I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 157: Bloodborne Poison

Chapter 157: Bloodborne Poison


As soon as White and I commenced our attack, the Guardian fiercely let out a scream as it pounded its legs like a charging bull. With eyes flaring and nose fuming, the Guardian charged at us, wildly swinging its axe that agitated the stilled winds in the dungeon room.

As it charged closer and closer, I realized that the Guardian had no thought of stopping and it just kept accelerating, hurtling itself towards us with pure force. In a split second, I had to decide whether to charge at the Guardian or step sideways and dodge its attack. I knew that both options wouldn't guarantee my safety, not in the least bit. Regardless, I didn't want to die a few seconds in on the battle.

Thus, I chose the latter.

With a twist of my ankle, I propelled myself sideways as the Guardian directed its head towards me. It wasn't expecting me to play the coward card and stop midway through my attack so it charged straight without slowing down.

As for White, he also didn't expect that I'd jump sideways and dodge the Guardian. With jaws dropped, White stared at me in disbelief as he continued on with his attack.

I'm sorry, White. You know I'm not the type of cultivator who would throw his life away at such an uncertain situation.

In an instant, White unsheathed his sword and mightily swung it at the Guardian. Because of the Guardian's acceleration, it didn't have the leeway to dodge the blow and the sword struck him squarely on the stomach.

"Yeah! Take that!" I shouted as I pumped a fist in the air.


Let's just say I celebrated too early.

The moment the attack landed on the Guardian, White was thrown off his feet. He was then sent flying off to the wall on the other side of the room, making him gasp for a breath as air escaped his lungs. Who would've thought that White would be thrown instead when he was the one who landed such a powerful attack on the Guardian.

"Grrghhghgh~! " The Guardian growled as it held its stomach. To my relief, there was a small gash of a wound on his stomach and blood flowed from it. White clearly landed the attack but the Guardian was just too powerful. And even after all that, the Guardian still suffered some damage.

White did suffer more damage but at least I can now estimate the power level of the Guardian. It may be stronger than White but with the help of the System, I know that I can get to their level and catch up to them.

Now that both of them were thrown in disarray. I immediately rummaged through my Storage Rings in a haste to concoct a deadly poison. After seeing the blood on the Guardian, I immediately knew that it's a living entity. It may not be a beast nor a human but it has blood. And blood is the life of the flesh, or so that ancient text said.

A series of thoughts ran through my mind as the hundreds of poisons I've learned started flashing in my head. It didn't even take me a second to find the right poison and immediately work on it.

"Yongrui! Watch out!' White screamed as he got back to his feet.

What is it this time? I was almost finished with the poiso

One moment, the Guardian was crashing on the far end of the room. The next moment, it suddenly appeared in front of me, swinging down its axe as it aimed at my chest.

<Skill: Blink activated>

Before the axe could come in contact with me, I managed to teleport on another part of the room, right where White was.

"You! How did you do that? I didn't see you activate any of your Qi Cores when you did that? Are you really just that fast?" White asked. "Well, we have plenty of time to talk about that later. For now, I'll try to distract that Guardian while you try to finish whatever you're doing. I hate to admit it but... the two of you are considerably faster than me. Be quick, Yongrui. Even I'm not certain if I could hold that Guardian off long enough for you to complete that poison."

"How did you know this is poison?" I asked.

"It's the Bloodborne Poison, right? We have that up there in the Middle Plane. One of the best poisons when it comes to monsters with high health. Only Poison Masters can concoct it though and the poison fetches a high price. Only the rich could get it."

Before I could say anything else, White charged at the Guardian once again. This time, he already had his sword out. He just needs to swing it and hope that his attack would be effective.

Just hang in there for a little longer, White. Once I'm done, I'll be able to help you with my activated Berserk Mode.

The main problem in creating the Bloodborne poison is that you need at least two pints of blood when creating it. The two pints of blood will then be condensed until it's as hard as a rock, and then one has to inject a mixture of herbs that would corrode the inner portion of the rock-hard blood. And once all these are over, the Bloodborne poison should be eaten by the victim for it to be effective. These two criteria are two of the hardest to pull off when it comes to poison. Because one how would you condense the blood until it's hard enough? And two no sane person would swallow an unknown substance by their own volition.

But once I managed to do it, the Bloodborne poison would melt in the mouth of the victim, and the mixture of herbs that reacted to the condensed blood would be released, corroding everything in its path. It won't take long before the head will completely get corroded and then the victim will die just like that.

Easier said than done, to be honest.

Once I finished the herbs I was mixing, I immediately cut a portion of my wrist and let my blood flow freely from it. Even until now, I still can't believe that I have blood. I mean, I died five years ago and if I had blood, then it would've been drained long ago. And yet, right now, I'm right here, seeing the thick and viscous red liquid dripping from my wrist.

"ARGH!" White suddenly screamed as a White Light erupted in the room. When the light finally dissipated, I saw White, floating in mid-air as blue lightning surrounded him. He looked like that certain person in ultra instinct mode but the only difference was there was lightning with him. And adding to that, his eyes were bright white as well.

My adrenalin suddenly reacted to White as it detected a life-threatening situation. Right now, White has stepped into a different Realm altogether and his strength was on par with the Guardian, if not stronger. And as for his Qi Energy, it was so vast that I couldn't even fathom the greatness of it.

So this is the true strength of a cultivator in the Middle Plane. And he's already one of the weakest there is.

After draining two pints of blood from my System, I felt a bit woozy but I held it in. With the help of my Qi Energy and the Blood Element, I managed to condense the two pints of blood into a cube no smaller than a millimeter cubed in volume. The dark reddish and blackish color of it made it seem more like a unique gemstone rather than blood. I then proceeded to inject the mixture of herbs inside it.

In that instant, I saw how the poison corroded the condensed blood from the inside out. Before, it had a dark reddish and blackish hue, but now, it had the color of dark purple, just like the presumed color of poison.

"Yongrui, are you done?" White asked. "I can't hold him for much longer."

<Skill: Blink activated.>

"Yes, I'll help you out." I responded as I teleported towards his side.

With my Berserk Mode and Virus Madness, I felt great power surging from my body. Even though I feel a bit woozy, I still had the strength within me to fight.


The moment I punched the Guardian, it flew backward for a few meters before hitting the ground. I didn't give it time to recover and I immediately activated my Wind and Fire Element, shooting one of the high-grade elemental techniques I learned from a while back.

Wind-Fire Tornado!

It doesn't sound sophisticated but I swear it's one of the strongest techniques out there.

"White, can you go over there and force its mouth open. Just for a split second will do." I called out.

White nodded.

Before the Guardian could stand up, it was hit by a tornado composed of wind and fire. And then White appeared near the Guardian and stuck his sword in its mouth.

"NOW!" White screamed as the Guardian screamed with him.

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