I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 196: Curtain Call

Chapter 196: Curtain Call

My face blushed red as a beet and my heart rate quickened as Natalia clutched my sleeves and leaned on my chest. I gulped, hoping that she wouldn't hear my racy heart as she continued to cry her heart out.

Just a few seconds ago, she was oddly determined to get away from me but the moment I caught up to her, she immediately jumped in my arms and started crying. Just like I thought, I have no understanding when it comes to women. Things like this are what confuses me the most. Is it one or the other? Why is she acting as if both choices are perfectly fine?

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... " She kept on, pushing her head on my chest.

In the end, I wrapped my hand around hers and brought her closer to me. The two of us were already sitting down, facing each other as I tried my best to console her. Well, I could tell that I wasn't doing a very good job at it but hey, I'm trying to do what I can. Up until right now, I still don't have the slightest idea of why she was apologizing to me. Wasn't I the one who did something wrong? Otherwise, what was the point of her running away from me?

"Why are you apologizing, it's my fault... you don't have to apologize." I continued. "I'm sorry, Natalia. I didn't get back to you even after five years. Bringing you back was something that didn't occur in my head until recently and sigh, I'm sorry for taking this long. You don't have to apologize to me. It was unintentional, right? You were just subconsciously trying to protect the ruins of the Tang Sect, right?"

Natalia clamped her hands on my sleeves a bit tighter than before as she shook her head. "No... I should be apologizing. I'm the sole cause of your hardship, Sect Master. If it hadn't been for me, you wouldn't have been infected by the virus. You would've saved more of your disciples, my brothers, and sisters. Don't blame yourself, Sect Master. I should be the one blaming myself and atoning for my sins."

"When I saw you running towards me, I didn't know how to face you. Guilt and regret overwhelmed me that I just had to run away. I'm really sorry, Sect Master. I didn't mean to run away from you. I just wanted to think things through before facing you. Um, I'm not doing a very good job at it, am I?"

"No, it wasn't your fault." I smiled as I slightly pushed her head away from my chest. Any more and I think she'll start hearing my heart (she probably already did. I mean, she's someone near the Transcendence Realm. Of course her hearing is topnotch!).

Before I realized what I was doing, I brought her head nearer towards me, giving her a kiss on the forehead before resuming my embrace. Whilst doing so, I slowly patted her back. "Here's my response to your hug five years ago," I said in a cliche manner.

For the next few minutes, we stayed in that position, with her crying in my arms while I consoled her.

When she finally calmed down, I told her everything that happened for the past five years... or rather, the past few weeks since I recently just got my consciousness back. Of course, I told her everything I heard from everyone including the existence of the Qi Current and how once a year, the Rush Hour occurs. And then I also told her all about the Middle Plane and the new Blood Element, and the increasing danger of the Black Spirit Sect. I also told her everything I remembered ever since I was 'infected' and how I managed to get my consciousness back. The only thing I left out in my story is the existence of the System and Hui-ying, who is currently residing in my brain, helping me gain new skills and level-ups.

And now that I think about it, I haven't seen my updated stats. How many level-ups did I gain killing all those rabid humans under Natalia? I have no idea.

"That's why... if it's okay with you, can you accompany us to the Middle Plane?" I asked her straightforwardly. "I know that this is a tough decision but please think things through, Natalia. You're the only one capable of reaching the cultivation level needed to get there."

"B-but... would that be okay? Are you sure you'll be okay with me, Sect Master? I was the one who bit you in the neck and turned you into a zombie.." Natalia trailed off. "If you're really okay with me, Sect Master, then I'll do all my best to assist you. This will be my atonement for everything that I did five years ago."

"You don't have to take it that far, Natalia. You do know that it was partially my fault for letting you bite me, right? So technically, it was both our mistakes. Let's just forget about that and focus on the present, okay... but for now, you should get some rest and recover your Qi Energy. Once you feel rejuvenated, come to me and I'll aid you in your cultivation."

Before she could complain, I picked her up and princess-carried her all the way down from the pavilion. She insisted that she could walk the rest of the way but I declined her offer. This was the only thing I could do for her. She must've suffered for the past five years...

After bringing her to Ye Zhiyun and acquiring living quarters from her. I proceeded with the next phase of my 'unfinished business'.


The next few days were spent giving all of my resources to the Tang Shelter so that they'll increase their strength as one of the most formidable shelters in the region. It took me quite a bit of time explaining every type of Pills and Essences that they haven't encountered yet but Ye Zhiyun was quick enough to list all of them in an inventory. I also gave them high-grade equipment that would help them in hunting down rabid humans who venture too near outside the Shelter.

I also tried using the Essence Pot and the Boundless Calligraphy but they were harder to utilize than I had imagined. After five days, I only managed to create basic Essences and I was only able to record some of my cultivation techniques. But then again, every single resource I could give the Tang Shelter would prove to be useful in the coming days. That's why I continued practicing using these two artifacts. And by the end of the week, I managed to create at least a thousand Essences and record more than two dozens of cultivation techniques, martial arts, and skills that anyone could learn.

Even though there's only a limited time left a week at most I still worked on my cultivation level. Using five different Essences that synergize well with each of my Qi Cores, I started taking cultivation seriously. Because of this quick but risky technique, my cultivation skyrocketed. There were times when some of my Qi Cores would just suddenly go out of control but because I was too focused on my cultivation, I manage to calm them down before I inflicted any damage to myself. And when things take a turn for the worse, I will just summon my Rare Rabid Human Feng, my Astral Lion, or my Evolved Fanged Ice Wolf and they could just absorb the massive amounts of Qi Energy that plagued me.

There were also lucky times when my Automatic Qi Condensation Skill would activate and I'll be able to cultivate a lot easier compared to normal.

During this week, I also checked the level that the System gave me, and to my surprise, I managed to reach level 66 in such a short span of time. It was all thanks to the high-leveled rabid humans I defeated who were under the leadership of Natalia. I also gained new skills but at this point, I already have a lot of skills so it was nothing new. Nevertheless, I'm fully aware that all my skills will be useful in the Middle Plane so it wouldn't hurt if I get some more skills. With that thought in mind, I bought a lot of skills in the shop and even bought Elements. I also used the EXP Cards that the System rewarded me, which made my level go a bit higher.

At the end of the day, I already had Five Qi Cores, Eleven Elements, and countless Skills. I also didn't forget to fill up my Barracks with the rabid humans I defeated who were under Natalia. Some of them were my disciples but there was no point thinking about it. The weakest of them is at Stage-Ten. They may not outmatch the rabid humans in the Middle Plane but they'll be a good meat shield when the time comes.

I also helped everyone in their cultivation, even White. And by the end of the week, I managed to step into a realm that I never thought I'd reach...

Fourth Level of the Transcendence Realm. Level 91.

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