I Bit Everyone and Became the Strongest Zombie Cultivator

Chapter 131: Catching Up With

Chapter 131: Catching Up With

"So tell me, what happened after you died?" Shi Yanmei calmly asked as she slowly released me from her embrace. This made Wu Yan and Shi Meili heave a sigh of relief but they still gave me a glare, tracking my every move as if I were a mannequin in a supermarket.

Trying hard to ignore them, I looked at Shi Yanmei and began telling him everything. "Five years ago, I was too slow t realize that an outbreak has started and I was bitten by one of my close disciples. I still shudder just thinking about that time."

That's right, I still clearly remember how passionate Natalia was during that time.

"And in the end," I continued. "My cultivation disappeared and I turned into a mindless rabid human. Before that happened, however, I was able to save some of my disciples, wishing them a good life. Now, they rule over one of the most formidable shelters around the area, the Tang Shelter. I don't know how they survived for all these years without my hand guiding them, but I'm proud of them. As the saying goes, a chick can only fly if the mother pushes them off its nest. And I think they've grown more without my guidance. They really lived by the name of the Tang Sect." I puffed my chest with pride as I remembered the weakling they once were. Now, they're ruling the affairs of a strong shelter. How magnificent.

"For the past five years, I didn't realize but I started cultivating unconsciously. Even though my cultivation was reset and my Qi Core was practically gone, I managed to absorb the Qi Energy all around me over the years. And because of that, I managed to form a Qi Core." I said. "And when I woke up, I realized that I gathered the Qi Energy over the people I bit over the years. In short, I was biting someone when I woke up... and that's how I met my first companions during my travel. They are now in the Tang Shelter and are helping it with things they could do. One thing led to another and I managed to find myself acquainted with the Red Sea Shelter which is closely allied with the Tang Shelter at the moment. Also, just to make things clear, I'm not part of the Red Sea Shelter, nothing of the sort. The reason why I joined the Red Sea Tournament as their representative was because "

"I know, I've seen the fight between you and Xiao Xue. As your former Master, I cannot be any more proud seeing you overwhelm someone with your strength. And it's even more impressive that you managed to attain that level in just a little over a month of cultivation after you got your Qi Core." Master Shi Yanmei interrupted me, patting me on the shoulder. "Now, enough about that, tell me, why do you have four Qi Cores right now? Is that normal? Also, while sensing your Qi Cores, I realized that you're Original Qi Core is just on the King Realm, at least. But one other Qi Core is actually on the Ancient Realm. How did that happen?"

"Master, don't call yourself my Former Master, you will always remain my Master, stop saying such"

In a flash, I was bombarded with questions I was trying to relay to her slowly. I gulped and tried to recollect my thoughts before answering. Even I was confused with what happened to me that I know I'll have a hard time explaining everything to her.

Suddenly, I heard the same old tune on my head.


<Your party defeated the High-Stage Tenth-level Imperial Zombie!>

<You've received a new title, 'The New Ruler of the Infected'>

[Title: New Ruler of the Infected

Description: Once equipped, you will have a buff of +100 in all of your stats. Qi Energy consumption will be reduced to 50%, Qi Energy regeneration will be increased by 50%, and the stability of Qi Core is strengthened. Usage of the title will greatly decrease the chance of activating Berserk Mode but will greatly increase the activation of Automatic Qi Absorption. Dark Element proficiency will also increase while this title is equipped.

<Would you like to equip this title?>


<You've leveled up!>

<You've leveled up!>

<You've leveled up!>

<... >

<You've achieved a breakthrough>

<You've achieved a breakthrough>

<You've achieved a breakthrough>


I almost gripped my head in frustration as the late notifications from the System came bombarding my head like bullets from a submachine gun. In total, there were five level-up notifications, six breakthrough notifications, and some other stuff that I couldn't even be bothered to care about. Without further ado, I opened a panel in front of me which showed my current stats. For some reason, I felt oddly stronger, and I mean, much stronger than ever compared to before.

[Level 33

Virus Qi Core: Third Level of the Ancient Realm

Original Qi Core: Fifth Level of the King Realm

HP 12000/12000

Strength 5600

Stamina 5600

Vitality 4700

Agility 4100

Stat Points (unused) 121] 

My eyes opened wide in shock. That's why I felt as if I were ten times stronger than before. Master Shi Yanmei looked at me with great concern but I ignored her for a moment as I tried to explain what just happened to me.

And then I remembered one of the notifications that appeared in my head. If I recall correctly, the System said that the Imperial Rabid Human was on the Tenth-level. If that were true, then it was two realms stronger than the maximum level known to rabid humans, the Eighth-Level, which is on par with Transcendence Realm cultivators. No wonder I gained so many rewards and breakthroughs! That should explain it.

Furthermore, if that were the case, then that explains why the System was late on giving me the notifications. It probably tried to process everything all at once and only gave me the notifications now after getting everything sorted out. Still, it caught me by surprise, I thought I didn't achieve any breakthrough or level-ups after all that even though I didn't do anything at all.

"Yongrui, are you okay? Do you need help right now? Are your Cores acting up again? Seriously, why do you have so many Cores?" Shi Yanmei sighed.

"I'm all right, Master, I just felt something weird but it was just a breakthrough." I forcefully smiled... but little did I know that what I said shocked her as well.

"You achieved a breakthrough? Wait let me check... haah? How? How can you achieve a breakthrough without even cultivating? There's also your Cores, your Summoning Element, and your "

Suddenly, Master put both her hands on each of her armpits as her eyebrows furrowed. I almost chuckled. This is what she usually does when she tries to meditate on things. After all these years, Master really hasn't changed at all.

"I got it. Now I know why you got four Qi Cores. They correspond to your elements! Your Original Qi Core might be your Wind Element. As for your Qi Core, it might be something powerful like your Healing Element... but I don't know what it is. Your third Qi Core might be your Summoning Element, and your Fourth Core might be something like Fire Element or something. How many elements do you have, Yongrui? Oh wait! Don't tell me that! Even if I'm curious, I can't let you divulge something so important. I sincerely apologize for asking." She bowed her head down after thinking.

Vigorously shaking my hands, I tried to convince her to raise her head. Well, if she were to know how many elements I have, she'll probably faint. Right now, I have the Wind, Fire, Space, Time, Dark, and Blood Element. Even though I don't really know how to use the last four elements I listed out, I knew that they'll become really useful one day once I master it. There are no weaker elements, after all, just weak cultivators.

"It's all right. But you're right, Master, I do have the Wind and Fire Element." I vaguely responded. Everyone seemed to assume that I have both the Healing and Summoning Element when in truth, I don't have any of them.

Master stared at me for a long time before heaving yet another sigh of relief. "Can I hug you again?" She asked.

I nodded before I even had the thought of hesitating.

Once in her arms, I felt warm and comfortable again as if I reverted back to when I was still a young cultivator. Before, Master used to hug me like this as well every time I achieved something.

"I'm just glad you're all right, Yongrui. I'm glad that you're still alive. I can't stress that out enough. I will accept your terms and gladly ally ourselves with the Tang Shelter. Now that I know you're guiding them in the shadows, I will support you all the way. In return, if you need anything from me, just give me a heads up, okay?"

I nodded, relishing the fragrance that came out of my Master's body. She smells good, to be honest.

"Be it cultivation essences, herbs, high-grade armor, or equipment, just tell me. Even if you ask Shi Meili's hand in marriage, I'll happily hand her over to you. I guarantee you Shi Meili won't refuse the proposal."

Master?! What are you talking about?!

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