they are deceitful, and even when awakened, controlling these abilities is difficult.

Deep down, I wanted to project a gift, but with my current points, it was out of the question. I reluctantly thought of a trait that I could immediately make use of.

▶Player Haesol Lee is a genius in martial arts.


[Talent: Genius in Martial Arts]

[Cost: 3000SP]

[With enough points, projection is possible. Would you like to project?]


[Consuming 3000SP.]

[Projecting talent ‘Master of Flying Daggers.’]

A refreshed information window popped up.

▶Player Lee Hwasol

[Stamina: 1.5]

[Strength: 0.8]

[Agility: 2.8]

[Endurance: 1]

[Dexterity: 3]

Possessed Gift: Projection Master

Possessed Talent: Master of Flying Daggers Lv1

[Remaining Points: 3500SP]


Flying Dagger Technique.

At first glance, it may not seem like much, but in Eternity, abilities as easy to use and efficient as this flying dagger are rare.

Simply put, throwing a rolling stone or a leaf can turn them into weapons.

As proficiency increases, it becomes increasingly lethal.

Despite being considered unconventional compared to using guns or magic, considering the affinity with Gram’s gift [Split], the flying dagger technique suited me better.

Without the ability to use magic, it may be difficult to expect much power, but······


The more I think about it, the more unfair it seems.

Does it even make sense not to have magic?

Then, if I project an ability, can I just freely shoot without any cost?

As if answering my questions, a status message appeared.

[You have projected an ability for the first time. 1000SP will be awarded.]

[Player system, ‘Energy’ is being implemented.]

[Activation cost for Energy is 3000SP.]

[With sufficient points, you can activate Energy. Would you like to activate it?]


I calmly read through the ‘Energy’ section and then opened my mouth.

······I don’t think I need any magic or seaweed-like stuff.

“Of course, it should be like this.”

With a sense of excitement, I immediately activated the Energy. In an instant, a yellow gauge bar appeared at the bottom of my field of vision, flashing like a game.

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