I Decided to Kidnap the Male Lead

Chapter 105: Death Hunters (IX)

Chapter 105: Death Hunters (IX)

A few steps away from Raisa, a messenger in a cold sweat was reporting on the village.

The sixth one successfully infiltrated.


There were a few failures, but there was a definite hit

Despite the messengers report, Raisa did not respond in particular.

The messenger who fell flat on his face discreetly looked up at her.

Even though it was so quiet, wasnt Raisa someone who could suddenly cut his neck?

The messenger just had to hope that Raisa was in a good mood today; he had been told she was seeing more blood recently.

And about the impurity that you told me to look at.

There was still no reply, but the man wiped away the cold sweat and spoke well.

I wasnt sure, but youve ordered me to clean it up if I had any doubt, so I hung them one by one.

I dont know if theyre guilty or not.

The messenger shivered unconsciously as he remembered the situation.

What should I say.

Now, they should be named as a fanatic who had disappeared into the background of history, or an unknown direction.

Since I have that man in my possession, soon every month

The messenger could no longer speak.

Soon after that, the sun began to be eaten by the shadows.

Uh What I saw yesterday wasnt imagination Thats

Along with a gasp, a cracked voice came out of the messengers open mouth.

But a messenger was just a messenger.

A messenger was only a tool, and a tool was not a person.

In the end, Raisa was alone.

Like the moment when her throat was cut off by her mothers hands, which had already become a long time ago.

Without realizing it, she scratched her neck like a madman.

Why. Why why why why why?

All she could do was say that.


I didnt go back.

Raisa had never tried to kill Richard since the day it rained fire.

But again.

Raisas gray eyes, looking at the present, were dyed black, like the sun being eaten by a shadow.

Die I dont want to.

That was the only thought that came to Raisas mind.

Not even the greed for the throne and the grotesquely twisted hatred for the already ruined mother.

She was eaten by only one thing.

Fear of death.

After obtaining the miracle of regression, she must have thought that she had overcome it.

But no.

Raisa, who only saw the past and future, not the present, recalled the memory of her first death countless times, thus making it something that could never be erased or surpassed.

It was her regression, her own choice.

The grotesquely twisted hatred and greed that swirled in her gray eyes were all just to cover up that death.


Thats why Raisa could only say the same thing like a broken marionette.

And Ophelia was also spitting out the same words as Raisa.


A solar eclipse would not destroy the world.

So there was no need to regress.


Why, when we didnt regress?

Ophelia swallowed the afterwords, Is it a sign of doom? and directed her empty eyes at the sun, which had almost disappeared in the shadow of the moon.

She reached her hand out, but there was no way she could remove the shadow, so she just lowered it.

Eventually, Ophelia murmured as she looked down at her feet, where the shadows were erased by the darkness that fell from the daytime sky.

The world shouldnt have been twisted in the first place.

It came out unconsciously.

However, upon hearing those words, a thought flashed through Richards mind.

From the beginning yes. If they hadnt regressed from the beginning.

All of these twists began with Ophelias regression.

To be precise, it must have been when Ophelia got caught up in the infinite regression and started distorting the future.

Then wouldnt they just have to go back to the point where Ophelia wasnt caught up in the freaking infinite regression?

National Foundation Day.

That was definitely her first infinite regression.

But if they went back to that point

If they went back to the time when Ophelia didnt regress

Richard stared blankly at Ophelias small back.

Will you and I remember each other?

His whispers were so small that they scattered without reaching Ophelia.

But Ophelias voice reached his ears clearly.



She was staring straight at him.

No matter how dark it got, Ophelia stood with her back straight, her bright red hair flowing like a flame.

She stretched out her hand just like the day she grabbed him by the collar and shook him.

Im going to stop the sixth.

And he held her hand, just like that day.


When the whole world was dyed in darkness.

There was a man who walked only for the mission he had been given, as if he didnt care about such darkness.

On the contrary, the more darkness fell, the easier it was for him to move, so he was convinced that this situation was a God-sent opportunity.

Slowing down his feet and breathing, the man carefully, step by step, moved forward, finally reaching his destination.

He opened the door without knocking, of course.

It was close to noon, so the mansion, no, the whole world was dark, and this room he was standing in was no different.

The man looked around.

As expected, it was nap time for the next family head, and since the next family head was particularly sensitive to sleep, no servants were nearby.

One shouldnt see meaningless blood.

He wasnt a madman who liked to kill or hurt people.

He was just a little crazy in another way.

He thought he would be happy to give anyones blood for the mission, but if not, he should avoid it as much as possible.

He checked the bed, but he couldnt see him, so he calmed down and moved around the room.

Soon after, the man who found the next target he was aiming for grabbed his dagger and went forth one step at a time.

The room was cool as the window was open, and the next family head was standing by the window.

The boy, barely six or seven years old, had a small back, and his hands were even smaller than that.

The child was staring at the sky like everyone else.

Since the sun disappeared, what else could he focus on?

A man approached the child from behind.

Young Master.

In order to complete his mission, the man confirmed again that the child was the next head of the household.

And as he wished, the child hanging by the window raised his head towards the man.

There was not even a crumb of wariness towards the man in the childs eyes.

He had been taught to be wary of everyone, but now, as an eclipse unfolded for the first time in his life, the childs little head was full.

Who are you?

Youre the Young Master.


The child nodded unquestioningly and turned his head away from the man to the sky.

Because the sight of the sun disappearing was more important than the unknown servant.

The sun is disappearing.

Yes. Its Gods will.

God? Are you saying its Gods will to hide the sun? Why?

It must be an arrangement for those who fulfill their mission.

The man answered kindly and slowly raised the arm holding the dagger behind the child.

Look at that! Now, only a round light like a ring remains!

The child pointed to the sky and shouted loudly, as if the feeling of wonder was greater than fear.

The man also nodded while watching the scene.

Now is the time.

In the next instant, the moon completely covered the sun, and the whole world was enveloped in pitch-black darkness.

The man didnt wait any longer and slashed at the childs back.

The mans mission should have been accomplished as the childs breath stopped in due course.


Wow! Look, the sun is coming out again!

The child who should have lost his breath pointed to the sun and let out an exclamation before widening his eyes.

Because the overlapping moon moved, cutting through the darkness. Light leaked out, and at the same time a golden lion carrying the light on its back appeared before his eyes.

And a flame was burning in the lions chest.

The living flame brushed the boys cheek and gave him a most tender smile.

Are you okay?

Yes. Yes.

Behind that child.

The man who was about to stab the child to death passed out, his eyes white out and unable to groan as Richard grabbed him by the throat.

Okay. Thats good.

The child, whose eyes were wide open, unconsciously tried to rub his cheek against the warmth. But the warmth disappeared.

Ophelia didnt know how, but Richard managed to casually throw the man on the floor without making a sound, and swiftly grabbed her hand.


The cool air brushed against the childs empty cheeks, making his little hairs stand upright.

The voices of the lion and flame flowed into the ears of the child who blinked rapidly.

Its a child.

It doesnt matter if its a child or an adult.

It doesnt matter? Then everyone I reach out to, every moment

It was a confusing story, but the child did not pay attention to it.

No, it would be more accurate to say that he was distracted.

Golden eyes shining brightly through the thick darkness.

Golden lion.

Woah, His Highness the Crown Prince?

The child looked up at Richard with his eyes and mouth equally wide.

Then the lion and the flame closed their mouths at the same time as if they had made an agreement and looked down at the child.

Ame: I dont know about you guys, but Im getting a bad feeling about how our leads will save the world and end the regressions

Dea: Im just going to get ready with tissues and a bottle of wine

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